Reborn as a Demonic Tree

Chapter 230: (Interlude) Return to Duskwalker

Nox marveled at her freshly healed hand, twisting, turning, and flexing it under the room's dim lighting. The phantom pain of a missing hand that had haunted her for the last week was finally gone. Now, all she missed was the cold feeling of silver on her fingers—they looked and felt naked without her many spatial rings.

"Is your new hand functioning as intended? Try and run some Qi through it?" The slender white-robed light affinity cultivator she had hired seemed incredibly nervous, and for good reason. When she had hired him a few days ago, she hadn't disclosed that she was one of the most infamous and hated people in the Tainted Cloud Sect and a scion of the affluent and influential Duskwalker family.

Nox did as the healer instructed—her hand, now devoid of any callouses from years of training, became wreathed in black soul flames. "It's perfect. You did a great job, Helion."

"I-I am glad the mistress is pleased," The man said, wiping his brow with his sleeve and then giving an awkward smile. "Now about payment. To reform your entire hand from scratch took a month's worth of Qi from me, so I was hoping—"

Nox raised her new hand to silence the man, "I have no money."

"Excuse me?" The man questioned. His voice turned a tad cold. "My services are not free, even for a person of your status, Nox Duskwalker. I demand some kind of compensation."

"Sorry, Helion," Nox said, showing her hands without any spatial rings. "I truly have nothing to give you. I lost everything I owned along with my hand to a brat."

"The one with the bounty on her head?" Helion asked.

Nox nodded. "Chase her for payment, and you would even get 6,000 Yinxi Coins for your troubles. Not a bad deal, right?"

The light cultivator scowled at her and seemed about to hurl some insults when the door to Nox's bedroom slammed open, and a woman with similar features to her stormed in without even knocking.

It was Evelyn, her sister.

"Nox, are you healed yet? I find it impossible to cultivate with your presence in my house." The woman stood at the end of the room, glaring at her with understandable hatred, "You have overstayed your welcome. I want you gone! You hear me? Are you listening?"

"Sister, I am all healed thanks to Helion's efforts," Nox said, showing off her freshly healed hand. "There is just a slight problem..." She trailed off at the end and tried to divert her gaze.

Her sister crocked a brow, "And what might that be?" Irritation and impatience dripped from every word, and she was tapping her foot. Which was never a good sign of her mood.

"I have no way to pay him." Nox said flatly, "Is there any chance you could handle the payment? I can pay you back—"

Haunted laughter from her sister filled the room. "Pay me back?" Evelyn sneered, "Do you know how little your word holds to me, Nox? You promised Father you would cut ties with the Celestial Warden of the Eternal Pursuit Pavilion and proceed with the engagement with the Lunarshade family, only to destroy our family with your selfishness and run out into the wilderness as a merchant and never look back."

"Sister, I—"

"Don't you dare call me that," Evelyn cursed with enraged breaths, "I can't believe you have the audacity to ask me for money. Do you know what happened when you left without a word? In your place, I was given to the Lunarshade family scion for the last five hundred years to appease their rage—used as nothing but a plaything and source of scorn while being endlessly compared to you!"

Nox's eyes widened, "Was that Father's idea?"

"Father is dead—has been for a century now. He was killed once the Grand Elder of the Lunarshade family reached the 6th stage of the Nascent Soul Realm and ambushed him alongside many bounty hunters."

Nox pursed her lips. What was she supposed to say? It was her Father who had forced the engagement between herself and someone she hated, so were they really so surprised she ran away?

But to think my sister took my place as that bastard's plaything.

Nox clenched her teeth, but she could do nothing in her current state. The Lunarshade family was the strongest in the Tainted Cloud Sect, behind only the Celestial Warden of the Eternal Pursuit Pavilion.

Maybe I should pay him a visit. My cousin did mention he was out of closed-door cultivation.

"So it's just you, Mother, and our cousins left to run the family?" Nox asked her sister, who had calmed down only slightly while trying to ignore Helion, who had retreated into the corner of the room.

