Reborn As a System

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

Helli & Kleep

Shi Qing had a lot of built up anger to begin with, so he was instantly sent into a rage by Qin Mos words.

Damn it! If hes not gonna help out, fine, but can he not add oil to the fire too?!

So, he turned around and stared hard at his brother.

His brother was watching him with his imposing black eyes, which caused Shi Qing to quickly soften his hard gaze, and, after calling him brother, his brothers eyes turned a bit less scary. With a quick hum in response, he turned away.

At that moment, it wasnt a good time to try to appease him. Shi Qing knew himself that it was likely that Ye Xins behavior must have incurred Qin Mos wrath.

To tell the truth, he was very angry as well.

However, since he had Ye Qings memories, there was more he had to consider.

Since this world wasnt fair to Omegas, he could feel Ye Xins despair even more deeply.

The old Patriarch Ye liked to pamper his kids, but he still never asked for Ye Xins opinion when he decided his marriage affairs. He only found the best match for himself that would gain him the most benefits. Then, he only told Ye Xin after he and his old comrade already settled the matter in private.

Meanwhile on Ye Xins side, he tried so hard all that time to act like a good and obedient child since he knew that the old man wouldnt agree to Lin Su. He figured that maybe his father would have a better time accepting it if he confessed that he liked Lin Su after showing that he was such a sensible child.

Unfortunately, who would have expected everything to backfire? Old Patriarch Ye saw how good and sensible his son Ye Xin was, so he put even more effort into picking out a son-in-law.

When he told Ye Xin, Ye Xin blew up.

Fortunately, Ye Xin knew that old Patriarch Yes body wasnt up to par from the old days, so he didnt blow his fuse on the spot. Instead, he endured it for a long time before he left, running off to Ye Qings room in the middle of the night and began panicking like crazy.

Omegas and Alphas could be very different. As long as an Alpha had the power to, he could have many Omegas in his lifetime, but an Omega could only have one Alpha. As long as they were marked, that would be it for the rest of their lives, they would be marked by that Alphas smell forever. Even if he was abandoned, tossed aside, or thrown away, hed still be marked and belong to the Alpha who marked him until his death.

Ye Xin knew that the Alpha old Patriarch Ye found for him definitely wouldnt have a bad character. If he didnt have anyone in his heart, it wouldnt be too bad to slowly get used to married life after their wedding.

Yet that was no longer possible. He had someone he liked, he liked Lin Su, and he was still unable to put those feelings down after all these years. If he couldnt let go, then hed just have to keep holding onto it, but it would be an insult to an Alpha to marry him in such a state.

Alphas were naturally prideful. If he knew that Ye Xin had another man in his heart, hed slowly change, even if he was good to him at first. Ye Xin knew his own temper as well. He was never one to curry favor with anyone, so theyd definitely hit a deadend if they ended up arguing.

Not only would the rest of Ye Xins life be completely ruined, it would even affect the Ye familys long-standing friendship with the Gu family.

If that really happened and the two families ended up at each others throat, hed definitely be chased out of the Gu family. Once a marked Omega was abandoned, they could only end up in those seedy establishments

Just thinking about that made his scalp tingle.

That was the reason why he was determined to die.

It was a situation no Alpha could ever understand, so Ye Mo also felt that he was cowardly and weak.

On the other hand, Ye Qing had done a lot of homework in order to hide his identity, and he understood that tragedy very well. He knew that Ye Xin was truly in despair.

Of course, it wasnt completely hopeless.

With extra information available as an unaffected bystander, it was easier to see truly. Ye Xin thought that Lin Su didnt want him anymore, but he didnt even realize that the stubborn Lin Su had completely fallen headfirst into a dead end and couldnt escape anymore.

However, at that moment, it was still necessary to wake that idiot Ye Xin up first.

Shi Qing mulled it over so he could vent the fire inside himself first.

Use your brain, Ye Xin! Can you be less annoying and stop it with the whole live or die thing? You look down on weak Omegas, but arent you the same? Shape up a little!

Ye Xin was completely frozen. He stared at Ye Qing with his narrow eyes and said after a while, Xiao Qing, I envy you so much.

Shi Qings heart suddenly jumped. What are you envious for?! Im a fake beta!

Even so, it was not the time for that. He took in a breath of air and continued to bark at him, I told you to stop it with that! Things arent bad enough that you have to kill yourself. Its not like youve only known that blockhead Lin Su for one day! How many times have you hinted at it to him? And didnt he evade you every single time? So why did you end up believing him this time? Why did you give up?

