Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 67: Message From Luoyang

Chapter 67: Message From Luoyang

Lie Fan proposed to Jia Xu that they swayed Chen Deng first as he have a higher chance to turn his loyalty to him with the right words and suggested also using Chen Deng's admiration and gratitude to him, if they can make Chen Deng loyal to him then they gave higher chances to make Chen Gui loyal

Jia Xu on the side began to rack his brains to think of ways how to persuade Chen Deng to turn his loyalty without believing that they tried to break the father-and-son relationship between him and his father

Lie Fan let Jia Xu handle this as he has more experience in doing a thing like this than him and seeing that it's already afternoon he decided to have lunch in his quarters so he ordered He Yi to go to the kitchen and send him lunch to his quarter

When the party arrived at Lie Fan's quarter, Lie Fan told Jia Xu to plan carefully no need to rush it just go slowly to not startle the Chen Clan in turn lose their trust and loyalty losing 2 talented people he need to rely on for his early plans

Jia Xu agrees and takes his leave accompanied by Gong Du under Lie Fan's order to protect Jia Xu as they don't know if there are political enemies that try to hurt Jia Xu who was his thing tank

In his quarters, Lie Fan is enjoying his lunch alongside his bodyguards who was also eating with him discussing menial things such as the weather and wine tasting which make Liu Pi, Bo Cai, and He Yi realize that Lie Fan is a very easygoing person

While they were eating, suddenly a servant interrupt them and notified Lie Fan that there was a message from Luoyang addressed to him sent by a man named Sun Qian making Lie Fan immediately told the servant to bring the letter in

The servant entered the room and handed Lie Fan the letter which then Lie Fan dismissed the servant, opened the letter, and began to read it carefully in front of his bodyguards as he wanted them to know also that he fully trusted all of them

The letter from Sun Qian described Luoyang's political situation now in chaos as General He Jin's faction and the Eunuch's faction are at all-out war as members from each faction are assassinated or dismissed from their posts or go missing causing the Imperial Court to be in disarray thanks to the maneuver both factions making

Emperor He Jin doesn't do anything to quell the chaos and only spends his day lavishly overseeing the renovation of his palace while spending time with his concubines letting both factions run amok freely

Sun Qian also said that his family is safe and no one from both faction touched them as Lie Fan haven't take a public statement about which side Lie Fan supported even though under it both factions think that Lie Fan supported them thanks to Sun Qian's machinations

Lastly Lie Clan business in Luoyang is booming and Xu Kai as the leader of Oriole also increasing their numbers slowly infiltrating all corners of Luoyang so now they will know the movement of every heavyweight player on the court

After finishing reading the letter, Lie Fan told Bo Cai to call Jia Xu to discuss their next step in the chessboard as Lie Fan feels that his force is not ready for the turmoil that will follow if both factions crumble

Jia Xu who was in his room thinking of ways how to sway Chen Deng was informed by Bo Cai that Lie Fan is looking for him to discuss an emergency, so he hurriedly walks back toward Lie Fan's quarter and entered the room when he arrived greeting Lie Fan then taking a seat across from him

Lie Fan: " Master Jia Xu I just received a letter from Master Sun Qian on the situation in Luoyang, please read it first and then give me your opinion"

Jia Xu takes the letter began to read it carefully and sees the content described in the letter by Sun Qian looks like their initial prognosis is better than what happen right now which they think will happen next year so all of their plans are either thrown out of began earlier than their prediction

Jia Xu: " My Lord while the situation is worrying but it's not bad enough for us to overthrow our caution, what we need right now is to give a big bait that distracted the attention of both factions so they have a ceasefire"

Lie Fan: "Then what should we do? What kind of baits can we throw out to this group of tigers big enough to attract their attention?"

