Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 56: Wang Yan = Wang Lang

Chapter 56: Wang Yan = Wang Lang

Wang Yan: "Hello Inspector Lie! I'm Wang Yan a Palace Gentleman in The Imperial Court but I'm taking a break due to the news that My Teacher Yang Ci is sick"

Lie Fan: "Hello, I'm Lie Fan the new Inspector Of Xu Province nice to meet you, I hope you're teacher condition will become better"

Lie Fan was thinking that he seems familiar with this name before thanks to his interest in learning about the three kingdoms' history but his memory doesn't give many revelations on this name as it may be too minor or his contributioareis too small to make an impact on him to remember it

Mi Yu: "Well then I take my leave first Inspector Lie, Let's meet tomorrow if you have the time"

Lie Fan: "Of Course! See you then"

Wang Yan: "Wait a minute! Why doesn't Inspector Lie join us also? If Inspector Lie has the time"

Lie Fan: "We'll of course but I'm not intruding on your time together right?"

Wang Yan: "Of Course not, is it okay with Brother Mi Yu?"

Mi Yu: "It's up to you today Wang Yan, today is about you after all"

After hearing that, All of the agreed to go together and walk outside the store talking about Xiapi, Commerce, and the situation of the Empire right now which is downgrading even more thanks to the taxes that the Emperor put for rebuilding the palace

Lie Fan also lamented the lack of talent he have to rebuild Xu Province, Mi Yu at the side suddenly says that he can help Lie Fan introduce some people who he considered talented and can help Lie Fan rebuild Xu Province

Lie Fan at the side smiles inwardly as this is what he wishes for as maybe Mi Yu will recommend the Young Mi Zhu to him which help him have an official reason to visit Mi Zhu at the Mi Clan residence, Mi Yu recommended Wang Yan who was beside them and walking with them right now alongside Mi Zhu his niece

Wang Yan: "Brother Yu I'm just a Palace Gentleman what talent can I have to help Inspector Lie rebuild Xu Province?!"

Mi Yu: "Wang Yan you don't have to humble yourself, under Master Yang Ci's teaching you achieve high scores on your academic test, especially in Chinese Classics, with talent like that if you aren't worthy then many people will be more unworthy than you"

Wang Yan: "Oh learning Chinese Classics is nothing and before taking a break to visit Master, I was promoted to become the Vice Chief Of Staff in the Imperial Court and I changed my name to Wang Lang sorry I forgot to tell you, brother Mi Yu"

Wang Lang?! That's what was said by Lie Fan inwardly when he finally remembers why he feels he has heard this name, Wang Lang is a very great politician and creates many books but his biggest legacy is his granddaughter Wang Yuanji who will become the Empress of the Jin Dynasty that will succeed the Three Kingdom Era

Mi Yu: "Wow! Congratulations Wang Y- I mean Wang Lang! Why don't we have a drink first to celebrate your promotion?!"

Lie Fan: "That's true! Sir Wang Lang's celebration will be paid for by me how is it? And about Sir Mi Yu's recommendation of you to me I hope Sir Wang Lang can reconsider it as I would like to have you help me rebuild Xu Province"

Wang Yan now Wang Lang promises to consider it while thanking him for his generosity to pay and agrees to Mi Yu's suggestion to celebrate so they began to walk towards a restaurant that Mi Yu recommends

They arrived at the restaurant named Peony Fragrance and asked for a private room when they enter where a servant immediately led them toward a room, When they enter the room Lie Fan ordered Liu Pi and Bo Cai to guard outside

After taking their seat, Lie Fan ordered some food and requested the most expensive wine they have as they wanted to celebrate, Wang Lang at the side Immediately opposed but Lie Fan says it was okay dismissing his protest

Lie Fan: "While waiting for the food and wine, why don't we continue to discuss our topics before?"

Mi Yu: "Of course! I almost forgot if Inspector doesn't remind me after Wang Lang the next person I recommended is my niece Mi Zhu"

Lie Fan: "Oh? I have met with the Young Master of The Mi Clan but I don't know if this is purely to help introduces talented people to me or to further increase Mi Clan's agenda?"

