Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 88: 88.Diao Chan and Ying Yue Conference

Chapter 88: 88.Diao Chan and Ying Yue Conference

Yu Yan and Ying Yue are both surprised when they hear this, Yu Yan stands up and walks toward the garden. Ying Yue on the other hand just has a sad smile on her face and does not dare to follow Yu Yan as she isn't ready to see the picture that Wannian just described.

In the Garden, both Lie Fan and Diao Chan are still strolling the garden talking happily not knowing that Wannian has reported them. Both of them don't expect that they have the same way outlook on life, while for Lie Fan this is nothing special as in his previous life this is normal but for Diao Chan this is such a special thing.

She doesn't expect Lie Fan who she thinks will have a machismo view but turns out he not only cares for Ying Yue like a jewel in his hand but also pampers her and lets her do anything she wants as long as it's not immoral and breaks the law.

Diao Chan yearns to be free, not to be controlled by her adoptive father. She never hated Wang Yun, she cared for her father and always listened to him being a filial daughter. However, year by year she was told to learn this and that to become the best noble lady in Luoyang.

She feels tired with this way of life, learning after learning. Embroidery, cooking, literature, singing, dancing, and many more like a puppet made by her father. Seeing and hearing how Lie Fan treated Ying Yue, she began to yearn for that treatment from Lie Fan also.

Diao Chan: "Brother Lie Fan, next time why don't we just take a stroll outside? I feel bad for my little sister Yue, doing this behind her back coveting her husband."

Lie Fan: " *ahem* The truth is Miss Diao Chan, I already told Yue'er about our arrangement."

Diao Chan: "What?! Why didn't you tell me, little sister must be feeling heartbroken right now! And what if after this we don't have feelings for each other and you only hurt your relationship with my little sister!"

Lie Fan: "I'm sorry for being late telling you this, I just don't want to hide this from her and when she knows from other people it will hurt her more and misunderstand our purpose for other things!"

Diao Chan who heard this feels that what Lie Fan said is not wrong, but she still feels guilty about Ying Yue. She held her first and softly hit Lie Fan, venting her dissatisfaction with Lie Fan's straightforward attitude.

Lie Fan who felt the soft fist hitting him in the chest, looked down on Diao Chan who putting her mouth in displeasure and felt for the first time that Diao Chan is very cute. His height is 178 Cm which is considered above the average height in ancient China and still can grow more, Diao Chan and Ying Yue have the same height about 155 Cm which makes them look petite in his eyes but very cute.

Lie Fana and Diao Chan's eyes meet, and for the first time both of them can see the small attraction in each other eyes. Both of them blushed at the same time and turned their head, not knowing that all of this was seen by Yu Yan and Wannian from afar.

Yu Yan who saw this could only sigh, she knew her son very well because that look was the same one she saw when Lie Fan was first attracted to Ying Yue. Wannian on the other hand doesn't understand the situation that happening before her eyes, she only hides behind her mother and follows suit with what her mother is doing.

Yu Yan: "Okay you little princess, what are you doing behind mother's back?"

Wannian: "To hide! So that Big Brother and beautiful sister don't see Wannian peeking at them like Mother!"

Yu Yan was stupefied and didn't know if she wanted to laugh or cry at her little spoiled princess, she flicked her forehead and took her hand, and began walking towards Lie Fan and Diao Chan.

Lie Fan and Diao Chan still feel a bit awkward but with a bit of a heartbeat, suddenly heard people walking towards them. When they turned their head they saw Yu Yan holding hands with Wannian who was being followed by snow from the back walking towards them.

Diao Chan who saw Yu Yan began to feel a cold sweat on her back, she didn't expect that she would meet Yu Yan in a situation like this. Lie Fan, on the other hand, can only give an awkward smile with eyes that plead to his mother to not say anything bad.

Yu Yan approaches both of them and stands in front of them, Looking towards both of them I silently then sigh.

Yu Yan: "Mother will not interfere in your life Fan'er it's your choice, but Mother only hopes that you can be more considerate toward both Yue'er and Lady Diao Chan's feelings."

After saying this, Yu Yan nodded her head and gave a smile to Diao Chan then held Wannian little hand turned back, and gave a space for Lie Fan and Diao Chan as she had never been there.

