Reborn as a Noble's Son

Chapter 25 - 24 Wal-Mart Department Store_l

Chapter 25: Chapter 24 Wal-Mart Department Store_l

Translator: 549690339

“Hahaha, Zhenbang, this time, it seems like we’re going to get a great bargain.”

Yang Anbang’s hearty laughter could be heard even before he entered the room. Upon hearing this, a slight smile crept onto Nie Zhenbang’s face. Indeed, there’s something to be said for being naturally talented. Although Yang Anbang hadn’t reached his later maturity yet, at this point, he already displayed a certain knack for business.

The circle of Jingcheng is just so big. Zhou Chen got a scolding from the patriarch of the Zhou Family, was sent down to Chunan Province for a grassroots experience, and the news of his supermarket’s closure within ten days was no longer a novelty among the inner circle. Yet Yang Anbang quickly saw that Wal-Mart Supermarket would acquire an existing supermarket; his foresight was indeed commendable.

Upon seeing Yang Anbang enter, Nie Zhenbang grinned, but deliberately evaluated, “Second Brother, it’s a bargain, indeed. But how should we handle this supermarket situation? Are we going to run two supermarkets? It would be redundant for us and not conducive to resource utilization.

Nie Zhenbang smiled at Yang Anbang. Truly, he had the prowess of a future strongman and invisible red commercial tycoon. At present, in Jingcheng, with the exception of the four supermarkets currently under construction, having two supermarkets in such close proximity was clearly inappropriate, and Nie Zhenbang could see that because he had the memories of his future self. But the fact that Yang Anbang could see it too showed his extraordinary vision.

At once, Nie Zhenbang chuckled, “Second Brother, it’s still too early to discuss these matters. However it turns out, we must take over this place. If others do, we’ll get another competitor, which is not something I wish to see. We need to think long term about this issue. Neither of us can be involved in negotiating this. Otherwise, given Zhou Chen’s character, he would rather go bankrupt than give us an easy break. How about I leave this matter to you?”

As Nie Zhenbang spoke, his intention to challenge Yang Anbang was clear. Although Yang Anbang had already proven his talents, there was a sense of hurrying things along in this life. As the brand expands, Wal-Mart

Supermarket’s growth will only accelerate. And as the future helm of Wal-Mart, Yang Anbang’s development is equally important.

Hearing Nie Zhenbang’s words, Yang Anbang readily agreed with a smile, “Of course, you can count on me. I’ll arrange this. I assure you, Zhou Chen will willingly transfer his supermarket to us.”

These princes of Jingcheng were all haughty, each with an attitude that he was the best in the world. Though there were some small factions, these were mostly in-line with family alliances. Each person had their own connections, which was no longer a secret.

Capital Restaurant – Tan Family Hall

At that moment, in the most luxurious private room of the Tan Family Hall, furnished in an antique style, aside from the dining area there was also a high-grade karaoke system behind a screen. Xiao Yali and Yang Anbang had enjoyed an increasingly harmonious relationship since they started a supermarket business together. Although Xiao Yali still displayed her easygoing, forthright demeanor, a hint of gentleness could be seen in her interactions with Yang Anbang.

The door to the private room opened, and Zhou Chen walked in wearing a black woolen coat. Complemented by his tall stature, he did indeed cut a somewhat imposing figure.

Unlike the previous generation, the former group of stubborn figures, they valued wearing military uniforms. The khaki woolen military coat, straight and rigid, symbolized their fathers’ authority and status. Regardless of their struggle, Yang Anbang’s generation prized obtaining the military coat.

Now, with a cassette tape player over their shoulders, wearing bell-bottomed jeans and sailor shirts, Zhou Chen’s attire was somewhat unique.

“Hehe, who do we have here? It’s Yang Second Brother. Has your supermarket business been stolen, hence the need for negotiation?” Zhou Chen maintained his usual swagger. His pride could be injured, and his blood could spill, but he couldn’t lose face. The obstinate figures of Jingcheng all held face in high regard.

Before Yang Anbang could speak, Xiao Yali scoffed on the side and derisively said, “You think you’re up to it? Humph.”

In fact, Zhou Chen had noticed Xiao Yali early on but deliberately ignored her.