Evelyn shook her head, "We absorbed some smaller families to bolster our numbers, but things are looking bad for us. If not for my sacrifice to the Lunarshade scion, I fear you wouldn't have a family left to beg for money! Speaking of, one of our stupid cousins saw a bounty placed in your name and went to check on you. Did you happen to meet him?"

"Briefly. Why?"

"It's just strange. A week has passed since cousin left, and we haven't heard from him since," The woman crossed her arms and frowned, "He was our best up-and-coming talent, and we hoped he would step into the Nascent Soul Realm within the next century."

That fool is most likely dead after trying to kill Stella. Nox cursed to herself. It wasn't her fault a stupid cousin went after an unverified bounty. Her plan had been to attract some other fools to use as distractions so she could escape... not her own cousin.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I have an appointment at the pavilion this afternoon," Helion spoke up, drawing a scornful gaze from Evelyn.

"Then leave. There's nothing left for you here in the Duskwalker residence." Evelyn's hatred for light cultivators as a shadow affinity herself was obvious from her vindictive tone. "And you." Evelyn glared at Nox, "I want you gone. You aren't welcome here any longer."

With that, she left—slamming the door as she went.

"The moment I found out you were a Duskwalker, I should have never accepted this request," Helion grumbled. "You shadow cultivators are all the same."

Nox's gaze lingered on the slammed door for a moment. Her heart had long gone cold, but hearing such words from her sister still stung more than she cared to admit. With a sigh, she got up from the edge of her bed.

"Helion, let's go to the pavilion together."

"And why the hell would I want to be seen traveling with you?" Helion snapped.

"I still have some Yinxi Coins in my account? Didn't you want payment?"

"Why in the nine realms didn't you say that earlier? Let's go."


The Tainted Cloud sect comprised five major cities—each had a branch of the Eternal Pursuit Pavilion. However, one stood out compared to the other branches as it was overseen by the Celestial Warden, and it just so happened to be the nearest one to the Duskwalker residence.

Nox and Helion flew side by side through the night toward the pavilion that dominated a small mountain in the city center. The journey from the Duskwalker residence had taken an hour, and neither had said a word during the flight.

The pair touched down in a bustling courtyard with men and women wrapped in black robes shuffling between the many ornate buildings crafted from jade. Nox felt an overwhelming sense of nostalgia. It was here where she had made a name for herself, attracted the attention of the Celestial Warden who ruled the pavilion, and everything had gone wrong.

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"Keep your head low," Helion whispered over the noise of people as his sword vanished in a flash of silver, "Anyone capable of defeating you knows your bounty is a farce, but some hot-headed youths don't respect the rules and might cause trouble."

Nox clicked her tongue as she pulled up the hood of her cloak, "Fine. Come with me—I will take you to the Jade Sentinels building. We will get better service there and can avoid any problems."

Helion nodded and followed close behind as Nox led him through the winding streets. The Eternal Pursuit Pavilion was more like a town, with hundreds of buildings dedicated to various operations. All the buildings around here were used by the Iron Seekers, also known as Junior Hunters. They were typically members of the pavilion in the Soul Fire Realm and were given the more common missions, such as gathering monster materials and flora for pills and weapons.

The Eternal Pursuit Pavilion may have initially made a name for itself as an elite group of bounty hunters. However, over time, the pavilion expanded its operations to become a one-stop shop where someone could hire others to complete any desired task.

The numerous Iron Seekers in the pavilion were enough for most tasks to get the job done. But they would need to request the next rank up for something a little riskier.

"Identify yourself," A guard at the gate to the Crimson Trackers area drew his sword. Nox was about to step up, but Helion acted first. Flashing his pendant for the guard to see, "Helion Lightbringer of the Crimson Trackers, and this is my guest."

The guard compared the pendant to a jade tablet in his hand. Eventually, he lowered his sword and nodded them through, "Apologies for holding you up, Master Helion. Please come right through."

