Reborn as Thor!

Chapter 23: The centenary of Ásgarðr's 'light'!

Chapter 23: The centenary of Ásgarðr's 'light'!

Here is the new chapter!

Thanks for waiting!

*Any images in this chapter don't belong to me! It belongs to their respective artists/creators!

*Names in Old Norse:

sgarr = Asgardr.

Balr = Baldur/Balder.

Hr = Hd.

Valhll = Valhalla.

Attention: Remember that the *auxiliary chapter* is the design of the characters chosen by ME. But if you don't like it, feel free to choose the design you like for the characters.

Without further ado, enjoy the chapter!


- Location: sgarr / Valhll.

Pov. Third-person.

Today was a very special day in sgarr because today was the birthday of the most beloved god of all.

The 'light' of sgarr, and heir to the throne.


The god who, according to rumors, only with his presence, peace prevailed over the discord in the environment.

Known for being a just god and for his 'purity', that's why his first title...

'The god with a gold heart'.

The vast majority of Norse gods worshiped their future leader. And so it will be a full day of celebrations in Valhll.

"Balr! Balr! Balr! Balr!"

Shouted the people of Valhll, rooting for one particular man who was seated to Odin's right side.

The man just smiled sincerely and waved at people.

It was then that Odin rose from his seat and raised a hand, and then the screams from the hall stopped immediately.

"Today... We celebrate the birth of the future king of sgarr, my son Balr!" said Odin aloud.

As Odin made his pronouncement, all the gods and beings of other races, who were in Valhll for this celebration, listened in silence.

"I must say, I feel a little envious of my son because it seems my own people want me to resign and let him take the throne already HAHAHAHAHA," said Odin, laughing.


While the room 'laughed' a little along with Odin... Some people exchanged nervous smiles.

Because they wanted exactly that.

"Hahahaha... Maybe I'll do just that... After all, I couldn't have asked for a better son... I'm sure he will be a great ruler and I just hope to be there to see, as every parent wishes, the wonderful things my son will do," said Odin.

Odin then took the drinking horn, which was copied by the audience.

"To Balr!" Odin said loudly and raised the drinking horn.

The audience screamed shortly thereafter, copying their king's actions.


"May the festivities return!" said Odin, as he sat down again.

And so the music started playing again, the guests then went back to talking, drinking and eating.

Until after a few minutes... The voice of the guard who was at Valhll's door rang through the hall, announcing the arrival of a person... Or rather, PEOPLE.

"All hail Prince Thor! And his...guests?" said the guard aloud.

It was then that most people in Valhll looked towards the new arrival.

Odin froze his gaze on someone...

For Odin, he saw his son Thor, dressed in his white coat and with the dreaded Mjolnir tied to his belt.

The first guest to be noticed was dressed in a black cape that covered most of the body and, mainly, the face... Someone mysterious... But from the figure, Odin suspected it was a woman... Which yielded a twinge of pride in old Odin.

It was the last 'guest' who held Odin's gaze.

It didn't matter if it was small or big, near or far, or even another color... Odin will always recognize his 'death'.

And his 'death' was being held by the arms of the mysterious woman beside Thor...

His 'death' was only a few meters away.

Fenrir was in Valhll.

And he was looking Odin in the eye, daring the 'all father' to even blink...

And Odin didn't dare look away.

"What is the meaning of this Thor?!" Frigg shouted, she had recognized Mimir's killer.

Odin remained silent as he rose from his seat, still meeting Fenrir's gaze.

The hall was dead silent.

The music had stopped, and the guests now alternated their gaze between Odin and his son, the 'strongest Norse god'.

The cloaked figure, who was standing next to Thor, seemed to have gotten nervous and seemed to want to get back out of Valhll...

But as soon as it took the first step back, it was caught by a hand on the shoulder.

It was Thor.

"Don't worry I always keep my promises," Thor said softly and gave the figure's shoulder a comforting squeeze.

Thor then looked toward Frigg, who had questioned what he had done, and narrowed his eyes.

"Valhll is the hall of the gods... And, by the law of the guest, no harm will be done to the people who accompany me. They're under my protection... Anyone who has any complaints, talk to ME," Thor said firmly.

