Reborn As a System

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

Yan Qis dimension was of the classical wind attribute. Upon virtual inspection, his dimension was filled with raging winds that covered the entire space. When he invoked that power, it would become a huge force, powering a huge attack that was far beyond the reach of mankind.

Though Qi Zimo had been suffering in guilt the past five years, it wasnt enough to limit his IQ and his ambitions. Thus, his research on combat dimensions was very thorough.

In general, combat dimensions had many similarities with ordinary dimensions.

The size of the dimension directly determined the strength of an attack, and the elements within designated the attack type. Most of them were simple elements such as flames, whirlwinds, water currents, rocks and rubble, and so on. Of course, there were different types, such as the energy in Qi Zimos dimension. It was mixed with various elements that complemented, and restrained each other at the same time. His dimension had high stability, so both the speed and cycle was far greater than any other combat dimension. The explosive power was especially terrifying.

It wasnt hard guiding Yan Qi to use his own abilities, but he needed to accumulate experience and keep on practicing. If he wanted to reach the peaks he did five years from the present, he still had a ways to go.

Fortunately, he didnt have to go that far. At the moment, such a power did not exist in the world, so Yan Qi was already unique. It was enough to shock the world.

Yan Qi was so excited he stayed up the whole night to practice in the yard. Thanks to his intelligence and diligence, the results he gained from that one night were not bad. It was definitely no problem to demonstrate his power to intimidate people.

Qin Mo went to sleep in the later half of that night. After all, he still had the body of a small child, and there was still a hard battle ahead of him the next day.

So, when Shi Qing woke up the next morning on his own, what he saw was the young boy sleeping peacefully beside him like an angel.

He was confused for a while since his brain hadnt registered the reloaded saved file yet, so he cocked his head foolishly and looked at Qin Mo. He stared at the pale white skin that looked like it could almost break just by blowing on it. Then, he looked at his long lashes that looked like little fans, his straight nose, those small lips that looked just like flower petals, as well as that sharp little chin

Shi Qing was starry-eyed.

Host, do you know how you looked when you were young?

Im not a pedophile, but I really want to give it a good pinch and a kiss as well!

After looking left, right, up, down, the not-a-pedophile Shi Qing couldnt hold it in any longer. He went close and landed a kiss on that tender little cheek, then the perverseness in his heart was completely resurrected.

Damn, its like a bouncy jelly! The mouth feel is too good!

One kiss was not enough. Seeing that Qin Mo didnt wake up, he went to the other side and landed another kiss. When he still wasnt awake, his perverse guts were strengthened even further. He kissed him again on both sides of his cheeks. From the looks of it, he even wanted to pull up his little wolf claws for a pinch.

A voice that was hoarse from having just woken up sounded, Couldnt wait anymore?

Shi Qing was stunnedand his paws were paused in midair.

Qin Mos black eyes opened and there wasnt even a hint of grogginess within them. Instead, there was a faint, mirthful smile. Qin Mo looked at him, and said ambiguously, No need to rush, the task will be over soon, so wait for me to return to my body.

Shi QingHis face was as red as a lobster!

Isis he trying to hint at something? Its not like that! He he wasnt trying to do anything! He just thought the moe little shota was too cute too delicious and wanted to play with him, he didnthe didnt have any other thoughts at all!

However, would any explanations work for that type of thing?

Only Shi Qing would be stupid enough to gabber about it. He quickly jumped out of bed, changed his clothes, and ran away. If he didnt run now, then how long was he going to stay?!

Even so, he never thought that his host wasnt joking. The task really did finish very quickly.

Its simply like he was rushing to finish his task so he could get some time off to do a little something!

Shi Qing comforted himself decisively. Dont think too much!

Yan Qi practiced the whole night, but he was still full of energy the following day. His willpower was actually enough to overcome his physical exhaustion. He always thought this was how his life would be, but he didnt expect to suddenly win the lottery, he was almost able to fly up into the sky.

Sleep for what? It doesnt matter if he doesnt sleep anymore after today!

After having breakfast in the Xia family home, they headed back to the Qi residence. Shi Qing had already stopped thinking about going to school, but it actually didnt matter. With his hard work from before, he didnt have to listen in his classes at all. He just had to show up to the exams and hed get straight As for sure, so it wasnt too bad. 

They had just reached the Qi residence when Qin Mo made a phone call. At first, Shi Qing didnt know who he was calling, but after hearing his words he found out.

Dad, Im hurt.

