Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 74: Tesaki was killed!

Chapter 74: Tesaki was killed!

Konohagakure, Konoha Military Police Force.

Uchiha Akaru sat on a chair in the office, repeatedly writing on a piece of white paper.

At this time, his mind was very messy...

"It was actually done by Danzo!"

Akaru had expected this matter. After all, when the Third Hokage insisted on handing over the investigation rights to Danzo, he had felt that it was very strange.

Logically speaking. If Konoha has large and small cases. It was all handled by Konoha Military Police Force and had nothing to do with the Roots that Danzo was in charge of.

However, the Third Hokage action this time.

He gives Danzo the right to investigate the matter.

Akaru was a little confused at that time, but he still did not ask.

As the public opinion continued to ferment and three people died in a row, Third Hokage returned the right to investigate to Konoha Military Police Force.

Akaru kept an eye on Danzo from that time on and vaguely felt that this matter was related to Danzo.

However, Suspicion was one thing. But when it was confirmed, it was a different matter.

"How should we explain this matter to the village?"

Akaru felt a headache coming on. As a member of Uchiha's clan, he was arrogant to the core. He didn't want to lie, nor did he want to fake it.

However, this matter was not that simple.

Standing in the position of Konoha Military Police Force Captain, he could see more things that others could not see.

A lot of question marks appeared on his head.

"What is the purpose of Danzo making the missing people case?"

Akaru racked his brains but could not figure out why Danzo did this.

What was his motive?

Did those missing people have any enmity with Danzo?

"What I don't know the most is... what role did the Third Hokage play here?"

Akaru felt a headache.

This matter was no longer a simple case.

It also involved the political issues of the village.

If it could not be handled properly.

He might put Uchiha's clan on the opposite side of the village, but he could not achieve the appropriate effect after racking his brains.


Right at this moment, an urgent shout rang out, clearly entering Akaru's ears.

Right after that, a ninja from Uchiha's clan, who was wearing Konoha Military Police Force's attire, quickly ran in, looking flustered and panting.

"What happened?"

Akaru looked at the Konoha Military Police Force team member in front of him and had a bad feeling in his heart.


This Konoha Military Police Force team member immediately said a name, but he took a few deep breaths before he could finish his sentence. It was obvious that he had run too fiercely just now and was out of breath.

"What happened to Tesaki?"

Akaru asked again and again, and the ominous premonition in his heart became even stronger.

"Tesaki is dead!"

This Konoha Military Police Force member said in a low voice, and his tone was full of sadness.


Akaru suddenly stood up from his original position, his eyes wide open, his pitch-black pupils instantly transforming into three tomoe Sharingan. His heart was filled with intense waves.

"What exactly is going on?"

Akaru clenched his fists, and the anger in his heart continuously rose.

He and Tesaki could be considered friends.

They would see each other every once in a while.

Although it was a message every time and there was no extra nonsense, he could be considered a friend.

However, when he knew that Tesaki had died just like that. The anger in his heart burned fiercely.

"It's like this..."

Konoha Military Police Force member began to narrate,

Now, he had already calmed down.

"When our team members passed through the streets and alleys, they heard a scream."

"Then we immediately rushed over."

"When we arrived, there was only a pool of blood on the ground and a hazelnut mark that had sunk into the ground."

"Through the screams and special marks, we searched for Tesaki but could not find any news about him."

"At that point, we are certain..."

"Tesaki was killed!"

Konoha Military Police Force members repeated the entire process.

They didn't see Tesaki being killed. However, Akaru also knew this point very well.

"I understand."

Akaru nodded, and his heart calmed down a lot.

Tesaki had just sent him a message, which said that Danzo was the mastermind behind the scenes.

Then, Tesaki died.

How could there be such a coincidence in this world?

"Shimura Danzo!"

Akaru's blood-red eyes flashed with anger. Although he had no evidence, he was sure that Danzo was the one who killed Tesaki!

"I want to see Third Hokage!"

Akaru stepped out directly and walked out of Konoha Military Police Force's office.

If he had been considering the pros and cons of exposing Danzo just now.

Now, under the stimulation of Tesaki's death, he had made a firm decision. He wanted to fight Danzo to the end!


After Aoba finished writing the scroll, he put it in his pocket and wrote other scrolls.

The content was on the scroll now had already become the torture experience.

Time passed by slowly.

It was gradually getting late.

The sound of shoes rubbing against the ground could be heard outside the door.

A person walked to the archive room and stood at the door, looking at Aoba, who was taking notes with eyes full of appreciation.

This person was Konohagakure Intelligence Division's Captain, Eaton.

After completing today's interrogation, Eaton specially came over to see how Aoba was studying.

Ever since he climbed up to the Konohagakure Intelligence Division Captain position, he had never seen any team member who loved torture's work and was willing to study.

"Captain Eaton!"

Aoba did not seem to notice Eaton's gaze, and he suddenly noticed the latter, so he immediately became nervous.

"I just came to see you. You don't have to be nervous." Eaton said with a smile.

"Okay, I am a little tired today, and I will come back after I finish my work tomorrow." Aoba closed the book in front of him and rolled up the scroll again.

"Oh? Do you still want to come tomorrow?" Eaton's eyes lit up. He immediately thought of his youthful years in Konohagakure Intelligence Division. He interrogated during the day and came to the archive room at night to learn skills.

"Yes, Captain Eaton. I plan to come here to study every day after I finish my work and improve my ability!" Aoba nodded and said firmly.

"Very good!"

Eaton clapped his hands and gave Aoba a big thumbs up.

"You can come here every day in the future!"


"You have to remember."

"You can't read any of those forbidden files!"

"Do you understand?"

Eaton warned seriously. There were too many secrets of Konohagakure recorded in these files. These things could not be easily known.

Of course, There were seals on the files.

Aoba could not open them even if he wanted to.

However, he still had to emphasize this matter.


Aoba immediately responded, showing a very honest appearance. Right now, he was creating a quiet and steady ordinary worker's character.


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