Frigg was silent.

There was nothing left to do Thor placed people under the 'law of the guest' in the hall of the gods.

"While the guest law has to be respected... ITS still ME who welcome guests from Valhll," said Odin, for the first time since seeing Fenrir.

Thor then took his gaze from his mother, Frigg, and turned to face Odin.

"If you have any complaints about whoever accompanies me, it better be for 'just cause'... After all, you don't want to be recognized as the bad host who unfairly expelled the guests, would you?" Thor asked.

Odin was silent and stared at Thor until he dropped the gaze.

"*sigh*... While I'm usually the one who receives guests in Valhll... For today, I'm not the host," said Odin in a tired tone.

Thor then understood who he must be facing.

And so, he turned his gaze to the person who would be the host for the day. The people in Valhll's salon followed Thor's gaze and looked at the most important person of the day in anticipation...


As soon as Balr understood the situation he rose from his chair and walked slowly towards Thor.

With each step Balr took, Fenrir's warning growl became more and more noticeable.

As soon as Balr was just a few steps away, Fenrir's growl reached the point where it was so loud that the entire hall of Valhll could hear it.

Balr then stopped just an arm's length from Thor and shifted his gaze between Thor and Fenrir.

Thor's response was to raise a hand, which silenced the growl almost immediately.

Balr was silent for a while, which served to make Valhll's guests more nervous It didn't help that Thor was the biggest man in the hall, both in height and strength.

Balr then decided to speak for the first time since Thor arrived.

And he spoke with a smile on his face.

"Good to see you again, big brother" said Balr.

Only then did Thor respond with a smile.

"Indeed, little brother.. Good to see you," said Thor.

Balr then embraced his brother Thor, but the embrace quickly ended.

"You will always be welcome brother... And that goes for all who accompany you!" said Balr, speaking the last part aloud.

The request was clear, the host let them stay... However...

"But before we go on with the celebrations... Could you introduce us to whoever accompany you, brother?" asked Balr in curiosity.

The figure that was covered by the cloak seemed to freeze... not knowing how to react.

Balr seemed to have sensed it and gave the figure a comforting smile.

"Don't worry... Nothing bad will come to you while I'm here, I'm sorry if I left you pressured to reveal yourself, I was just curious... My brother hardly ever comes with anyone... I just want to know who it is," said Balr, apologetically.

The figure seemed to have relaxed a little...but was still unsure, so glanced toward Thor.

"It's your choiceBut rememberNo matter what you decide, I won't let you be harmed," Thor said, looking at the hooded figure.

The figure seemed to have made up its mind after some thought... The hooded figure then handed Fenrir, who had been previously in its arms, into Thor's arms.

And then the 'cloak' that covered the mysterious figure 'collapsed into shadows' revealing a face well recognized by the gods and other races.

Before Balr could speak... He was interrupted by the surprised gasps of people in the hall...

And soon Valhll's salon was filled with not-so-welcoming whispers...

"What is 'she' doing here?".

"What is Prince Thor thinking?!"

"It's not enough to bring the 'god slayer', he brought the 'bad omen' too?! This is madness!".

"Balr will expel her won't he? He HAS to expel her!".

"I don't think Odin will let 'them' stay any longer... Soon we can get back to the festivities."

Every 'whisper' was heard loud and clear, and for every comment said... Hel heard each one, and her mood seemed to drop with each 'hit'.

It was then that a particular comment surfaced.

"I'm sure Balr will drive these two 'freaks' out of here, and lock them where they belong before throwing away the key."


A loud noise interrupted all of Valhll's whispers.

It was then that they looked at the origin... Or rather, THE ORIGINS.

It was Thor and, to everyone's surprise... Balr.

Both had 'stepped' the ground at the same time, so hard that it created cracks in Valhll's immaculate floor.

It was then that Balr spoke, not turning his face to the crowd.

"...It seems like some people already know you, but I don't...So I'd like you to introduce yourself properly...So...Could you do the honors, miss?" asked Balr.

While Balr asked the question; Thor looked out over the crowd and stared at them... What Thor was doing was clear.

He was challenging whoever makes the next comment.

