Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology

Chapter 82: Kochi Massacre Part:1

Chapter 82: Kochi Massacre Part:1

On the Dutch warship, General Carel was savouring the company of a maid, seemingly lost in a moment of pure pleasure. But his enjoyment came to an abrupt halt when there was an unexpected knock at the door.

"What's the matter? Speak up!" he barked in anger, his demeanour shifting from a nobleman to an enraged street dog.

The young sailor hesitated but managed to stammer, "I'm sorry, Your Highness, but we'll be reaching Kochi port in about 30 minutes, and we'll be docking there."

Upon hearing this news, the general's mood swiftly transformed back into that of a dignified noble, his aura changing like that of a chameleon. He kicked the maid aside with his foot.

"Ah!" the maid screamed as she hit the wall and hurt her elbow. Paying no heed to the Sl*t, he quickly straightened his attire and headed for the viewing deck.

From a distance, he could barely spot a strip of land on the horizon. He was excited by the prospect of finally reaching land, as he was really tired of the sea travel. This was the main reason he served in the army and not the prominent Royal Navy. However, being an authentic Dutchman, he had basic knowledge about naval warfare. He noticed the unusually calm waters with no large ships in sight, only some small fishing boats that scattered in fear upon the arrival of their battleships. He turned to the captain of the battleship with a questioning look and voiced his doubts, "Don't they have a navy? Why aren't they attacking us?"

The man-of-war battleship's captain responded with a smug grin, "We've secretly dismantled most of Vijayanagara's naval capabilities. They did possess a fair number of battle-worthy ships, but over the years, we've eliminated them one by one. Surprisingly, they attribute this decline to some natural calamity ghost or some monster in their myths, so they stopped producing larger ships."

The general burst into laughter, clutching his belly. "No wonder our homeland is so confident about crushing this nation. They don't even have a proper Navy!"

The captain nodded, amused by the general's reaction, though he himself questioned why their homeland had allocated such extensive resources for this mission. Nevertheless, he had to follow orders.

"To be honest, General, sending our prized battleships is unnecessary. A battalion would suffice to obliterate their entire kingdom, given the might of our great motherland," the captain remarked with a sneer.

The general agreed, nodding, and then excused himself to prepare for the landing operation.

Meanwhile, in Kochi...

Inside a modest house, a distinguished man in his Fifties pondered deeply. Despite his noble demeanour, he wore rough clothing. This man was LINGESHWARA ACHARYA, hailing from the renowned Acharya family in the northwestern part of Vijayanagara. His family had once wielded substantial influence, controlling key resources like food, education, and legal matters. However, due to new laws enacted by the king, all their privileges were abruptly stripped away, relegating them to peasant status overnight. Despite still considering themselves wealthier than most merchant families, they were hit hard.

This compelled the family to participate in a rebellion a year ago, which ultimately failed, resulting in the seizure of all their wealth and assets. Overnight, they became outlaws, sentenced to life imprisonment. Lingeshwara believed this was the end of his life and anticipated spending his remaining days behind bars.

A month ago, to Lingeshwara's surprise, the jailer made an announcement that gave him a glimmer of hope: they would be granted freedom once they successfully defended against the invading enemy approaching from the sea. Lingeshwara, the shrewd head of the family, immediately caught onto the loophole in the statement – only those who survived would earn their freedom. He realized it wasn't going to be as easy as the jailer made it sound.

Among the incarcerated, a few sharp minds, like Lingeshwara, quickly grasped the significance of the news. Initially, Lingeshwara resisted the jailer's orders, but they had no choice as their family members' lives were threatened if they refused to participate.

Thinking of his wife, grandchild and daughter still in the hands of the government, Lingeshwara reluctantly agreed to serve as a human shield for Vijayanagara. He didn't want to go, but due to desperation and remembering his family members' faces, he rekindled the determination, strength, and resolve he had in his youth when he rode horses and fought against the Mughals.

His train of thought was suddenly interrupted by a man bursting into the house, urgently delivering the news: "Lord, the white men are here!"

As he snapped out of his momentary trance, Lingeshwara muttered to himself, "Finally, war." With haste, he donned his sword and hurried to the harbour to face the impending enemy. In unity, all the people at the harbour did the same. They shared a common eagerness for their own freedom and that of their families. Their hearts blazed with the fervent desire for liberty, understanding that the only path to achieve it was by staunchly opposing these invaders, whatever the price.

As everyone gathered at the docks, they saw two massive ships escorting what appeared to be cargo vessels. These enormous ships were unlike anything they had ever seen, easily weighing over a thousand tons each, with imposing armour that made them seem indestructible.

The awe-inspiring sight of those advanced naval vessels left the people of Vijayanagara speechless. Lingeshwara recognized their fear and immediately spoke out, aiming to boost their morale. "Why fret over ships? We're battling on land, and those ships can't sail on land!" he shouted, addressing their concerns about the colossal battleships. In reality, he grappled with his own fear, but he understood that it was crucial to do whatever it took to uplift the people's spirits.

His words had the desired effect. The people's morale quickly rose as they realized the truth in his statement. They were ready to defend their land from these invaders, even in the face of Death, for they had no other choice.

To Be Continued...


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