Lie Fan who listened to his Mother's words understood what she meant. She supports whatever Lie Fan doing, if he wants to have more wives she supports him. She only hopes that he be more attentive and considerate to the feelings of his wife-to-be and the future woman who will become his future wife.

Diao Chan also understood the underlying meaning of Yu Yan's words and felt warmth in her heart as Yu Yan obstructed them but told Lie Fan to care more for Ying Yue and her emotions, especially if there were more women in the future which she knew will happen as a man as perfect as Lie Fan is almost none in this era.

Even though she still feels that the feelings she has now are still amambigou, she hopes that this ambiguousness can be cleared sooner to not harm the emotions of many people.

Diao Chan: "Brother Lie Fan, can I meet my little sister Yue? I have something I want to talk to her about."

Lie Fan: "Yes you can but please understand if she doesn't want to meet or speak with you right now."

Diao Chan: "Of Course Brother Lie Fam, I can't imagine the emotions she is having right now and can only ask for forgiveness and discuss something."

Lie Fan brings Diao Chan to Ying Yue's room, when they approach the room Lie Fan feels nervous. What if Ying Yue doesn't want to see him and regrets the relationship between the two of them, he feels panicked for a bit and Diao Chan who was beside him can see the panic flashes across Lie Fan's face.

Diao Chan felt funny when she saw that, the imposing and easygoing Governor Lie is panicking right now because of his romantic life.

Arriving at Ying Yue's room, Diao Chan told Lie Fan to stay back and that she would enter alone. Lie Fan nods his head and sees Diao Chan knocking at the door asking Yikg Yue for permission to enter.

Ying Yu who was sitting silently was surprised to hear Diao Chan's voice and asked if she could enter her room, feeling a bit flustered she replied to Diao Chan that she allow her to enter the room.

Diao Chan opened the door and the first thing she saw was the flustered but calm face of Ying Yue, She entered the room and closed the door behind her then walked towards an empty seat near Ying Yue and sat down beside her.

Diao Chan: "Little Sister Yue..."

Ying Yue: "Sister Diao Chan, why do you suddenly come to my room? Aren't you spending time with Brother Lie Fan right now?"

Hearing a bit cold and alienated voice coming from Ying Yue, she gave a relieved sigh. At least there is still room to maneuver and repair the broken bridge between them.

Diao Chan: "I'm sorry little sister is won't mean to hurt you, but you already know about the ambiguous feelings I have for Brother Lie Fan since the day we met."

Ying Yue: "I know Sister Diao Chan, but it does mean I will welcome you with Jan open arms immediately I still need time to let it sink in and accept it."

Diao Chan: "I know that's why I came here to apologize and to talk about something with you relating to Brother Lie Fan."

Ying Yue: "I can't accept your apology for now but I understand, What does Sister Diao Chan want to talk about?"

Diao Chan takes a deep breath, trying to construct the words so they do not offend and hurt Ying Yue's feelings more. She wanted to help Ying Yue walk out from this deep gulf of heartbreak and teach her the outlook a wife of a noble will have.

Diao Chan: "If Brother Lie Fan and I agree to be with each other after finding the answer to our ambiguous feelings, the two of us will become sisters in the future and support each other Is that okay with you?"

Ying Yue: "Of Course, I feel happy that I can become a sister to Sister Diao Chan but not now, why does Sister Diao Chan bring this up?"

Diao Chan: "If we become sisters in the future, we will become the wife of one of the most influential and powerful men in the Empire. What if the same situation happens in the future, I can see that Brother Lie Fan listens to your opinion and is considerate of your feelings how about we work together to ensure that the woman is not a harmful person?"

Ying Yue: "Why do we have to do that? I'm sure that the woman that my Husband accepts is a virtuous and nice person, just like Sister Diao Chan that's why I can accept it even though it's a bit hurtful."

Diao Chan feels sad at the naive thinking that Ying Yue has because of what will happen if she is a bad woman and make her life turns to hell, also she feels a bit happy because this shows the pure kindness Ying Tue has which becomes one of the attractive points Ying Yue have.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 18 Years Old (185 AD)

Level: 13

Next Level: 12.000

Renown: 165

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 8)

SP: 376.700


STR: 491

VIT: 204

AGI: 215

INT: 234

CHR: 90

WIS: 199

WILL: 155

ATR Points: 0


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