Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 109: 109. The Old Generations of Talent

Chapter 109: 109. The Old Generations of Talent

He was afraid that this was just a cover that Lie Fan made to invite him and Hua Tuo to his city. Before they were a traveling doctor, going to city after city to cure people, and now they decided to stay in Xiapi due to Lie Fan's medical paper that he said was given to him by a hermit.

Lie Fan: "Master Zhang Zhongjin, we finally meet! Thank you for accepting our invitation to Xiapi!"

Zhang Zhongjin: "It's my honor to be invited by Governor Lie Fan, the paper you have given to us is truly magnificent! Those medical theories have truly opened my mind, I was honored to be able to participate in the advancement of medicine in our era!"

Lie Fan: "Haha! Master Zhang Zhongjin and Master Hua Tu working together will surely break through the limitations of medical care in this era and bring it to a new height!"

Hua Tuo and Zhang Zhongjin were happy with Lie Fan's compliments, even though they are humble but who doesn't love being praised. Lie Fan takes out 2 of the Jad Necklaces and gives them to them, he doesn't want to lose the bright minds in the medical field of this era due to illness that hype can contract through patients.

Giving it to them is also a form of investment, as long as they live they will only die due to old age, and they can train more and more doctors and hopefully experts in the medical field that can replace them in the future as he can't lead the medical field because it's not his expertise.

Lie Fan: "Master Hua Tuo and Master Zhang Zhongjin, this is a gift from me to the two of you. It's said that it can bring good luck and protection from disease so always wear it, it compliments well with the job the two of you have Haha!"

Hua Tuo: "Thank You, Governor Lie Fan, It's our honor to receive such an expensive gift from you."

Zhang Zhongjin: "This gift is too precious, I'm just a normal doctor no need for such a gift."

Lie Fan: "It's okay Master Zhang Zhongjin just take it, think of this as another layer of protection. If you don't accept it I will feel offended by your gesture."

Zhang Zhongjin can only accept the necklace after hearing what Lie Fan said, Lie Fan is satisfied with this and then asks for a report on how the Hospital is doing right now. Hua Tuo and Zhang Zhongjin give Lie Fan a tour of the hospital facilities, They explain that patients is increasing each day, and due to their high rate of success, the hospital's reputation is increasing each day.

Lie Fan is satisfied with this, he also hopes that Hua Tuo and Zhang Zhongjin can give the people who come more knowledge about how important it is to be clean. Wash yourselves at least once a day, clean the dishes with hot water, and keep your house clean.

Hua Tuo and Zhang Zhongjin agree, that spreading knowledge about how importance it is cleanliness is the first step to preventing diseases from spreading or reproducing. Lie Fan also hopes that they can help train a new generation of doctors and nurses, as they will be spread across Xu Province, and also help reduce the burden the two old men have.

After a long tour and discussion between the three of them, Lie Fan was rest assured to leave the hospital to the hands of the two of them. Lie Fan returned to his residence, and he was surprised by the carriage of the Cai Clan parking in front of his residence.

Lie Fan entered the residence and he was informed by a servant that Cai Yong and his daughter Cai Wenji were waiting for him at the main hall, Lie Fan hurriedly walked towards the main hall as this is another talent he can use as a writer for his decree joining him as Master of Writing.

Cai Yong and Cai Wenji are accompanied by Ying Yue and Diao Chan, Yu Yan slowly lets them become hostesses even though they aren't married yet to Lie Fan but Yu Yan does this to train them. Everyone in the circle who knew about Lie Fan already knew about Ying Yue and the newly added Diao Chan.

Lie Fan entered the main hall and saw this scene, seeing Ying Yue and Diao Chan together receiving Cai Yong and Cai Wenji felt his heart filled with warmth.

Lie Fan: "Master Cai Yong and Lady Cai Wenji, I'm sorry that I'm late to receive the two of you. I just came back and was informed of the two of you waiting for me."

Cai Yong: "It's okay Governor Lie Fan, I come to visit you to say my gratitude to you. My daughter has told me about what transpired after I left Luoyang, and thanks to your help she managed to control the Cai Clan back and brought most of the members here to Xiapi."

Lie Fan: "It's what I should do, Master Cai Yong asked me to help deliver this letter and I can't just stand by and let those elders destroy your hard work and let a beautiful maiden like Lady Cai Wenji be swallowed by those wolves and be controlled as a pawn they can sacrifice."

Cai Wenji blushed a bit when she heard what Lie Fan said, she felt a bit happy when Lie Fan said she was beautiful and he didn't want her to be sacrificed. She immediately changed her expression to not let anyone see it, She knew that there was no chance between her and Lie Fan as her father would never agree for her to be a 3rd Wife.

Cai Yong was satisfied by what Lie Fan said, he began to appreciate this young governor more and more. He can rest easy that at least there's a bright mind in this generation to succeed in the responsibility of keeping the peace of the Han Dynasty.

If only he wasn't engaged or still single, maybe he could be a matchmaker to him and his beloved daughter, but knowing that not only does he have 1 woman but 2 he doesn't want his daughter to be in a household full of scheming between the women, especially about future heirs.

Lie Fan: "Haha! Why doesn't Master Cai Yong stay and enjoy some tea with me, Lady Cai Wenji can be accompanied by Diao Chan and Ying Yue to enjoy the scenery in our garden. I have a good quality tea leaf from his majesty given to me as a reward."

