Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology

Chapter 79: The Dutch Mobilization

Chapter 79: The Dutch Mobilization

The Dutch, Netherlands.

In the Present time, the Dutch Republic operated under a republican form of government with a decentralized structure. The country didn't have a single centralized head of state or government like a modern president or prime minister. Instead, it is a federation of semi-autonomous provinces, each with its own government and leadership.

The highest office in the Dutch Republic is that of the Stadtholder, held by various members of the House of Orange-Nassau, including William II of Orange at the present time. However, the Stadtholder's powers and authority could vary depending on the political climate and provincial policies. The political system in the Dutch Republic emphasized republican and oligarchic elements, involving the Estates-General and the States of each province in decision-making.

So, during the present era, there wasn't a single "head of the Dutch," but rather a complex system of government involving multiple provinces, city-states, and various officials.

If Vijay were to examine the Dutch governance structure during this period of time, he might be surprised by the similarities it shares with the European Union in future generations.

In Batavia (modern-day Jakarta, Indonesia):

Hendrik van Rheede, the current manager of the Dutch East India Company (VOC), called for a meeting with the company's shareholders to discuss the impending war against the Vijayanagara Empire in South India. Earlier that morning, he had received news that General Carel Regyniersz was well-prepared for the upcoming invasion, with all weapons and ammunition successfully delivered, and the men ready for the march.

The shareholders eagerly gathered at the main branch in Batavia, driven by the prospects of India's wealth, spices, and the vast fertile lands in the region. They were frustrated that such riches were in the hands of what they considered a nation of lowly barbarians. Capturing the Vijayanagara Empire would not only grant them access to a vast subcontinent with immense wealth but could also open up significant commercial markets for their country. Just thinking about the prospects made their mouths water.


Manager Hendrik began his speech and presented a detailed report to the shareholders. "Welcome, Sir Isaac Le Maire, Sir Cornelis de Houtman, representatives of the City of Amsterdam, and representatives of the House of Orange-Nassau. I am honoured by your presence here today. I have called this meeting to discuss the upcoming plan to break into the Indian subcontinent.

"Our main focus is on the southern part of India, currently governed by the expansive Vijayanagara Empire. This area, although somewhat lacking in military and economic development, possesses fertile land, ample rainfall, and a sizable population. These favourable conditions facilitated our past business endeavours, particularly in the spice trade, allowing us to generate substantial profits. Much of our success can be attributed to the cooperative stance of King Sriranga Deva Raya."

Hearing this, all the shareholders nodded. They had also profited from this trade, which is why they were so eager to take over the place entirely.

The manager proceeded, "However, the situation took a turn after King Sriranga Deva Raya's passing and the ascension of his son, Vijay Deva Raya. Since his succession to the throne, our trade, including that with the Portuguese, has been severely disrupted. Although we can still generate some income, it pales in comparison to what we were making before. Hence, we've decided to take matters into our own hands.

Our intelligence strongly suggests that Vijay poses a significant obstacle to our plans. Given the relatively limited technological capabilities of our adversary, we've devised an efficient strategy to capture the royal capital with minimal military involvement. Once we secure the capital, our objective is to depose Vijay and support a leader who aligns with our interests, thereby opening up the rest of India for our ventures. After a few years, allowing the local population to acclimate to our presence, we can establish direct colonial rule."

The shareholders nodded in approval as the manager continued.

"As detailed in the documents you hold, we have readied two flagship man-of-war battleships, each armed with six heavy portside cannons on either side. Additionally, we've provided 20,000 sets of flintlocks armed by 2 Battalion and iron armour for every soldier involved in this endeavour. Furthermore, we've called upon five Brigades from the Dutch Imperial Army to participate in this mission. In addition to these resources, we've dispatched our newly developed 32-pound cannons and 18-pound culverins. With such firepower at our disposal, we anticipate that the conquest of the Vijayanagara Empire should progress seamlessly."

All the shareholders in the room carefully examined the details and nodded in agreement.

"I request your approval to commence the King Maker plan."

After a brief moment of discussion among the shareholders, they unanimously gave the green light to occupy the Vijayanagara Empire.

With the matter settled, a fast boat swiftly sailed from Indonesia to Sri Lanka to deliver the news. General Carel, upon hearing the news, was overjoyed as he began preparations with the army.

"Soldiers of the Dutch Republic!

Today, we stand on the cusp of destiny, on the brink of a battle that will be remembered throughout the ages. We are far from our homeland, facing a godless enemy, the Vijayanagar Empire. But let me tell you this: we are warriors of the sea, conquerors of distant lands, Men of God, and we fear no challenge.

Look around you, at the comrades beside you. We are a brotherhood forged by hardship and courage. Our resolve is unyielding, our hearts are fearless, and our spirits indomitable.

These lands may be unfamiliar, the people and their customs blasphemous, but remember why we are here. We are here for glory, for the honour of our nation, and for the riches that await those bold enough to claim them.

Know this, my brave soldiers: victory is within our grasp. The courage that flows through our veins is our strongest weapon. Let it be known that the Dutch Republic is the Overlord of the Seven Oceans. We conquer it!

Today, we fight not only for glory, wealth, and land but for the generations that will follow. We fight for the dream of a better world, where our flag flies high and our legacy endures.

Now, to your stations! Draw your swords, prime your guns, and brace yourselves for the battle of a lifetime. Onward, my valiant warriors, to glory and triumph!"

The general's speech ignited a surge of morale among all the soldiers in the military camp. Nearly five brigades marched in perfect formation toward the harbour, where they would board the transport ships for their upcoming mission. These transport ships were accompanied by the formidable man-of-war battleships, providing both protection and a sense of resolve as they set sail toward their destination.

But unknown to anyone, a dark shadow in the harbour saw this scene with his very own eyes. This figure was none other than Selvan. After he started working as a spy, he found out that he was very talented at this job. He could identify various information that normal people wouldn't see accurately, and he had made a lot of personal connections in the harbour, which allowed him to know everything that happened hear. Even a petty fight couldn't escape his eyes and ears.

Seeing the Dutch mobilizing a large army, Selvan knew that the Dutch were finally making their move. He quickly collected all the information he had been procuring for the past 3 to 4 months and sent it as a top-priority message to the department head, urging them to relay it to the main headquarters in the empire as soon as possible.

That very night, a small boat set off from Northern Lanka and headed to Rameshwaram. Due to the shorter distance of roughly 20 km, the news was able to reach Vijayanagar within a day.

Roshan, The SpyMaster, who received the news, knew that it was a big deal, so he quickly packed up the remaining work, filed the documents, and left to meet Vijay personally. Because The Dutch were coming...


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