Reborn as a Noble's Son

Chapter 355: 346 Mayor’s Office Meeting_1

Chapter 355: Chapter 346 Mayor’s Office Meeting_1
A midnight mayoral meeting? Li Guohua was stunned for a moment, but he wasn’t too surprised and quickly resumed his normal expression. Liangxi City is the economic powerhouse of Jiangbei and ranks first. Behind this honor, it is impossible to deny that every cadre in Liangxi City has been working hard. Late-night meetings are common; such events might seem unusual in impoverished mountainous areas or remote areas. But for a city that never sleeps like Liangxi, it’s all too ordinary.

In addition, the case of Qingfang City is pressing. Li Guohua had strategized and maneuvered for half a year over the matter, only for things to end unfavorably. Now, Nie Zhenbang publicly claimed on record that he would resolve the issue in three days. It would indeed be strange not to discuss countermeasures overnight.

Thinking of this, Li Guohua simply said, “Since Mayor Nie has made a decision, I will go and wait in the city government’s conference room.”

Liangxi City Government Building

At the top floor’s meeting room, a scene of brightly lit ambiance. There were many secretaries busy in the hallway.

When leaders have a meeting, it falls to the secretaries to follow and provide service. At the moment, all the leaders of Liangxi City Government were seated in the meeting room. Even though it was night, it was still early. A few of the deputies had just finished their dinner.

“Mayor Zhang, do you know why the late meeting was called today?” Since the meeting hadn’t officially started and the top three leaders of the municipal government hadn’t arrived, the atmosphere in the room was rather relaxed. A man of around 55 asked, leaning back in his chair with arms folded.

As his voice fell, Mayor Zhang, a bald man of about 53, sat up slightly, “Old Qin, you really don’t care about the outside world now, your mind is only on collecting antiques. Today’s commotion in Qingfang City, don’t you know? Mayor Nie even made a military order. It looks like we are going to be busy in the municipal government.”

The man who asked the question first was Qin Baoqiang, a member of the Democratic Party and Leangxi City Municipal People’s Government and Deputy Mayor. He was the oldest member. He was in his fifties and most likely after this term, he would retire at the People’s Congress or the Political Consultative Conference. Nowadays, he has become infatuated with collecting antiques.

The man answering him was Zhang Keqiang, the fourth-ranked deputy mayor of the municipal government. Despite his age, he was no less experienced than Qin Baoqiang. This term was likely his last one too.

Next to the two men sat other deputy mayors: a thin middle-aged man of about 42 or 43 with prominent cheekbones, giving others a scruffy impression was Shi Hongbo, the city’s deputy mayor in charge of industry. Next to Shi Hongbo was a 40-year-old middle-aged man, named Jin Aihua, who seemed scholarly with glasses on. The last deputy mayor was the only woman among the cabinet members, Liu Yuanli, the deputy mayor in charge of science, education, culture, health, and sports. She was also a member of the Democratic Party.

This is unique to the party. Huaxia is a country where men lead the Communist Party and cooperate with multiple parties. According to the system of political consultation, women, democratic parties, and non-party cadres must be fully considered within the governmental body. Therefore, most women cadres in the government offices at all levels nationwide are from the Democratic Party. This not only ensures the balance of women and democratic parties but also does not take up too many places.

As the door of the meeting room opened, the executive deputy mayor Zhao Xintian walked in with a calm face. Following him were Li Guohua and then Nie Zhenbang, with Yi Jun carrying a teacup and a notebook right behind him. As the deputy secretary of the city government, Yi Jun had the qualification to be a meeting recorder.

Without hesitation, Nie Zhenbang sat in the main seat at the oval conference table. Behind him was a map of Liangxi City. On both sides of the map hung the national flag and party flag.

On the left was Li Guohua, and on the right was Zhao Xintian. Other deputies also took their seats according to their rank and division of work. In terms of seating arrangement, Nie Zhenbang didn’t need to worry; even if nobody mentioned it, they would voluntarily arrange their seats according to their rank. This is one of the unspoken rules within Huaxia’s officialdom.