As soon as he mentioned this, Ye Xin looked lifeless. You saw it yourself. He really doesnt like me, not at all! I was just overthinking things by myself in the past.

Seeing that Ye Xin was going to drive himself into a dead end again, Shi Qing quickly threw him a rebound. Have you never thought that maybe he stopped himself for your sake?

Huh? Ye Xin was stunned.

Shi Qing managed to hit the nail on the head, so he continued, Lin Su definitely likes you way more than you think. Just think about it. He couldnt find a suitable Omega in the past due to poor background, but what about after that? Especially these recent years. He became a great general with authority and power. Countless families are throwing their Omega sons at him. Wouldnt he have taken them if he really wanted to marry? Why do you think hes been single all these years?

ThisYe Xin really never thought about that, and another shred of hope emerged in his dead heart.

Especially recently. You think youre the one sticking to Lin Su all day, but havent you thought about it? If Lin Su feels nothing for you, then why would a great general of the federation play with a little kid like you? And hes even getting so into it that he couldnt even care about getting married or having kids?

And think about this. Have you ever seen an Alpha great general in the entirety of the Galactic Federation who doesnt have his own kid at the age of fifty?

If he really didnt have feelings for anyone, would he keep his body pure to this degree?

And dont even tell me hes got someone else in his heart. If he really does, then how could he fail to get them even with his current status and power?

Unless he couldnt bear to do it.

For Ye Xin, it was like those words had given him a big smack on the head and woke him up, igniting a hope in his dead heart and pulling him out from the dark, dense fog.

With hope filling his phoenix eyes, he strode forward. Xiao Qing, II still have a chance, right?

Then, he was so touched that he wanted to hold Ye Qings hand, but unfortunately, his hands were slapped away by his third brother before he managed to do so.

Then, his third brother held Ye Qings hand tight.

If this was the usual, then Ye Xin would have noticed something wrong with this, but his mind was in such a mess right then that it didnt bother him in the slightest.

Ye Qing tried to struggle, but he didnt succeed. Thinking now that Ye Xins mind wasnt much in shape, he figured he wouldnt think too much about it.

AhemAnyway, its nothing big for brothers to hold hands a little right? AhahaBut of course, theres nothing between them to begin with!

Seeing that Ye Xin had come back to life, Shi Qing added, Dont get happy too early, if you wanna live your best in the future, you still have to endure. Firstly, you have to get past your dad, then youll have to deal with that blockhead Lin Su.

With that, it was like a bucket of cold water had been poured over him. Ye Xin wilted again.

After all that, theyre back to square one.

Mr. Host, whod been quietly acting like a wallflower, really couldnt bother with this anymore and also hated Ye Xin with all his heart.

Naive, stupid, cowardly, and of course, he made his Shi Qing so troubled.

If it wasnt for the fact that he cared about Ye Qings feelings, and also to complete their mission, he wouldve made him disappear long ago.

When he thought to that point, Qin Mo was unexpectedly stunned.

Shi Qing had no idea what the person beside him was thinking, he was still trying to think of ways to help Ye Xin.

I think its not so bad to die once. If Lin Su cant make a decision, well just force him to.

After all that, Ye Xins intelligence also returned and he said, What should we do? Can we really hide it from him?

UhWell, that was a difficult question for Shi Qing. After all, Lin Su was no normal guy. If they didnt plan the whole fake death thing well, then they wouldnt be able to hide it from himThings suddenly got way harder!

Shi Qing couldnt think of anything and unconsciously nudged the person beside him. Brother, you got any ideas?

Qin Mo was pondering the true meaning of life when he was nudged back to his senses. With a rare hint of bewilderment, he asked, What?

Shi Qing was speechless. How could you be distracted at such a critical moment!

Helpless, Shi Qing could only repeat himself again.

After hearing the whole thing, Qin Mo said, Thats easy. Just take a fake death pill.

Shi Qing and Ye Xin were both stunned. That exists?

Qin Mo only had Shi Qing in his eyes, and he couldnt help but soften his gaze because of the earlier thought. Yeah. It does.

That look was so straightforward that it would be difficult for Shi Qing to not get it. His heart beat quickly a few times and actually felt a little panicked. He quickly lowered his head, but he couldnt understand. His brotherWhats up with his brother now?

