Reborn as a Transcendent

Chapter 585: I Really Want To See You

Chapter 585: I Really Want To See You

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"Halt! This is private property! No trespassers allowed!" As soon as she appeared, a man dressed as a security guard popped out of a nearby window, shouting at her.

‘There are almost thirty people watching me, all with strong auras… martial artists. Seems like Rakshasa's home is heavily guarded.' Yaeger ignored him, instead focusing on the powerful presences around her as she stayed alert.

"I said leave! Are you deaf?" The guard emerged from the security room, pointing at her with one hand while the other hovered over the panic button on his belt.

This wasn't just any guard—he was a special patrol officer assigned to protect Rakshasa. Seeing someone suspicious, he had to proceed with extreme caution.

But the moment he got a good look at her, his entire body trembled, and his face turned pale as though he'd seen a ghost.

"Pr-Princess…" he stammered, visibly shaken.

"Yes, it's me," Yaeger replied calmly.

She appeared completely unfazed by his earlier disrespect.

"P-Princess, I’m sorry! I didn’t know it was you. Please forgive me!" the patrol officer stammered, bowing his head in fear. He was genuinely terrified.

Anyone who knew anything understood that the [Princess] standing before him was a Pinnacle Master. If she wanted to, she could squash him like an insect!

"You recognize me?" Yaeger smiled, amused by his obvious fear.

In truth, she didn’t care about his earlier actions. After all, he and the others surrounding her were only doing their job: protecting Rakshasa; there was no reason to blame them.

Of course, if their objective wasn't to protect Rakshasa, Yaeger wouldn’t have let them off so easily.

"Yes, absolutely!" the officer replied, his voice shaking.

"Good," Yaeger nodded, wasting no time. "I’m here to see Rakshasa."

At her words, the officer's expression shifted, clearly conflicted.

"Is there a problem?" Yaeger asked, noticing his hesitation.

She had originally intended to sneak in quietly, but after sensing the area, she abandoned that plan.

‘It’s easy enough to avoid these guards, but with all these cameras and sensors… how many could I really dodge?' she thought.

The level of security here was far beyond what Yaeger had expected. Infiltration failure didn’t matter. What concerned her was that she might disrupt Rakshasa’s quiet life.

"I need to check with my superiors," the officer replied uneasily. He felt as if he were standing in front of a wild beast that could tear his head off at any moment.

"Hurry up," Yaeger said, her tone laced with mild irritation.

"Yes, right away!" The officer quickly stepped aside to make the call.

Suddenly, Yaeger's expression darkened. She extended her hand, and several small stones from the ground shot away like lightning.

Suddenly, several screams echoed in the air.

"Don’t aim your guns at me," Yaeger said calmly, retracting her hand without concern.

The patrol officer broke out in a cold sweat, fear gripping him instantly.

He hadn't seen what just happened, but judging by the screams and the commotion around them, he quickly realized that those hidden guards had been knocked out by Princess.

Yet, she hadn’t moved from where she stood! It was terrifying. Was this the true might of a Pinnacle Master?

Unbeknownst to him, Yaeger had long surpassed the level of a Master—she had ascended to the Grandmaster Realm.

Beep Beep!

Just then, a message came through his communicator. As he read the message, the tension and fear in his heart began to subside.

"Princess, the boss says you can go up," the officer announced, visibly relieved.

"Alright." Yaeger nodded, lightly tapping her toes on the ground before vanishing, reappearing inside the apartment complex in the blink of an eye.

"Ah, my poor heart!" The patrol officer clutched his chest, trying to calm himself down.

How could his heart remain calm after encountering such a terrifying force, one that could end him in an instant?

"Now that I think about it, why did the boss let her in so easily?" After managing to steady his nerves, the officer murmured in confusion.

Inside one of the luxury apartment's spacious rooms… A middle-aged man, dressed in white pajamas, set down his phone with a heavy sigh.

"What on earth is this Princess up to now?" he muttered, sighing once more.

If Rakshasa were here, she would immediately recognize him. He was none other than her beloved neighbor and uncle. On the day Princess first revealed herself, it was this man and his daughter who had accompanied Rakshasa outside the city.

"I really hope you don’t cause me any trouble," he groaned, massaging his forehead as he sighed again.

If he hadn’t known beforehand that Rakshasa and Princess were close in the game, he would never have allowed her entry under any circumstances. But even if they had tried to stop her, Yaeger would have gotten in without breaking a sweat.

And that was because…

"She’s ranked first on the Prodigy List, and deservedly so. Even if we all banded together, we wouldn’t stand a chance." The man chuckled bitterly to himself.

His information network in both the capital and Roc City had told him that [Princess] had humiliated several top prodigies not too long ago. No ordinary person would dare to provoke someone so terrifying!

Furthermore, she had beaten those prodigies to a pulp without suffering a scratch. It was shocking, to say the least. She had to have an unimaginably powerful background.

Could he afford to make an enemy of someone like her—someone with such immense power and influence?

Ding Dong!

Yaeger pressed the doorbell, then quickly realized her mistake—Rakshasa was deaf. "Well, that was pointless," she muttered with a chuckle. Shaking her head, she took out her phone and sent a message instead.

Meanwhile, inside the house… Rakshasa had just stepped out of the shower when she noticed her phone’s screen lighting up. ‘A message? Who could it be this late?’ she wondered. Drying her damp hair with a towel, she casually glanced at the glowing screen but didn’t rush to check it.

Once her hair was mostly dry, she threw the towel aside and finally picked up her phone. The screen lit up with a message:

Open the door, water meter inspection!

‘What the…?’ Rakshasa’s eyebrows shot up. ‘Water meter inspection at midnight? What kind of prank is this?’

Annoyed, Rakshasa glanced at the sender. Her frustration instantly melted away, replaced by delight. ‘Princess! Pulling pranks this late? How annoying!’

Just as her heart swelled with joy, another message appeared:

Open the door. I can taste the colors of the wind outside.

Rakshasa furrowed her brow in confusion. ‘Open the door? What door?’ She blinked, unsure what Princess meant.

Beep Beep! Her phone vibrated once more. Curiosity getting the better of her, Rakshasa checked the new message:

I’m in front of your house. Open the door.

Boom! The message hit her like a lightning bolt. ‘Princess… at my door? Is this real?’ Rakshasa’s mind went blank, stunned by the revelation.

Her hand trembled as she clutched the phone. The very person she dreamed of meeting every day was now… at her doorstep? It was too surreal. Could this be a dream? Rakshasa couldn’t wrap her mind around it.

Beep Beep! Her phone buzzed again.

‘Please don’t let this be a dream!’ She quickly opened the new message:

Are you asleep? If so, I’ll just go.

‘I’m not sleeping!’ Rakshasa's heart raced. It wasn’t a dream. Princess was really here, standing right outside her door!

Overwhelmed with excitement, she dashed out of her room, rushing toward the main entrance. In a fluster, she threw the door open. The door swung wide, revealing a dazzling figure standing in the doorway.

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