Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 120: 120. Qing Province Yellow Turbans Defeated

Chapter 120: 120. Qing Province Yellow Turbans Defeated

They put some distance from the battlefield, Seeing that Chao Bai was advancing toward the Yellow Turbans, Lie Fan knew that the end of the battle was near. Lie Fan told Zang Ba that when the infantries class with the remaining Yellow Turbans, they will attack their command tent to capture their leaders.

Zhang Rao and Huang Shao are now in the command tent, and both are arguing against each other trying to decide whether to retreat or continue fighting against the inevitable.

Zhang Rao: "We have to keep attacking Duchang! If we can gain Kong Rong as hostage we can be saved from this predicament Huang Shao!"

Huang Shao: "Goddammit! Open your eyes, Zhang Rao! We are losing more and more men, the enemies are approaching each minute to our location! Avenging Brother Zhang Jiao can't happen if we lose all of our hard work for 3 years!"

Zhang Rao: "No! We have to keep fighting, If you want to become a coward and escape then go! Just know that the Yellow Heaven and Brother Zhang Jiao will not welcome you!"

Huang Shao: "Ptuii! What Yellow Heaven?! If it existed we shouldn't have been defeated and Brother Zhang Jiao shouldn't have been slain!"

Zhang Rao: "Bastard! Go and Leave! Don't ever come back, you traitor!"

Zhang Rao was enraged by what Huang Shao said driving him away, Huang Shao who was more level-headed and pragmatic knew that they would lose so bringing the men loyal to him he abandoned the command tent.

Zhang Rao who was still angry, flipped the table in front of him scattering all things on the table. The Yellow Turbans around him began to doubt if they should follow Zhang Rao or not, as they could see that he become unstable since they were losing they're against the Imperial Army

Huang Shao collected the things he had and after gathering 3,000 men who were his hardcore followers, they left the area not knowing that Lie Fan had caught sight of them leaving the battlefield trying to head east.

Lie Fan told Zang Ba to stick to the original plan, while he and Dian Wei led the Guard Battalion to intercept the Yellow Turbans who were trying to escape as maybe one of their leaders was there.

Lie Fan and Sian Wei left the Guard Battalion chasing the escaping Yellow Turbans, Huang Shao who didn't know that they were being chased was trying to to cover their movement from being noticed by Lie Fan's army.

Huang Shao: "Come on everyone! Don't let the enemies notice our movement, we have lost this battle and will never recuperate from it. Let's just become vagabonds and bandits at the same time, I heard that Yan Province is easy to take on!"

Everyone: "Okay Brother!"

Huang Shao: "That's Great, now le- what?!"

Huang Shao who wanted to inspire his followers more, suddenly found that they were being surrounded by cavalries from all sides. Seeing the person riding the majestic horse in front of him, he knew that they were doomed as he never expected that they would meet Lie Fan.

Lie Fan saw the Yellow Turban Commander who had a shouting match against him previously, he never expected that he would catch a big fish that trying to escape his net.

Lie Fan: "All of you surrender and you will live! If not I and my battalion will squash you like the bunch of bugs that you are!"

Huang Shao: "Governor Lie Fan, please let us go! We promised that we would not do anything immoral again in our lives, right brothers?!"

Lie Fan: "Humph! Do you think you can lie to me?! I have heard of your plan to become a vagabond and bandit in Yan Province, now Either surrender or taste our blade!"

Many of the Yellow Turbans began to drop their weapons, Huang Shao who saw this knew that his chance to escape from small to none. In the end, he was the last one to drop his weapon. Lie Fan asked him who was his name and Huang Shao replied to his question by telling him his name,

Lie Fan who heard Huang Shao's name was surprised, that Huang Shao would become a warlord in the future which shows at least he has potential. Lie Fan asks Dian Wei to take the 1,000 Guard Battalion and escort Huang Shao and the 3,000 Yellow Turbans to Huang Zhong.

After Dian Wei left escorting the prisoners, Lie Fan brought the remaining Guard Battalion and his bodyguards to reinforce Zang Ba and The Cavalry Battalion. Now becoming the main battlefield, Chao Bai with the Three Sworn Brothers continues advancing towards the command tent.

Many of the Yellow Turbans put up a fight, but only a small part of them surrendered which confused them as the ones who surrendered were bandits or thugs while the farmers were the ones putting up a fight. Kong Rong's 20,000 soldiers managed to get out from the gate, They began to clear up the Yellow Turbans under the wall and bring down the siege ladders.

Zang Ba who arrived at the command tent of the Yellow Turbans began to storm it, Zang Ba and some soldiers entered the command tent to capture the leader of the Yellow Turban. But when they entered they were shocked, they saw Zhang Rao had sliced his throat and the Yellow Turbans inside were already dead.

Zang Ba beheaded Zhang Rao and took his head as proof, Raising the head outside he began to shout to the Yellow Turbans to surrender while riding his horse around the battlefield. Hearing that their leader had been killed, the Yellow Turbans' resistance began to grow weaker until the last remaining resistance was wiped out.

Lie Fan who arrived at the command tent alongside the Guard Battalion received the report that they had won the battle, he heaved a sigh of relief as finally, the number of casualties on his side would stop increasing. Letting the Guard Battalion to rest, he saw Liu Bei and his brothers alongside Chao Bai heading towards him.