As the second daughter of the Xiao family, she had a reputation in Jingcheng. Although men generally adhered to the rule of not crying over a fight, girls were different. Coupled with her exceptionally fierce grandfather, Xiao Yali became a notable figure in Jingcheng.

“Why did you bring this girl along?” Zhou Chen muttered to himself, then laughed, “Yo, who do we have here? It’s Xiao Second Sister, eh? What, did you come here to plead for your illegitimate cousin?”

Seeing Xiao Yali about to blow up, Yang Anbang quickly stopped her and then said, “Zhou Chen, let’s cut the small talk. We were never friends, to begin with, so let’s get straight to the point.”

Very straightforwardly, Yang Anbang looked at Zhou Chen and continued, “Your supermarket may not necessarily be able to compete with us. But in this day and age, making a profit is certainly possible. It’s a pity your grandfather won’t allow it, and now you’ve been exiled too. Just tell me, how much to buy your supermarket?”

Zhou Chen’s face was really awkward. Although his supermarket was only open for less than half a month. There was definitely a certain amount of business. With goods that were slightly cheaper than Wal-Mart, they’d gained a sizable market share. If they proceeded, making money is a given. Initially, Zhou Chen was somewhat defiant, but now he’s out of steam. But the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. His grandfather was angry, and the supermarket would have to close. It was inevitable.

Looking at Yang Anbang, Zhou Chen snorted, “Yang Anbang, do you think I would let you take over my supermarket?”

Yang Anbang, however, had subtly sat down now, smiling, and said, “Since you’re here, let’s sit down and have a drink. Can I give you a detailed analysis?”

Seeing Zhou Chen sit down, Yang Anbang continued, “The country is currently divided into three sections: conservative, neutral, and reformist. Your Zhou family represents the neutral faction. If you quit, neither the neutral nor the conservative factions will dare to take over. And in the reformist faction, do you think anyone would dare to take it without my say-so?”

Seeing Zhou Chen’s expression shift, Yang Anbang felt a bit of stealthy glee and continued, “If you think I’m not qualified, what would you say if Nie Jiamin and Yali join me? Don’t tell me about closing down or selling to other businessmen. Whatever you dare to sell, I’ll dare to take over. As for closing down, that’s even easier. If you close it today, I’ll take it over tomorrow. The most I would have to do is refit it. Think about it carefully. One hundred thousand is extra, for you. I’ll take over all the goods and debts from your supermarket.”

The earnings from a supermarket, Zhou Chen was aware of. This price was almost equivalent to a giveaway. Although he still had hundreds of thousands of debts, at this point, no one would dare to debt collect from Yang Anbang. Despite his unwillingness, Zhou Chen was helpless. It was exactly as Yang Anbang analysed. Under these circumstances, indeed no one would dare take over.

Since he was going to leave Jingcheng for Chunan, rather than gaining nothing, it would be better to come out ahead. Considering this, Zhou Chen stood up and said, “Two hundred thousand. Deal or no deal, if it’s no deal, I’ll simply close down.”

Two hundred thousand wasn’t much. Considering this, Yang Anbang also stood up, opened a check on the spot, and said, “Fine. This is a cash check from the

Industrial and Commercial Bank. My people will take over tomorrow morning.” Zhou Chen took over the check and stood up, “Brother Yang, I’ll take my leave.”

As Zhou Chen left, Nie Zhenbang walked in from behind the screen, contemplating as he watched Zhou Chen leave. Couldn’t underestimate them. The princes and princesses of the 49 cities, appearing careless on ordinary days. When they put their minds to something, they knew exactly how to weigh their options. Zhou Chen doing this, he’ll definitely be a formidable opponent in the future.

Dismissing these thoughts, Nie Zhenbang laughed and sat down, jokingly as he looked at the couple, “Sister and brother-in-law, cheers to your victory.”

Xiao Yali glared at him, a hint of shyness appearing on her face, “Zhenbang, what are you saying? Nothing good ever comes out of a dog’s mouth. Quick, tell me what you’re going to do with this supermarket?”

Nie Zhenbang laughed, “Three floors of business area, and an existing structural frame. It’s a fine building. Here, we’ll make this the first Wal-Mart department store. Looks like we’ll be working hard for a bit.”

One sentence left them both startled. A department store? Were there few department stores, big and small, in Jingcheng? Why start this kind of business? Neither could understand..


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