Coincidentally... Fenrir began to imitate him and made a point of looking out over the crowd, growling low and mostly showing his fangs... The same fangs that killed Odin's advisor, Mimir decades ago.

One was known as the 'strongest Norse god' and the other was known as the 'God Slayer'... With these two 'watching', none of the crowd dared to say anything.

It was then that a voice whispered...

"III'm HelI'm Loki's daughter, who is the brother of un KING Odin by 'blood oath'AndI came here to wish Your congratulations, your grace," Hel said, whispering and bowing awkwardly.

But then Hel felt two hands and her shoulders... And when she looked confusedly towards Balr, she was startled by what she saw.

Balr... was smiling.

"Welcome Cousin," said Balr.

Hel didn't even notice that she had started to smile too.

- Timeskip: 5 minutes.

After Balr's 'not-so-warm welcome' ended... Thor and Fenrir did not leave Hel's side...

As soon as they were seated at a table... All the other occupants left.

The message was clear: 'While Balr may have allowed... We will not make your stay any easier.'

While Hel looked a little uncomfortable, Thor and Fenrir followed her to the table. So, on a 'long imperial table' of over 100 seats... There were only three 'occupied' seats.

Thor and Hel were seated next to each other and Fenrir was lying on the table devouring a piece of meat... And facing the main table that was Odin.

When Fenrir turned his head in the other direction, that's when Thor and Hel noticed someone approaching...

Actually... It was a small group of people.

"...Can we sit with you?" asked the group leader with a nervous smile.

It was Vidar, accompanied by Hrmod and Vali. The three brothers were trying to give their best smiles...

Thor did not respond and looked at Hel, who seemed to get the message.

"Feel free...But I'll suggest you sit a little farther away from Fenrir, or he'll think you're out to steal his food," Hel replied with a nervous smile.

Vidar was the first to be seated from a 'safe' distance... But Hrmod and Vali hesitated... Fenrir had turned away from the head table and was looking at them.

Hermod tried to make a joke to ease the tension... But he failed miserably.

"Yeah Good advice, I like having my hand you know? It helps me feed, get dressed And among other things, if you know what I mean," Hermod said, wiggling his eyebrows as he said the last part.

"Hrmod" said Thor in a warning tone.

"II don't get it," Hel said uncertainly.

Hermod was surprised by Hel's answer... And then he looked at Thor.

"... For real?" asked Hermod in disbelief.

Thor just shrugged.

"II feel like I should be angry," Hel said.

It was then that Vali commented.

"Hahahaha! Relax cousin, everyone can get annoyed because of Hrmod! He's the 'messenger god' who wants to be the 'comedy god', but it's easier for him to piss someone off with his horrible jokes," said Vali, mocking Hermod as he sat down at the table.

"Hmm... Is that so? So why don't you try making a joke?" asked Hermod as he sat down at the table.

"I am the 'god of rancor' and the 'personification of daylight'... I'm not a comedian at all..." said Vali, impassively.

"HmmI seeI seeSo don't talk about me like that if you can't do better. Besides, some people like my 'performance'... Your mother, for example " said Hrmod before being interrupted by Vali.

"You better not bring my mother into this..." said Val in a warning tone, looking at Hermod.

Hermod raised his arms in surrender, but he had a small smile.


The laugh that started at the table came from the least expected person... Hel.

Even Thor and Fenrir stopped eating and looked at Hel laughing heartily in front of strangers... That was definitely a good sign.

Thor smiled... before turning to look at Hermod.

"... No such jokes here... Got it?" Thor asked, narrowing his eyes.

Thor spoke with a smile... But that smile instead of welcoming... promised pain.

Hermod nodded nervously, not wanting to push his brother's patience.

And so, sgarr's most maladjusted 'family' began to eat comfortably while having fun. Hel, who has never felt such amusement, can't help but laugh at the antics of Hermod and Vali.

Until after a while... Someone else decided to join the little group, someone Fenrir and Thor noticed.

"Hmm...Can I join with you guys?" asked a voice.

It was Balr, with a smile.

Vidar looked confused.

"Balr?Aren't you supposed to be at the head table? You are the host of the day, you still need to receive guests there," Vidar said, confused.

