Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 149: I Have a Very Bold Idea

Chapter 149: I Have a Very Bold Idea

Scenes of memories flashed before Aoba's eyes one after another, giving him a first-person perspective.

In the world of memories.

Aoba seemed to have transformed into Otai.

He was experiencing what Otai had experienced from a first-person perspective.

It looked like he was playing a VR game.


As time passed.

The operation regarding the Kumogakure Anbu's mission became clearer.

The purpose of this mission was to hunt Kushina.

Through a surprise attack, capture the only Jinchuriki that Konohagakure had.

Once the mission was successful.

Not only could it increase Kumogakure's strength, but it could also weaken Konohagakure.

It could be said that it was an arrow for two birds!

As for Konohagakure's barrier that could be used as a warning signal, it had long been broken by Kumogakure's barrier team.

Of course.

The purpose of breaking Konohagakure's barrier was originally to find a chance to snatch a Hyuga clan clansman and then obtain Byakugan.

"Konohagakure's barrier team is really useless!"

When Aoba saw this, he couldn't help but sigh.

In the past, when he was watching anime, he had been very excited.

He did not notice that Konohagakure had a barrier.

Almost anyone could come as they wished.

Only Pain had been detected when he invaded, but he had not completely detected.

Now, in the memories of this Kumogakure Anbu, they had found a way to open it.

This was really...


Aoba didn't know how to describe this Konohagakure barrier.


Aoba once again focused his attention on Otai's memories.

He didn't read them in detail.

Instead, he looked at what had happened recently.

He wanted to figure out Kumogakure's mission.


Half an hour later.

Aoba slowly opened his eyes.

"This time, Kumogakure sent four teams with a total of eighteen people."

"The mission is personally led by Kumogakure Anbu Leader Hari and Third Raikage Guard Captain Dorui."

"The four Anbu squads are composed of one Jonin Ninja and three Chunin Ninja."

"Except for the Chunin Ninja who has fallen into Konohagakure Intelligence Division and the dead Otai."

"There are still sixteen people mixed in Konohagakure!"

After Aoba saw this information, he slowly opened his eyes, and a hint of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

No matter what was said.

Konohagakure could be considered his home.

He did not want Konohagakure to be bullied too ruthlessly by Kumogakure.

"Let me think of a way to wake up Konohagakure higher-ups."

Aoba pinched his chin, and his brain worked quickly. He began to think.

He didn't want to be too involved in this matter, but he didn't want Konohagakure to be caught unprepared for this kind of bullying right at the door.


The best solution he could think of was to give the information to Danzo and Akaru.

One of these two was responsible for the Konoha Root Anbu, and the other was responsible for the Konoha Military Police Force.

Just let them deal with it.


Aoba didn't know how to send the information now. Eaton's previous spies had been used up.

He needed to find a new way to send a message.


At the same time.

Konohagakure Hospital, in the corridor.

Konoha Military Police Force's current Captain was already waiting here.

Behind him stood several members of the Konoha Military Police Force.

Among them were Fugaku and Kenji.

"Haven't you found anything?" Akaru asked in a deep voice.

"I found nothing." Fugaku shook his head and said.

"I didn't find anything either." Kenji looked at Fugaku and said in a deep voice.

"The identity of this person is still unclear, but it is definitely not a person from Konohagakure, nor a person who registered to enter Konohagakure. Judging from his appearance, he should be a ninja from Kumogakure. We must continue to investigate and not let our guard down. This is no small matter." Akaru ordered. As Konoha Military Police Force Captain, he understood what kind of impact this matter would cause if not handled properly.


Fugaku, Kenji, and the others replied in unison.


Right at this moment.

The door of the room in front of them opened.

A middle-aged man in his thirties to forties walked out. He was a famous medical ninja in Konoha Hospital, called Yamagata Ken.

"What's the situation?" Akaru immediately asked.

"I have been a medical ninja for so many years, but I have never encountered such a scene." Yamagata Ken shook his head and said.

"What scene?" Akaru had a bad feeling in his heart and felt that things were getting more and more troublesome.

"Listen to me slowly."

Yamagata Ken took a deep look at Akaru. His mood was still in indescribable shock, which could not be explained in a few words.