Mi Yu feels the room's aura suddenly grow heavier after Lie Fan finished saying that making him panic as he knew what Lie Fan mean and began to explain that he recommended his nephew is pure to help Lie Fan and not to increase Mi Clan's prestige or to complete Mi Clan agenda

Lie Fan of course knew that Mi Yu is sincere and he only does that because he doesn't want to be seen as too enthusiastic so his chance of being deceived or used in the future by the Mi Clan is low considering they are a Merchant Family by the end of the day

Wang Lang on the side began to act as a mediator and show his savvy speaking ability like a true politician to mediate and calm Lie Fan down as he also thinks that Lie Fan is angry never thinking for one second that he is deceived by Lie Fan mask

Lie Fan says that he trusts Mi Yu and is sorry to act like that as he needs to be cautious thanks to the position he held now many try to deceive him to receive a position from him which is true when he was still at Luoyang many officials asked for their son or nephew or grandson or brother to be received under him

Mi Yu and Wang Lang understand Lie Fan's position and say that it was okay as they received the same treatment but from a different class of people.

When the situation finally seems to cool down suddenly the doors open, and servants bringing food and wine enter the room and place them on the table

Lie Fan told them to enjoy the food and wine to cool down the heavy aura in the room, they exchanged toast and Lie Fan praises the food even though it taste a bit bland for him compared to the food at Serenity Inn that was serving food from his past lifetime

Enjoying the food and wine, everyone began to feel a bit drunk except for Lie Fan who acted like he was drunk learning from his experience in Wan when got drunk and even though nothing happens he doesn't like it when he can't control his body

Wang Lang on the side thanks to the effect of the alcohol began to tell a story about how he met his teacher and thanks to him that he has the position he's in now with some tears coming from his eye

Lie Fan at the side asks what illness his teacher had and Wang Lang says it's not an illness but old age catching up to him and due to his old age his resistance against the climate and the situation of the empire pushing him to fall down

Mi Yu consoled Wang Lang telling him that his teacher will feel better now as the rebellion is already put down by the Imperial Army with Lie Fan also participating in the battle putting down the rebellion

Lie Fan at the side agrees and says that the main group of the rebellion has put down only the remaining minor leaders of the yellow turbans in each province to put down as they scatter out to neighboring provinces from the 4 provinces the rebellion broke out

Xu Province is one of the provinces that received many runaways Yellow Turbans, Lie Fan the Inspector of Xu Province received the report and that's why he was coming here to Xiapi to begin eliminating the remnants

The news makes Wang Lang feels fairer and thanks Lie Fan for his participation in eliminating the rebellion which becomes a headache for his teacher, Lie Fan tells him to reconsider his career path as his talents are better served here in Xu Province than in Luoyang

The celebration continues until the evening, Lie Fan sees the time to say goodbye as he still has to coordinate with Jia Xu to persuade Wang Lang to join him as he needs to collect talented people first before the likes of Cao Cao and Yuan Shao who will have the prestige to do so thanks to their family prestige

Lie Fan goes outside the restaurant accompanied by his Bodyguards walking back toward Xiapi's Governor Castle, on the way there Lie Fan saw the lax patrol on the street as it's approaching nighttime and puts it as one of the numerous things that need to be fixed at Xiapi

Arriving at the Castle, Lie Fan envisioned that in the future when the fight for hegemony begins, this castle will be rebuilt for defensive and esthetic purposes but that's for the future now he needs to clean up Xiapi first then begin to send his army to hunt down the Yellow Turbans

Entering the main hall, Lie Fan saw Jia Xu and Jia Yu discussing a new budget for the city Jia Xu feels their spending is over the limit with the things that need improvement expenditure is not that big

Jia Yu: "But Master Jia Xu if we change the budget then the departments need to revise a new plan, especially the Agriculture Department as their plan to revitalize the agriculture in Xiapi will be undercut"

Jia Xu: "No matter what Governor, your spending is too big with the size of improvement that needs to be made for Xiapi!"

Jia Yu: "Bu-But this will..."

Jia Xu: "No buts! Do as I say or I will report to the Inspector that all of you are corrupting the City funds!"

Jia Xu's seat position was facing the door of the main hall and he saw Lie Fan enters with Bo Cai and Liu Pi so that's why he yell like that to pressure Jia Yu

Jia Yu: "Wha-What?! Master Jia Xu needs to have evidence if wanted to accuse us that we are taking money from the City Funds!"

Jia Xu: "Oh but I have the evidence which was the account books of each of you showing that all of you are embezzling the city funds to enrich yourselves"


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 17 Years Old (184 AD)

Level: 13

Next Level: 912.000

Renown: 140

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)

SP: 256.700


STR: 385

VIT: 145

AGI: 152

INT: 165

CHR: 90

WIS: 120

WILL: 95

ATR Points: 0


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