Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 78: Spend Time With Family

Chapter 78: Spend Time With Family

Lie Fan tasting the cherry again after so long can't stop and begins to invade Ying Yue's lips with his tongue, Ying Yue opens her lips willingly and the two tongues duel trying to express their longing and affection towards each other, Lie Fan that misses and feel sorry for Ying Yue and Ying Yue who misses and relieved that Lie Fan is back.

Their kiss continues for a long time until Ying Yue feels that she can't breathe anymore and uses her right hand to hit Lie Fan's chest to signal him to stop as she can't breathe.

Lie Fan who received the signal released the locked lips and the shining threads attached to him and Ying Yue are the only evidence of the passionate kiss that they have

Lie Fan: "Wife, why are you hitting me I haven't had enough yet!"

Ying Yue: "I can't breathe that's why I signal you to stop Husband and it's in the middle of the day what if we are seen by the servants or your retinue."

Lie Fan: "Aiyoo all of them are busy and no one will pass through here at this time, why don't we continue it hmm?"

Ying Yue hearing that can only smile at this side of Lie Fan that he showed only to his family, she takes his hand and holds it tightly trying to assure herself that Lie Fan is here and she is not hallucinating.

Ying Yue: "Mother and Wannian are waiting for us in the dining room, now that you're back we have plenty of time to spend together so let's spend this time with Family okay?"

Lie Fan nodded his head and after positioning their hands to a comfortable position, together they walked towards the dining room where Yu Yan and Wanniang were waiting for them to eat dinner together.

Lie Fan's bodyguards are watching from a distance so as to not disturb their lord's personal time, Lie Fan and Ying Yu enjoy other small time together walking while enjoying the sight of the Lie Clan Estate Garden that Yu Yan personally takes care of.

Arriving at the dining room, Lie Fan and Ying Yue enter together greeted by the sight of Yu Yan scolding Wannian who was sulking while sitting on her stool hugging Snow.

Lie Fan: "Mother why are you scolding Wannian? Does our little princess do something bad?"

Yu Yan: "Of Course she is! You and your Father are always spoiling her, now Look she dares to go out playing with Snow and meet up with other children! What if something bad happens to her!"

Lie Fan: "Wannian why do you go out without Mother and Sister Ying Yue's permission?"

Wannian: "It's because Wannian feels bored only playing with Snow and Sister Ying Yue that's why Wannian sneaks out and goes to play with other kids! Wannian doesn't tell mother or sister Ying Yue because Wannian knows that Wannian will be closed by Mother"

Lie Fan: "What if something happens to you, next time you have to ask Brother, Mother, and Sister Ying Yue permission okay?"

Wannian: "Okay Big Brother! Big Brother is the best!"

Lie Fan and Ying Yue seeing the cute smile showing from Wannian can only chuckle while Yu Yan shakes her head, Her Husband and Son can only pamper and spoil the little princess. She feels bad for the future husband Wannian going to have as he has to face Lie Shang and Lie Fan.

Lie Fan and Ying Yue take a seat beside each other, Lie Fan pours down some tea telling his Mother to calm down and forgive Wannian as she is still a little girl while asking how she knows that Wannian sneaked out to play.

Yu Yan: "I'm her Mother of course I knew, her skirts this past few weeks have been dirty all over! Wannian asks Mother Who have you been playing with?"

Wannian: "I played with many friends! But my favorite is Big Brother Liu! He is smart and knows many things that even Wannian doesn't know!"

Lie Fan who was drinking his tea heard what Wannian said and spit his tea out shocking everyone at the table, Ying Yue pats Lie Fan back while Lie Fan was coughing shocked by Wannian statement.

Lie Fan: "Big Brother Liu? Big Brother only thought that Wannian called Big Brother Big Brother."

Wannian: "It's different! Big Brother is Wannian's family and Big Brother Liu is Wannian's friend! He always plays with me and also brings treats for Snow!"

Lie Fan feels suffocated thinking that his little sister is close to a boy, Ying Yue, and Yu Yan seeing the interaction between the two siblings can only smile.

Dinner passed by with laughter and was full of warm radiating, Lie Fan had a full nice meal after a long time of tasting bland food at Xiapi. After dinner, Yu Yan had a private talk with Lie Fan at the study to talk about the Clan business.

