Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 54: Xiapi

Chapter 54: Xiapi

His Family and Friends accompanied him and say their goodbye to him, after that, He ordered his army to begin their march toward Xu Province raising the banner of the Han Army and Lie Clan

They spend 1 month and a half to march to Xu Province, and along the way, they meet up with refugees numbering 5.000 people that lost their villages and small towns thanks to the Yellow Turbans, He brought along with him back to Xu Provigaved giving them 25.000 catty of rations from his system inventory

The refugees were so grateful for the food that Lie Fan provided for them, they follow Lie Fan's army in a neat line and 300 young men even volunteer to join his army which Lie Fan accepted and put under his generals to be drilled

Lie Fan's destination is Xiapi the Capital of Xu Province and his future seat of power, when they arrived he sees the Yi and Si Rivers that flows through Xiapi which will be used by Cao Cao to flood the city causing Lu Bu to be defeated

Xiapi City Guards saw the army and when they see the banners that showed the Han and Lie words they immediately report to their commander of the Imperial Army approaching Xiapi

the Commander who knew that the new Inspector's family name is Lie began to order a subordinate to report it to the Governor of Xiapi while he orders the others to welcome Lie Fan

Lie Fan and Jia Xu were riding side by side and when they were near Xiapi they saw the commotion where outside the gate there was a party of people waiting for them

Jia Xu immediately knew they were the welcoming party and told Lie Fan to act natural like he always be but a bit brash like how a general should be to let the nobles underestimate him making a net of which family clan needed to be taken as a warning to the others

Lie Fan agrees with Jia Xu's plan but he is worried that they still need the Noble Clans as they were the backbone of the province administration officials, Jia Xu says that he will handle them and make a plan where the Noble Clan agrees to leave out one family alone

Lie Fan gives his permission to do so and trusts Jia Xu with whatever he does giving him full control over how he will handle the noble family, Jia Xu was pleased that he was fully trusted by Lie Fan and as the Grandmaster of the Oriole he brought alongside some members that he sends to infiltrate the Noble Clans residence

Arriving at the Gate, Huang Zhong as the Chief Commander of the Army asks who dares to stop the army of the Inspector Of Xu Province, The Xiapi Commander City Guards hear that replied that they were there to welcome the inspector which Huang Zhong orders his army to stop here

Lie Fan alongside Jia Xu and his bodyguards rides their horse to the front and meets with the Commander who seeing how young their Inspector is shocks him and greeting Lie Fan while feels flustered

Lie Fan: "Thank You for receiving me, where's the Governor of Xiapi?!"

XP Commander: "My Lord, our Governor is coming from the governor's Office as My Lord's arrival is too sudden!"

Lie Fan: "Hahaha! Of course, I'm going to do some Inspection today here in Xiapi so led me towards his office!"

The Commander immediately takes a position and leads Lie Fan and his retinue to enter Xiapi while his army is ordered to make a camp outside the city to make them easier to be mobilized in the future

Entering Xiapi, he can see that the city's condition is mediocre at best and he wanted to at least make it a defense able city where the river can't be used as a weapon against him in the future

Many common people were flocking to see who is coming to be guarded by the City Guards and led by their commander, Lie Fan seeing the common people interested in him he smile while laughing loudly at them and wave his hand making the people wave and cheered at him

Jia Xu at the side like the persona that Lie Fan is making for the common people, as no matter how powerful the Noble Clan is they still need the common people to work for them in every sector they have

When their party is riding toward the Governor's Castle a carriage suddenly passed by in front of them, The City Guards' commander who was leading them shouted at the carriages to stop and let them pass through first

The Carriage stopped and the person inside open their curtain showing the face of a 20-year-old man, seeing the person inside the carriage the Commander immediately apologize for his tone and requested him to let the Lie Fan pass through first

Jia Xu: "Who is this person that you have to request to him first to let The Inspector Of Xu Province can pass through?"