Cai Yong: "Governor Lie Fan truly knows how to make this old man agree, Ji'er you go with Lady Diao Chan and Lady Ying Yue. Father will stay here with Governor Lie Fan, I will call you when we will go back."

Diao Chan and Ying Yue take Cai Wenji away, they are happy with this opportunity as they want to befriend this gentle and elegant lady. Diao Chan has learned court etiquette but she isn't on the same level as Cai Wenji, they hope they can learn from her.

Lie Fan and Cai Yong go toward the study room, The study is very big with all kinds of books that have been ordered and put there. Lie Fan also bought some good paintings to be put as decoration there, Cai Yong was a scholar, artist, and literature lover like how the study room is decorated.

Lie Fan ordered a servant to bring the tea leaves he stored in the storage, Lie Fan asked Cai Yong to sit down and together they began to talk about menial topics until suddenly Lie Fan asked Cai Yong if he ever wanted to go back to Luoyang to resume his old position.

Cai Yong: "The truth is Governor Lie Fan, I truly wanted to go back and resume my position serving Your Majesty and the people. But with its condition is there right now, I think I can't go back especially now that the roots of my clan have been changed and put here in Xiapi."

Lie Fan: "Master Cai Yong actually can continue serving Your Majesty and the people of Han, but you don't work on the Imperial Court but somewhere else."

Cai Yong: "Somewhere else, Governor Lie Fan means serving under your administration here in Xiapi?"

Lie Fan: "Haha yes! Master Cai Yong truly has a keen sense, My administration truly needs a good writer who can write words with elegance and knows how to organize them so people can understand the message clearly."

Cai Yong was pondering about Lie Fan's invitation, he was thinking of accepting it because serving under Lie Fan's administration can be said to be the most worry-free.

He has seen the policies and how Xiapi and Xu Province administrations work, under Lie Fan's leadership and instigation he has changed the government structures in Xu Province. He eliminated corrupt officials and replaced them with talented and honest officials.

It can be seen from the number of people he appointed, Chen Gui and his son Chen Deng were some of the best officials he had seen in this era. They were flexible and knew how to play politics correctly, they also founded new policies which helped Xu Province as a whole slowly recover from famine and the consequences of the war.

Cai Yong: "Then may I know what will become part of my assignment?"

Lie Fan: "Almost like your old ones Master Cai Yong, Writing eulogies, announcements, memorial inscriptions, editing and collating text, and all things like that. Of course, you would not be working alone you only will do the most important one or something urgent that needs to be handled immediately."

Cai Yong: "I don't know if these old bones can handle so many things but I will try to do my best."

Lie Fan: "Marvelous! Then Master Cai Yong from now on your official position is the Master Of Writing and Ceremony, You directly served under me and your departments will handle all of Xu Province. I have planned for a public library to be open in the future, I don't know if Master Cai Yong agrees to this?"

Cai Yong was stunned by what Lie Fan said, he didn't expect Lie Fan to have such a bold idea. Maybe almost all nobles will never care about such a move, but this can threaten the hegemony that the nobles have over the common people which is reading and writing.

Cai Yong: "Such a plan was honorable Governor Lie, but can you handle the consequences it will bring towards you and your administration?"

Lie Fan: "Hah... Just think of this as me saying nonsense, oh Here comes the tea I'm sure that Master Cai Yong will love this."

Lie Fan diverts the subject to end its discussion, he knows the consequences will be massive but he wants to destroy the dominance the nobles have so that they can feel threatened and Imperial Power can rise for him in the future of course.

Lie Fan and Cai Yong spent some time drinking tea and talking about literature, and then they ended their discussion. Lie Fan walks together with Cai Yong towards the garden, Upon reaching there Cai Yong calls for Cai Wenji saying that it's time for them to go back.

The three women, Diao Chan, Ying Yue, and Cai Wenji have grown closer while waiting for Lie Fan and Cai Yong. They promised to go out together sometime or visit each other, Lie Fan finds it truly fascinating no matter whether women of this era or the future they can bond so fast.

Lie Fan escorted them to their carriage and watched it leave until it was gone. Lie Fan found that today was truly fruitful, he managed to get Wang Lang and Mi Zhu to truly serve under him while the old timers like Hua Tuo, Zhang Zhongjing, and Cai Yong who were still loyal to the Han Dynasty slowly being coaxed to change their loyalty of course subtly.

Lie Fan returned to his residence where Diao Chan and Ying Yue were waiting for him in the garden, Lie Fan took them to eat lunch together as it was time and he hoped that in the future everything would go as smoothly as today. Lie Fan doesn't know that shortly, dark clouds will enshroud his dream as something unexpected always happens.

[AT: Here it is today's chapter! I hope everyone enjoys it! And thank you for your support that RTK was put on Ongoing Originals! I hope many new readers will join us on this journey together!??]


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 18 Years Old (186 AD)

Level: 14

Next Level: 412.000

Renown: 185

Cultivation: Yin Yang Separation (level 1)

SP: 711.700


STR: 557

VIT: 257

AGI: 263

INT: 284

CHR: 93

WIS: 239

WILL: 187

ATR Points: 0


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