With a nod, Helion took back his pendant and led the way. The buildings became more sparse yet grand in size. The streets were also notably less crowded, and Nox could feel the subtle pressure from everyone's Star Cores as they walked past.

"Helion, how long did it take you to graduate from an Iron Seeker into a Crimson Tracker?" Nox asked to fill the awkward silence between them.

"I was already in the Star Core Realm when I joined, but it took me a few years to complete the ten missions required to graduate to the Crimson Trackers." Helion said, "The competition was fierce."

"Same as in the past, then," Nox mumbled. It was a testament to how set in their ways the pavilion was, considering nothing had changed in five hundred years.

They continued walking for a while and eventually came across a heavily guarded area before a grand gate made entirely from pale green jade. Engraved into the archway were the words 'Jade Sentinels,' the highest rank within the Eternal Pursuit Pavilion, under the Celestial Warden. They were the elites that mostly took on high-paying bounty hunter missions.

It was also the rank Nox had climbed to all those years ago.

Compared to the Crimson Trackers gate guards, these guards didn't dare make a scene by drawing their swords as anyone brave enough to approach the Jade Sentinels area likely belonged beyond the archway.

"Greetings, may I know your esteemed names?" The guard said respectfully. He was a large man wreathed in subtle brown flames, showing he cultivated earth affinity.

Taking off her hood and flashing a smile, Nox humored the man's request, "Nox Duskwalker, eternal member of the Jade Sentinels."

"Oh, it's you. I could never forget such a face," The guard frowned but stepped aside, granting them entry to the inner sanctum of the Eternal Pursuit Pavilion, where only the high-ranking hunters of the Jade Sentinels were allowed. "However, the guest may only remain inside for one day. If I catch him inside a minute longer, he will be stripped of his rank and banished from the pavilion. Do I make myself clear?"

"You will do no such thing," Nox flexed her Star Core, making the guard grit his teeth. "Come on, Helion, ignore this Crimson Tracker with a loud mouth."

Has the authority of the Jade Sentinels whittled away over the last few centuries to the point a mere guard can make demands of me? In the past, they would drop to one knee at the mention of my name.

Passing through the archway and feeling the pressure of the defensive arrays pass over her, Nox beelined for the nearest Lotus Informanthall. The area given to the Jade Sentinels was larger than the other two areas combined, yet it featured only a dozen or so sprawling pavilions. Each one was attended to by hundreds of servants who maintained the manicured gardens lining shiny stone pathways. The jade that made up all the buildings here was so polished Nox could see her reflection as she passed by as if they were mirrors.

"Sure is nicer up here," Helion muttered to Nox's side as he glanced around. "So quiet and peaceful. I thought the jump from an Iron Seeker to a Crimson Tracker was substantial, but this place blows that out of the water."

"What are the requirements to become a Jade Sentinel nowadays?" Nox asked as they passed through the entrance to the Lotus Informant Hall. "Maybe you could become one before you die."

"Not funny. I just need to reach Star Core Six, have a hundred completed missions, a recommendation from an existing Jade Sentinel, and pass a combat test." Helion listed off the absurd requirements, and Nox nodded. It was the same as back then.

Nox didn't pay much attention to the grand hall with ten-meter-high ceilings supported by jade and gold columns. Her measured steps echoed on the stone floor as she approached the single desk with a lady behind it.

"Lotus Informant, I wish to transfer Yinxi—"

"One moment, please," The woman said, and it was only now that Nox was close enough that she noticed a pendant in the woman's hand and that she was noting something down on the jade slip on the desk.

Nox was rather surprised that the Lotus Informantwas busy as they were supposed to do nothing but serve the Jade Sentinels here, and glancing around the room, she only saw one other person than her and Helion in the far corner at a table drinking something.

Why does that figure look familiar? Nox wondered. The person was hunched over their drink and obscured by a black cloak like hers. All bounty hunters preferred to move around in secret because someone knowing their location could lead to problems. On that note, Nox put up her hood and directed her glance to the floor while she overhead the Lotus Informantspeaking into the pendant.

