Reborn as Thor!

Chapter 2: Let the game of life begin!

Chapter 2: Let the game of life begin!


"AAAAHHHH!!! Damn you copy of Stan Lee!!!" I yelled through my fall, towards the pile of shit that was the DxD universe.

Honestly, I would prefer to be reborn in any other universe I had seen, unfortunately, I didn't completely watch highschool DxD, I only watched the first season... And due to not liking it I ended up forgetting some things. So I just remember the basics like:

- Sacred gears.

- Satoshi/Ash Ketchum adult in teenage clothes treating familiars like pokemon.

- factions/supernatural politics.

- flaming chickens/AKA phoenix.

- Breasts-powered protagonist with sacred gear capable of killing a god.

- Powerful characters capable of snapping their fingers like Thanos without needing the INFINITE GEM!!! = completely unbalanced characters.

Conclusion... I'm fucked.

I didn't like the anime for several reasons, how ridiculous, it was one of them... After all, the protagonist's first words made me a little afraid, I still remember the words that idiot spoke for the first time:

'Ah! I want to squeeze some boobs'

How easy he was to be manipulated wasn't very surprising, who the hell would accept being the boyfriend of someone he's never met or even had contact with and who claimed she watched him from afar, any sane person would call her a stalker or a mentally unbalanced person... But what did the protagonist do?

He accepted the invitation because she had big tits.

I'm rambling again... Where was I?

Oh, right...

I was falling.

"AAAAAAAHHHH!!!" I screamed again.

A noise behind me caught my attention, I turned and saw lightning coming towards me.

"... Did the old man change his mind?" I said, with a tone of hope "Get me out of this shit hole old man!" I said, opening my arms waiting for the lightning to hit me and take me anywhere, I was ready to embrace my destruction.

When lightning was about to hit me, I closed my eyes and waited.

I waited...

And waited...

And I kept waiting...

"... What the hell..." I said, opening my eyes I saw that I was still falling into this weird tunnel.

[...What the fuck?... Why am I feeling like a Hogwarts letter... You know what, fuck it] I thought looking at a small letter in front of me

I picked it up and opened it, the letter jumped out of my hand and started to fold into something like a mouth.

"Greetings again my son! Due to the answers, you gave me, and the entertainment you will provide me. I'll help you one last time regarding your reincarnation, the character I chose for you to reincarnate was:

*The God of Thunder Thor

From a different universe of course!!! A little tip: train as if your life depended on it because it does!!! While you will be reincarnated as a God you will not be invincible, it will depend on you becoming strong! Your last gift will be given to you when you are ready to hold it, keep an eye out for a red star!" spoke the letter.

So I will reincarnate as a God... Shit, the old man is forcing me to participate in the supernatural... And I was wanting to be reborn as a mere mortal without sacred gear and live far away from Japan... Canada would be my first choice.

My train of thought was interrupted by the letter that continued to... Talk?

"Ps: If you're strong enough you'll have a true form when you get your gift from the red star!

We never introduce ourselves, let me tell you who I am as this is the last time you will receive messages from me... While saying my name is impossible in the language of any reality, I will refer to myself as the one who is above all.

Good luck! And enjoy your new life! (Stan Lee's chibi waving)

The one who is above all.

One... Above all?!


"HOLY SHI-!!!" I started screaming until interrupted by a flash of light.


Pov. Frigg

I was waiting for my perverted husband to return from his meeting with the leaders of the Pantheons, he brought disturbing news last time... The leader of the Greek Pantheon Uranus was murdered by his own youngest son Chronos... I'm afraid of what might happen to my friend Rhea, as she was forced to marry that monster... The old laws prevented me from helping her directly, as no pantheon should interfere in the affairs of another pantheon... I honestly think this law absurd, but I can't do anything since Amon-R and Shiva themselves established this law, I can even visit other pantheons, but I can't help them in case of problems...

I hear the door open, and I turn to look at my husband Odin who has just arrived, he is holding a... Baby?!

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID IT AGAIN TO ME ODIN!!!" I yelled addressing him.

"My love! Please wait!" said Odin nervously.

