Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Chapter 4: Desperate Straits

Chapter 4: Desperate Straits

The Iwa nin commander was dead. All of the remaining Iwa ninjas were stunned to see this. But they soon got their bearings as their enemies were out of chakra and many of them had preserved their Chakra. They began to surround Akira, Aiko, and Yagami.

Indeed Akira and Aiko were out of Chakra and were weakened. Akira got serious injuries from the earlier explosion. Most of the flesh from his left hand was torn as it was blown by the explosion. His left hand was barely hanging as it was almost disabled and need immediate attention.

Aiko wasn't in a good state too. She was still weak from her delivery of Izuna. Although she was a ninja and had a stronger body, but prematurely delivering Izuna and then constantly fighting with enemies took a toll on her body.

Yagami was in a better condition compared to both of them. His body flicker didn't use much chakra and he wasn't seriously injured either.

All three of them faced the Iwa ninjas with their backs touched to each other. Aiko lovingly gazed at Izuna as she muttered,

"Don't worry mother will protect you at all cost. "

She wrapped Izuna tightly in bandages and tied him to her back. She made sure to leave some breathing space for the baby.

Izuna looked at the fight between his parents and Iwa ninjas as tears began to flow his eyes. He cried silently, as he doesn't want to distract his mother to tend to him. Izuna thought to himself,

'I was an orphan in my previous life. My parents were doctors and they wanted me to become a doctor too. When I was ten years old they died in a car crash. I was adopted by my uncle's family. They barely paid any attention to me, all that mattered to them was the money my parents left behind. I was successfully enrolled in one of the major medical universities in my country as I wanted to fulfill my parents' wishes. I lost my parents in a previous life, I don't want to lose them again.'

A large amount of Chakra began to gather in his eyes. The emotions triggered a change in his chakra as eyes began to change. A one tomoe Sharingan awakened in both of his eyes. His new-born body wasn't able to bear the stress caused by his violent emotions and the awakening of Sharingan as Izuna fainted.

His parents were unaware of the changes in Izuna as they were too focused on the battle ahead and assumed Izuna to be asleep.

"We can't hold for too long, we are almost out of Chakra reserves and I can only perform another C-rank jutsu before I run dry. "

Akira told them about his situation.

"I am out of Chakra and can only rely on kenjutsu and taijutsu to fight." Aiko reminded.

"I have a little bit of Chakra left for another B-rank jutsu and one C-rank jutsu, after which I would have no Chakra to spare."

Yagami made them aware of his reserves.

Akira and Aiko nodded to each other and they made up their mind. Akira took out a scroll hidden underneath his Jounin Vest and he handed it over to Yagami. Yagami was stunned when Akira gave him the intel scroll. Before Yagami could speak, Akira interrupted,

"Yagami, you are the only wind user among us. Also, you are fastest among all three of us and you are the only one with some chakra left. We will distract the enemies, while you retreat and hand this information to Village. This is very crucial information we can't delay reporting this to Hokage."

"Yes, Yagami you go retreat to the village and take care of my son in our absence."

Aiko spoke as she began to untie Izuna from her back. She handed Izuna to Yagami and told him to take care. Yagami had tears in his eyes as he spoke,

"But.but I can't do this. Look at newborn Izuna, how would I answer to him when he asks me about his parents? Would I say 'Your Uncle was a coward who ran away when your parents put their life on the line to save you'? I can't do this."

"No, buts Yagami promise me you will take care of Izuna. We can escape from this situation this time around. If we continued to fight, all three of us will perish and they will kill Izuna too. But if distract them long enough, one of us can escape and maybe call backup."

Akira reprimanded Yagami as he reminded him of their mission.

"Also, you are going to be a father too, go and take care of Fumiko and my nephew."

Aiko reminded Yagami of his wife and yet to be born son. Yagami hesitated for a while before he nodded,

"Alright! I will hurriedly retreat and inform the patrol at Fire Nation's border to send back up to you guys. But before that let me help you guys even if a little."

