Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 121: The Figure in the Memory of That Night

Chapter 121: The Figure in the Memory of That Night

Aoba looked at the father and son in green, who suddenly jumped into Ramen Ichiraku, and then looked at the father and son sitting next to him. He suddenly felt that things had become interesting.

As a person who had seen the later story.

Aoba was very clear.

Kakashi and Guy were definitely lifelong rivals and lifelong friends.

Not only that.

Now, this father and son pair had become Ramen Ichiraku's lucky customer.

They all had a free membership card of Ramen Ichiraku.

Along with the voice of Duy and Guy, Kakashi slowly turned his head and looked at Guy with downcast eyes.


Kakashi simply said he had heard Guy and then turned his head, ignoring Guy.

"Kakashi, you are very rude. He wants to defeat you and challenge you!" Sakumo smiled and said to Kakashi.

"I know this guy. He wants to go to the Ninja School, but he doesn't even know how to use Ninjutsu. In addition to training his body, he doesn't want to think about anything else. No matter how you think about it, he is no match for me." Kakashi said without any mercy.

"Don't look down on this person. He might be a formidable opponent for you in the future!" Sakumo's eyes lingered on Guy for a few more seconds as if he had seen through Guy's potential.

"Oh," Kakashi responded casually again and still ignored Guy.


After Guy encountered such a cold treatment.

There was no anger or dissatisfaction in him.

Instead, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly and revealed a determined gaze.

"I will defeat you!"

Guy gave Kakashi a thumbs-up as if he was praising him or himself.

"I will become stronger than you in the future!"

After that, Guy followed Duy to the other side of Noodle House's long table.

Duy looked at his son with satisfaction. He gently patted his son's shoulder, using his silent gaze method to give his son the greatest encouragement.

At this time, Kakashi raised his head again and focused his gaze in Guy's direction.

"Hey, what's your name?" Kakashi asked proudly.

Guy stood still. He then turned to look at Kakashi. The corners of his mouth curled up, revealing white teeth, and the smile on his face was very positive.

"Might Guy!"

After saying this, Guy continued to walk toward where he ate ramen last time.

Such a scene.

It completely fell into Aoba's eyes.


Why did he look a little familiar?

Aoba vaguely remembered that when Kakashi and Guy met for the first time, they went to the Ninja School to register.

But now, they were in Ramen Ichiraku.

But this was still how they asked for their names.

Looks like...

The details of many things had changed. His arrival should have caused this.

Mm... That's right...

Aoba suddenly realized that the entire village had undergone subtle changes because of his arrival. Take the recent events as an example, Aburame Tatsuma was already gone.


The arrival of Duy and Guy was just an interlude.

Sakumo continued to chat with Minato about Kakashi.

Duy and Guy, as usual, wolfed down the noodles in the bowl and then threw themselves into a new round of training.

After some time passed, Sakumo was satisfied and left with Kakashi.

Inside Ramen Ichiraku Noodle House, peace was restored.

"Brother Teuchi, this lucky customer of yours really frightened me. It was too sudden and too deliberate!" Minato let out a long sigh of relief.

"Hehehe, this is something that Aoba came up with. It really is a very good idea." Teuchi narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"It is indeed a good idea, but you must pay attention to the number of times you use it. Also, don't especially pick people with status and fame. Occasionally, you should give some poor people for a better effect." Minato pointed out the problem.

"Understood." Teuchi nodded and gladly accepted Minato's suggestion.

"Brother Teuchi, Minato, the registration for members has been completed. It's almost time. I'm also tired. I'll go back first."

Aoba saw that the shop was no longer busy, and he had also obtained Sakumo's memories, but he did not have time to check it.

This made his heart itch.

He did not want to stay here any longer.

His main purpose of coming here had been achieved. If he continued to stay here, he would not get any more opportunities to read memories. He couldn't get any lucky customers now.

"Aoba, you can go back, but have you forgotten something?" Teuchi tilted his head and said with a smile.

"What is it..."

Aoba was stunned for a moment. He quickly thought about it and did not realize what he had forgotten.

Could it be something with Duy and Guy?


It was possible.


Aoba glanced at Minato and then turned his gaze back to Teuchi.

"Brother Teuchi, Duy's membership is on Minato's account," Aoba said.


Minato widened his eyes in disbelief. He could not believe his ears.

That was 10,000 ryo!

Did he really think he was a money bag?

This was not a small sum!

"No, no, Duy is a lucky customer. Of course, the money for this membership will be paid by me. During this period of time, you gave me advice and came to help me. How can I ask for your money!" Teuchi hurriedly waved his hand and said.

