Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 114: 114. Marriage

Chapter 114: 114. Marriage

A month passed by in the blink of an eye, The Night Market project was successful and Lie Fan allowed it to be held every day for opposition Lie Fan coerced them to agree. Lie Fan now feels nervous, as in 3 days it will be his wedding to Ying Yue which is his first marriage in 2 lifetime.

Lie Fan has ordered for the security of the city to be on max level, Every checkpoint at the City Gate to be raised to the maximum and everyone that goes in and out of the city needs to be checked. Oriole's assigned to every part of the city that's vulnerable to being sneaked in, he doesn't want spies to manage to enter Xiapi.

All of his advisors are helping him handle his duties, he was told that he needs to prepare himself for the wedding and give himself a holiday. Lie Fan is just like his Father but he doesn't know it yet, they both were workaholics and can't stay still.

Lie Fan decided to meet with Yu Yan, and they both decided to hold the worship ceremony in Lie Clan's residence. Ying Yue will go and stay at Hua Tuo's residence, where he as the groom will pick up the bride at Hua Tuo's residence and exchange betrothal gifts and dowry that have been prepared.

Yu Yan told him that tomorrow, Lie Shang would arrive at Xiapi from Huai'An bringing some things that would be included in the betrothal gift. Lie Fan almost forgot about his father, fortunately, his mother will never forget about him. Yu Yan knocked his head when she saw Lie Fan's surprised face, how could he forget about his own Father.

Lie Fan can only give Yu Yan a bitter smile, he escapes his Yu Yan lecture. He goes back to his quarters in the Lie Clan residence, he doesn't have anything to do as his marriage preparation was done by Yu Yan and Lie Shang according to the traditions.

Ying Yue has gone to Hua Tuo's residence, Yu Yan has sent some of her handmaidens along with her to help Ying Yue prepare her wedding outfits. Diao Chan was also sent there, to accompany Ying Yue and help her reduce the nervousness before the wedding.

Lie Fan decided to go cultivate, he doesn't have anything to do anyway why not just cultivate? He takes 3 cultivation pills and swallows one, then he begins to do Taichi movements.

2 days passed by, and he spent 2 days cultivating and managed to break through to the second level of Yin Yang Separation. He can't stop being amazed about feeling the powerful flow of Yin and Yang coursing through his body. He has predicted that with Yin Yang separation he is near to the strength of Dian Wei and Huang Zhong.

Lie Fan using his SP, buys anti-aphrodisiac pills for 5.000 SP. He remembered this because he was afraid that his drink was tempered again, like with Wang Yun's scheme even though in return he got Diao Chan.

Because tomorrow is the wedding, he can't oversee the preparation of the ceremony but he can oversee the security needed. Thanks to Chen Deng, the City Guards' capability was strengthened due to him seeing that their capability was not good enough.

Lie Fan sent Ze Rong, who had been learning under Huang Zhong to take control of the City Guards for a while. He told Ze Rong to train the City Guards like when he was training the tens of thousands of Yellow Turbans.

Lie Fan supervised the training for today, The City Guards were shaped up, and officers who entered the city guards through bribery or nepotism were kicked out. The ones who had the skills were demoted and told to begin again from the bottom, Many small noble clans' interest was harmed but they didn't dare to protest as it was Lie Fan's order.

Lie Fan: "Tomorrow will be the most important event in Xiapi, the Marriage of I the Xu Province Governor Lie Fan! If you do your duty above and beyond, you will receive a bonus!"

City Guards: "Hoahhh!!! Long Live The Governor!"

Lie Fan: "But if even one of you fails in your duty, not only will you not receive a bonus but all of you will be punished! Ze Rong will be your commander until my wedding ends, the one who has the best merit will be provided to replace Ze Rong!"

Every City Guards becomes more enthusiastic, as a promotion to become commander is a chance of a lifetime for them to improve the condition of their family. After supervising the City Guards, Lie Fan returned to the Lie Clan residence and Lie Fan spent some time with Lie Shang.

Lie Shang is proud that his son will marry 2 of the most beautiful women he has ever seen, and also become one of the most influential people in the land at such a young age. Lie Shang and Yu Yan give Lie Fan some guidance on the marital life he will enter, especially when he will have 2 women becoming his wife.

Yu Yan: "Fan'er you have to remember to treat Ying Yue and Diao Chan the same If you favor the other even if they have a very good relationship it can be broken because you favored one."

Lie Fan: "Of course Mother, even though Ying Yue will always be my favorite, I understand that your backyard needs to be stable for you to accomplish many things."

Lie Shang: "I as your father give your last guidance before you become a man and form your own family, Don't ever forget about your family and neglect them due to your duty. I have seen many great men's families fall apart because they neglected their family members, which caused either divorce or affairs."

Lie Fan agreed with Lie Shang and promised to always remember the guidance that Lie Shang and Yu Yan had given to him all these years. Lie Fan begins to feel melancholic, Lie Shang and Yu Yan are the ones who give him family warmth and love when he comes to this world.

He got down on the floor and kowtowed the two of them, thanking them for all the things they had done for him. Yu Yan seeing this began to have watery eyes, turned her head, and wiped it while scolding Lie Fan making her cry because what if her eyes were swollen tomorrow.

