Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology

Chapter 128: P.S Authors Notes

Chapter 128: P.S Authors Notes

Hi, where do I start? For starters, hello everyone, my name is Mithun Reddy. Yes, you have already guessed correctly, I suppose. I stay in Bangalore, Karnataka, India, and I am pursuing my bachelor's in AI Engineering. The reason for me to write this novel? Honestly, I attribute this credit to my Head of Department (HOD).

Long story short, my HOD is the type of teacher who conducts classes very strictly. However, most of the time, I find myself getting very sleepy. I've even been caught napping many times. Oh, and he also has the habit of letting his students take notes. So, being a clever ghost, I thought, why not write a novel? At least that way, I won't get sleepy. And that's how it all started.

One of the main reasons and a significant push for me to start writing novels is my HOD. He is the reason I began this journey. Another reason is my obsession with reading web novels, original English novels, and Japanese novels. As I delved deeper into this obsession, I found that I liked a particular genre the most—Chinese foreign history novels, like the New Holy Roman Empire, the Romanian Eagle, the Bulgarian Empire, and so on. However, I ran out of novels to read, so I started exploring Chinese history novels, such as the Revival of the Ming Dynasty. But I often found myself getting upset with Chinese authors who let their characters just steal India's Wealth or made multiple racist remarks about India. In multiple novels, the MC (main character) would still find the Padmanabhaswamy Temple gold in India, which really frustrated me.

This frustration became one of the reasons for me to continue writing this novel. While I am not proficient in English speaking, I manage well when reading or forming sentences. Initially, I started with the alternative history and kingdom-building genre because it's the genre I like the most. However, as I progressed, I realized the immense amount of research needed for such novels, and unfortunately, time is something I sorely lack.

I write novels in an unusual way—I'm not aware of anyone else doing it like me. Both in reading and writing the novel, I always utilize text-to-speech. I listen to the novel, and it has become a crucial aspect for me in determining how a good novel should sound. Therefore, the way I write the novel involves narrating it using Google speech-to-text. I then put that generated text into the GPT engine to correct any grammatical errors and polish the chapter a little bit. This entire process takes at least two hours, which is why I only upload one chapter a day. Additionally, I am more productive when I am at college. During holidays or when my family needs assistance on our farm, I won't be as free, and that's one of the reasons you might not see me uploading a novel—I could be at the farm helping out.

In the beginning, I was quite ignorant of history. One notable example is that I wasn't even aware that the concept of Bharat (India) existed before the arrival of the British, Portuguese, Dutch, and Islamic colonizers. Many elements mentioned in this novel were based on minimal research and my own worldview, which I later discovered was flawed. The reason behind my skewed perspective is unclear to me, but the foundation of the story has already been laid. So, if you happen to notice any historical inaccuracies, please consider them as influenced by a parallel Earth.

As I mentioned, I'm very new to novel writing and didn't even create an outline for this novel. I just wrote off the top of my head. Consequently, I forgot many characters at the beginning of the novel. So, if you notice characters not reappearing, now you know the reason. However, starting from the next volume, you'll see more characters reappearing as I've begun outlining the novel and creating character sheets for all my characters.

Thank you for reading the book thus far. I contracted with the platform when it reached 100 chapters, but I waited until the end of the second volume to enable premium chapters. If you're someone on the other side of the screen reading the novel through other channels, I won't mind, as I've done the same thing. However, if you can easily afford the money and you do like the novel so far, and would like to follow Vijay's story, please feel free to subscribe to my premium chapters. I'm unsure about the pricing on this website, but if possible, I will enable the lowest price.

Thank you.

Mithun Reddy


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