As soon as this was said.

Fugaku and the others behind Akaru all became curious.

What kind of scene was it?

To let this old medical ninja say such words.

For a moment.

A big question mark appeared in everyone's head.

"Where do I start?"

Yamagata Ken sorted out his words in his head.

This autopsy had opened his eyes.

"Let's talk about this person's identity and strength first!"

As soon as Yamagata Ken said this, everyone's attention was immediately raised, and their curiosity reached the extreme.

"According to our investigation of his muscle strength and Chakra pathway..."

"What this person should be training was Kumogakure's ninjutsu."

"If my guess is correct..."

"This person is a Jonin Ninja in Kumogakure!"

After Yamagata Ken finished speaking, all the people present widened their eyes flashing with shock.

"Kumogakure Jonin Ninja"

Akaru was immediately stunned. The thing he was most worried about had happened. The person who died in Konohagakure was not a simple person. It was Kumogakure Jonin Ninja.

This identity was still very important!

If it was only Kumogakure's people, then it was not a big deal!

But if it was a ninja...

And also a strong Jonin Ninja.

In that case, things would be much more troublesome!

At present, any village's Jonin Ninja was important, not to mention that there might be a war in the near future.

The loss of each Jonin Ninja.

In this peaceful period.

They would all appear to be extremely important.

If not handled properly, it was very likely that it would rise to the political level, allowing Kumogakure to have something to say.

"That's right!"

Yamagata Ken nodded. His gaze swept past the Uchiha clansmen behind Akaru and finally landed on Akaru.

"This person is not a simple Jonin Ninja. He is definitely an elite Jonin Ninja in Kumogakure. I can feel very obvious lightning chakra from his muscle fibers. He is definitely a person who uses the lightning release body technique all year round. If you people fight him head-on..."

The corners of Yamagata Ken's mouth slightly curved up into a meaningful smile. Then he shook his head and put on a hesitant posture.

"What will happen if we fight him?" Fugaku saw Yamagata Ken's posture and could not help but ask.

"If you don't use the Sharingan at the first moment, there is a great possibility of defeat or even death." Yamagata Ken said in a deep voice.

"Impossible!" Fugaku said without hesitation.

"That's right, that's impossible. You haven't seen him fight before. Why do you think we will die by his hands?" Kenji stood on the other side with Fugaku.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, the sturdiness of this person's muscles, coupled with the speed and destructive power of the lightning release body technique, once you let him get close, you will either die or be injured!" Yamagata Ken said with a sneer.

"Alright! Stop arguing! This is not an important topic!"

Akaru immediately said.

He stopped this discussion about strength.

It was meaningless!

It could be said that it was completely meaningless!

What was more powerful between a living person and a dead person?

It was simply a topic with no conclusion!

"Yamagata Ken-sama, since this Kumogakure Jonin Ninja is so strong, how did he die? We didn't see any traces of battle on him? Could it be that he was poisoned by some special poison?" Akaru asked the question that he was most concerned about.

How did such a strong person die?

If he died in battle, then they could use the traces of battle to analyze who the murderer was!

But there was no trace.

It looked very strange.

It made him unable to find any basis to judge.

"He died in battle, not poisoned to death. Moreover... there are traces of battle on his body." Yamagata Ken said with a complicated expression.

"How is this possible? We checked the scene. He didn't even bleed. There are no wounds on his body at all. What kind of battle traces is that?" Akaru asked doubtfully.

"Good question!"

Yamagata Ken showed a helpless smile on his face. He slowly said, "This is where the problem lies!"

"What do you mean?" Akaru asked.

"There are two injuries on this person's body. The reason for his death is his heart being pierced!" Yamagata Ken said.

"Heart piercing? How is that possible? I didn't see the wound?" Akaru seemed to have heard a supernatural event. Not only was he puzzled, but the people of the Uchiha clan behind him were also very puzzled.

"The wound that pierced through his heart was extremely small. If you don't check carefully, it is very easy to ignore. The wound was only slightly thicker than the silk thread. His skin did not even bleed, and his heart was pierced through." Yamagata Ken explained.