He hung up the call as soon as he said that. Shi Qing sat staring at Qin lil Mo who was completely unscathed.

Qin lil Mo giggled, Its faster this way.

As expected, it was very fast. In half an hour, Qi Lu rushed back to the Qi residence like the wind. His face that was usually pale was now tinged red, unknown whether it was from urgency or fear.

Even though Qi Lus body was not good, he still hadnt received shock after shock, nor had he been overworked. Due to that, he wasnt as weak as a small little flower yet.

As soon as Qi Lu came in, he quickly rushed to Yan Qi and asked, Wheres Xiao Mo? How is he doing?

Yan Qi was taken aback for a moment. He was astonished to see Lu Qis anxious appearance. He always thought Qi Lu had been indifferent towards Qi Zimo, but this didnt seem like it was faked?

Furthermore, it was currently harvest season. Qi Lu must have thrown down a lot of work to rush home. If not because he cared about Qi Zimo, he would never have done that.

Not to mention the row of medical staff lined up behind him. In just half an hour, not only did he rush back himself, he even brought the doctors with him. He definitely cared about him a lot.

Yan Qi did not delay either, and quickly said, Hes in the bedroom.

Therefore, the group of people rushed towards Qi Zimos bedroom together. A pile of people came in, and brought medical equipment as well. Shi Qing was standing by the bed, and seeing that gave him a shock.

Qi Lu quickly ran over, and couldnt even care to look at the stranger, Shi Qing. he only asked, Xiao Mo, whats wrong? What happened? Dont worry, daddys home, daddys right here, youll be alright!

Then, he turned around worriedly and shouted, Whatre you standing around for? Come over and check him!

Shi Qing didnt know how to react to this worried sight. Even though he knew from past experience that Qi Lu cared very much about Qi Zimo, he never expected it to get to this point

Thinking about it deeper, it all made sense. Qi Zimo was an extremely strange child, and his pride was also blown over the roof. If his father never came home, then he would never make a call to implore him. Meanwhile, Qi Lu was also busy as all hell, and was also quite weak. When added on to the fact that he, as a father, didnt know how he should get along with his son, he could only hear from the butlers reports about his sons situation, and could feel at ease if he knew he was fine.

All of a sudden, he suddenly had Qi Zimo call him personally, and he even weakly said he was injured.

That scared the wits out of Qi Lu, and he couldnt wish for anything more than to be able to just fly over. He even had an enlightenment on the way home! If anything happened to his son, what use would it be even if he earned a lot of money, and expanded the Qi family? He had already lost his lover, so if his son was gone too, what use was there for him to stay alive?

So, he really rushed back without a care whether his image was lost or not.

Dont even mention Shi Qing, even his mental patient host raised a brow in surprise.

After all, the word father to him couldnt even be compared to dog shit in his dictionary. It was a disgusting existence that he only wanted to destroy.

However, the play had already begun, and the show must go on. Qin Mo raised his brow lightly, and said in a weak voice, Dad, its too noisy, I want to speak to you alone.

Those words were like a blow straight to Qi Lus head. He nearly fainted, but he knew that he was his sons pillar, and couldnt fall now!

So at that moment, he held on. He only constricted his voice, and spoke extremely softly, Be good, Xiao Mo, let the doctors see you, anything else can wait for later.

Qin Mo coughed a few times and insisted strongly, Dad, I only want to tell you.

Dont even mention Qi Lu, even the jaw of Shi Qing who was watching at the side nearly fell off. Well Ill be, is that really his host? The gods didnt possess him or anything, right? Host, is it really okay for your acting skills to be so godly?!

Qi Lu couldnt match his son, and chased out all the medical staff. Then, he sat by the bed, and looked sadly at his son.

Its just a pitybecause the weak, cute, and pitiful little shota had morphed from angel to demon in just a second.

He pulled away the blanket and got off the bed. He looked calmly at Qi Lu and said, Im fine, I just wanted you to come home.

Qi Luturned into a fool.

Shi Qing, I pity you, Father Qi.

Qin Mo did not leave any time for Qi Lu to respond at all, and threw the bomb directly into his hands, These days, Yan Qi and I unintentionally discovered the secret of scrap dimensions. They are not useless, but are instead powerful battle tools.

Following that, Yan Qi who was able to keep up with the conversation, displayed his ability and blew a stone specially placed in the room into dust.

Qi Luwas even more dumbfounded!

Qin Mo frowned and threw him a disappointed glance. He threw him a name list, On this list are names of people who carry dimensions that can be developed, gather them as soon as possible.

