Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 69: Inviting Hua Tuo

Chapter 69: Inviting Hua Tuo

Jia Xu who is known as the Poisonous Strategist in the future of course like this new toy that Lie Fan brings for Oriole and knowing that only their group will have this toy is a bonus as now he will try to concoct some poison in the Gu Jar as he already ordered the servants to capture poisonous bugs and reptiles

Seeing the sinister smile that Jia Xu has, Lie Fan knows that Jia Xu now truly embarking on the Poisonous strategist route with emphasis on the poisonous, now is the time to expand their medical care as it's too backward and even though he has but some medicine recipe he still needs someone with the experience

So the next plan he has is to invite Hua Tuo to Xiapi and slowly convince him to stay here training new doctors and also making breakthroughs in the medical field with the recipe he bought from the system

According to his memory, Hua Tuo was from Qiao County in Pei Commandery, and he studied Chinese Classics throughout Xu Province before choosing to practice medicine, then he began to journey between Xu, Yu, and Yang Provinces to treat sick people but he relatively stayed in his hometown of Qiao County which located in Yu Province

When they arrived back at the Governor's Castle, Lie Fan, and Jia Xu go back to their respective quarters after saying goodbye to each other to take a rest

Lie Fan in his quarters wrote a letter of invitation to Hua Tuo describing how he is sick and need some treatment as he has gone to many doctors and all of them can't treat him, even though its a lie but this is the only way he can invite Hua Tuo

Lie Fan then give this letter to He Yi and Gong Du, he tasked both of these men to send the letters to Hua Tuo and act as his escort bringing some small groups of soldiers also to protect Hua Tuo

He ordered the both of them to leave tomorrow at dawn and to be polite when they invite Hua Tuo to not offend him which can be detrimental to his acceptance of the invitation

After giving the letter, Lie Fan cleaned up and then take sleep to end the day full of surprises where he finally meets the legendary Shu Han Emperor Liu Bei who he thinks is a hypocrite as he rather beat his son that was saved by Zhao Yun due to afraid losing Zhao Yun not caring for his dead wife that followed him everywhere

The next morning, He Yi and Gong Du had already gone with a small group of 25 soldiers to invite Hua Tuo. Jia Xu was informed of this by Lie Fan when he asked about the whereabouts of these 2 men and heard what Lie Fan ordered for them to do the agreed as they need a skilled medical practitioner

Lie Fan: "So how is it Master Jia Xu, have you found a way how to persuade Chen Deng?"

Jia Xu: "I think the best way is to explain to Chen Deng how the Han Dynasty is failing and even with the Yellow Turbans defeated the Imperial Clan still living lavishly even worse than before and corrupt officials controlling the Court it shows that slowly the Han Dynasty is falling, loyal and just officials is thrown out like his father who was immediately released by the Imperial Prince which is sad"

Lie Fan: "Hmm I agree we can attack from this point, also put how this proves that the Han Dynasty system itself was the cause of its downfall and with the people losing trust in the Emperor only revering people that were kind to them like how he introduced the Crop Rotation System"

Jia Xu: "I agree My Lord, I will try to slowly approach young Chen Deng and begin to put seeds to turn his loyalty towards you"

2 months passed by in the blink of an eye, for the last 2 months Lie Fan is overseeing the production of the water wheel and the implementation of the Tuntian system here in Xiapi which worked wonderfully

When the water wheel was introduced it caused an uproar in the agriculture industry and Smithing industry as this machine can help them increase their productivity and also make their job easier to do

Merchant clans are immediately interested in it and try to buy some for their Industry but under Lie Fan manipulation they entered a so-called waiting list and if they wanted to receive their order sooner then they have to increase their payment

For a while a craze for the water wheel is happening in Xiapi, farmers and blacksmiths that are not affiliated with the merchant clans were given priority to receive the water wheels first with some subsidized help from the government

The introduction of the Tuntian system also lessen the burden of Xiapi in feeding the refugees and decreasing the crime rate that happens in Xiapi, the common people is happy as finally their life is on track and all of it they credited to Lie Fan the young Inspector that was said to be ordering for all this to happen

