Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 142: Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags

Chapter 142: Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags


Dense chakra appeared on both of Aoba's hands.

A green light emerged from his palm and instantly wrapped around the head of this youth.

Almost in an instant.

The young man's head that the mace had hit was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The young man suddenly found that the pain in his head had disappeared, and his head was gradually becoming clear.

It was the feeling of the wound being healed.

He had just experienced this feeling in Konoha Hospital not long ago.

It was just that he accidentally injured himself that time, and this time he was heavily wounded!

It was a completely different concept!


A moment later.

Aoba put away the chakra in his hand and stopped Shōsen Jutsu(Mystical Palm Technique). He stared at the young man's head and carefully looked at it.

After making sure that the wound had healed.

There was no problem.


Aoba nodded in satisfaction. His gaze shifted from the young man's head to the latter's eyes.

"Do you still feel any pain?" Aoba asked.

"No... no... not at all..." When the young man heard Aoba's question, he could not help but shiver and shake his head.

"Other than your head, are there any other places that are uncomfortable?" Aoba asked kindly.

"No... I'm very good... I'm very good..." The young man's heart skipped a beat. After hearing Aoba's question, he was terrified. How could he dare to feel uncomfortable anywhere? Not to mention nothing, even if he did, he wouldn't dare to say so.

"That's good. If you come to Konohagakure Intelligence Division, you will be a guest of our Konohagakure Intelligence Division. Whether we interrogate you or not, we will not let you get hurt. I told you from the beginning that I am not a bad person!" Aoba said with satisfaction.

Through this young man.

Suddenly, a new idea was activated.

Now, he was a medical ninja with no theories.

Even in Tsunade's memory, he saw many cases.

However, he had never done it himself.

This experience was originally needed to be increased through treatment, and the best place to treat patients was Konoha Hospital and the battlefield.

These two places were not places that Aoba wanted to go.

He only wanted to stay quietly in Konohagakure Intelligence Division.


Now, there was a way to get it at the same time.

He could treat the other party's injuries after he had done the' interrogation.

If he wants to accumulate treatment experience somewhere, he might as well create one here. A completely targeted treatment was far more professional than encountering an injury immediately.


Someone who could be sent to the compartment.

There were not many innocent people.

It was normal to suffer a little bit of physical pain.

In this way.

These suspects could also exert some residual heat.

They had made outstanding contributions to his experience in medical ninjutsu.

They were living human specimens.

It was more convenient than Orochimaru kidnapping people.

"Well... now you can confess."

Aoba took out a confession book from the cabinet behind him and handed it to the young man. Then, he untied the binding on the young man's hand.

"Thank you!"

The young man was so moved that he was about to cry. He quickly wrote down the crime he had committed. He did not dare to hide anything at all. He did not care whether he was embarrassed to say it or not. He was afraid that he would be treated by this 'kind' medical ninja in front of him again.

This was called a good person?

The young man suddenly felt that there were a lot of evil people gathered in the Konohagakure Intelligence Division.

This was an evil department!


The degree of evil was too low!


Demons were everywhere!

After the young man was beaten and treated, he immediately realized that the rumors outside were correct. Konohagakure Intelligence Division was really a terrible place.


After he finished writing the confession.

The guards were taken away and sent to Konoha prison, waiting for the final trial.

"External injuries are meaningless."

"The next person should start from internal injuries."

"Just break your legs!"

"My experience in bonesetting is still lacking."

"From beginning to end, it was only to repair the bone from the little rabbit who accidentally broke his leg."

Aoba instantly had his own judgment.

After he had just made his decision.

The guards sent another trial suspect and tied him to the wooden pillar.

The suspect had just been tied, and his eyes had not yet fully adapted to the darkness inside the compartment. Before he could clearly see Aoba's appearance, he felt a sharp pain coming from his legs.


The suspect widened his eyes and could not help but scream. He felt that his right leg had received a great impact, and the pain that instantly emerged seemed to penetrate deep into his bones.

"Relax, don't be nervous. I'm not a bad person!"

Aoba's voice rang in the suspect ears. However, the suspect's attention was all focused on his broken leg, and he was not in the mood to pay attention to Aoba's words.


In the recent period of time.

Aoba repeated the same thing.

In the morning, he was awakened by the shadow clone memory feedback. He then went deep into the woods to arrange a new shadow clone and then went to Konohagakure Intelligence Division.

The process of work was even more wonderful.

No matter who the suspect was, break the right leg directly and then help them treat their right leg. Next was the left leg and then treated their left leg...

Unknowingly, seven days had passed.

Aoba had accumulated a lot of experience in treating broken legs and bones. Whether it was calves, thighs, ankles, or knees, he had almost tried them all.

On this day.

Aoba asked Eaton for a leave.

It was not difficult for him to ask for a leave now.

The reason for asking for leave was simple.

He was a little tired.

In these seven days, through Tajū Kage Bunshin no Jutsu(Multiple Shadow Clone Technique), he had already mastered the method of drawing explosive tags.

The Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags use a very special kind of explosive tag.

Normal explosive tags only needed to write down the explosive technique on paper. Infused with chakra, they will explode after a set amount of time, remotely, or after being ignited by flame.

The Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags was to upgrade the foundation of the explosive tag.

For each explosive tag, not only do you need to write an explosive technique on the center of the paper, but you also need to write a summoning technique around the explosive technique.

One explosive technique corresponded to six summoning techniques.

In this way, infusing chakra to the explosive technique on the explosive tag could directly trigger the six summoning techniques around it.

As a result.

Each summoning technique could also produce Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags.

Of course.

Not only that.

Among the six summoning techniques on each paper.

In addition to two simple summoning techniques.

There were also four complex summoning techniques.

These four complex summoning techniques were connected to an explosive technique and three summoning Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags respectively.

In other words...

After injecting chakra into a Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags.

The first to trigger would be the simple summoning technique, causing one explosion, and summoning two Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags.

The second to be triggered was the four special summoning techniques, causing another four explosions and summoning twelve Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags.

It was just one Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tag.

It could cause a total of five explosions and then produce another fourteen Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags.

Of course.

This was not the end.

It was the beginning.

The fourteen Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags that were summoned by the Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags would be triggered again, causing an explosion and continuing to summon other Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags.

Infinite cycle, endless explosion.

In theory, Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags could summon countless Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags.

If one did not deliberately stop.

All the tags would explode to the point where they were all used up.

The resulting power would be terrifying!

During this period of time, after Aoba had thoroughly researched the Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags, his research on the summoning technique had reached a terrifying level.

This allowed him to have another breakthrough.

That was to learn how to draw the Flying Thunder God Technique formula.


Right now, he was only at the stage where he could successfully draw the Flying Thunder God Technique formula and had yet to learn the Flying Thunder God Technique officially.

The reasoning was very simple.

Aoba was in the midst of the Konohagakure Intelligence Division, so there was no way for him to come to the scene personally. The one thousand shadow clones were all under Kami no Shisha no Jutsu(Paper Person of God Technique)'s disguise, so there was no problem in drawing explosive tags with summoning ability. If he were to travel back and forth, he might accidentally break his Kami no Shisha no Jutsu(Paper Person of God Technique)'s disguise.

As for Flying Thunder God Technique.

Aoba was not in a hurry.

He felt that it was only a matter of time before he completely mastered it.


During this period of time, Aoba had drawn up all kinds of techniques and consumed a large amount of spiritual energy. He felt that giving himself a day off was not only not to work but also not to arrange a shadow clone.

Aoba rested in Anbu's dormitory for the whole day.

At night.

He thought about it briefly.

He changed into simple casual clothes and walked in the direction of Ramen Ichiraku, ready to eat a bowl of ramen.

The reason for eating ramen was very simple.

The balance in the membership was stored by him.

If he didn't go eat a few more meals.

He was afraid that Minato would eat it up.

This person was really not polite at all!


Not long after.

Aoba arrived at Ramen Ichiraku's shop.

It was just past the peak of dinner time, and there weren't many people in the shop.

When Aoba arrived, Teuchi was cleaning up the empty bowls on the table, his face full of fatigue from the day of hard work.

"Brother Teuchi, give me a bowl of ramen," Aoba said with a smile.

"Wait a minute."

Teuchi stacked the empty bowls together, then brought them to the kitchen, placed them in the dishwasher, and prepared Aoba's order.

"Business has been pretty good recently. Brother Teuchi, shouldn't you hire someone to help?" Aoba said.

"Why don't you help?" Teuchi said with a smile.

"Forget about me. My body is weak, and I am not suitable for hard work." Aoba shook his head directly.

"Hahaha, I was just joking. I knew you wouldn't do it." Teuchi suddenly smiled and did not care about Aoba's refusal at all.

All of a sudden.

Right at this moment.

A familiar voice sounded from outside.

"Brother Teuchi, two bowls of ramen!"

Before the person came in, the voice came in first.

A moment later.

The curtain of Ramen Ichiraku was opened, and two figures came in one after another.

They were Minato and Kushina.

As the two entered Ramen Ichiraku Noodle House, their eyes were fixed on Aoba, and their eyes lit up.

"Aoba, you're here!" Minato immediately beckoned to Teuchi.

Kushina also smiled. As time went by, she slowly became familiar with Aoba.


When Aoba saw Minato, he nodded at the latter.


Just as he nodded at Minato.

He suddenly felt a sharp sense of attention.

Someone was staring at this place!

Aoba instantly made a judgment in his heart. The other party was definitely not staring at him, nor was he staring at Ramen Ichiraku, but Minato and Kushina.

To be precise...

He should be staring at Kushina!

Aoba immediately realized that the owner of that gaze was a Kumogakure Anbu Ninja.

However, he did not expect that.

The other party actually chose this time to attack.

How annoying!

Why did it have to be when he was there!

Aoba was very clear that the Kumogakure Anbu Ninja and his attack on Konohagakure would definitely attract the attention of the higher-ups.

At that time.

Everyone who was present would definitely be investigated.

Who was the one who revealed Kushina's whereabouts, and how did Kumogakure Anbu Ninja enter Konohagakure?

This kind of thing.

Just thinking about it made Aoba feel troubled.

He couldn't help but have thoughts of leaving.


Kushina was fine as well.

As long as Minato was here, it was enough.


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