Nie Zhenbang paused before he began to speak slowly. During meetings, tempering and controlling the atmosphere is a skill that a leader must learn and master.

At the start of a meeting, there should be a slight time delay to allow attendees to quiet down. It also gives oneself an opportunity to organize their thoughts. However, the delay should not be too long, as it may give the impression of a lack of competence. Nie Zhenbang, after years of honing his skills, has mastered the perfect balance.

“Comrades, I didn’t expect that our first mayoral office meeting would be held in the evening. It’s quite unconventional,” Nie Zhenbang began in a light-hearted and humorous way.

His approach was strategic. Despite being only 27 years old, Nie Zhenbang was the leader of people old enough to be his parents, such as Qin Baoqiang and Zhang Keqiang. At times, being too serious could give the impression of arrogance. His casual remark helped to avoid any awkwardness. As experienced people, everyone should adjust their mindset appropriately.

Seeing that the tension at the beginning had relaxed, Nie Zhenbang continued, “Let’s get to the point. The main purpose of this meeting is to discuss the reform of three major factories in Qingfang City. As we all know, these factories have become a burden on Liangxi City’s path to development. If we liken Liangxi to a human being, then what would these three factories represent on this person?”

Nie Zhenbang paused here, demonstrating his way of dealing with things: acting thoroughly. He has always despised any half-hearted approach, believing that a wise marshal commands officers, not soldiers.

Zhao Xintian, sitting next to him, nodded in agreement. Although he had never worked with Nie Zhenbang before, they seemed to be in seamless harmony, “A malignant tumor.”

“Exactly. Mayor Zhao made a very apt remark. Although it is somewhat disparaging, it’s also realistic. If Liangxi were a person, then the three factories in Qingfang City would be a malign tumor, a cancer on this person. And we all know what cancer is. If left untreated, people die. Similarly, the problems of the three factories have reached a point where they must be addressed. The factories together owe several hundred million in debt. Almost a hundred million is taken from the city’s finances each year to cover these debts. If this continues, Liangxi’s finances could collapse. This is a situation we cannot allow to happen. So, the primary issue of this mayoral meeting is the problems of the three factories in Qingfang City,” Nie Zhenbang’s words were firm, resonating powerfully. These words also showed the members of the city government another side of Nie Zhenbang.

They say a new official kindles three fires when taking office, and Nie Zhenbang had been affable and quiet since assuming office. Could this be the first ‘fire’ he will start at the city government?

Just now, Nie Zhenbang’s unequivocal words and his strong belief had stunned everyone. Despite being young, it was clear that the acting mayor was not to be trifled with. Mayor Nie is more than meets the eye.

On the sidelines, Li Guohua quickly chimed in, “Mayor Nie’s views are very insightful. The three factories in Qingfang City have perplexed us for many years. With Mayor Nie personally taking the lead, I believe we’re bound for success.”

As far as Li Guohua was concerned, restructuring the three factories was a thankless task – even if successful, it would merely be gilding the lily for Liangxi City’s economic development, hardly a major achievement. However, failure could cause significant unrest. Li Guohua was more than happy to let Nie Zhenbang get bogged down with the issues of Qingfang City.

Upon hearing this, Nie Zhenbang glanced casually at Li Guohua. His intent was clear to Nie Zhenbang. However, now wasn’t the time to expose him. Nie Zhenbang nodded and replied, “Vice Mayor Li, there’s no need for flattery. I will naturally pay close attention to the matter of Qingfang City.”

Having said that, Nie Zhenbang paused for a moment before continuing, “Before we discuss the matter of Qingfang City, there’s something else I’d like to discuss – reassignment within the city government. I think it’s time for a change.”

Upon hearing this, Li Guohua immediately felt an ominous premonition. It was as if someone had stepped on his tail, “Mayor Nie, I don’t think there’s a need to discuss work reassignment. Our current assignments are fine as they are,” he quickly responded.

It was clear that this rearrangement was targeted at him, so it would be strange if Li Guohua didn’t try to stop it. (


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