Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 41: Fire Attack

Chapter 41: Fire Attack

Sun Qian: "Master does the Yellow Turbans know that you're stripped from your post causing you to stop the advance of your army? If so then we need to hurry and prepare as if they fight back our army will lose in a morale battle"

Lu Zhi: "The Yellow Turbans don't know what happened as I have ordered this news to be sealed and no one can talk about it until the replacement arrives"

Sun Qian: "Okay that's good them, My Lord we can begin to reorganize the army and mount up the attack while waiting for reinforcement"

Lu Zhi: "Reinforcement? What reinforcement?"

Sun Qian: "Master, General Lie Fan's letters that were sent are also asking for reinforcements to be sent here as we know that Zhang Jiao has a big army even though it's scattered right now"

Lu Zhi was happy that Lie Fan requested reinforcements as he know that Zhang Jiao's Army is big but consisted of peasants so that's why he can defeat him and cornered Zhang Jiao in Guangzhong

Lie Fan, Sun Quan, Lu Zhi, and Lie Fan retinue alongside Lu Zhi's now Lie Fan's Army officers discuss their strategies and tactics to be used against the Yellow Turbans

While in Lie Fan's Camp, they were discussing tactics for how to defeat the Yellow Turbans in Zhang Jiao's Camp all officers of the Yellow Turbans including Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang the Vice General of the Yellow Turbans army are gathering also

Zhang Bao: "Big Brother our number is massive! Why don't we just send everything we got to attack the Han Army getting us out of his encirclement!"

Zhang Liang: "Third brother you have to be patient, the numbers of our army are nothing compared to the trained and equipped Han Army if we send everything then our casualties will be too many! Right Big Brother?"

Zhang Jiao: "What Second Brother just said is right Third Brother we need to be patient, and from what I see the Han army morale is low so we need just wait for another few days we can break out from here and join our brothers in the south"

All the Yellow Turbans officers including the Zhang Brothers cheered hearing what Zhang Jiao said even though all of them don't know including Zhang Jiao that their brothers in the south have been defeated while the Han Army morale going to rise with Lie Fan has taken command and Lu Zhi acting as his strategist alongside Sun Qian

Lie Fan checked the number of his army using Sun Tzu and was shown their numbers were 34.847 not including his original soldiers where in total their number will be 40.247 Men

Sun Qian and Lu Zhi tell him to fortify their position by building defenses to hold Yellow Turbans' advances or attack while waiting for reinforcement to come to help them

Lie Fan sends his generals such as Huang Zhong, Chao Bo, Chao Bai, and Zang Ba to train their army battalion to raise morale and keep their physique ready for action

Three days passed by while both sides still doing nothing, Xu Kai finally arrived back at Liw Fan's side and inform him that their reinforcement will come led by a man named Dong Zhuo with a numbered around 40.000 from the main army

Lie Fan: "Dong Zhuo? Do they don't have another general they can send except him?"

Xu Kai: "From what I have learned Big Brother, Dong Zhuo bribe the eunuchs to choose him to become the reinforcement general"

Lie Fan: "Damn it! Dong Zhuo is a good general but he is too arrogant and tyrannical while greedy at the same time, he doesn't listen well to orders or suggestions from others except for his people"

Sun Qian: "We can't do anything now that The Emperor has ordered Dong Zhuo, now my lord should order the attack first on the Yellow Turbans distracting them and giving them no time to rest"

Lie Fan: "Then let's do this, every morning afternoon, and night sound the drum and also let the cavalry run around outside making them alert every time until they don't care about the drum sound even though we will attack them at the time"

Lu Zhi: "Little Lie tactics are pretty good, exhausting their soldiers mentally and physically let's do that first then after 3 days we attack them"

Lie Fan called for Zang Ba and ordered him to prepare all the cavalries explaining the purpose of his tactics waiting for the drum signal from the Camp, Zang Ba obey Lie Fan's order and walk out of the tent preparing the cavalries

The Yellow Turban were relaxing their guard after not seeing activities for so long so when they heard the drum sound and cavalries charging outside the camp the Yellow Turbans soldier who was outside the city using the tents was terrified when they heard those sounds