Yagami kept the scroll in his Vest's pockets and tied Izuna to his back as he began to weave some hand signs.

This conversation only took place in a matter of seconds as Iwa nins warily stared at them. Though they were in an advantageous position, they were still wary of any potential trump cards from these Uchiha Shinobis. There was a saying in other villages 'Never blink before an Uchiha in a battle otherwise the moment you blinked would be the moment you lose your life.'

'Wind Style: Vacuum Cleaver'

Yagami kneaded a large amount of wind Chakra and sucked in a large amount of air as he spewed out a huge scythe made out of the compressed wind. The wind scythe traveled diagonally chopping down trees as it traveled towards the Iwa ninjas.

Iwa ninjas responded quickly as all of them made hand signs in unison and yelled,

'Earth Style: Rock wall'

Large rock walls were erected from the ground as they blocked the majority of the attack. Still, the rock wall was sliced open and cut down Five of the Special Iwa jounins and one Jounin lost his right hand in the attack.

Dust and debris rose as trees fell on the ground. Akira and Aiko threw some more smoke bombs in the dust to create a smokescreen. The Iwa ninjas reacted quickly as one of them made hand signs and shouted,

'Wind Style: Gale wind'

In the meantime, Yagami began to dash towards the fire Nation border as carried Izuna on his back. He looked back once at Akira and Aiko and prayed in his heart.

'Please return safely for your son, Izuna.'

A gale blew away the smoke and dust as Akira and Aiko appeared in Iwa ninja's vision. They were startled when they were unable to locate the Yagami. Realization dawned on them as one of the Iwa jounin and two special jounin began to run towards the Fire Nation in the direction of Yagami. Akira and Aiko were helpless to stop them, instead, they focused their attention on the remaining Iwa Ninjas.

'Today I will show you, the skills of the son of Ghost of Uchiha.'

Akira muttered as he swallowed some Chakra pill and began to weave hand signs. He was ready to sacrifice himself to save his son. Aiko silently followed along with Akira as she too swallowed Chakra pills to recover some of her lost Chakra and began to weave hand signs.

Today the Lightning Blossom Duo will show their terror to the Iwa Ninjas.


Yagami was hurriedly running towards the Fire Nation borders to ask for re-enforcements. He had tears in his eyes as he knew it was futile. By the time, re-enforcement will reach them everything will be over. But he still clung to the final straw of hope for a miracle.

Within ten minutes, the border patrol tower was visible to him as he spotted the patrol team.

"Re-enforcement!..... We need re-enforcements."

He huffed as he shouted to the patrol ninjas. The ninja team was startled when they heard a shout. They immediately raised their guard as they were ready for an enemy attack. But they dropped their guard when they noticed the Sharingan and Konoha headband on the newcomers.

"We were on an important mission and got ambushed while retuning.. huff. huff.. they are five jounins and five special jounin remainings. The direction is 2 o'clock North-East, hurry up and save them. I need to immediately return to the Village to inform Hokage-Sama."

The patrol guards nodded as one of them hurriedly went to inform the Captain and the rest of them marched in the specified direction.

Yagami ran towards the Konoha village as tears spilled from his eyes. He felt guilty and helpless as he began to reprimand himself on his powerlessness.

Large amounts of Chakra began to gather around him as it began to flow towards his eyes. Izuna was startled awake as he sensed the amassing of Chakra.

Blood began to trickle from Yagami's eyes as the three tomoes in his Sharingan began to spin rapidly. After they while they merged and formed a shuriken pattern tilted at forty-five degrees.

'Yagami had awakened his Mangekyo Sharingan and it is similar to Shisui that means my parents are...No!'

Izuna began to wail loudly. Yagami was startled out from his thoughts as he began to tend to Izuna to stop his crying.

"Don't worry Izuna. Everything will be all right. I am sure mama and papa will return safely. So, don't cry."

But he was aware of the dire straits of Akira and Aiko. He was consoling Izuna as well as himself. He marched on as for now, the most important issue was to return to the village.


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