Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 126: 126. Wannian Kidnapped?!

Chapter 126: 126. Wannian Kidnapped?!

Bu Zhi's stats are the lowest among his advisors, even Wang Lang and Cai Yong have higher stats in intelligence than him. But they are much older than him and have accumulated more experience so it's understandable, the distance between their stats is also not much and Bu Zhi will catch up.

Lie Fan receiving another talent under his belt is very happy, maybe if there are otherworlders who saw how many talents he has accumulated they will say that Lie Fan has so much talent under him.

The truth is this is only a very small fraction of talents in the three-kingdom era, even if he sniped some from the future Wei, Wu, and Shu they would have a large pool of talent much bigger than Lie Fan.

That's why Lie Fan was trying hard to recruit talents before the Anti-Dong Zhuo alliance broke out, because at that time talents began to show themselves answering the call to crusade against Dong Zhuo.

Lie Fan and Bu Zhu enjoyed eating the food, they never expected that an accident would make them have a Lord and Subordinate relationship. After the meal, Lie Fan told Bu Zhi to pack some of his stuff and wait for him at the Governor's castle.

He gave Bu Zhi a small token that symbolized his authority so that he would not be chased out of the building. After separating, Lie Fan finally meets up with the manager of the Serenity Inn. He asks for a situation update and the financial condition.

Xiapi Serenity Inn branch has become a hotspot and a place you have to visit in Xiapi, even though Huai'An is the birthplace of Serenity Inn and other major towns have their branch, the Xiapi branch is the most famous thanks to its strategic location and the biggest building with most exquisite decorations.

Their financial situation is green across all boards, seeing the very good financial condition he was thinking of investing it to make soap and shampoo.

This will also reduce the chance of people getting sick, as bacteria and viruses have a lesser place to breed. Which will reduce the chances of a plague happening, without proper equipment a plague is very hard to handle.

Lie Fan leaves the Serenity Inn, and he goes towards the Governor's Castle where Bu Zhi is waiting for him. When he arrived there, he saw a wagon full of things parked beside the entrance, he saw Bu Zhi standing there with a calm demeanor not caring about people's gazes directed at him.

Bu Zhi saw Lie Fan in the distance and he saluted him, Lie Fan brought Bu Zhi alongside him to meet with Chen Gui who at this time of the day always called for all of Lie Fan's advisors to have weekly meetings which was a perfect chance to introduce Bu Zhi.

In the private meeting room, all of Lie Fan's advisors gathered to discuss the progress of Xu Province as a whole. Lie Fan is always invited to this meeting, but sometimes he joins sometimes not as the topics can be the same for 3 consecutive weeks so he gets bored.

Chen Gui is the leader of the meeting, even though if decided through ranks Jia Xu and Xun You are much higher than him, Chen Gui is an elder whom everyone respects which makes sense that he leads the meeting.

Chen Gui: "It's good that everyone is here, today we will discuss the matters concerning Tao Qian. I think everyone knows what kind of a threat Tao Qian poses to our lord's stability in Xu Province."

Chen Deng: "The sudden arrival of Tao Qian disrupted some of our plans, the water wheels project is going smoothly and has been implemented so we can only let Tao Qian know of it."

Jia Xu: Chen Deng don't worry, Tao Qian is isolated from communicating with the outside world. His letters will be screened by the Oriole which everyone should have known about it's existence."

Chen Qun: "My Lord truly has a terrifying mind, he can think of making such powerful underground forces that will help us tremendously."

Sun Qian: "Yes so that's why I hoped that since everyone now knew about its existence, we kept quiet and never talked about it with everyone outside of this room not even your family."

While everyone is talking suddenly the door is opened silencing the room, and when Chen Gui wants to avoid whoever opens the door he sees that it's Lie Fan followed by a young man behind him.

Lie Fan: "Everyone, I'm sorry for disturbing your meeting. I have a special announcement that wanted to tell all of you, and this is the perfect time as all of you are gathered in this room. I introduce to you your new comrade Bu Zhi, who will be assigned to the agriculture department, and will help Chen Deng in managing our special agriculture group."

Bu Zhi: "Greetings everyone, I'm Bu Zhi I hope for everyone's guidance in the future."

Everyone in the room returns Bu Zhi's greeting, they are already accustomed to Lie Fan's eccentric ways of recruiting talents as almost all of them are recruited in the same way. People like Jia Xu, Xun You, Sun Qian, Mi Zhu, and Wang Lang received more or less the same way they were recruited by Lie Fan.

After this little occasion, Chen Gui continued the meeting. Everyone stopped talking about Oriole as there was a newcomer, at least until they felt that Bu Zhi was trustworthy then Bu Zhi could be told about Oriole.

Lie Fan left the room as he didn't want to disturb the meeting of his advisors, sometimes the subjects couldn't talk honestly or freely because they were in the of their lord.

Lie Fan returned to his office, where he began to do some documents that needed approval or reports that he was to be read. While working suddenly Liu Pi entered and told him that the Lady and Lady Concubine were here to visit him.