Seeing that Qi Lu had almost turned into a statue, Shi Qing couldnt look on anymore, so he came over to air things out for Qi Lu. He gave him a thorough and careful explanation of everything.

Half an hour later, a roar sounded out from the bedroom, What on earth is going on!

The butler outside had a shock, but following that, he eased up. That voice was very powerful, it seemed like his masters body has improved recently.

After Shi Qings efforts in calming him, Father Qis violent mood finally stabilized.

He wasnt really angry, he was just too surprised was all. As for his son pretending to be hurt, he only felt glad and could hardly be angry at all.

After hearing Shi Qings explanations, Qi Lu was brought into the wild goose chase. He naturally understood it as: His son was using illness as an excuse to act spoiled with him! Thisis this what the pride of the legends is?! Sob sob sob, my darling son!

His fatherly love that had been kept silent for more than a decade finally burst out! Under his sudden enlightenment, and great shock, as well as Shi Qings coaxing at the end, he was trained from a scum father into a son-con

It had to be said that when it came to correcting your scum father, the combination of Shi Qing and Qin Mo was truly seamless. One was firm, while the other was soft, and they both had great tacit understanding. Little buddy Yan Qi who was watching over this scene expressed that he wanted to kneel down!

After conquering Qi Lu, things were easy to handle from that point. Qi Zimo was a child after all, there were many things he had no right to speak on, or lacked appeal for. Conversely, with Qi Lu in the front lines, things would be able to go smoothly.

Of course, there was no urgency at that moment. There was still some garbage to take care of first.

Thats right, its Qi Rui and friends who were still hopping about.

Qin Mo was always three steps ahead of his opponents. After using injury as an excuse to lure Qi Lu over, he could take the opportunity to leak some rumors: The great young master of the Qi family was greatly ill, and it seemed like hes going to be a goner soon.

Dont believe it? Didnt you see Qi Lu throwing down everything during the busy harvest season and rushing back home panic-stricken with a bunch of medical staff? If not for something happening to his dear son, what was Qi Lu being all crazy for then?

The entire proceeding was so loud as if they couldnt want for nothing more than for everyone to know, you really couldnt not believe it!

Following that, another heavy news item came crashing down: Qi Zimo really couldnt last any longer! Due to the excessive emotions Qi Lu went through, his bodys capacity was overdrawn, and he fell unconscious!

Those matters really couldnt be hidden from the public. For something to happen to a big man like Qi Lu, even the government was making their moves!

The Qi residence was sealed up until not a single crack was left. Even though outsiders couldnt see the truth of the rumours, the more you couldnt see the truth, the more it became the truth! Right?!

Qi Rui was even more excited than he was last timeHeaven had dropped a pie on his head, so he really couldnt just decline it.

Another day passed. Qi Lus personal butler actually appeared. With a sorrowful face, he made a vocal declaration, and said that Qi Lu left a message before he entered into a coma.

If I cant wake up, then the Qi family will be left to Qi Yan!

Who is Qi Yan, you ask? Qi Yan is the second eldest of the Qi family that was invisible all year round: Qi Ruis younger brother!

It stood to reason that Qi Ruis dimension was a level higher than Qi Yan, but the differences between their dimensions were not great either. One was a level five, while the other was level six. Following the growth that came in the later days, the distance was further reduced.

Whats more, both of them were older now. To take over the Qi family now was like being entrusted with a great mission. Generally it was the former head of the familys decision to make, so the whole level issue was not too big of a problemit was just an interim, theres no need to pursue it too much. The most important ones to look at were still the members of the younger generation.

That time, Qi Yan stood up, but Qi Rui was so angry that his face was red.

With such a tiny amount of instigation, the two brothers began to fight.

Dont look at how Qi Yan had always been invisible, he had his own thoughts too. Especially with that crazy big brother Qi Rui suppressing him from above, he had already been bearing with it for so many years, so he felt so proud now that he completely stopped pretending.

Without Qin Mo and Qi Lu needing to lift even a finger, the two tore off their facades and engaged in a heated fight.

So what if they were brothers? Thats all nothing when it came to obtaining benefits!

Qi Lu still had his scruples, but Qin Mo had always been the type to pull out the grass from the roots(not leaving behind any stragglers). Now that he had a strong army hidden underground, he could just give a gentle push from behind, and that madman Qi Rui would stab his knife straight towards his own little brother.

He didnt want to kill Qi Yan, he had only wanted to scare him. But unfortunately, Qi Yan died!