Ye Xins long-dead radar was finally resurrected and he finally noticed something off about the situation. Damn, whats with that look in big bros eyes? Its sweet enough to drown a person!

Fortunately, the host wasnt any ordinary joe and changed his attitude in a split second, becoming serious in the next. Without even bothering to look at Ye Xin, he took out a pill and handed it to him, saying in a cold voice, Take it within ten minutes of midnight, no earlier and no later, otherwise youll have to face the consequences on your own.

It was such a strict request that Ye XIn couldnt even bother to ask more about it and quickly kept it and made a mental note.

Since Shi Qings memories had been temporarily shut off, Qin Mo could take things out of the system space by himself, which was how he managed to take out the divine pill.

After settling Ye Xin, a maid came and reminded, Third Young Master, Master has asked you to visit Zijin Gardens. It is inconvenient for Young Master Li to come here due to the issues at home, so he was invited for dinner outside.

Qin Mo gave her a response.

Shi Qing was out of it for a moment before he finally came back to his senses. He completely forgot about this! Was that the blind date the old man found for Ye Mo?

His brothers going on a blind date?!

IsIs this a joke?!

The author has something to say:

Ahem, a certain fool is going to become a vinegar pot.

Anyway, I didnt expect all you girlies to react so strongly to the last chapter, so lets quickly serve up some soothing tea and some dessert to soothe that anger. Everyone has different mindsets in this world after allEveryones going to have something lacking about them, its hard to be perfect.

Thats right, some girlies said they can complete their mission if Shi Qing marries Qin Mo, but lets not talk about whether Shi Qing is Qin Mos biological brother or not. Even if they were, they still cant marry.

Qin Mo thinks that Shi Qing is his real brother, but the mission is to marry off his little brothers, and it has to be with a proper wedding and all. This world isnt open enough for brothers to get a marriage certificate so theres no way Shi Qing can marry him. So, theres no way for them to complete the mission. Also, Ye Xins the only little brother they have, so they had to marry him off.

Also, there are many frustrating things about the settings of an ABO world, and I wrote it so I could change some of those frustrations. Ill try my best, but I dont know if I can do it.

Right, Im going to be out tomorrow but Ive already scheduled the next update. 11 oclock! Itll definitely update at 11 oclock! We have to trust schedule-kun, muah!

Hey everyone! Ive got a long note. Its going to involve some bragging, then preaching. So if you dont want that, please ignore.

Last week, I took my children to a beach at a lake near where I live for the evening. This particular spot has a playground just off of where the sand starts at the most common public swimming spot.

I was up at the park with my kids, when some screaming registered in my brain. I realized quickly that someone was screaming for help from the water. For a second I thought maybe it was some kids playing around, but it turned out to be a lady Id seen earlier was out in the water with her two children. They had life jackets on, she did not.

The former lifeguard inside me sprung into action, so I found a nice looking teenage girl on her phone and left my baby with her (probably not recommended), ran down and grabbed and floatie, and got out to this lady. She grabbed the floatie and then I grabbed her and pulled her out. It was kinda crazy and I was super high strung after it all happened. The thing that got me at the time was the fact that there were people everywhereand no one even moved.

So, the preaching. WATER SAFETY IS NO JOKE!!!

Lakes/ocean/etc are not swimming pools. If youre even remotely uncomfortable with swimming, wear a life jacket. Many times, when a boat capsizes, the kids survive because people force them to wear life jackets, but the adults drown because theyre too cool or dont think anything bad could happen to them.

Especially when the water isnt clear, you wont be able to see drop offs. She looked like she was only 3 meters at most away from the shore, but I couldnt touch for a bit before I got to her (Im 57). In a lake, the sand will be pushed away under your feet, and without you realizing it will naturally push you out further.

Just because someone isnt flailing around, doesnt mean they are doing well. Many children will go along and hop up from the bottom when it gets too deep. They cant swim, and that is very exhausting. Adults do the same as well.

If someone needs help, take something that floats!! The strength of a drowning person is not to be trifled with, and they will push you under if you cannot manage them. If youre not comfortable with swimming, find someone that is. Or, get them a floating device of some sort if you can.

I know that there are many people who cannot swim, but in the end I was just so disturbed by the fact that despite all the people on the beach, I was the one who took action. From a park that was past the beach. Anyways, please stay safe out there, serious stuff is over.

Hope you enjoyed the smitten Qin Mo who could not care any less about anything or anyone aside from Shi Qing.

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