Reborn as Thor!

Chapter 21: The Lone Wolf and the Abandoned Princess!

Chapter 21: The Lone Wolf and the Abandoned Princess!

Here is the new chapter!

*Any images in this chapter don't belong to me! It belongs to their respective artists/creators!

Without further ado, enjoy the chapter!


- Location: Lyngvi (future Helheim)/ ljnir (Hel's Palace).

Pov. Third-person.

ljnir was a stronghold located in the heart of the great island of Lyngvi, and the only stronghold in the land of the dead. But unlike other fortresses, ljnir was not exactly 'built'...

ljnir was 'created'.

'Created' from the will of a special person, who wanted only one thing...

A home to come back to.

Or better...

A home... that had someone to go back to...

Hel's childhood consisted only of the relationship she had with her older brothers, as her father had warned her and her siblings to stay hidden, as the world does not accept the 'stranger' and tends to hate what it does not understand. ..

Obviously, the five-year-old Hel didn't understand what that meant... She, like her siblings, just obeyed her father.

Until Odin appeared and welcomed them with open arms, calling them 'nephews'.

And so the three childs of Loki went to live in the realm of the Aesir, which was called sgardr (Asgard).

For a while, everything was perfect in Hel's vision... She had a big family that loved her and still had her brothers and father, all that was missing was her mother. But when Hel turned 10, Loki had said that her mother, Angrboa, could not see Hel or her brothers, due to certain events...

Fenrir didn't care because he didn't understand that sort of thing, and simply continued to play for sgardr.

Jrmundgander felt resentment towards Angrboa, because, for him, it seemed that she didn't want them.

Hel lamented for days... It took her a long time to get over this news.

Hel's new family helped her... Frigg was a good loving mother figure that Hel sought out and Odin and Loki always ensured that she smiled throughout the day...

Until one day... Odin 'changed'.

He became more distant from Hel and Jrmundgander... And he looked at Fenrir with apprehension.

The three Loki children didn't notice this change in attitude immediately... They just thought the 'fun' uncle was upset about something they did, Hel thought the 'uncle' had suffered one of Fenrir's pranks again, like if Fenrir had pissed in Odin's boots or something.

It only took a few weeks... But Hel's 'new' family slowly began to 'distance themselves' and it got to the point that only Loki, did not treat Hel and her brothers coldly...

And then, Jrmundgander was sent to live in Midgard by Odin. When Hel asked Loki 'the why' the answer was that her brother was growing too fast and soon no house could house him... Midgard would offer more 'space' for Jrmundgander to grow up.

Hel did not like being separated from her brother for such a reason... But she had to accept it, as even Loki supported Odin's decision.

And Hel has always trusted her father.

And then Hel's powers manifested... The ability to 'see' and 'control' souls was the first thing Hel discovered she could do...

For Hel, it was as if her eyes saw a 'new world' with new colors... At the age of twelve, Hel had found her 'happy place' in a world she considered 'fun'.

Until Odin noticed Hel's talent... And he didn't take the news very well.

No one should have the ability to 'see' and 'touch' souls... In Odin's view, it was a total disregard for the 'cycle of life' of the souls.

But Odin still knew it was a unique ability... Just a few beings had that ability.

And whoever had this ability was associated with only one thing...


And so, Hel was recognized as the 'personification' of death.

Odin then proceeded to send Hel for a single task.

Rule the unworthy dead.

Hel received the news positively... Because she thought that if she had an important 'job' and do well, she would have her lovely family back.

And so, at the age of nearly thirteen, Hel was sent to the land of the dead...

For some people, the realm of the dead was the worst place in the great kingdom of sgardr... But for Hel, as soon as she stepped into the land of the dead it was like... A 'part' of her returned.

She felt complete.

And more powerful than ever.

Just at the age of thirteen, she created the palace of ljnir and ruled over the dead for years.

Loki and Fenrir visited her frequently.

Until Fenrir was arrested.

And Loki's visits became less frequent... Until they stopped altogether.

Hel, however, still had hope that one day her family would visit her again and show them her success in her task, ruling the land of the dead... So she remained waiting in anticipation for someone.

And waited... And waited...

And so, for years Hel remained alone. For company she rescued a few souls here and there to become her new 'friends' to pass the time, but... It wasn't the same thing.

And only a few souls who still had some conscience could talk, but they all behaved similarly... Everyone avoided socializing with Hel...

Because the souls were still afraid.

After all, no one would be comfortable when someone has their 'soul' in the palm of their hand.