"I'm sorry, but I can't fast-track Diana any higher than the Iron Seekers, even with your recommendation, my Lord... Yes, she would need to come in person to be appointed to the Crimson Trackers."

Diana? Nox pondered. The name seemed familiar, but she had met many Dianas over her life; it was a fairly common name.

"Excuse me?"

Nox turned around and faced the Lotus Informant.

"Hello, sorry about that." The woman apologized, "I got a sudden call from a Sage Advisor, so I hope you understand. How can I assist you today?"

There's no way that Diana from the Ashfallen Trading Company would know a Sage Advisor who works directly under the Celestial Warden. I guess I was worried for nothing.

"No worries. How many Yinxi Coins do I have?"

The woman momentarily looked down and smiled, "You have 7,000 Yinxi Coins tied to your account. However, 6,000 is being held as payment for a still uncompleted bounty you took out against Stella Crestfallen."

So I have one thousand left to spend, and without completing any more missions, this is all the wealth I have left. I need enough to buy pills and a defensive artifact or two, so I must shortchange Helion.

"Transfer Helion Lightbringer 200 Yinxi Coins from my account," Nox instructed.

"Only 200?" Helion protested, but Nox just glared at him.

"As you wish, Mistress, the payment will go through by the end of the day." The Lotus Informant glanced up, "Anything else I can help you with?"

Nox gestured for Helion to leave with her eyes, and thankfully, the man took the hint. The guard had been rude earlier but was correct. Helion had no right to be in this area for longer than necessary.

With the light cultivator gone, Nox turned back to the Lotus Informant. "I need to buy information."

"Certainly, what do you wish to know?"

"Does the pavilion have a lot of information about curses? Specifically, ones that involve a demonic tree?"

The Lotus Informant frowned and stood up, "I can check the library at the back for you. Wait one moment, please."

"I will wait here," Nox said casually as the woman vanished into the back room. With nothing to do, she leaned on the desk and surveyed the room. The person who had been in the corner was gone.

Strange, I didn't even feel him leave.

"A curse?" A male voice she recognized even after five hundred years tickled her ear, "Is that why you haven't reached Nascent Soul Realm in all this time we have been apart?"

"To think the Celestial Warden was eavesdropping on me," Nox turned and faced the man she had run from all those years ago. "But to answer your question, I moved a nasty curse to my forming Nascent Soul, so until the curse is purged, I am stuck in the Star Core Realm."

"Mind if I take a look?"

Can I even say no to a 6th stage Nascent Soul Realm? Nox laughed in her mind but nodded her head in reality. A sudden feeling overwhelmed her as she felt her infant Nascent Soul squeezed by a Qi far above her comprehension. It was as if a godly being was gazing at her very soul.

"Strange, I have never seen something like this before." He said after a few minutes. "There's no need to wait for the Lotus Informant to return. I have read everything in that library, and no book or scripture mentions this curse."

"So what can I do?" Nox began to panic. If she was crippled within the Star Core Realm forever, then her lifespan would eventually run out, and she would die.

"Don't fret. I know of a solution." He said as he touched her shoulder and caressed her neck, "Go seek out the Voidmind family, as they are the only ones I know with void affinity. Have one of them purge your Nascent Soul and then return to me. I can help you rebuild it from scratch within a week."

Of course, the Voidmind family, why didn't I think of them? The curse is quarantined to my infant soul, so if I remove all traces of my infant soul and form it again, the curse will be gone. Also, I have worked with them in the past, so getting in contact with them will be a breeze.

"You would do that for me?" Nox asked as she ignored his gestures as best she could. They had been lovers five hundred years ago, which wasn't long for a cultivator, but it wasn't nothing. They should have grown distant.

"I would do anything for you," The Celestial Warden grinned. It would seem this crazy bastard's love hadn't faltered.


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