He had just seen his own small vault.

It was full of money!

The membership storage event had given him a large amount of income in a very short period of time.

He had already started to think of buying the shop next to Ramen Ichiraku and then going through some renovation and expanding the shop's scale.

"Forget it; I won't beat around the bush with you. You forgot to register your Captain name."

Teuchi looked at Aoba's slightly confused expression and shook his head helplessly.

This kid...

Because he was so busy...

He actually forgot what he came here for.

If you didn't get your Captain's membership card, your days in the division would be hard.

Teuchi had long since understood all of this. As the boss of the ramen shop, he would meet all kinds of people every day and had deep attainments in observing people.

Since the establishment of Ramen Ichiraku.

He had almost never offended any customer.

Of course.

None of the customers dared to cause trouble here!


"I really forgot..."

Aoba suddenly slapped his head. During this period of time, he had been thinking about how to read some memories and gain some benefits.

He directly forgot about Eaton's request.

If not for Teuchi's reminder.

He would probably only be able to remember it when Eaton came to find him.

"I'll write it right now. This money will be counted on my account, and I'll find a chance to fill it up."

Aoba opened the small book where Ramen Ichiraku registered their member and filled in Eaton and Ibiki's names.

After writing the names of these two people, he also marked the words 10,000 Ryo and 5 coupons.

"You don't have to pay for this money." Teuchi shook his head.

"No, no, this is my personal matter. I can't let you pay the bill. I owe it first. If there is a chance, I will pay it back. So don't worry." Aoba shook his head decisively. He was a man of principle. He could not let Teuchi lose three full memberships in a row.

It was just...

It was a bit of a pity.

Tatsuma did not have the habit of carrying money with him.

After all, as a Root ninja, he did not need much money on hand.

He could only wait until he met someone who wanted to kill him in the future and then paid the membership fee that he owed Teuchi.

"Okay, then I will write it down on you first. This is a small matter; you don't have to be so polite with me." Teuchi said with a smile.

"Aoba, after you go back this time, will you not come here often?" Minato asked thoughtfully. He had a hunch that if Jiraya-sensei left, he might not see Aoba for a long time.

"Well, I have to go back to work. I will come to eat ramen occasionally. Whether I can see you or not is up to fate." Aoba nodded and said.

"I understand."

A sunny smile appeared on Minato's face. He decided to focus on studying the Rasengan during this period of time and strive to develop the Bijudama that a ninja could use as soon as possible.

He did not say anything else.

Aoba got up and walked out of Ramen Ichiraku.

He had gained a lot during these two days of vacation.

He planned to go back and make a summary.

He wanted to try using the last day of his vacation.

Then, he would be thrown into normal working life, returning to the tranquility and stability of his heart.

When Aoba had just walked out of Ramen Ichiraku Noodle House.

He saw two people walking over with smiles on their faces.

These two people.

He knew all of them.

They were two of the Konoha Sannin.



Tsunade was talking to Jiraya, and Jiraya was blushing. He scratched his head with a happy smile on his face, and his eyes couldn't help but sweep over Tsunade.

Based on Jiraya's height and position, they were also walking side by side.

From this angle, he should be able to see good scenery...

"Jiraya, we will leave the village. Before we leave, we have to drink some sake. We don't know how many years we will meet again." Tsunade sighed. During this period of time, many things had happened to her, so much so that she lost confidence in Konohagakure. She was a little disheartened in life.

"Definitely... definitely..." Jiraya nodded repeatedly, but his eyes didn't move away. He was so excited that his saliva was about to flow out.

Aoba saw the absent-minded appearance of Jiraya, so he quickly turned and walked to the intersection next to him.

Although their memories were very attractive.

However, Aoba knew that this was not the time to read their memories.

Tsunade had just experienced a great battle in the small forest and almost found him not long ago.

Jiraya was also constantly paying attention to him while talking to Minato.

Both of them were in a very cautious state.

It was definitely not the time to do anything out of line.

Aoba immediately planned to avoid these two people as soon as possible. He did not want anything to happen before they left the village.


Just as Aoba left.

When Tsunade was talking to Jiraya, her eyes glanced at the back of Aoba, who left in a hurry.

She was stunned for a moment.

A blond boy with a lean back and a hurried appearance.

In a split second, the figure in her memory from that night merged together.

"So it was him."

A flash of understanding appeared in Tsunade's eyes. She had been looking for the boy she met in the woods that night.


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