Reborn As A Dragon Girl With A System

Chapter 15 - Common Sense Training Part Two

Chapter 15 - Common Sense Training Part Two

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Kana asked as she looked at the long blade of grass tied to her tail with a weird bug tied to the other end. Never in her life had she fished before, nor has she ever seen anyone fishing before, so this was all a new and exciting experience for her.

"Yep, just dip it in the water and wait. Once you feel a sharp tug, quickly pull it up and swing your tail towards the land." Lysairth knew this was not the best way to do things, but it was still pretty decent with what they had.

"Okay… " Kana was not too sure about this, but she did as she was told and dipped the bug tied to the blade grass into the river. And she waited, and she waited, and just when she was about to give up, she felt a sharp tug on her tail. She quickly swung her tail to the shore with anticipation. She looked at the end of the grass excitedly only to see the bug was missing and half the blade of grass was gone as well… "Lysairth!" Kana wanted to cry. She had spent almost twenty minutes sitting there only to have her bug eaten on her!

"Hmm, I guess without a way to really hook the fish on, it would take quite a bit of practice… Okay, we will change plans and find some small prey—fishing without the right equipment. We will keep trying every morning just to get some practice in. " Lysairth had hoped that maybe Kana would be able to catch some quick fish because they were less likely to run away when being hunted. But she had forgotten that fish were hard to catch in this manner without a lot of practice. She remembered she learned it when she was young, but it had taken her almost a year before she could catch a fish every time.

"Mmm… " Kana was disappointed because she couldn't taste fish just yet, but now that she was going to go hunt for some food, she didn't mind giving up the fish. To her, food was food.

Kana traveled through the forest in search of her breakfast. Lysairth was teaching her how to walk silently in order to not disturb any of her unsuspecting prey. In only a few minutes, they finally ran upon a small deer with six legs and two puffy tails. "Kana, you are in luck. A six legged deer tastes very good cooked or uncooked. But are very hard to catch. Keep low to the ground and try your best not to make a sound as you get closer, okay?"

"I will do my best," Kana said as she pressed her body to the ground. She began sneaking up behind the six legged deer. When she was in close proximity to where she could pounce on it, Lysairth told Kana to get ready. Kana kept the front of her body low to the ground and raised her butt up in the air a bit. Her tail curled up towards her back, and in her excitement, her dragon butt was swaying back and forth, and on Lysairth's command, Kana pounced!

Kana jumped up into the air right at the six legged deer. She was so fast it was like a blur of motion as she tackled the six legged deer, who let out a scream of pain. "[Bite]!" Kana's teeth sank into the deer, drawing blood and clamped down. This was her first time having to use her mouth to kill her prey. The smell of iron filled her nose, and blood filled her mouth, but none of these things repulsed Kana as she went for the finisher: "Claw!" With a swipe of her claws, she aimed for the six legged deer's neck, almost clawing its head clean off.

"Good job Kana!" Lysairth was proud of Kana for being able to catch a six legged deer on her first try.

"Hehe! I, the great Kana, strike again!" And once again, Kana's victory was on full display.

"Now, let's bring it back to the river shore. You can just prepare it the same way you did the bird." Lysairth wanted to keep a base camp going for Kana so she had a place she could keep returning to. The area around them had very low level monsters, so it was a perfect place to camp out and stay safe at night.


"Ray, keep the damn bees from attacking the girls!" Thane yelled out as he tanked five two headed wolves. They had run into a battle between the wolves and the twin stinger bees. There were two wolves and four bees, and when the monsters saw the group of humans, they instantly changed targets.

"Damn it. I am trying!" Ray yelled out.

"You're doing a sh*tty job. No wonder every girl you are with only lasts a few hours." Ceilie yelled out as she shot four arrows in succession at the bees.

"Ceilie, the way you pick on Ray makes me think you like him. But I warn you; he is all face. Everything else is tiny." Renne also tossed a jab in.

"Why the hell would I want someone like him? I would rather sleep with a demi human than Ray." Ceilie shot Rene a look of disgust.

"You two! Cut it out and focus!" Thane did not mind them bickering, but he disliked people bickering during a fight.

"Guy's, I think we have a bigger problem than what is in front of us!" Isabella made everyone turn their heads to see a large bear with three bloodshot eyes, a horn on its head, looking extremely mad.

"What the hell is a three eyed horned bear doing out this far near the edge of the forest!? And what is with those paw prints on its stomach!" Ray yelled out. But his words seemed to make the three eyed horned bear very angry.


"Damnit, Ray, why did you open your mouth!" Ceilie yelled out.

"Stop arguing and fucking run deeper into the forest!!" Thane shouted as he bashed the wolves in front of him with his shield.


"Oh my… Yes… This is the best…" Kana was chowing down on her morning prize of six legged deer meat. Unaware of the events happening a little ways away from her location.


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