Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 1070: What To Do Now?

Chapter 1070: What To Do Now?

After four days of working to help him, my brother finally woke up all fine and dandy, more dandy than ever! He looked strong too, I noticed that once his soul attuned with his body, a powerful Aura surged from his body.

Because I had taken away everything Demonite and Miasma related, this energy couldn't possibly be that it was something else, his own inner strength. Maybe because I forged his body utilizing the Essence of Yin and Yang, he gained a very unique Physique.

I noticed with my expanded senses, the Murim guys that had been hanging out with us so far, they suddenly stopped eating, as they were having breakfast in the living room, and looked up.

"T-There is something powerful above."

"Elder, can you sense it too? It is like... The harmony between Yin and Yang!"

"I can, my foolish disciple." The Elder remained in silence. "Keep eating, she is watching us."

Oh? He can even detect when I'm looking at him. These Murim guys are sure interesting. I really want to go to their little world and just kill every bastard that is related or cooperating with my enemies.

"T-Thank you for taking care of me so far, I don't know how I could ever repay you all..."

Arthur thanked everyone that has helped so far.

"Oh, it's nothing, please don't mind it." Emeraldine smiled. "It is a pleasure to have you around, Arthur! Honey- I mean, Maria is very fond of you, I think with you around, she'll finally feel better."

"Honey?" Arthur asked.

"I agree." Lucifer nodded. "Glad to see you feeling better, son. My wife might finally feel better with her brother around."

"...Wife?" Arthur kept asking.

"Hey Arthur! Remember me? The last time you saw me you were like six..." Jonathan said.

"I-I remember you, yes! I'm so glad you're with big sis, uncle Jonathan!" Arthur smiled. "D- Did you marry big sis?"

"Eh? No, no, I just recently found her, a couple months ago." Jonathan said. "These people here, Emeraldine, Lucifer, and Partner have been accompanying her so far."

"Yep, I was your sis' skeleton." Said Partner with a smile. "Don't be scared of me, I might be a Vampire but that's because it was the next evolution from a ghoul, I think... Anyways! Glad to see you fine! Master will finally be fine now. Maybe she'll be willing to go to bed now... Hehe."

"E-Eh?! Skeleton?" Asked Arthur. "B-Big sis, what's going on? Why are these... They're your friends, right?"

"Ahahah..." I only laughed nervously.

Of course, the polyamorous relationship I have with all four of them here is not normal. Even between nobles, usually only male nobles would have more than one woman, and they were treated as mistresses or something, can't remember well.

But usually, it was normal for people to be just between two... Yeah, I mean that's normal everywhere, right? We are just the odd ones.

"It's a bit complicated... But I am in a romantic relationship with Emeraldine, Partner, Jonathan, and Lucifer. I know it's cringe, sorry." I apologized. "It's just that... I couldn't reject their love, and I love them all so..."

"Huh..." Arthur muttered. "W-Well, it's your life after all, c-can't really judge. And I doubt that should be a subject of discussion after I just woke up."

"Yeah! You're smart after all." I sighed in relief. "A-Ah, right, there's a third girl..."

"Another?!" Arthur lost the composition. "B-Big sis, you should calm yourself a bit!"

"Hahaha! Didn't you say it was my life? Don't get involved you little snotty brat!" I giggled, as I patted his head a bit too roughly.

"Ugh, what would mom and dad said if they learned about this..." He sighed.

"I bet they would get really worried, and panic." I laughed. "And mom would reprimand me and tell me that having so many partners is not what a true noble lady would do, haha!"

"Y-Yeah, and dad would say that you had an arranged marriage with some random noble dude we've never met before, but it was all false just to intimidate you." Said Arthur.

"But at the end, they would accept me as I am anyways..." I looked into my hands. "They were always like this."

"Y-Yeah..." Arthur nodded. "Well, what... What will we do now? I am revived, and... auntie's dead. What has happened so far? I'm a bit outdated in everything."

"Well, let us explain you as we eat. There's a lot of things we have to tell you about, like the whole journey your big sis has had so far!" I said. "Anyways, how about we go to some restaurant to celebrate, everyone? Let's invite Fabian, Catarina, and Tear and everyone else too!"

Aside from my partners and my daughter, the rest of the party has been having a good time so far. Mostly absent of any responsibilities, they took this time for themselves, exploring the city, eating delicious food, training, leveling in the newly free dungeon, or just helping the city be reconstructed.

It was a long journey since we set off after the events that transpired on the Tower of Skadi. We've been going from place to place, all just because I was looking for my brother. Hell, we even battled Gods, killed Gods, and discovered the truth about the world and the Tower that connected many more together.

But now, what's next?

It was a tough question to answer. For one thing, I wanted to rest, but for another, I also wanted to get going and move to my next objective, to destroy the Empire of Light and the Church of Light. By doing that, the Gods will probably show up and then I can finally just kill them all.

I did kill Oceania and Baldr without as much effort, although by heavily relying on my evolution for the second one. After devouring them and evolving, and getting stronger, I might be able to win against the majority of the gods if they're as strong as Baldr. But is that even a thing? I bet they're all super strong anyways. Odin in specific.

I need to keep leveling and improving my abilities, preparing myself for the confrontation.

And the day is not too far away either, the meeting between the rulers of the many kingdoms is soon to come, including the dukes that cooperated on destroying my family.

I heard they moved the meeting to the Empire of Light from Jonathan.

So, in a couple of months from now, the "final fight" might finally be upon us.

Though, will it even be the final fight?

Hmm, well, for now, let's not concentrate on that.

"I think we'll relax and chill for the moment. I plan to take another week in here before moving out." I said. "We'll move back to my village; we can go visit the dwarves later as well. I need to help my village get bigger and stronger, reinforce the defenses, and also get stronger myself. A lot to do, actually."

"I see... T-Then let me come with you, if possible. I want to fight and level up as well!" Arthur said. "I just looked at my own Status Window recently, and I noticed it was strange, and my level cap was very high now. I think I got stronger, d-did you do something to my new body,

big sis?"

"Hahaha, well, yeah. I didn't want you to be weak after all." I smiled. "Let's discuss more of this tomorrow though, for now, let's eat and enjoy!"


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