XP Commander: "Master Advisor, this is Young Master Mi Zhu of the Mi Clan the leading merchant family in Xu Province"

Lie Fan: "Ah so it's the Young Master of The Mi Clan! I'm Lie Fan the Inspector Of Xu Province, son of The Prefect of Huai'An Lie Shang, I met a member of the Mi Clan named Mi Yu when they visited Huai'An"

Lie Fan hears that it's Mi Zhu one of the richest men in Xu Province or even China, he immediately introduces himself and doesn't forget to also tell Mi Zhu that he already meet a Mi Clan member before

Mi Zhu who was in the carriage was stunned to meet The new Inspector Of Xu Province this young who was younger than him even, and when Lie Fan told Mi Yu's name he remember that a branch member brought new exotic wine and a Copper Mirror who were so clean that you can see your face clearly from Huai'An

Mi Zhu: "I'm sorry that my carriage is stopping Lord Lie Fans' travel, I remember before that Uncle Yu brought many things that he got from his trade in Huai'An"

Lie Fan: "Haha! That's true! Even though my hometown is small but the craftsmen there managed to make things that even the Mi Clan Merchant can be interested in!"

Lie Fan and My Zhu continue their conversation in the street, Mi Zhu was interested in Lie Fan who were younger than him and already become one of the most influential men in the Empire while Lie Fan wanted to improve his relationship with the young Mi Zhu

Jia Cu at the side can see that Lie Fan becomes excited when he heard the name Mi Zhuand even have a conversation in the middle of the street with him showing the importance Lie Fan puts in Mi Zhu

Jia Xu as the shrewd and sly strategist he is, cutting off the conversation between them suggests to Lie Fan bring Mi Zhu along with them to meet the Governor Of Xiapi

Lie Fan: "That's a splendid idea, Master Jia Xu! What does Young Master Mi think of this?"

Mi Zhu: "I'm sorry but I have to decline, I have something important to do and also it's not good to disturb the important conversation between Inspector Lie and Our Governor"

Lie Fan: "Haha okay then, I hope we can meet again sometime Young Master Mi"

Lie Fan and his party continue their trip soon passing Mi Zhu's carriage and continue heading on to the Governor's Castle Mi Zhu watches them from the back for a while and then told his driver to continue heading on to their destination

Along the way, Lie Fan was informing Jia Xu how he meets the Mi Clan member before and notified him of the utmost importance of them having an alliance with the Mi Family as their wealth is number one in Xu Province

Jia Xu understands what Lie Fan means and

His machinations in his mind already began to construct a way to bring their relationship closer with the Mi Clan as their wealth can be a backbone for Lie Fan expansion here in Xu Province in the future

After a 5 minutes ride, they finally arrived at the Governor's Castle where they saw a group of officials waiting for them, Lie Fan and Jia Xu gets off their horses and greeted this group of officials led by Xiapi's Governor

Xiapi's Governor: "We at Xiapi's welcome Lord Inspector Lie! My name is Jia You serving as Xiapi's Governor"

Lie Fan: "Sir Jia You have worked hard this year defending Xiapi and sending troops to Luoyang, I hope that the detailed report of Xiapi Domestic and Military department is ready to be briefed tomorrow?"

Jia You: "O-of course My Lord! We will do exactly as you said!"

Lie Fan: "Hahaha! That's great, Master Jia Xu believe me now right that Xiapi's Governor is a good man just like I said!"

Jia Xu: "My Lord a great foresight that even Jia is envious of the Lord's talent, Maybe it's a skill that My Lord has sharpened on the battlefield before"

Jia You and the officials of Xia Pi were happy at first that they received a Young General as their inspector and can be deceived to enjoy the money they got from corruption but hearing that he has an advisor by his side and it looks like an experienced one they began to panic

Lie Fan has the highest position leads them to enter the Governor's Castle and told Jia You that today he will take a rest first and tomorrow they will do the meeting for the report he asked for, Jia You agrees and promised that tomorrow all the report will be ready for him to read

Lie Fan brought Jia Xu and his Bodyguards to be led by a servant toward the rooms that were prepared for them, he told his bodyguards to guards outside while he has something to be discussed with Jia Xu

Lie Fan: "Master Jia Xu, what do you think if I change Xiapi's Governor to a better-suited person for the job, they have the talent to hold the position and a veteran in the fields of governing and politics."


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 17 Years Old (184 AD)

Level: 13

Next Level: 912.000

Renown: 140

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)

SP: 256.700


STR: 385

VIT: 145

AGI: 152

INT: 165

CHR: 90

WIS: 120

WILL: 95

ATR Points: 0


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