Reborn as a Noble's Son

Chapter 28 - 27 Ancestral-Grandchild Dialogue_l

Chapter 28: Chapter 27 Ancestral-Grandchild Dialogue_l

Translator: 549690339

As the head of the Nie family, the grandfather’s authority within the family was naturally unquestionable. The three brothers followed him out.

In terms of order, Nie Jialei was at the very front while Nie Zhenbang deliberately fell to the back. Even though they were at home, Nie Zhenbang paid close attention to such details. Although it is just a simple routine of walking, it embodied not a few hidden implications.

In Chinese officialdom, seating and order of entry are given much consideration. According to traditional custom, the middle is considered the most prestigious, followed by the left side at the same distance.

Of course, this varied throughout ancient China, with each dynasty holding different norms. During the Qin and Han dynasties, the right side was considered the most prestigious. After the Wei and Jin Dynasty, extending all the way to the Tang and Yuan dynasties, the left side was considered prestigious. After the founding of the People’s Republic, the tradition of giving precedence to the left side was also continued. When walking, it’s usually most appropriate to stay half a step behind.

The old man had just sat down on the sofa when little Nie Ziyu clung to him. As the only granddaughter in the Nie family, Nie Ziyu occupied a somewhat special existence. The treasure of the family. The princess at home.

Moreover, the old man had absolutely no expectations from Nie Ziyu. Conversely, he was quite strict with the Nie brothers.

“Happy New Year, Grandfather.”

Following Nie Jialei and Nie Jiamin, Nie Zhenbang also spoke out.

Starting with Nie Jialei, Elder Nie’s gaze swept over each of them, finally landing on Nie Zhenbang. Looking at this grandson who had suddenly appeared, Elder Nie’s face was notably serious with no detectable signs of emotion. For a while, the atmosphere in the room had become somewhat heavy.

Seeing this, the old lady, Huang Qiumei, immediately stood up, “What are you doing, old man? Come on, we’ve been waiting for you, the things for the ancestral worship are ready. Let’s get started quickly, or else New Year’s Eve will be over.”

As for Nie Zhenbang, the old lady’s thoughts were quite simple. Regardless of the circumstances, regardless of who the father might be, he was still her grandson after all. As the saying goes, ‘The Emperor loves his eldest son; the common people love their youngest.’ But this did not apply to the Old Lady. Had she not been excessively indulgent, Nie Guowei would not have done such absurd things back in the day. Love for the son extends to his offspring. As the son of the youngest son, and the youngest grandchild of the third generation, the old lady was indeed very kind to Nie Zhenbang.

In the center of the living room, an eight Immortals’ table had already been set up. In front of it, the names of the Nie family’s ancestors were arrayed. With incense and candles lit, various offerings were laid out.

The old man stood in front of the table and respectfully knelt down. After giving three bows, he stood up, walked to the side, and watched as his children and grandchildren each paid their respects to the ancestors.

After Ye Shuxian finished her bows, only Nie Zhenbang and Nie Ziyu were left. The atmosphere grew awkward for a moment.

“Zhenbang, pay your respects properly. This is your first Chinese New Year with the Nie family. Show some reverence.” The old man suddenly spoke up.

These words took everyone aback. Aunt Huang Yuerong was a little surprised.

The look she gave Nie Zhenbang had also changed slightly. Before, Huang Yuerong did not consider Nie Zhenbang as significant. Even in her heart, she did not consider him a member of the Nie family. However, the old man’s words today carried clear implications. Because he was admitting that Nie Zhenbang was a descendant of the Nie family.

This was not a small shift. Although Nie Zhenbang had undergone a ceremony when he returned, in his previous life, Nie Zhenbang had never participated in the family’s ancestral worship. But this time, the old man was explicitly letting Nie Zhenbang participate.

Off to the side, Nie Jialei’s face was a mix of emotions. From his adopted younger brother, Nie Jialei had gained numerous benefits. It was Nie Zhenbang who enabled him to become a rank holder at the age of 21, with every possibility of being a Deputy Director by 23. However, there were also conflicts within the large family. Each generation could only have one core around which all the family’s resources and manpower were centered.

As the saying goes, without rules, there can be no circles and squares. Suppose there wasn’t a core. Suppose everyone did their own thing, and suppose there were divergent political opinions. What then? Fall apart? That would only lead to self-destruction. If so, the Nie family would be replaced by other families in Jingcheng within three years. That was the harsh reality. At present, in the second generation of the Nie family, Nie Guodong had a slight upper hand. Nie Jialei, of course, did not want to lose his place as the heir of the third generation.

On the other hand, Ye Shuxian’s expressions were the most complex at this moment. It was the son she had supposedly adopted. Other families in Jingcheng also took in kids, but those kids were usually adopted when they were young. Meanwhile, Nie Zhenbang was already grown-up when he joined the Nie family. This difference meant that she needed to spend more time and effort, and show genuine care to gain Nie Zhenbang’s acceptance.

Would it lead to mutually assured destruction? Would it create an irreconcilable situation? Maybe, before Nie Zhenbang was accepted by Elder Nie, such things might have been possible. But now, since Elder Nie had accepted him, any fuss she might create would be pure folly. At this thought, Ye Shuxian’s attitude began to subtly shift.

Nie Zhenbang was keenly observing these changes. He, too, was excited at the moment since he had never experienced ancestor worship before. Looking at the situation now, it was clear that his every move had had a significant impact. No matter what, he had changed a lot. What made Nie Zhenbang even happier was that from now on, his actions would garner further support. It would give him an even better chance to change the Nie family’s fate.

Subsequently, Nie Zhenbang respectfully approached the altar, just like Nie Jialei and Nie Jiamin, lit three incenses, bowed three times, and with a serious expression, inserted the incense into the incense burner.

After Nie Ziyu completed the ancestral worship, Elder Nie glanced at his sons and grandsons, then turned his gaze to Nie Zhenbang and said, “Zhenbang, come to the study with me.”

Without showing any concern for the surprise on everyone else’s faces, Elder Nie walked towards his study.

Although Nie Zhenbang had spent nearly a decade living here across two lifetimes, he had never been privileged enough to enter the old man’s study.

The entire study exuded an antique character. There was a row of bookcases made of yellow pear wood, which gave Nie Zhenbang a feeling of extravagant wastage. Yellow pear wood is stable and not prone to warping. Its value is second only to premier woods like zitan. It is generally used for making objects with odd shapes. But in Elder Nie’s study, even the bookcases were made of yellow pear wood.

A huge desk, made from a single piece of redwood, which was at least 200 years old! This was another priceless object.

“Stop looking, these are just material things, national property. I am only one of their many users throughout the course of history. If you all could make me proud, then perhaps the Nie family could still get the privilege to sit here.” Elder Nie’s words were plain, but they radiated a sense of melancholy.

The mediocrity of the second and third generations of the Nie family was undeniable. Now, Nie Zhenbang could somewhat understand the choices his grandfather had made in the past.

When the descendants were not making good on their potential, Elder Nie had chosen a risky path. The conservative faction was not strong. As the second in command of the Military Commission, Elder Nie’s support was instrumental. In contrast, the reformists, due to their association with Comrade Nan Xun, perhaps didn’t benefit from the Nie family as conspicuously.

Unfortunately, anything that goes against history and public opinion can never triumph over justice. In the end, the Nie family’s fortunes declined, which was inevitable.

“Grandfather, I will work hard.” Nie Zhenbang nodded seriously.

At this moment, Elder Nie sat down, raised his head to look at Nie Zhenbang, and said solemnly, “Zhenbang, tell me, where do you plan to take the Nie family?” ..


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