Yu Yan: "Fan'er, Our business is blossoming here in Luoyang. Our delicacies and wine are top-quality goods that were searched by all classes of people!"

Lie Fan: "That's great Mother! But I'm pretty sure that you called me here not to report the profits we received from our business."

Yu Yan: "My Son is sharp as always, While our business is blooming many spies are trying to get the recipe for our Wine. Especially now that Bronze Mirror has started to be sold here in Luoyang, more spies are coming to know our knowledge."

Lie Fan: "Do they know that the Lie Clan are the master behind the shadows Mother?"

Yu Yan: "Fortunately Xu Kai and Sun Qian do a great job covering our identity with counter-espionage is the words they used."

Lie Fan breathes a sigh of relief because if these people know that Lie Fan is the owner of the hottest restaurant and commodities in Luoyang then either they force him to join or kill him and take control of his enterprise.

Lie Fan told his Mother that he would bring her and everyone to Xiapi when his business here in Luoyang is done as it's safer there, Yu Yan agreed with Lie Fan's idea and told him that he is the head of the Clan when his Father is not here to do so.

Both of Them hugged each other and Lie Fan escorted Yu Yan back to her quarters then Lie Fan turned back to his quarters to sleep. Reaching his quarters he sees Ying Yue waiting for him, seeing her brings a smile to Lie Fan especially how she grew more beautiful and her innocent eyes heal his tired heart.

Lie Fan: "Wife! What brings you here in the night, Do you want to do something naughty hmm?"

Lie Fan asked Ying Yue while raising his eyebrows and giving a smirk, Ying Yue was shy when Lie Fan asked her that and showed a fist to Lie Fan like a harmless kitten trying to paw its master.

Ying Yue: "Husband! You're being naught again, I know you wanted to do that but I hope we can wait until our marriage I'm sorry."

Ying Yue put her head down after saying that afraid that Lie Fan would be angry, Lie Fan seeing that smiled and understood that women in this era could be said more conservative should we say.

Lie Fan said it was okay he could wait and take Ying Yue's hand together entered Lie Fan's bedroom and Lie Fan told Ying Yue to lie down to sleep with him, he promised to not do anything he just wanted to hug Ying Yue to sleep.

Ying Yue was shy but acquiesced to Lie Fan's demand and together the both of them slept while Lie Fan hugged Ying Yue with moonlight shining on the room.

The next morning, Lie Fan was woken up by the movement beside him and when he opened his eyes he saw Ying Yue opening the door and sheepishly talking with someone who from the sound of the voice was Sun Qian.

Ying Yue turned her head to see Lie Fan and saw that he had woken up, she smiled at him and gestured that Sun Qian was looking for him. Lie Fan groans and gets up from his bed, changes into new clothes, and walks out of the room.

Sun Qian who was waiting for Lie Fan outside saw Lie Fan walking out, he greeted Lie Fan and apologized for disturbing him early this morning but a guest was waiting for him at the west wing where only close friends are received.

Lie Fan said goodbye to Ying Yue and was accompanied by Sun Qian, He Yi, and Gong Du walked toward the west wing, Lie Fan asked Sun Qian who was visiting him this early morning.

Sun Qian answered that Xun You had come here and looked for Lie Fan, he said that he had something important to discuss with Lie Fan and both of them must meet.

Lie Fan nods his head and together they arrive at the west wing, Lie Fan can hear sounds of conversation between Jia Xu and Xun You exchanging academic intellect and debating some morals and ethics in doing their assignment.

Lie Fan enters the room and both Jia Xu and Xun You stand up greeting Lie Fan, Lie Fan receives their greetings and gestures to both of them to sit down while he takes his place.

Lie Fan: "Good Morning Master Xun You, what brought you here early morning to meet me?"

Xun You: "I'm sorry for disturbing your rest Governor Lie, I coming here in the early morning because I wanted to reply or give my answer about the subtle invitation you're giving me."

Lie Fan hearing that realizes that Xun You will answer the long-awaited subtle invitation that he and Jia Xu have been giving to him since the time that Xun You planted the seeds of doubt about the Han Dynasty by Jia Xu and aggravated further by Sun Qian.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 18 Years Old (185 AD)

Level: 13

Next Level: 212.000

Renown: 155

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 8)

SP: 376.700


STR: 491

VIT: 204

AGI: 215

INT: 234

CHR: 90

WIS: 199

WILL: 155

ATR Points: 0


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