I didn't wait for an explanation and started hitting him... After all, another child outside of our marriage? He already had Vidar and Vli with two giants, and they're not even 2 years old! Out his other son, with a mortal, Hermod who is only 1 year!

"Frigg Ouch! - Please Ouch! - let me explain!" Odin tried to say.

I stopped but still had my hand up.

"WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE?!" I yelled.

" You seeI had returned from meeting with the leaders of the other pantheons as well as the new leader of the GreeksI went towards the temple of Fjorgyn seeking clarity on my thoughts, until lightning struck the altar and then I saw that a small cocoon made of crystal appeared in the place that the lightning hit the altar, when I got closer I noticed this child inside the cocoon, as soon as I touched the cocoon it started to glow and soon fell apart, the baby has been sleeping since I took it out of the temple, you can see how different he is with those golden veins that protrude from his skin." Said Odin pointed to the child.

I looked and noticed that he was right, there were some kinds of veins in the child's body, there were few but I've never seen anything like that... But I noticed that he had a little of my husband's power, was it the 'cocoon' that assimilated his power?... Anyway...

"He has some of your divine power... So he's still your son," I said with finality, looking at the child in Odin's arms.

"Yes" said Odin.

"... I'll give him his name," I said taking the baby from Odin's arms.

"...?... But-" Odin started to speak, but I soon cut him off.

"I WILL give his name!," I said again facing Odin.

"Yes ma'am," said Odin.

I looked at the child sleeping in my arms, I can feel he will be different, call it maternal instincts or whatever... He will do the impossible.

After a while, I decided on his name.

"... You will be... Thor" I said smiling at the child, who started to wake up.

A pair of golden eyes with black sclera's stares at me curiously, at first glance they looked intimidating... But it has its own beauty.

"Hello, little one... I'm your mother Frigg" I said smiling.

"" the baby said nothing and continued to stare at me.

"Hello my son!" said Odin, approaching the child and coming into his line of sight.

"I'm your father Odin! And I promise to teach you the secrets of life when you're older!... By starting with women's breasts!" said Odin with one of his perverted smiles looking at the child.

My husband's smile got a reaction from the child...

"BUAAAHHHH!!!" cried little Thor, as he swung his little arms and legs.

"See what you've done!" I said to Odin, as I tried to calm down Thor.

"What did I do?" questioned Odin in disbelief.

"You scared him with those stupid smiles! Get out of here, you've done enough!" I replied.

"... Yes ma'am..." said Odin leaving the room with his head down.

Pov MC/Thor (I will start referring to the MC as Thor from now on)

After the flash of light, I blacked out... Just started to wake up due to the voices, I opened my eyes and saw the face of a very beautiful woman.

"Hello, little one... I'm your mother Frigg" she said smiling.

Frigg? I wasn't very studious about mythology when I was alive, but in the Marvel movies, it was Thor's mother's name, right?... Now, where's the all-father? My father, the one who sacrificed an eye for knowledge! The wisest of all Norse gods!!!

"Hello my son!" said an old man's voice.

It's him! It can only be him!

I looked toward the voice and saw an elderly man with long, gray hair, and a matching beard. He wears a gold and white monocle over his left eye, without the addition of the chain.

There is no doubt!

Present to me your vast wisdom father!

"I'm your father Odin! And I promise to teach you the secrets of life when you're older! " he started to say.

What wise words! I can't wait for what will teach me

" Starting with women's breasts!" finished saying with a smile.

...The fuck?... Wait...

This smile...

I've seen this smile before...

In the fucking protagonist.

Does that mean... ?!... No... Stan Lee... You must be laughing now aren't you bastard...

That's when I realized that perverted Odin was still smiling at me.

[Wipe that smile off your face perverted bastard! Get the hell out of my face!] I thought.

It was then that reality fell... I will live and fight for this man... I will put up with his perverted and childish comments... For the rest of my life as a Norse God.

I did the most mature thing possible anyone would do in my situation.

I cried.




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If you liked it so far, keep following it, I don't intend to drop any of my fics; forgive me if it takes time to get the chapter update, I only write when I have time, like this weekend for example.

Regarding grammatical errors... sorry... _()_/


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