Jia Xu: "We can push for the Governor position to be reinstated"

Lie Fan: "What?! If I do that all their eyes will be on us and all of our preparation that we have made will be known by them"

Jia Xu: "No My lord it doesn't have to be us, we can push someone to do it for us on how dangerous the situation in the imperial court is right now"

Lie Fan: "Who is the perfect candidate you think can be pushed to do this? Master Jia Xu understands the machination of the Imperial Court better than I do"

Lie Fan understands what Jia Xu just suggested but he doesn't like that the governor's post is pushed right now then the butterfly effect will be too big even though his reborn in this era is already big enough to cause a butterfly effect also he doesn't think that Liu Yan will want to do it right now

Jia Xu: "The descendant of Prince Of Lu, Liu Yan the Minister of Ceremonies is an able statesman from the Imperial Clan, and if the member of the imperial clan pushing for this post to be reinstated then both factions will think that this is the Emperor moves to strengthen the imperial clan which both factions doesn't want to happen before they control the court"

Lie Fan: "I understand then what should we do to push Liu Yan to request the installment of the Governor post to your majesty?"

Jia Xu: "I'm close with one of Liu Yan trusted advisor Dong Fu and can send him letters describing the horror of the battle between General He Jin's faction and the eunuch faction which now will implicate members of the Imperial Clan branch which he will report it to Liu Yan and with Liu Yan self-preservation belief then in 1 year he will do it seeing the worsening situation"

Lie Fan: "Okay then I agree with Master Jia Xu's plan, I give you free rein of this however you see fit and before you leave I have a present for you"

Lie Fan walks up enters his bedroom and takes out the Gu Jar from his system inventory then walks out from his room giving it to Jia Xu describing that this is a jar that has been used by a poison maker before where it's inside already coated by all kinds of poison that if you make a poison here it will be very deadly

Jia Xu receives the Gu jar and hears what Lie Fan just described began to smirk as he understands Lie Fan's meanings that he can even kill some people by making poison that even no one knows of is truly a symbol of Lie Fan giving him the freedom to proceed however he wants

Jia Xu: " Thank You My Lord for your trust! Truly I'm not choosing the wrong person to serve under"

Lie Fan: "Hahaha! Master Jia Xu is better at working at his own pace without someone directing you what to do so of course I'm giving you the best situation possible"

As the time is already evening, Lie Fan and Jia Cu accompanied by his bodyguards decided to have dinner outside in a restaurant at the same time they surveyed if there was a good location to expand the Lie Clan industry here so that the Oriole will have their base here

Eating at a restaurant called Spring Chrysantheum, Lie Fan and Jia Xu was eating together with He Yi and Gong Du guarding at outside of their private room while Bo Cai and Liu Pi guard inside the private room

While eating suddenly there's a commotion outside and people are shouting at each other even the sound of jars breaking can be heard attracting both of their attention Lie Fan asks what happened outside to He Yi and Gong Du who was guarding outside

He Yi: *opened the door* "There's a brawl that happened because of a drunk person My Lord, he is saying that his big brother is prefect of a county and can't be disrespected by a bunch of hooligans while the person he called big brother is trying to calm him down"

Lie Fan: "Oh? Let's go outside and see who is this man that causing the commotion for his bug brother who was a county prefect"

Lie Fan gets up and walks outside accompanied by Jia Xu and his bodyguards together and goes downstairs to see the commotion that's happening

Downstairs a big muscled dark brown-skinned man was yelling obscene words and throwing a wine jar toward a group of people while a thin man with big ears was calming down this man telling him to stop and a tall big with red skin was restraining the brown-skinned man helping the thin man calming the brown-skinned down

Lie Fan seeing these three people immediately know who they are from their physical features and how they act, he forgot that this thin big-eared man was serving a county prefect here in Xu Province before he joined the anti-Dong Zhuo coalition

Lie Fan: " Stop! How can you act lawless here in Xiapi?! Are you not afraid of the law that was enforced by the new Inspector that from now on people that cause public unrest will be arrested and put in jail for a week?!"


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 18 Years Old (185 AD)

Level: 13

Next Level: 212.000

Renown: 155

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 8)

SP: 376.700


STR: 461

VIT: 194

AGI: 205

INT: 224

CHR: 90

WIS: 189

WILL: 145

ATR Points: 0


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