Reborn as a Demonic Tree

Chapter 265: No Secrets

Chapter 265: No Secrets

Stella felt an oddly warm connection to Jasmine, and it was not because she called her coolthough that did make her happier than it probably should have. Stella looked away from Jasmine, and the warm buzz turned cold; then, looking back at the little girl, the warmth returned.

"Well, that's strange..." Stella muttered as she stepped away and felt colder. It was a very subtle tingling, one she had to focus on, but it was ever-present.

"A giant golden eye briefly appeared in the sky when Jasmine accepted you as her Master,"Ashlock's voice rang in her mind, "Perhaps taking on a disciple is a bigger deal than we thought."

Stella honestly had no idea about disciples or masters. All she did was say profound-sounding words to make it seem like a bigger deal to Jasmine, like calling it 'a type of relationship that transcends oath-bound loyalty.'

I didn't mean that in a literal sense. I just didn't want Jasmine to obey me because the heavens forced her to do so via an oath. Stella bit her lip. Catherine mentioned that once Jasmine agreed to become my Disciple, there was no going back until death do us part. Is that also a literal thing? Am I stuck as Jasmine's Master until one of us dies?

Stella ran a hand through her hair as the seriousness of this fun little bet she had taken on with Tree became all too real. She had a disciple now, someone who depended greatly on her to learn more about cultivation and the world. Who the hell thought this was a good idea?

"Master, why do you feel distressed?" Jasmine asked with big eyes, "Is something the matter?"

"Not at all. Why do you ask?" Stella put on a thin smile for her Disciple while her mind was in turmoil. She already wanted to say this was all a mistake and go back to her life lacking responsibility.

Jasmine squinted at her as if she could see right through her facade. "Do you feel warmth towards me?"

"You can feel it, too?"

Jasmine nodded, "Yup."

"This must be the master-disciple connection," Stella crouched and held Jasmine's hands. They felt warm to the touch. "This will make finding you a breeze in the future. I can just fly on my sword or portal in the direction that feels the most warm."

Cathrine came to stand behind Jasmine and placed her hands on her daughter's shoulders, "I can't say I am not worried, but Jasmine has made her choice." The woman sighed, "It's said that the bond between Master and Disciple is greater than even that between family. So it would be pointless to say much more on the matter now that it has been done."

"Why does this feel like a marriage ceremony," Ashlock chuckled in Stella's mind, "It's a good job you didn't do this with Kane. That would have been rather awkward considering how cold you have been to him thus far."

"Shut up. There's nothing weird about this unless you point it out," Stella mentally refuted. "And it was you who pushed Kane onto me, but this was my choice. I admit I didn't foresee Heaven's involvement in this and making it so official, but I am serious about this."

"I sure hope so."

Cathrine took a moment to calm down. The events of today must have been a bit overwhelming for her. "Mistress Stella, please take good care of my daughter... she is all Julian and I have. Remember, she is barely a step above a mortal, so she is still weakwhat's this?"

Kaida had slithered over and handed Cathrine a parchment.

Stella smiled awkwardly at Cathrine, "It appears we have overstayed our welcome. Either insert some Qi or a drop of blood on the words at the top written in heavenly ink, and you will become an oath-bound member of the Ashfallen Sect."

Cathrine looked like she still had a lot to say but held it in with a sigh. "Fine. What about Jasmine, though? Does she still need to sign it?"

"No, as my Disciple, she has no need for it," Stella smiled. For some reason, saying she had a disciple out loud made her feel a little proud, even if Jasmine was very weak as of now. "Don't worry. She will receive more cultivation resources than even the princes of the Celestial Empire could get their hands on. In my care, she will become a cultivator that surpasses others."

Whether that was true or not, Stella had no idea. Are there even princes in the Celestial Empire? Maybe I should watch what I say while trying to sound aloof.

"Then I am reassured." Cathrine closed her eyes, and after much effort, she managed to have her Qi appear on her fingertip. Tracing the words at the top of the contract that Kaida wrote in heavenly ink, the whole thing lit up with a golden glow.

"It feels like a cold chain is wrapped around my heart and soul," Cathrine frowned and placed a hand on her chest. "Does this not make me a slave to Ashfallen?"

Stella clicked her tongue. "That's the wrong way to look at it. Don't think of that chain as a shackle that binds you to Ashfallen but as protection for your daughter."