In order to fight for the rights, he killed his own brother. Qi Rui was directly arrested, but he still didnt understand till his death: How did Qi Yan get killed by him He clearly didnt stab the knife in. Why did Qi Yans chest start bleeding, eyes start rolling, and suddenly he was dying right in front of him?

Before even reaching the execution ground, Qi Rui had already scared himself till he had really gone mad.

Of course, he would never know that a blade of wind could pierce through a persons body invisibly from thousands of miles away, and it left no evidence behind.

Under that disparity in power, Qi Ruis combat prowess was below negative, so killing him was no different from stepping on an ant.

It was all about taking into account the laws of the world, and also taking care of ones reputation.

In only ten days or so, their enemies that they had been tangling up with for more than half their lives had been solved so easily, and there was no need to mention how grateful Qi Lu felt in his heart.

Right now he was extremely motivated. With such a powerful army, and the backup support of his level eight harvesting/planting dimension, there was really too much they could do.

However, Qin Mo stopped him.

Qi Lu had died from exhaustion in his past life, so considering that Qi Lu still had some use left in him, Qin Mo didnt want him to die so early. Therefore, he developed Xia Nuos dimension instead.

Such a mighty and domineering dimension stunned Qi Lu completely, and he almost wanted to regard Shi Qing as a divine being.

So, when his son, who was only eleven years old, mentioned wanted to marry Shi Qing, he couldnt even bear to say no! For such a magical dimension to stay by his sons side, hed have practically anything he could ever want for the rest of his life!

Of course, once he regained his senses in the later part of that night, he couldnt help but feel a little regretful. Xia Nuo was a manhow would he ever be able to hold a grandson?

Even so, he had just bonded so well with his son, so he didnt have the spirit to say anythingAh, just leave it for now, for nowNow that technology was so well developed, there were still ways to have childrenAt present, the most important thing right now was to keep him!

Thanks to Shi Qings reserve power, Qi Lu felt that his dimension was just that, there was no need to work so desperatelyHis small bit of resources was already nothing to his son, so he could just plant casually, there was no need to put his life on the line.

His heart widened, and his days improved. Qi Lu could even exercise his body often, so his complexion was getting better and better each day.

Twenty days later, Qin Mo had already found all the people by Qi Zimos side in his past life, and guided them to use their strengths. After their secret training, it was time to announce this great bomb.

Using Qi Lus identity, he gathered several big families and some key personnel of the government. The secret of the scrap dimensions was made public to the world through a live broadcast, which instantly caused a great uproar.

With the formation of new dimension types, the chain reaction that detonated was beyond their imaginations!

Thanks to them informing the government early, and with Qin Mo having privately set up such a strong combat dimension unit, they would likely be able to suppress the possible turmoil with force alone.

Through Qi Lus name, they once again transmitted the way to guide combat dimensions to all the major schools, and the newly established combat academy had nearly absorbed all the combat dimension carriers.

The comprehensive and systematic teaching may take longer to study and explore, but at least it would be able to stabilize those people, and everything would be able to get back on track.

Owing to that major discovery, this sessions dimensional assessment was getting heated up, and the evaluation team had also quickly created a new rating system before the assessments began.

Dimension types were now divided into combat dimensions and functional dimensions.

At the same time, all the scrap dimensions would be re-rated in advance. At present, the highest level combat dimension carrier in the world was the retainer of the Qi familyYan Qi.

Level six wind-type combat dimension.

Similar to before reloading the world save point, Qi Zimo still drew the number 520, and both Qi Lu and Shi Qing accompanied him to the assessment hall.

Shi Qing and Qi Lu were both very giddy, but Shi Qings was from excitement, while Qi Lu was nervous.

Until the assessment results appeared.

The single most powerful dimension in the world.

Level ten all element combat dimension!

CarrierQi Zimo.

Not-a-pedophile Shi Qing is up to no good. Not-really-a-shota Qin Mo is too suave.

Hope you are all healthy and well out there. I just wanna throw some recs out at you. I love reading so much, and I cant read as many novels as I would like, but I am reading some. Two of my favourite new ones are:

Its Not Easy Being a Master story description is a little similar to Scum Villain Self Saving System, but I think the story has its own unique twists. Updates are really fast (laughs awkwardly)

My Familys Omega has just Grown Up I really enjoy omegaverse, and this novel portrays it so well. Its just super enjoyable.

Theres many other ones I lovetoo many actuallymy reading list is scary But Ill stop with those two. This current arc of RAAS is coming to a close soon. Thanks for sticking around!


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