"Ah... I don't think it's necessary... I can receive guests at this table very well. Also, I would like to meet the rest of the family members" said Balr looking at Fenrir and Hel.

Fenrir didn't seem to mind Balr's presence, because he was still devouring his food.

Hel lookedhopeful.

"Please, cousin, please feel free!... But You're the host so you don't need anyone's permission to sit... Did I just insult you?! Please I beg your pardon for" Hel said nervously.

Until got interrupted by invigorating laughter.


Balr had started to laugh and Thor was smiling playfully at the interaction between Hel and Balr.

When Balr stopped laughing, he began to speak.

"Thank you cousin, for allowing me to sit with you And no, I'm not insulted, so there's no need for apologies," said Balr, with a smile.

"Ohsure," said Hel.

And so, the conversation at the table of the children of Odin and Loki returned... until more people showed up.

"That voice... Who is it?" asked someone.

The table then stopped the conversation and looked towards one person.

The person who had spoken was a child who appeared not to be looking towards anyone, and he was accompanied by three other people...

One of the people was Sif, who was holding the child's hand as if she were guiding him.

Another woman, whom no one seemed to recognize, was holding two servings of food.

The last person was a man and, to Thor's dismay, was someone he knew...

"Hello, my friends!"

It was Frey.

Thor heaved a tired sigh and turned to Sif.

"... How?" Thor asked in a low voice.

What Thor meant was: How did he come with you?

Sif seemed to get the message, then gestured to the child. It was clear then to Thor...

Frey took advantage of his little brother joining the table and decided to go too.

"Prince Balr! Could we join you at the table?" Frey asked with a smile.

But... Balr did not reply.

He appeared to behypnotized.

When Thor realized that Balr would not speak because he was distracted by something, he resolved to respond.

"*sigh* Feel free to join us, Frey... And you too, after all, you're following my little brother," said Thor, looking at Sif and the unknown woman.

The child when he recognized Thor's voice said with a tone of happiness.

"Is that you Thor?" said the child with a small smile, raising his hand.

Thor smiled and softened his gaze.

"Yes, HrCome here," Thor said, reaching up and taking Hr's hand and pulling him, slowly, so that he could sit beside him, between him and Hel.

Both Hel and Fenrir stared at the child...but not in a hostile way.

Thor then turned to Frey, Sif, and her friend.

"You can sit down, but... Who's your friend Sif?" Thor asked, curious.

It seemed that Balr was curious too, as he paid attention to that question as well.

"Her name is Nanna and I met her today... But we got along really well" explained Sif smiling at her friend.

The woman, now identified as Nanna, smiled back.

"What can I sayI liked her personality," Nanna said, pointing to Sif.

Thor just shrugged and gestured for them to be seated. And so, the 'long imperial table' which was only occupied by 3 individuals, was now being occupied by another 7 people, totaling 10 seats taken... It was still a small number compared to the table's capacity, but the occupants didn't look like they care about the vacant seats, because they were engrossed in conversation at the table.

However... All this time, Balr was the only one who was silent... He was looking at Nanna...

- Timeskip: 10 minutes.

Pov. Third-person.

The party in Valhll has returned in full force after the unexpected arrival of some guests...

Some people stared at the table, which the children of Odin sat, with disapproving looks.

The people at the table of the children of Odin did not care for the looks as they were having fun in their own way.

"Let's go Balr! I bet all my savings on you! If you win I promise I will give some part!" cried Hrmod, as he cheered for his little brother.

At this point, Balr and Vidar were competing in an arm-wrestling match. There was always this uncertainty of who was the second strongest among the children of Odin...

The strongest son of Odin was undoubtedly Thor, who also held the title of 'strongest Norse god'. Odin's 'weaker' son would be Hr, but that was mainly due to his age...

After a while, Balr emerged victoriously.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry brother... But it looks like I came out victorious this time," said Balr, looking at Vidar.

"I must sayI am impressed Prince Balr. I never thought you were on the same level as Vidar, who is already famous among the Asgardians for his strength," Nanna said with a smile.

It was then that the children of Odin, who knew how Balr behaves, realized... Balr was... Shy?

"AhThank you, Miss Nanna, thanks for the compliment," said Balr.