"How?" Cathrine raised a brow.

"If you betray the Ashfallen Sect by saying something either intentionally or unintentionally to the wrong person, you could put the entire sect at risk of annihilation. Including me and Jasmine here." Stella patted the girl on the head. "As a pillar of the sect, I would have to fight till the bitter end, and as my Disciple, Jasmine would have to as well. But all of that is avoided with that chain. Heaven is always watching, and it will let you know and suffer if you are about to betray us."

Cathrine gave a slight bow, "I apologize. The fact you take the subject of loyalty so seriously should be commended, and you are right. This chain stops me from an accidental betrayal that could put Jasmine at risk."

A loud, angry hiss filled the room as Kaida slowly retreated into the ink lake.

"Send Cathrine back through this portal," Ashlock said as reality tore apart, revealing a view of Nox and the field of flowers on the other side. "Before Kaida starts to hate you even more..."

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Stella groaned, "Stop being so grumpy, Kaida; we are going alright?"

Kaida narrowed his golden eyes before vanishing into the lake.

"I suppose this is my cue to leave," Cathrine hugged her daughter tightly, "Jaz, you be a good Disciple for Mistress Stella, okay? Don't do anything I would disapprove of."

Jasmine rolled her eyes, "You disapprove of anything fun, though."

"That's because you have a dangerous idea of fun," Cathrine said, releasing her hug and walking toward the portal. She stepped halfway through before pausing and looking back, "Will Jaz be back in time for dinner?"

"Yes," Stella nodded, "Even I like my alone time. I will send her back this evening."

"Okay, be good, Jaz! Don't disappoint your new Master, and come home safe."

"Geez, Mom, I get it; just leave already," Jasmine pouted.

Cathrine waved from the other side of the portal as she stood near Nox. A moment later, the rift collapsed with a popping sound and a rush of air.

"We should go too," Stella walked toward the exit, and Jasmine followed close behind, having to take two steps for every one Stella took.

Now, what should we do first? Stella pondered. How did I learn cultivation? I vaguely remember that bastard father of mine teaching me how to cycle my Qi and the basics of a few techniques before he vanished. I should start by teaching her that, but I should have her eat all the truffles and fruits first. Wait, what affinity does she have?

"Jasmine, do you know what affinity you have?" Stella asked as they walked through the hallway lined with statues.


"Yeah, there is untamed Qi that is all around us. It's chaotic and hard to control, so cultivators forge Soul Cores to absorb and manipulate a certain affinity." Stella willed for her hand to wreathe in spatial soul fire, "See, my affinity is spatial. So my soul fire is purple."

Jasmine looked down at her hand and focused hard. Colourless Qi coated her fingers, and it seemed like just this much was taking the breath out of Jasmine to keep it from dissipating.

"Okay, relax. That was untamed Qi, as you felt it's hard to control, right?"

"Mhm. Very hard."

"Was there any aspect of that untamed Qi that felt easier to hold onto? Imagine the untamed Qi as hundreds of different threads. Could you control one easier than the others?"

Jasmine paused beside Douglas's statue and closed her eyes. Qi gathered in her hand once more, and after a moment, Jasmine gasped and lost control.

"Master, I can't even feel these threads? Is that bad?"

We really do have to start at the absolute basics. Stella hummed as she tried to think of a shortcut. Ash's truffles and fruits should help Jasmine discover her affinity.

"Bring Jasmine to me." Ash's voice suddenly filled her mind.

Stella reached for Jasmine's hand, "Don't worry, I know someone who can help."


"Jasmine, as my Disciple, you must know the truth." Stella sat beside Jasmine on the bench under Ashlock's canopy with a clear view of Red Vine Peak.

"The truth?" Jasmine asked, tilting her head.

"There should be no secrets between us, but make no mistake, what I tell you must always stay between us, okay? No sharing with your Mom or Dad what I teach and tell you." Stella said seriously. "We will be side by side for many years to come. So we must understand each other."

Jasmine seemed to pick up on Stella's tone because she nodded with resolve. "I promise."

"Okay, I don't want to get too much into my family as it's a complicated mess. But I never met my mother, and my father left me when I was a child. So the one who raised me and the person I consider my real father is Ashlock here." Stella patted the giant demonic tree that loomed over them.

"The tree?" Jasmine seemed understandably confused, "Not the immortal under the tree?"