So the souls, who still had some conscience, acted respectfully towards Hel but never sought to socialize... And so, the souls Hel rescued to be her 'friends' became 'servants'.

It had been more than half a century since she had received no visits from anyone... And Hel had given up waiting and thought that she would be alone and be forgotten...

Until Thor appeared.

When Thor introduced himself as Odin's son, Hel had never been happier in years. Because she, in a way, got what she wanted... Which was someone from the family came to visit her.

As much as it wasn't Thor's intention... He gave Hel a wonderful gift.

She hasn't been forgotten.

But then Thor had to leave...

And now, in ljnir, in the dining room fit for royalty, the 'queen of the dead' sat at a 'long imperial table' preparing for dinner.

Hel was sitting at the end of the table with her fork and knife in her hands.

It was then that plates, held by 'spheres of green color', were appearing and being placed on the table, the plates seemed to be floating.

Hel just smiled.

"Hmm... What do we have today? Ah! *Fisk stuvad i ol!" said Hel in delight (N/a - something like: *fish in beer).

Hel then enjoyed the smell of the food more before continuing to speak with a smile.

"Smells greatI must expect the same taste as alwaysBut I must give my compliments to the cook! I guarantee you it must be pretty good " Hel stopped talking quickly when she remembered something

And she took her eyes off her plate and looked at the table...

The 'long imperial table' had a total of 100 places for people to sit; all the places had plates and cutlery... But there was no one seated.

There was nobody Except for Hel herself.

She was having dinner alone.

Like always.

Hel then stopped smiling.

"*sigh* I did it again huh..." said Hel, reflecting.

Hel had enjoyed her cousin's visit, even if it had been brief... She just wished he'd stayed for dinner and tasted some mortal cuisine, just like her, and had a little chat.

" 'Famine' I lost my appetite," said Hel.

And, oddly enough, the plates and cutlery responded... Because they gave off a green glow and began to float towards the exit of the banquet hall.

The green flames from the candelabra on the table went out at the same time.

Hel then looked at the knife in her right hand... the only 'cutlery' that remained on the table.

" 'Starvation' May come out too" said Hel, dropping the knife from her hand.

The knife, like the other cutlery, began to float. But unlike the others that gave off a green glow when they floated, the knife that was called 'starvation' gave off a 'dark' glow... As if a shadow were enveloping the 'mere' knife.

The knife then floated slowly, but not to the same path the others followed... The knife was heading elsewhere.

Hel still sat at the table.

"*sigh* Well... Maybe tomorrow someone will show up too? Yes! Remember Hel, stay positive! Besides, my cousin invited me to go to his house whenever I wants... In Midgard... Will dad be upset if I leave Lyngvi for a while?" asked Hel worriedly.

*Knock Knock*

But Hel's thoughts were interrupted by a noise at the Door?

*Knock Knock*

Hel was startled and froze into silence... for her, it was like she had heard something she hadn't heard for a long time.

*Knock Knock Knock*

Hel jumped up from her chair and looked toward the source of the noise... It was the doors to the banquet hall in which she found herself.

This noise was coming from the door... Meaning that 'someone' was on the other side knocking on the door.

When Hel realized the meaning of the knocking, she began to smile excitedly.

" I've waited for so long to say it again" Hel whispered to herself.

Hel then sat back down and uttered words that had not been spoken by her for a long time.

"... You may come in!" Hel said out loud.

As soon as Hel answered... The door opened.

"Hello, cousin! Sorry if it's an inopportune time!" said a voice.

Hel was excited...but confused.

"... Cousin?" said Hel, not understanding.

After all, it's not every day that someone visits ljnir... Twice in the same day.

Not even her father.

"Yes... Maybe I should have warned your servants... But Ganglati and Ganglot don't move fast... So I just asked where you would be and they gave me instructions about you having dinner, so... I don't want to sound very intrusive... But is there any space in the banquet for more hungry mouths?" said Thor, scratching the back of his neck with a nervous smile.

Hel just got even more confused...

"Mouths? In plural?" asked Hel in surprise.

It was then that Hel noticed something small walking slowly to a stop beside Thor.

It was small and a little different But Hel recognized those eyes anywhere.

"... Fenrir?" Hel asked uncertainly.

Fenrir seemed to react to his name being called, because he has gotten prick ears and tilted his head a little to the side Until he began to growl softly in a warning.

But Thor soon interrupted Fenrir.

