Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 151 Making Love To You (III).

Chapter 70: Making Love to You (III).

Kein's POV

"A spoiled princess I want to bring back home." I held her waist and then her chin, learning up for another tender kiss.

I'll be the one devouring her this time, "Why don't your personal knight be the one ravishing you tonight, spoiled princess?"

I told Rose  that I would bring her to my home to give what she's been craving. Her eyes widened in surprise, her hands pressed to my chest and held my blouse tightly.

The fireworks show was over, there wasn't any more noise. So I could hear her next words more clearly, "D-Devour me?" (Rose)

Her silver eyes and cheeks became of a rosy red color under the light of the orbs. I felt a little conscious of my words now, "Are you blushing- weren't you planning to do the same thing to me back there-"

"I-I'm sorry it's just-" she fixes herself, Rose bites her lip for a moment and I couldn't stop staring at them wanting to kiss it.

"Kein-" (Rose) mutters out, then afterwards comes the look of guilt. "I mean Maeve... Apologies for still getting used to it." (Rose) stops for a bit calling me out by Kein's name but instead of getting mad I just nodded and told her that it was alright. I just told her a few hours ago, I'm not expecting her to get used to the sudden new information. "Don't worry, you can slowly get used to my name. I would actually like to have my name called when it's just the two of us."

Rose smiles faintly before getting back to the matter at hand. "Will it be alright with your father with me being back at his estate?"

Father at this time should be either asleep or cooped up asleep in his master's bedroom. Alfred on the other hand would likely be cleaning up the kitchen or some other part of the estate, some maids should also be doing their nightly routines.

Bringing a guest back with me into the estate would surely raise everyone's alarms and curiosity. However I am one hundred percent sure that my family would want me to be happy.

"Not to worry, father would understand what I'm doing is for the better!"

"I sincerely… doubt that."

Late at night, disheveled and feeling rather hot. First I packed up my sleeping mat into my [Storage Ring], going down the hill taking a once over look at the color changing tree, the wind blowing to our direction.

Rose held on putting her red scarf back into her head wrapping it all around herself, not realizing the state we were in.

My dark jacket was with her as well, to protect her from the cold she had on her.

We went back into the side of the city to rent a carriage going back home to my estate. It was no brainer for anyone who saw us while I rented a carriage, the state of our clothes mix-matched and hair being all messy.

Something was suspicious.

The coachman who was leisurely minding his own business took notice of our presence.

"Oh... fine evening to you both." He tips his hat over to us, and holds the leash of his horses. He noticed our current state and pointed it out, "Did you two go for a run? Quite a lot of grass under your pants there little miss, even your tie is crooked."

I looked at where he pointed and realized he was right. I tried to straighten the crooked part of my clothes and even my tie, "Thank you for pointing it out, air."

"We're here to have a ride, back home to the Hills estate."

"Not very far then, ladies. Please, hop on, we'll be there in a few minutes with my horses pulling the carriage." The coachman comes down to the front side of the carriage and opens the door for us.

I thanked the coachman but before getting up first inside, I made sure to extend my hand first to the crown princess and helped her up the carriage. "Be careful, it might be a little slippery there milady."

She puts her foot inside and grabs my offered hands in hers. "If I ever slip down, I'm sure you'll be there to catch me with your strong arms."

"I'm sure you'd love that."

We came into the carriage together, hearing the coachman whip his horses.The wheels moved, the carriage driving into the direction of my home estate.

I had to endure a whole few minutes of waiting, being so behaved inside the carriage trying not to pounce on Rose to continue where we left off.

For now, the only thing that kept me sane was her hand over mine. The touch was enough to… almost completely satisfy me.

Thankfully, it was quick we could already see several postal light ways powered by mana right outside meaning the estate was close.

"Here you are, ladies. Homes of Baron Hills."

"Thank you, good sir."

We exited outside the carriage, I offered my hands once more and Rose took it, going down into the ground to walk. He stared at the renovated estate, I had some minor adjustments requests when Rose left.

The last time that I recall Rose visiting, was the time she asked me to teach her to make sinigang- or at least using this world's ingredients we made.

"The fare, young lady."

"Ah yes, the fare." I paid the coachman with a few gold coins that I had leftover from my pocket and his eyes shined brightly looking at them. After he counted that all the gold for the fare was right he tipped his hat over to us before leaving.

There were several guards on standby when we walked more closely into the gates, with swords at the ready grabbing it by the hilt. I could see their eyes squinting under the dim light.

"Halt! Who goes there!"

Someone who wants to go to her private office just to have sex- ahem. Someone who just wants to go back to her own house, thank you.

"It's me, at ease."

The guards saw our figure and their hold onto the hilt of the sword was lowered. "Commander- welcome home." The guards saluted in my direction and I nodded. Due to being someone of a higher rank than them, I don't need to salute back.

"Thanks for the greeting," I tell the two guards who put down their hand placing it into their sides.

"As you can see I will be having a guest with me today." I turned to Rose, and soon the guards were following to see the beautiful figure that was right beside me.

The two guard's bodies stiffened when they realized that my jacket was with Rose's.

"I would be hoping if the other servants would be informed to not disturb us, anyone for that matter." I walked past them with Rose in tow, I was holding her hand the whole time and I believe that these two have gotten the message of what I'm going to do.

My reputation for being a womanizer has also reached the estate after all.

"Yes, commander!"

"Alright then."

I made my way inside my estate, I took a quick glance back at the two guards who were already gossiping amongst themselves but soon after that I suppose only one was left to deal with the post because the other one came running towards the servant's dorms.

"I wasn't aware that you had a different tone when it comes to having your commander title in effect, it's very commanding." (Rose) commented on the tone that I use when I'm talking to soldiers below my rank and I chuckled.

"Did you like that tone when I use it?" I asked her, thinking of how funny it would be if she wanted that kind of tone in bed. I'm not a commanding person personally because I only do it due to the fact of my strict job. "I'm actually really strict when it comes to that voice."

We were in front of the doors of the estate, I opened it making a little squeaky noise seeing the halls empty. I breathed out a sigh of relief.

Alfred, Father and Vivienne were nowhere in sight.

"Coast is clear, you can now enter Rose." I moved aside to let her enter. She holds the jacket more closely to her body looking around the dozens of paintings displayed upon the wall.

There were empty armor stands by the side as well as empty cases of display with no glass covering them. I remember the reason why they were removed was due to Vivienne's safety around the house.

My heart would not take well if she got hurt playing around near them.

Rose grabs my arm and pulls me roughly to gain my attention. "For the record though, going back to our conversation from before Kei- I mean Maeve- I wouldn't mind you using that kind of tone later when you… 'Devour me'."

"That is if your pride can handle doing it." Her fingers slid down into my neck, taking me off guard making me shiver for a bit but… I was excited about where this was going.

Rose takes a quick peck at my neck going through the hickeys she gave me and whispers, "How about you do what you said and drag me into your office already?"

Let round two commence, ladies and gentlemen. I'll be devouring this princess like there's no tomorrow.


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