It was at this point that Hr chose to speak.

"Bah! My brother Thor is much stronger! You must know about his adventures in Jotunheim!" said Hr.

But then Thor stopped eating and looked at Hr, and spoke in a warning tone.

"Hr... We've already talked about this. Don't be a sycophant... Remember what I said?" Thor asked, looking at Hr.

Hr looked embarrassed.

"Yes 'The sycophant is the one who wants something from you' I'm sorry," said Hr.

Thor placed his hand on Hr's head and ruffled his hair.

"As long as you learn I forgive you," Thor said.

Thor then looked at Balr and decided to comment.

"BalrI think this is a good time to deliver your gift," Thor said.

Thor then opened the storage space from his necklace and took out a small box, then handed it to Balr.

"Thank you brother" said Balr.

While Balr opened the small box, Thor looked at Hel and gestured toward Balr.

Hel understood what Thor wanted, so she summoned a shadow and pulled out a small glass bottle that had a Drakkar inside.

"I must say brother, you know me well!" said Balr with a smile on his face as he had two knuckles (English punch) in both hands.

"Hm Balr I also brought you a present I I hope you like it," Hel said, as he held out the glass bottle.

"Oh?... A Drakkar for decoration?" asked Vali, curious.

"HmmNo, when you get close to the sea, remove the cork and the miniature Drakkar will transform into a fully functional Drakkar" said Hel, remembering what Thor had told her during their trip to Asgarr.

Balr looked at the present and then Hel.

"Thank you for the present cousinThank you very much," said Balr, with a grateful smile.

Hel then smiled as if she'd done everything right and won a prize.

"Ah~... Why didn't you thank me like that when I gave you my gift?" asked Hermod.

Balr then looked at Hrmod impassively.

"You gave me a fish Hrmod... A trout to be exact..." said Balr.

Hermod shrugged.

"It was a big trout," Hermod replied.

"NoNo, It wasn't" said Balr.

The people at the table then started to laugh... But then Thor looked at Hr with a smile.

"You knowI was thinking about giving your present earlier," Thor said.

Hr then perked up.

"Really?! What is brother? Give it to me, please?!" asked Hr excitedly.

"Easy brother! First of all, I must knowHave you ever taken lessons from mother on how to mold your divine power?" Thor asked.

"Yes, she already taught me how to do that!" said Hr.

"Well then," said Thor.

Thor then made another portal from his necklace's storage and pulled out a piece of parchment with several runes written on it...

Balr, who had a talent for rune magic, identified some runes, such as blood bonding, vital energy, and guardian... But there were others runes that he didn't recognize.

"I'm just going to take some of your blood, okay? It's only going to hurt at first," said Thor.

Hr then nodded seriously and held out his hand towards Thor.

Thor then asked Sif for her sword, which she handed to Thor, and then Thor made a small cut on Hr's palm, from which some blood came out. And then, Thor used that blood to stain Hr's forehead.

As soon as Thor smeared blood on Hr's forehead, he then placed the piece of parchment on Hr's face.

The runes are written on the parchment then glowed and then disappear... When Thor removed the parchment from Hr's face, something was different.

Hr now had a single rune on his forehead, in the same spot that Thor had smeared with blood.

"Very wellNow, Hr, I want you to listen to me, focus your power exactly on the same spot I touched on your forehead, so you can 'unlock' your gift," said Thor.

Hr nodded and did that... only to be startled by the result.

"AH!" yelled Hr, nearly falling out of his chair.

But before Hr fell, Thor caught him.

"Calm down Hr, breathe calmly..." said Thor.

"Thor... What did you do?" asked Balr, worried.

But then, before Thor could respond A disbelieving voice spoke first.

"I... can... see?" said Hr.

The people at the table were surprised when Hr made such a statement.

"Is it serious?! Little brother, how many fingers do I have here?" said Hermod.

"Two?" said Hr confused.

Once again the table was surprised but confused... Because not only Hr got it right.

Hr got it right... without 'looking' at Hrmod.

It was then that everyone, except for Hr and Fenrir, looked at the only person who was smiling at the table...


" I'll explain," Thor said.


Well... That's it, folks!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Until next time, and don't forget to leave your comment!


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