Rebirth : The Alchemist's Path

Chapter 14: Thoughs

Chapter 14: Thoughs

As Reggie consumed the elixir, the magic power that had been dispersed by Sylvus' earlier slap began to reassemble within his body.

At the same time, the surrounding magic energy started surging into him.

"Boss, you're truly ruthless," Meylan whispered as he approached Sylvus, watching Reggie meditate.

To break someone down, then heal them—this was not something an ordinary person could pull off.

"What's ruthless about it? We're running an honest business here. Aren't you all about integrity?" Sylvus gave him a sidelong glance.

Meylan's lips twitched. *Integrity?* This was clearly manipulation, if not outright extortion. But he dared not say more, for fear that Sylvus might cripple him with a single slap.

Sylvus watched Reggie with a satisfied smile as he cultivated.

Though his methods might seem harsh, they were effective.

In a matter of moments, he had earned 400,000 magic crystals. Where else could you find such an opportunity?

Moreover, Sylvus had the power to back up such methods. Most people wouldn't dare lay a hand on the Enforcement Hall, let alone the royal family's representatives.

But Sylvus dared.

Even if a Ruler Mage appeared before him, they wouldn't stand a chance. It would only take a single strike to deal with them.

This was a world where the strong preyed on the weak, and Sylvus had no sympathy for anyone. As long as the means achieved the desired outcome, nothing else mattered.


As time passed, Reggie's aura grew stronger.

Magic Apprentice, Mage, ArchMage ...

In less than half an hour, Reggie had returned to his former rank of Three-Star Grand ArchMage.

And still, his progress hadn't stopped.


A powerful force emanated from Reggie's body as he absorbed more and more magic energy. His aura surged even further.


With a jolt, Reggie broke through once again, reaching the rank of Four-Star Grand ArchMage.

Yet even this was not his limit.

"Boom, boom..."

Ten minutes later, Reggie had broken through to Five-Star Grand ArchMage.

"This is insane! The Boss's elixirs are even more powerful than Grade-Nine potions!" Meylan marveled, unable to contain his astonishment.

He had seen many rare potions in his life, but none that could both restore a mage's abilities and push them beyond their previous limits—especially not with such speed and without leaving any harmful aftereffects.

Another ten minutes passed before Reggie finally opened his eyes, brimming with joy.

"I've broken through! I've reached Six-Star Grand ArchMage!"

Reggie laughed aloud, reveling in the magic power coursing through his body.

Just moments ago, he had been reduced to a powerless shell. Yet now, with a single elixir, he had ascended three ranks.

It was the most miraculous event he had ever experienced.


"Thank you, Milord, for your mercy!"

Without hesitation, Reggie dropped to one knee before Sylvus, his eyes filled with gratitude.

Sylvus smiled faintly, saying nothing as he reclined back in his chair.

*This is the advantage of strength,* Sylvus thought. *You can sell someone out and still have them kneel in gratitude.*

"If you have no other business, leave. Don't disturb the Boss while he rests," Meylan said, dismissing the group.

"Boss, we'd like to buy some elixirs too," the other two Enforcement Hall members quickly added.

A minute later, after they had made their purchases, Reggie and his companions left the shop.

Once the trio was gone, Sylvus opened his eyes.

He was about to tell Meylan to mind the shop so he could head upstairs to buy the items from the system store, but then he heard hurried footsteps approaching the shop.

"Those guys didn't follow me, did they? Hmph, my father must really want me dead if he's forcing his own son into a death trap. Lucky for me, I escaped!"

A chubby boy, no more than fourteen or fifteen, appeared at the entrance to the shop.

The boy was dressed in extravagant clothing, clearly from a wealthy family.

"Huh, who'd have thought there'd be a shop in such a secluded spot? Just as well—I'm starving. Let's see if they have any food."

The boy spotted Sylvus and Meylan inside and, without hesitation, marched into the shop.

"Who's the owner here? Do you guys sell meatballs?" the boy asked as he stared at the elixirs displayed on the shelves.

Sylvus chuckled at the boy's words. This was the first time someone had mistaken elixirs for meatballs.

"We don't have meatballs, but we do have elixirs," Sylvus replied.

"Elixirs? What's that? I've seen a lot of rare things in my time, but I've never heard of 'elixirs.' Is it some kind of medicine?"

The boy asked curiously.

"Exactly. The effects of the elixirs in this shop are beyond your imagination," Sylvus answered with a smile.

The boy's expression turned skeptical.

"Don't try to trick me just because I'm young. I've seen pretty much everything there is on the Aeslar Continent. If your elixirs are so amazing, can they help me catch a magical beast? Can they make me a knight?"

"A knight, huh?"

Sylvus raised an eyebrow, giving the boy a closer look. He hadn't expected the kid to have dreams of becoming a knight.

"Of course they can."

Sylvus smiled again, walking over to the shelves.



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