Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 1064: Many New Skills

Chapter 1064: Many New Skills

With the Divinity also came something else, a Title!

So I checked that out too, before moving on with other things.

[Apprentice of the Yin and Yang Harmony Path: Lv1]

A Special Title only given to enlightened cultivators that have reached almost the pinnacle but have realized they are only apprentices in the arts of comprehending and refining the Essence of Yin and Yang.

Increases the amount of Yin and Yang Divine Ki Essence created every hour by +10.000, with an additional +5.000 with each Skill Level.

Enhances the Cultivation Speed and Effectiveness of Yin and Yang Divine Essence Ki by +300%, with an additional +30% with each Skill Level.

When unleashing an Aura, Martial Arts, or Spiritual Technique using Yin and Yang Divine Ki Essence, enhances those abilities Attack Power, Defensive Power, and Special Effects by +300%, with an additional +30% with each Skill Level.

Oh, simple and to the point, and rather strong and amazing at that!

With this my speed related to everything with it increases even more.


I'll have to practice what to do with this new energy. I still got a lot of other new skills I've barely used. Though their effects are often always active passively.

Now, the other things I wanted to see were:

[Pure Blooded Vampire-Themed Random Treasure Chest (SS Grade)] x1

[Random Skill Grimoire (SS Grade)] x1

[Soul Restoration Elixir (SS Grade)] x5

I would love to drink that Elixir, but that would be too much. I think I'll save it for my brother's soul, which will be really wounded and weak.

Yeah, I think that's the right thing to do instead of just drinking it myself. And I believe that's the reason it was given to me to begin with.

So for now, let's use the Grimoire instead!


As I willed it, the grimoire opened its pages, showing countless runic symbols that flashed brightly, flying towards my body and fusing into my soul.

Then, the grimoire itself disappeared into particles of light. So this is how Skill Grimoires were used, interesting.


[You have used the [Random Skill Grimoire (SS Grade)] x1!]

[You learned the [Paladin's Life Sacrifice: Lv1]!]

A Paladin Skill? I guess it was really random...

[Paladin's Life Sacrifice: Lv1]

As a Paladin, you sometimes must put the life of others before yours, sacrificing your life for those in need should come as something natural to do as a selfless knight that serves the righteous deities.

When activating this skill, you can sacrifice a specified % of your own Health Points to instantly heal a target or many. This heal will be Absolute and Instant, even being capable of restoring lost limbs, internal organs, and also healing most basic diseases, curses, and other status ailments.

The healed targets will additionally receive a [Holy Blessing of Protection] for 1 Minute, that will increase their Health Points Regeneration Speed and their Defenses by +100%, with an additional +20% with each Skill Level.

Meanwhile, once you heal a target or many, you will receive a buff to all your Stats based on 50% of the target's Stats for 1 Minute, with an additional +5% with each Skill Level. You also gain the ability to use one of their abilities at random.

Once used, your Health Points cannot be recovered for the next Minute, so be careful.

Damn, okay, alright. I don't know if I'll ever fucking use it, but sure, I'll take it.

The not being able to restore health is what makes it "balanced" I suppose.


The big crimson treasure chest in front of me slowly opened itself, revealing to me its contents, a bunch of silver-colored coins with a big "S" with blue color on top, and also three items.

[You have opened the [Pure Blooded Vampire-Themed Random Treasure Chest (SS Grade)]


[You received the following treasures: [System Points (Coin Form): +20.000.000] [Random Privilege Marble (SS Grade)] x1 [Divine Skill Evolution Ticket (SS Grade)] x1 [Privilege Fusion Marble (SS Grade)] x1!]

Wow, these items are also new and rare!

And those silver coins turned into blue light that flew directly towards my body.

So they were System Points all along! What the hell... I had no idea they could show up as physical currency.

A Marble that allows me to get a random Privilege, a Ticket that lets me evolve a skill into a Divine Skill, and lastly, another marble that can combine Privileges!

I think I'll let them for later, or another day though. I am already overwhelmed reading so many new descriptions.

Though I might have to read another one for this.

"System, is there some Biomancy Skill out there in the shop?" I wondered. "I really need something that can help me manipulate live flesh and shape it perfectly."


[Yes, your Shop Ability has evolved into [Outer Void Goddess Shop], based in your powers, authorities, and skill trees, you can obtain a lot of potential Abilities.]

[Amongst them, there are these options]:

[Flesh Transfiguration: Lv1] [Cost]: [15.000.000 SP]

[Biomancy Magic: Lv1] [Cost]: [30.000.000 SP]

[Flesh Disfiguration Fist Arts: Lv1] [Cost]: [40.000.000 SP]

[These three options could align with what you want. The first and second one would be the

best. The third one was added as a stronger, yet harder to control option.]

[It supposed to be some sort of martial arts that disfigures the bodies of opponents

temporarily. But it can be applied permanently through medicine.]

How interesting.

"Oh, they're not the cheapest, huh?"

I thought about it only a bit, before taking a decision.

"Okay let's buy them all!"

My compulsive thoughts ended winning, and I purchased everything, ugh.

Good thing I had a lot of System Points, so it doesn't matter, not at all.


[You have exchanged 85.000.000 System Points.]

[You learned the [Flesh Transfiguration: Lv1] Skill!]

[You learned the [Biomancy Magic: Lv1] Skill!]

[You learned the [Flesh Disfiguration Fist Arts: Lv1] Skill!]

I could have just bought Biomancy and be done with it!

But I knew I needed more, and I was desperate to save my little brother and give him back his


So no matter what, I will do what's necessary.

Just wait a bit longer, Arthur...


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