Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 122: 122. Chen Ji and Chen Qun

Chapter 122: 122. Chen Ji and Chen Qun

There Sun Qian and Chen Gui welcomed them back, Sun Qian informed Lie Fan that important guests had been waiting for him since the last month that he had to meet. Lie Fan asks who is it and Chen Gui just says that it is from a Chen Clan also like him.

Lie Fan was confused for a second, he could not remember about knowing another Chen Clan. He asks where they are now and Sun Qian tells him that they are in a guest quarter provided for them right now. Lie Fan brought Sun Qian, Jia Xu, and Xun You alongside him to meet with these 2 people that he totally forgot who it was.

Lie Fan with his retinue walked towards the guest quarters, there he saw two people one was an old man who looked like in his sixties and the other one was a young man in his twenties. From their bearing, they are a scholar and if he is lucky maybe they can be an addition to become his advisors Lie Fan approaches them and greets the two of them, he introduces who he is and apologizes for making them wait so long.

He explained to them that he had to go out and lead his army to help Kong Rong Chancellor Of Beihai who was being besieged by a returning Yellow Turbans. The old man and the young man both stand up, and they greet Lie Fan back, the old man replies that he understands and even supports what Lie Fan is doing.

They coming here also can be said to be free from officials who came to appoint him a position in the imperial court which he always rejected because he didn't want to go to those deep waters.

Lie Fan: "That's great that two respected guests understand the reason I can't greet the two of you and make you two wait for a month. This is a bit embarrassing but may I know the names of two esteemed guests?"

Old Man: "Haha it's okay Governor Lie Fan, you have many duties to attend to and even go out to fight which is more than what my son has done in his lifetime. I'm Chen Ji son of the just deceased Chen Shi and the current patriarch of Xuchang Chen Clan, and this is my only son Chen Qun. We came here under Master Sun Qian several times visit to our residence to invite us here."

Lie Fan: "Ah yes! Master Chen Ji and Master Chen Qun! Thank you for finally agreeing to come here, I have long heard of Master Chen Ji's name and how Master Chen Qun's talent is not worse or even more than Master Chen Ji and Master Chen Shi combined."

Chen Qun: "Governor Lie Fan's compliment is too big, you don't have to listen to the exaggerated words that are circulating outside."

Lie Fan: "It will be me who judges if it's exaggerated or not, for now, I choose to believe what the outside and Chen Gui said!"

Chen Ji: "Looks like Old Gui has said several things that may be a bit exaggerated, I hope Governor Lie Fan is not offended when both of me and my son don't truly live up to those words."

Lie Fan: "Haha both Master Chen Ji and Master Chen Qun are too humble, please take your sits. I have ordered the kitchen to prepare century-old tea leaves I just buy for everyone here to try."

Chen Ji and Chen Qun returned to their seats, and Lie Fan alongside his retinue joined them. Lie Fan takes a seat beside Chen Ji, while Jia Xu sits beside him, and both Sun Qian and Xun You stand behind Lie Fan.

As for Lie Fan's bodyguards, only Liu Pi, No Cai, He Yi, and Gong Du are here guarding, as the rest are going to be commissioned for their armor and helmet so they are not allowed to roam the area. Lie Fan introduced Jia Xu and Xun You to the Chens, as for Sun Qian the two of them already know who he is.

While waiting for the tea, Lie Fan and Jia Xu both work together talking about some menial topics, before slowly working towards bugger topics like the situation in the capital right now.

Lie Fan: "Master Chen Ji and Master Chen Qun, I want to say I'm sorry to hear that Master Chen Shi has just passed away, while I haven't had the chance to meet Master Chen Shi I have heard a saying about Master Chen Shi that is 'Better to have your punishment increase, than to be found lacking by Master Chen'."

Chen Ji: "Ah yes, that is what the people in our hometown are saying about My Father. Due to the eunuchs that caused the Disasters of the Partisan Prohibitions, My Father was fired from his position in the Imperial Court so he lived a life of a hermit in our hometown."

Chen Qun: "Grandfather was wronged because of those damned eunuchs! How could they be still alive while Grandfather passed away because of the suffering that is caused by them?!"

Chen Ji: "Qun'er! You are in the presence of Governor Lie Fan, how could you act like that preposterous! I'm sorry Governor Lie Fan for how unbecoming my son acted."

Lie Fan: "No No it's okay, I understand and sympathize with what both Master Chen Ji and Master Chen Qun feel. 3 years ago, Your Majesty invited every single partisan who was fired or exiled to come back, it looks like Master Chen's family doesn't accept the invitation."

Chen Ji smiled ruefully and shook his head, he explained that the reason they refused was that Chen Shi was already dissatisfied and disappointed in the Imperial Clan. They also know the reason that they were invited back is because Emperor Ling is afraid that they will be joined by the Yellow Turbans.