Kong Rong who was leading the defense in Duchang finally can get out of Duchang, seeing the field full of dead bodies he just shakes his head hoping that this is the last rebellion that will happen in his time. Protected by a bunch of soldiers, he rode out towards the Yellow Turbans command tent as he saw that many people were gathering there.

Lie Fan and Liu Bei met again after a year, Liu Bei was still the same Chancellor of Pingyuan while Lie Fan became Governor from Inspector, Lie Fan greeted Liu Bei with an attitude befitting his status.

Lie Fan: "Master Liu Bei we meet again, Thank you for helping my soldiers in fighting against the Yellow Turbans and allowing us to break the deadlock."

Liu Bei: "Ins- Governor Lie Fan is jesting, it's the duty of loyal subjects of Han to help each other defeat the enemies of Han. I'm sure that many people will do the same as what I did."

Lie Fan: "Master Liu Bei is too humble, With what's happening right now in the Capital, they don't even have the foresight to see that the Yellow Turbans have remnants that are still scattered and even the Imperial Armies are now in a deadlock against the Rebels from Liang!"

Liu Bei stayed silent, he knew that the condition of Han right now was pretty bad. There's a rumor that the Xiongnus and Wuhuan tribes are becoming active again and since last year Liang Province rebellion hasn't quelled even Imperial General Ma Teng joined the side of the rebels.

Lie Fan after saying that just look at Kiu Bei's facial expressions, it can be seen that Liu Bei cared for the Han Dynasty but power can change people and he doesn't know if Liu Bei will change his aspiration from saving Han to becoming the Emperor of Han.

Even if his aspirations are still the same, his subjects in the future would surely want him to become the Emperor. Kong Rong arrived breaking the silent situation between Lie Fan and Liu Bei after their conversation.

Kong Rong thanked Lie Fan and Liu Bei for answering his call for help, they were the only 2 people he knew who could help him defeat the Yellow Turbans as they were heroes from the Former Rebellion War.

Kong Rong: "Governor Lie Fan if not for your timely arrival, I don't know if I and my army can hold on!"

Lie Fan: "It's thanks to General Taishi Chi, If not for him telling us shortcuts to arrive at Duchang I'm afraid that we will be late."

Kong Rong: "Haha Taishi Ci is truly a loyal general, with his talent he can defeat the Yellow Turbans. I'm too incompetent to have such a great man, I'm too focused on following conflict teachings to improve the domestic conditions and forgot about military matters that the number of armies we have is small."

Liu Bei: "Master Kong Rong it's not wrong to improve domestic conditions to raise the livelihood of the people, it's just we don't expect the Yellow Turbans remnant will rise again."

Lie Fan: "Master Kong Rong don't be disheartened, I'm also focused on improving the domestic situations of Xu Province, and if not for me bringing the Armies that I led in the previous war cleaning up the Yellow Turbans remnant in Xu Province my situation will also be not so good."

Lie Fan and Liu Bei consoled Kong Rong, for Liu Bie because he is a compassionate man while Lie Fan consoled Kong Rong so he may have a chance to take Taishi Ci from his grasp. When Kong Rong was defeated by Cao Cao, Taishi Ci joined up with Liu Yao and went south toward the Land of Wu where they settled there and were defeated by Sun Ce later on.

Rather than having the Sun Clan receive a powerful general, why doesn't he take Taishi Ci right now while he still has the chance. It can be said that Kong Rong has paid back the favor he owed, Xu Province is abundant with resources so he doesn't need Kong Rong's pitiful compensation.

While the three leaders of each army are discussing together, Huang Zhong and Taishi Ci who were given command of 1,000 youth under Lie Fan's command arrived at the former command tent of the Yellow Turbans.

Huang Zhong brought Taishi Ci alongside him as he liked the spirit this young man had, also he led the 1,000 youths that were given to him by Lie Fan with perfect command and no casualties as they became fishermen who took advantage of the situation.

Huang Zhong and Taishi Chi reported that from the 100,000 yellow turbans sieging Duchang 84,500 are dead as they round out the survivors numbering 15,500 men. Such a big number of dead people shocked Kong Rong who is a scholar and statesman, who is not a military commander.

Lie Fan told Kong Rong to rest as he would handle the prisoners, Kong Rong was ashamed as Lie Fan had helped him and now he even cleaned up the leftovers. He now owed 2 life favors to Lie Fan, he knew that Beihai was poorer than Xu Province so he didn't know what compensation he should give to Lie Fan.

Seeing Taishi Ci standing there with Huang Zhong his brain suddenly clicked, While Taishi Ci is young and powerful he is still a beach young man. He can lend Taishi Ci to Lie Fan for some time whereas Taishi Ci can also train under the experienced commanders under Lie Fan.

Kong Rong tells Lie Fan about his idea saying that this is the only way he can pay the life-saving favor he owed to Lie Fan while Liu Bei will receive some supplies. Liu Bei on the side felt his heart bleeding, Lie Fan received a general while he only received some grains and money even though he also needed the supply.

[AT: Our Chapter update for today! ??]


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 20 Years Old (187 AD)

Level: 14

Next Level: 412.000

Renown: 215

Cultivation: Yin Yang Separation (level 4)

SP: 706.700


STR: 753

VIT: 331

AGI: 328

INT: 349

CHR: 93

WIS: 289

WILL: 207

ATR Points: 0


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