"What... what kind of hidden weapon is this?" Akaru couldn't help but ask. His eyelids were twitching, and he immediately realized that this was not a simple matter. In his impression, there was no ninja who used this method to kill people.

"It is not a hidden weapon, but chakra. From the state of the wound, it is very similar to Chakura no Mesu(Chakra Scalpel) in our medical ninjutsu. However, it is just like that. It is impossible for someone to control Chakura no Mesu(Chakra Scalpel) to such a fine degree!" Yamagata Ken said with certainty. As a medical ninja, he knew very well how high Chakura no Mesu(Chakra Scalpel)'s requirements for chakra control were. If he wanted to form a thin Chakura no Mesu(Chakra Scalpel), it was simply impossible.

"Forget it, let's not guess. I will send this person's corpse to Konohagakure Intelligence Division and let them read the memories of this person. Then we will know how he died." Akaru said helplessly.

If there were other methods.

He would never send it to Konohagakure Intelligence Division.

For so many years.

He had many interactions with Konohagakure Intelligence Division's Captain, Eaton.

There was even a secret post between the two of them.

According to his understanding of the Konohagakure Intelligence Division.

The people over there wouldn't tell him everything they saw.

They wouldn't lie to him.

They would only hide things that they didn't want him to know.

If the death of this Kumogakure Jonin involved some important person in the village, the information of this memory would probably be suppressed.

After all, the pressure from a certain lord was too great!

Akaru had been fighting against Danzo all this time, so he did not want to easily hand over the matter to his hands. Compared to the other Division, he trusted the Uchiha clan more.

"This is the second injury I wanted to say just now!"

When Yamagata Ken heard that Akaru wanted to send the body to Konohagakure Intelligence Division, the expression on his face suddenly became wonderful.

The next second.

He said a sentence that shocked everyone present.

This person's brain was smashed into a paste by an extremely soft chakra power. The brain is full of blood and brain matter. The brain has been completely destroyed, and it is impossible to read and retrieve any memories!"

When Yamagata Ken said this.

In his head, he was still thinking about the judgment in his heart that no matter how he thought about it. He felt unrealistic, but he couldn't stop it from coming out of his head.

The razor-sharp power that pierced this man's heart, judging by the degree of damage and the effect of not causing bleeding.

It was clearly Chakura no Mesu(Chakra Scalpel)!

But he knew that it was definitely not Chakura no Mesu(Chakra Scalpel)!

It was impossible for Chakura no Mesu(Chakra Scalpel) to be controlled to have that kind of effect!

No one could do it!

Even the strongest medical ninja in the world could not do it!

If one had to say a name.

What Yamagata Ken could think of was the Sage of the Six Path known as the Ancestor of Shinobi.


He had no idea if the Sage of the Six Path was real.

To him, the Sage of the Six Paths was only a legend in the Ninja World.

In reality, no one could achieve such an effect.


If it were just Chakura no Mesu(Chakra Scalpel), it would be fine.

It just so happened that the gentle power that shook his brain.

This gentle power.

It made Yamagata Ken have an extremely strong feeling that it was the Shōsen Jutsu(Mystical Palm Technique) that he usually used.


He could not imagine how much he needed to control Shōsen Jutsu(Mystical Palm Technique).

And how profound the medical knowledge of the brain was.

Only then could he accurately shatter the brain and not destroy the bone shape.

It made this person's brain look like a water balloon filled with a mixture of brains and blood.

Did a medical ninja really do it?

Was there such a medical ninja in this world?

The more Yamagata Ken thought about it, the more complicated his mood became. Rationality told him that this was absolutely impossible, yet that strange feeling kept drilling into his mind.

"His head turned into paste?"

Akaru's eyebrows jumped, and he was speechless.

According to his rich experience in his life, this was a carefully planned assassination, and every step was designed.

"Yes, it is impossible to read any memory. Based on these conclusions, I have a very bold idea. Do you want to hear it?" Yamagata Ken asked.

"Tell me!"

Akaru nodded. He was very curious about how bold this idea was.

All of a sudden.

The surrounding Konoha Military Police Force members all looked at Yamagata Ken. Everyone had a deep curiosity in their eyes.


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