Lie Shang told Lie Fan to stand up and go back to his room to rest, tomorrow would be a big day for him and he needed all the energy he could get as it would be a busy day.

Lie Fan gives them another kowtow then stands up and returns to his room to rest. Lie Fan after lying down on his bed, began to feel excited as tomorrow finally he could also have a family of his own and he will never be truly alone in this world.

The Next Day, Xiapi enters a festivity mood. The people of Xiapi have woken up and began to flock to the street to see Lie Fan's entourage that will pick up the bride. Lie Fan woke up in the early morning hours, After washing himself and making sure he had cleaned Lie Fan changed into his wedding attire with the help of a couple of servants.

Lie Shang and Yu Yan also wake up and change their clothes when Lie Fan has finished changing into his wedding outfit. Yu Yan immediately praises her son's handsomeness when she sees him, Lie Shang on the other hand says that he receives his handsomeness from him.

Wannian the little girl has also changed her clothes, becoming a cute little princess making Lie Fan can't stop pinching her face and making Wannian giggle. The betrothal first has been prepared and all the servants are ready to bring them, Lie Fan is walking to his palanquin and sees that his bodyguards volunteered to become the bearer.

Lie Fan is touched by this and tells them that their loyalty to him will be repaid, it's sad that two of his bodyguards can't come and join his wedding due to their duties. Lie Fan goes and sits at the palanquin, his bodyguards then go to each side of it and pick it up.

Lie Fan's entourage then moved toward Hua Tuo's residence. Chao Bo, Chao Bai, Dian Wei, and Huang Zhong become the guards of his entourage leading it on the front. Lie Fan's family stayed at the residence, waiting for Lie Fan and Ying Yue to return to do the vowing ceremony.

People who watch Lie Fan's entourage pass by, are saying their congratulations and wishing him a happy marriage. For them, Lie Fan is the one who helps them improve their life and make sure that they are well-fed and have a job.

Lie Fan's entourage spent 15 minutes before they reached Hua Tuo's residence. There Hua Tuo accompanied by Zhang Zhongjing and Cai Yong, receives Lie Fan and entourage. Lie Fan bowed towards Hua Tuo, giving respect to Hua Tuo and a symbol of promise that he would treat Ying Yue well.

Lie Fan then gives the betrothal gifts to Hua Tuo, and in exchange, Hua Tuo gives them the dowry that had been sent to his residence by Lie Fan where Hua Tuo puts a bit more from his personal pocket.

Once all the goods were exchanged, Hua Tuo told the handmaidens to bring Ying Yue here. Ying Yue who had worn her wedding dress and her face became more beautiful with the delicate makeup, put on the red veil and less by the handmaidens to the main hall.

There Lie Fan and Ying Yue finally see each other after a month of separation, Even though Lie Fan can't see Ying Yue's face he is sure that today her beauty eclipsed the flowers that bloom today. Ying Yue on the other hand, was fascinated by how handsome Lie Fan was in his wedding outfit.

Lie Fan then takes Ying Yue from Hua Tuo's residence, Ying Yue enters a carriage that was prepared for them and then they return to Lie Clan's residence. Arriving at the residence, Lie Fan and Ying Yue both hold a red cloth strap with a red-like flower made from cloth in the middle separating them.

Together they walk inside the residence and go to the main hall under the applause of Lie Fan's subjects and guests of the wedding. They entered the main hall, where Lie Shan and Yu Yan were seated waiting for them. Lie Fana and Yu Yan walk to them and then stand in front of them.

Jia Xu: "We will begin the ceremony! First now to the Heaven, Second bow to the parents, and lastly bow towards each other!"

Lie Fan and Yu Yan do each step carefully under Jia Xu's guidance, and when they finish bowing to each other they know that finally, they become official husbands and wives. Ying Yue then was brought to their boudoir room had been prepared to wait for Lie Fan there after the wedding banquet was done.

Lie Fan as the groom begins to receive all of the people that come to his wedding personally, it was a custom that the grooms receive all the toast that was given to him. Thankfully he has swallowed the anti-drunk pills, Zhu Ran and all of the Baohuzhe members who were invited toast him many times but they were the ones who were drunk in the end.

His generals especially Huang Zhong and Dian Wei also toast Lie Fan until they were the ones who become drunk, Because of this banquet Lie Fan became well-known for having an iron stomach and staying sober while hundreds of his guests become drunk making him the only one standing.

[AT: Our New Chapter of the day! ??

I want to tell everyone that tomorrow I'm going on a trip where the internet connection is pretty bad, so I don't know if I can update a new chapter! But rest easy if I can't update tomorrow, the day after tomorrow 2 chapters will be updated! ??]


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 18 Years Old (186 AD)

Level: 14

Next Level: 412.000

Renown: 185

Cultivation: Yin Yang Separation (level 1) -> (level 2)

SP: 711.700 -> 706.700


STR: 567 -> 589

VIT: 267 -> 285

AGI: 273 -> 288

INT: 294 -> 306

CHR: 93

WIS: 249 -> 259

WILL: 197

ATR Points: 0


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