Chen Deng as the head of both projects receives attention from the common people, the noble clans, and the merchant clans, many from the high society try to induce him in giving them the water well but he immediately scolds them which caused a small incident where a nobleman is offended and slaps Chen Deng

Lie Fan hearing the news immediately ordered for that man to be captured and put in prison for a year without a chance to lessen his time, even when his family leader comes to beg for his release Lie Fan doesn't give them face as he wanted to show his authority also to this nobles that he is the highest authority in this province, not them

Chen Deng was touched by this and that's when Jia Xu slowly put all of the bad things that plague the Han Dynasty, especially people like that everywhere disrespecting and even killed just officials such as themselves and they were lucky that Lie Fan is their Inspector

Chen Deng who was still angry with the nobleman and full of grievance for how his father is treated began to listen to Jia Xu and agree with him how they are lucky that Lie Fan is their Inspector as he treats them respectfully and cares about the people suffering which already been proven with some of the projects he handles for him

Jia Xu can see that Chen Deng's resentment towards the Han Dynasty is slowly growing thanks to the seeds that he planted in Chen Deng, slowly Chen Deng began to change his reverence toward the Han Dynasty not as high before and only care for the people

Chen Gui as his father can see that Chen Deng's spirit in revitalizing the Han Dynasty is not that big anymore and only focus on helping the people which confused him as to why Chen Deng suddenly changed but he can't chastise as Chen Deng still have the compassion of helping the people

Lie Fan was working at his office at the Governor's Castle when suddenly Jia Xu enters the room to bring a message to Lie Fan

Jia Xu: "My Lord, an Oriole send me a message that He Yi and Gong Du managed to persuade Hua Tuo now they are on the way to Xiapi estimated to arrive in 15 days as they enter the border of Xu Province now heading this way"

Lie Fan: "That's Great! Prepare quarters for Hua Tuo and prepare 2 buildings where one is for medicine storage and the other will become a medicine facility"

Jia Xu: "Yes My Lord, do we need to prepare anything else?"

Lie Fan: "Yes, search 10 people between the age of 16 to 20 that was interested in learning medicine and let them read medicinal books before Hua Tuo arrive to prepare them to become his helper"

Jia Xu: "Yes My Lord! By the way, Chen Deng's loyalty toward the Han Dynasty looks like have hit rock bottom as he captured some officials from the agriculture department extorting the farmers and put them in jail, I think the time has come for My Lord to persuade him"

Lie Fan: "Are you sure Master Jia Xu? I will not do it before you're 100% sure that he will follow us."

Jia Xu: "I'm 100% sure My Lord, as after capturing them he wanted to execute them immediately but his Father wanted to put them on trial, and Chen Deng was upset as the evidence has shown that they were guilty

but some family members of the officials petitioned to put them on trial and even try to give Chen Deng money which disgusted him even more as he feels he will only receive resentment from the people."

Lie Fan: "Okay then that's great! Master Jia Xu, please handle the preparation I just requested for us to greet Hua Tuo while I meet Chen Deng."

Jia Xu obeys telling Lie Fan that Chen Deng is in his office and then takes his leave, Lie Fan on the other hand put down his pen and walks out of his office walking towards a building that was reserved for Chen Deng and his team that answers only to Lie Fan

Arriving at Chen Deng's office, he can hear that Chen Deng is arguing with what looks like his Father Chen Gui where he was indignant that those officials were only put in jail and not executed as they were extorting and intimidating people to give their crops

Lie Fan knocks on the door and announces himself to the 2 people inside making the argument between them stopped a rustling sound was heard when the door opened showing Chen Deng and his Father

Chen Deng: "My Lord! Please enter I'm sorry I don't know that you will visit my office and heard the argument between My father and Me just now"

Lie Fan: "Hahaha it's okay Brother Deng, I come here to check on you as I was told by Master Jia Xu that you captured some officials working for the agriculture department that extorted and intimidated the farmers and I'm here to support you punishing them"


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 18 Years Old (185 AD)

Level: 13

Next Level: 212.000

Renown: 155

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 8)

SP: 376.700


STR: 461

VIT: 194

AGI: 205

INT: 224

CHR: 90

WIS: 189

WILL: 145

ATR Points: 0


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