All of the Yellow Turbans get their weapons and began assuming defensive positions to counter Lie Fan's cavalries, but when they saw the cavalries only circling the city including the camp then entering back to the Han Army Camp they were confused but with the drum still sounding they keep guard for 3 hours until finally they go back to their activities

Zhang Jiao was informed of the activity but told his officers to ignore it and continue waiting for the Han Army morale to hit an all-time low, but he doesn't expect this to happen after the morning afternoon the night exhausting his soldiers

This continues for 4 days, and Lie Fan's army spirit and morale are high while the Yellow Turbans soldiers were exhausted

Sun Qian: "My Lord I think this is the time for the real attack, we send our cavalries to attack and burn their tents causing real damage while reducing the Yellow Turban numbers"

Lie Fan: "Then let's do that! Zang Ba lead your cavalries and began to attack them for real bring some wine and oils and sprinkle them everywhere in their camp while Huang Zhong with Chao Bo lead his archer unit to fire their fire arrows to light them up, Chao Bai lead the infantry to kill the Yellow Turban who ran out from their camp area make a line to let them come to you"

With Lie Fan's order, everyone began to move out while Lie Fan stayed in the camp to observe everything from afar as this battle is not important enough for him to participate at the same time reducing the chance of him getting injured

The Yellow Turban who hear the drum and cavalries hoof sound ignored them as they thought it will be just like before but soon they regret as 5.000 cavalries rush through the camps killing yellow turbans while showering oils and wines toward their tents and other facilities with for began to sprout

With the screams and sound of weapons clashing, Zhang Jiao and his high-ranking officers were alerted but it was too late when they wanted to lead their defenses there was a big fire covering their army camp outside the city

Zhang Jiao: "Hurry and open the gate, tell our brothers to come inside and tell the others to get some water to put out the fire damn it!"

Zhang Jiao's orders were done and even though the gate was opened while the water was brought outside to put the fire out but it was too late as they lost too many soldiers and the camp outside that was made as the first line of defense was burned to the ground

Lie Fan: "Our tactic achieves massive success! Now we have to wait for our reinforcements!"

Sun Qian: "My Lord, why don't we begin preparing the siege equipment the cavalry always patrol the vicinity of the city to ensure none of the Yellow Turban will leave the city while waiting for our reinforcements"

Lie Fan: "Okay then we do as Master Sun Qian said, Uncle Lu do you have anything to add to Master Sun Qian's suggestion?"

Lu Zhi: "Maybe why don't we put some trap in the field to counter the Yellow Turban retaliation?"

Lie Fan: "A great Idea Uncle Lu! Chao Bai order the infantry to make many pit traps in the field with sharp wooden spears of some leftover weapons you found on the former Yellow Turbans camp!"

Chao Bai: "Yes My Lord!"

Sun Qian's and Lu Zhi's suggestion was implemented while they are waiting for Dong Zhuo to bring the reinforcement they needed to storm off the Yellow Turbans

When they waited for 4 days suddenly 10.000 Yellow Turbans left the city led by a Yellow Turban officer targeting the siege equipment that was being built

Thanks to Lu Zhi's suggestion to make traps, The Yellow Turbans' advance was halted and Lie Fan orders the Archer to shoot at them while the infantry made a shield wall waiting for the Yellow Turban's arrival and the cavalry will do a pincer attack from both of Yellow Turbans flank

The Yellow Turban's attack was finally put down and the surviving members were captured as prisoners' army with the promise of freedom and meeting their families back

Zhang Jiao seeing the attack to destroy the siege equipment failed to feel exhausted with anger and suddenly he vomited some blood causing everyone around him to panic as if he dies so does their movement

Lie Fan and his army continued to wait for Dong Zhuo and after another 4 days they finally saw from afar 40.000 men marching towards them with the Han flag and another flag with the word Dong fluttering thanks to the wind blowing the flag


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Turbans Nemesis

Age: 17 Years Old

Level: 11

Next Level: 412.000

Renown: 75

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)

SP: 181.700


STR: 320 -> 325

VIT: 105

AGI: 102

INT: 104 -> 114

CHR: 88

WIS: 74

Will: 45 -> 50

ATR Points: 20 -> 0


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