Stella shook her head, "There is no immortal. It's a lie we tell people because it's easier for them to understand. The true ruler of the Ashfallen Sect is Ashlock here, a demonic spirit tree. He was the one who raised me."

"You were raised by a tree?" Jasmine asked.

Stella nodded.

"That's so cool!" In awe, Jasmine looked up at Ash's canopy, "Can he talk?"

"Sure can, but we don't pretend he is an immortal for no reason." Stella laughed, "His voice alone would shatter your mind. Even the Grand Elder of the Redclaw family struggles to listen to it."

"Scary..." Jasmine muttered.

"Now I am going to need you to eat this," Stella passed Jasmine a Mind Fortress fruit. A pill would be far too weak, so Jasmine had to eat an entire fruit.

"All of it?"

"Yes, all of it."

Jasmine bit into the fruit, "It's so sweet." She kept munching on it for a while as it was nearly the size of her head. "I was getting hungry, so this is a good lunch."

I forgot Jasmine was a mortal who still needed to eat and drink all the time. How bothersome. Should I go hunt some tasty prey for her? She will stay small and weak if all she eats is fruit.

Jasmine finished the fruit and licked her lips, "That was tasty, and my mind feels so calm."

"What I fed you was a Mind Fortress fruit grown by Ashlock. It will help you withstand his gaze."


There was a loud cracking sound as the black bark above them began splitting open.

Jasmine went to look toward the noise.

"No face forward," Stella placed a hand on her head to stop her from looking back, "Ashlock's words are one thing, but his gaze is even worse if you look straight at him. Despite the fruit's calming effect, this will be uncomfortable even if you look away."

Jasmine gulped, balling her fists in her lap, "Master, I'm scared."

"Don't be. Ashlock means you no harm, and I am here with you. Trust me."


The cracking stopped, and Stella looked up with a smile. That otherwordly eye peeked out from the split trunk and glanced down at her.

"Tell Jasmine to cycle her Qi; I will try to see if her body is better attuned to any one type of Qi."

"Jasmine, can you try to cycle your Qi one last time? Ashlock will determine what Qi type you should focus on, as cultivating untamed Qi until you finally form your Soul Core will be inefficient."

The poor girl was trembling under Stella's hand. As expected, even after eating a whole Mind Fortress fruit and not looking, Ash's gaze on her back made her soul shudder.

"I will try..." Jasmine shut her eyes and manifested the meager amount of Qi in her hands. It was so little that Stella wondered if she could dissipate it with a simple Qi-filled sneeze.

"This is interesting," Ashlock said.

"What affinity suits her?" Stella eagerly asked. If it was spatial affinity, she could teach Jasmine many techniques. Even water, earth, or fire would be fine, as there would be experts within the sect to help. The following silence made Stella grow concerned. "It's not something rare like cosmic, is it?"

"No, it's actually something quite ordinary." Ashlock replied, "She should be best attuned to the nature affinity."

"Oh, that's good!" Stella was filled with relief. Nature affinity Qi was everywhere, so having Jasmine reach Star Core Realm should be a breeze. "Wait... why did you say it was interesting then?"

"Well, it's obvious to me that she has a strong affinity to nature Qi, but she also seems to have the potential to cultivate numerous other affinity types. Which means she might have the ability to be a dual affinity."

"The potential... or she is one?"

"Potential. Jasmine's control over these threads of Qi is far less than nature; without my insight, she would likely develop into a nature-only cultivator. But if we focus her training in the presence of nature Qi and another Qi type, she will likely develop a dual-core."

Stella bit her lip as she looked down at Jasmine. Focusing on a single affinity would make the process faster and more manageable. Should I even tell her? If she knows, she will want to have a second affinity while being clueless about how hard it is to cultivate one, let alone two. As her Master, I should pick the best route forward, right?

"Can I stop yet, Master?" Jasmine gasped out.

"Yes, yes." Stella relaxed her hand, and Ashlock closed his eye.

Jasmine glanced back at the bark that looked as if it had before with apprehension. "Did your Father figure out what my affinity is?"

Stella grinned, "He sure did! You have an affinity for nature Qi."

"Wow!" Jasmine's eyes practically sparkled with excitement. "So I can control plants, right?"

Stella nodded, "That's right."

I shouldn't keep any secrets from Jasmine, even if it's for the best. Stella sighed, "There is also another thing, you have the potential to be a dual affinity..."


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