"Hey! Answer your little sister in a proper wayOr if not, no Arancini when we get home," Thor said with a tone of sternness.

Fenrir stopped growling and looked at Thor... He then lowered his ears in defeat and looked away... And began to whimper in response.

For Hel, who lived with Fenrir during her childhood, it was just Fenrir's way of apologizing.

Thor, while facing Fenrir, did not notice that someone had quickly crossed the banquet hall.

"You rude hungry wolf, at least look the person in the eye when you apologize- *Huff*," said Thor, until interrupted...

By a hug from Hel.

" Thanks for bringing him," Hel said, smiling.

Hel then pulled out of the embrace and looked at Thor, still smiling radiantly.

"You are always welcome here! Sit down, and make yourself comfortable," Hel said as she gestured toward the table.

Both Thor and Fenrir walked towards the table and walked respectively to the left and right of the seat at the end of the table... where Hel's seat was.

Hel then sat at the head of the table, being followed shortly thereafter by Thor on her left and Fenrir on her right; Fenrir had to climb onto the table because of his size.

It was then that Hel clapped her hands twice.

"'Famine'! Please bring one Ahem Bring THREE specials of the day, please," Hel said the last part in delight

Since Thor's return, Hel hadn't stopped smiling for a single moment.

The 'long imperial table' soon lit the candelabra on the table with a green flame, and 3 plates with the *Fisk stuvad i l floated towards the table and landed perfectly.

Fenrir wasted no time and started devouring his food.

Thor just stared at his plate.

When Hel realizes this, she was a little worried... Did she do something wrong? She soon lost her radiant smile quickly.

Hel then began to speak nervously.

" You You don't like it? Is it the fish? You don't like trout? Can I order another dish?! Ah! It's better for you to tell me what do you like, and then I'll tell to my cooks" Hel was then interrupted by Thor.

"Wow! Easy! Calm down... It's nothing like that. I was just... surprised? It's just that I've never seen this dish and I don't recognize this cuisine, so I'm not sure what is it" Thor explained.

It was then that Hel understood It wasn't because Thor didn't like the dish, he just didn't know what it was.

This seemed to calm Hel.

So Thor made a little comment...

"But it smells quite good," said Thor.

Thor then proceeded to cut a piece of trout and ate it calmly, very different from Fenrir who had already finished his plate and was licking what was left... Until a second dish landed in front of him.

Fenrir's eyes gleamed before starting to devour the second dish.

As Thor savored the food, Hel stared at him nervously, waiting for some response as she ate her own food.

"*Hmm*... Not only does it smell good, but it's also delicious! My compliments to the cook!" said Thor smiling and cutting another piece.

When Thor said the last part Hel froze.

"Yes I agree with you..." said Hel in a weak tone.

Thor, noticing Hel's lack of voice, looked toward her.

It was then that Thor saw that Hel had a big smile on her face...but she was also shedding tears.

"... Huh?! Hey, did I say something wrong? Why are you crying out of nowhere?!" Thor asked quickly, dropping his silverware and rising from the table.

Thor then wiped the tears from Hel's face with the sleeves of his coat.

Fenrir had also stopped eating when he noticed Thor's movement, he looked towards Hel and tilt his head to the side in confusion... Fenrir seemed to 'sense' Hel's mood.

As soon as Thor finished wiping Hel's tears, he returned to his seat, but he didn't take his eyes off Hel.

Hel, however, kept smiling. But at least the tears had stopped...

As soon as Thor sat down, he intended to ask if Hel was all right.

But Hel, however, began to speak first.

"Let's get back to eating! I guarantee it's delicious! Don't worry; there will always be food on the table so you can dig until your stomach is full! While we eat cousin... Why don't you tell me how sgardr (Asgard) is doing? Ah! You said you live in Midgard, right? Tell me about Midgard first! How it is? Or rather, when I come to visit you, could you show me Midgard, please?" Hel spoke animatedly.


Well... That's it, folks!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Until next time, and don't forget to leave your comment!

The next chapter will likely be published on Tuesday or Wednesday!

Author's Notes (Subtitles):

- sgardr = Asgard.

- ljnir = Hel's Palace.

- Fisk stuvad i l = Translated, it means something like: fish in beer; and, I think, the traditional fish used for preparation is a trout.

- 'Famine' = According to myths, it is Hel's 'table'. Or in this case, the 'long imperial table' of 100 seats.

- 'Starvation' = According to myths, it is Hel's 'knife', and I will make the knife a special weapon.


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