That caused massive protests among the partisans that were invited back, many chose to accept but some refused like them. Jia Xu agrees with some of the words being said by Chen Ji, He knew the condition at the time was already chaotic and Emperor Ling did so under the Eunuch's persuasion.

Chen Qun doesn't hide his distaste for the Eunuchs but after the previous outburst he becomes more refined in showing his distaste, he speaks out about how the legal system and the government systems have been corrupted by the eunuchs and need to be changed to a new one but first, the eunuchs have to be kicked out from power.

Lie Fan agrees with what Chen Qun said, he has actively done so in Luoyang where the situation at the time was in his favor. But unfortunately, Emperor Ling didn't deprive them of their power and silently protected them. He can only undermine and restrict their power, they even planned to eliminate He Jin which was known and caused massive turmoil with He Jin now fighting back.

Chen Ji and Chen Qun both have heard some of Lie Fan's exploits in Luoyang, they appreciate Lie Fan's eagerness to put the Eunuchs out of power but it doesn't matter if at the end of the day Emperor Ling protected them. At this time the tea finally came, which allowed everyone to calm themselves while drinking the tea.

Chen Ji: "Governor Lie Fan, we have tried many things and exchanged many insights. Now I want to know what is the reason that you invited both me and my son to come to Xiapi?"

Lie Fan: "It's like this Master Chen Ji, Xu Province right now is in dire need of talented people to rebuild from the disasters caused by The Yellow Turbans and the internal corruption that has been happening for so long. I wanted to invite the two of you to come and become an official here in Xu Province."

Chen Qun: "Governor Lie Fan I'm interested in your proposal but my decision is the same as my father's, if he agrees then I also agree, and if he refuses then I also refuse."

Lie Fan: "Of Course Master Chen Qun, at least I know that you are interested."

Chen Ji: "Governor Lie Fan, truthfully I personally have refused many Imperial appointments because I have the same outlook as my father. But seeing how you have worked hard for the betterment of the people and go against the Eunuchs just like my father beforehand, I accept your proposal but under one condition that is our family is safe."

Lie Fan: "That's Great! Don't worry Master Chen Ji rest assured that your entire family will be safe! Actually, I can have them all be escorted to relocate here in Xiapi or any other cities of your choice."

Chen Ji and Chen Qun feel that Lie Fan's idea is worth being accepted, they can't rest easy knowing their clan is left in Xuchang without the two of them to lead them. Their clan is not as big as Chen Gui's Chem Clan, they are pretty small so without the two of them they are vulnerable.

Chen Ji accepted Lie Fan's idea and both of them gave their gratitude to Lie Fan for thinking about their family, Lie Fan just waved his hand saying that they were now his subjects and deserved full protection including their family to repay their hard work in the future. At this chance, Lie Fan uses the Eye of Erlang Shen to see their stats.

•Chen Ji

INT: 600 (Max) WIS: 120 VIT: 55 CHR: 80

•Chen Qun

INT: 560 WIS: 100 VIT: 72 CHR: 85

Chen Ji + Chen Qun: "We see the Lord!"

Lie Fan: "Rise two of you, Chen Ji will be assigned as the Governor of Xiaopei, and Chen Qun you will be assigned to become a Supervisor in the Writing Department, you also will be my Advisors in Politics and Law."

Chen Ji and Chen Qun don't expect that the position they hold will be this high, becoming a governor of a township and Lie Fan's personal advisor is a high position as this means they enter his circle of influence which they have higher chances to be promoted when he was promoted in the future.

After this, Lie Fan made a toast with tea to welcome both Chen Ji and Chen Qun. Jia Xu, Xun You, and Sun Qian intensely get themselves closer to Chen Ji and Chen Qun, the three of them agree that in Lie Fan's think tank group, they need to have a close relationship with one another.

They agree with this in the hope that everyone can be more open to expressing their opinions or ideas, strengthening their bonds and also helping stabilize the internal politics inside Lie Fan's administration.

After the toast, Chen Ji informed Lie Fan of a rumor he heard before leaving Xu Chang from Luoyang. Due to the closeness between Luoyang and Xu Chang, the information or rumors in Luoyang spread faster to Xuchang.

Chen Ji: "My Lord, I heard of rumors that the Xu Province Inspector Position Your Majesty has assigned someone to fill the position as for who it is I only heard that he served in the Liang province rebellion subjugation, I don't know if you have heard of this or not so I decided to inform you about this."


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 20 Years Old (187 AD)

Level: 14

Next Level: 412.000

Renown: 215

Cultivation: Yin Yang Separation (level 4)

SP: 706.700


STR: 753

VIT: 331

AGI: 328

INT: 349

CHR: 93

WIS: 289

WILL: 207

ATR Points: 0


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