Hearing this Lie Fan was surprised as his wives never come to visit him, he told Liu Pi to let them in. Ying Yue and Diao Chan entered his office together, they brought a basket which attracted Lie Fan's attention as he smelled some food.

Even though he had just eaten, he just had some light foods which can be considered snacks with how high his metabolism is now.

Lie Fan: "Yue'er and Chan'er what brings the two of you here? Is there something wrong at home?"

Ying Yue: "Nothing happened Husband, we just want to deliver your lunch. We have tried learning to cook some new dishes, we brought some here for you to try our new delicacies!."

Diao Chan: "What Little sister said is true, Husband you have to try some of the foods that we make. I can guarantee that it's edible and doesn't take bad!"

Lie Fan: "Okay then I listen to Chan'er's guarantee, If it is not edible or tastes bad I will punish the two of you hehe."

Ying Yue and Diao Chan both blushed, remembering how aggressive Lie Fan was and sometimes asked them to try some position that made them shy. Seeing how they reacted, Lie Fan just laughed and told them to sit on the terrace as Lie Fan's office is located on the 3rd floor and has a good view of Xiapi.

There Diao Chan and Ying Yue began to put the basket on the table and put the dishes on the table. Lie Fan goes and puts his hand on the handrail, he watches how Xiapi is slowly recovering and even has signs of expanding outside the city, which means they will need to build new layers of walls in the future.

Ying Yue called for Lie Fan to come and taste the dishes she and Diao Chan cooked, Lie Fan turned around and sat on the middle stool with Ying Yue and Diao Chan on both of his sides. Lie Fan tastes the food and it's delicious, he eats happily while praising both Ying Yue and Diao Chan.

Ying Yue and Diao Chan are happy seeing Lie Fan enjoying the food, and hearing him praising them for how good it is. While enjoying the food together, suddenly Bo Cai barges in ruining the moment.

Lie Fan: "Bo Cai! How dare you barge in and interrupt my private time with my wives?"

Bo Cai: "I'm sorry My Lord, but news from the residence that Little Madam was kidnapped!"

Lie Fan: "What?! How could someone barge into my residence with layers and layers of protection?! Are you all so incompetent?!"

Diao Chan: "Husband right now it's not the time for you to scold Bo Cai, Let hurry and go back and see how could it happen!"

Lie Fan realizes that what Diao Chan said is true, and he tells Liu Pi and Bo Cai to guard Ying Yue and Diao Chan on their way back, while he brings the rest of his bodyguards to quickly go to his residence. Lie Fan also told Liu Pi to inform Jia Xu of this and told Jia Xu to lock down the city.

Lie Fan then sprinted towards his horse in the stable, and together with his bodyguards, they rode back to Lie Clan's residence.

Arriving there, he saw Cai Wenji crying trying to be calmed down by her handmaidens at the entrance while the Lie Clan guards were on alert. Lie Fan gets down from his horse and asks Cai Wenji and everyone there, how could his sister be kidnapped.

Guard: "It's like this My Lord, Lady Cai Wenji brought the little Madam outside. Little Madam wanted to but a candied haws, out of nowhere a rider with black clothes snatched her from Lady Cai Wenji. we tried to rescue little madam but it's too late."

Lie Fan: *smack*"Imbecile! Since the moment she steps her foot out of this gate, all of you should have guarded her! it's your damn job to protect my family members! Now go and search the entire city, I want her to be found safe and sound if not all of your heads will be gone!"

All of the Lie Clan's guards immediately separated into groups, they began to search the entire city looking for Wannian. Lie Fan turned his attention to Cai Wenji who had calmed down a little.

Lie Fan: "Lady Cai Wenji, why would you bring her outside to buy candied haws? I thought you were strict and never indulged your students."

Cai Wenji: "I-I'm not, I just want to reward her for completing a hand embroidery. I never thought that something like this could happen."

Lie Fan: "Hah... Okay, Lady Cai Wenji should stay here in my residence for a while, I'm afraid that maybe the kidnapper's potential target is you and they used Wannian as bait."

Cai Wenji: "Okay Governor Lie Fan, I'm sorry that this happened, it's all because of me..."

Lie Fan: "No need to blame yourself Lady Cai Wenji, it's your kindness to Wannian and someone decided to spoil that moment. Rest assured that I will find my sister if it means I will turn Xiapi upside down if that's what I have to do!"

At this time at Xiapi, a lockdown was being put down at the City Gates. All men under Lie Fan's command, whether it's City Guards, Lie Clan's Guards, Oriole, or his army began to search the entire city. The people wanted to protest at first, but after hearing the reason for the lockdown they began to cooperate even helping.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 20 Years Old (187 AD)

Level: 14

Next Level: 412.000

Renown: 215

Cultivation: Yin Yang Separation (level 4)

SP: 706.700


STR: 753

VIT: 331

AGI: 328

INT: 349

CHR: 93

WIS: 289

WILL: 207

ATR Points: 0


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