Rebirth : The Alchemist's Path

Chapter 10: The Return of Kennan and a New Customer

Chapter 10: The Return of Kennan and a New Customer

"Huff, huff, huff..."

After Sylvus left, Meylan gasped for air and slowly rose from the floor.

Only then did he realize that his back was soaked in cold sweat.

"I never expected the boss to actually be a Ruler Mage. I thought such beings didn't exist in this world anymore."

Meylan muttered to himself.

Thinking about it now, it made sense. How could he, a mere mortal, ever comprehend the existence of a RulerMage?

Had it not been for the coincidence of stumbling into this small shop, he might have never known that such a powerful figure was hidden in the Sacred City.

At first, he had been curious about what Sylvus was planning, hiding away in the city.

But now, Meylan realized it didn't matter. All that mattered was staying close to this powerful figure.

If the boss decided to destroy the city, the only fate they could accept was death.

The next morning, Meylan opened the shop for business as usual, while Sylvus continued to lounge on a chair, napping as though nothing had happened the night before.

"Boss, I'm back again!"

A familiar voice rang out.

Sylvus didn't even need to look to know it was Kennan.

"What are you buying?" Sylvus asked nonchalantly.

Kennan smiled, showing a newfound respect in his eyes. After what had happened yesterday, he realized Sylvus was no ordinary shopkeeper.

"Boss, I have 10,000 magic crystals here. Let me know what elixirs are suitable for me, and I'll buy them."

Kennan took out 10,000 magic crystals.

These crystals were, of course, given to him by Debb the previous day.

Kennan had accepted them because he had no other funds at his disposal.

Over the years, his parents had been looked down upon by the family due to his lack of progress, and he didn't feel right asking them for money.

Debb's offer had come at just the right time, and Kennan decided to use the crystals to purchase powerful elixirs. With their help, he would undoubtedly advance even further in the family's annual test in three days.

When the time came to challenge Debb, even if he couldn't win, he would no longer be made a fool of.

"Oh? You've become rich overnight. Tell me what kind of elixir effects you're looking for."

Sylvus raised an eyebrow as he looked at Kennan.

Was this really the same penniless kid from yesterday with only five magic crystals? One night had made quite a difference.

"Boss, I want to continue improving my cultivation level, and also gain better control over my magic. Of course, if there's an elixir that can help me learn magic faster, that would be ideal."

Kennan thought for a moment before answering.

"Kid, there's no such thing in this world that can help you learn magic faster. You should focus on steady cultivation."

Before Sylvus could respond, Meylan chimed in.

As a Nine-Star Saint Archmage, Meylan was well aware of how grueling the path to power could be.

There were indeed elixirs that could boost cultivation, but improving one's control over magic required constant practice.

As for learning magic quickly, that depended entirely on an individual's talent, which could not be compensated for by any external means.

"My shop has exactly what you're looking for."

Sylvus suddenly stood up and smiled faintly.

Meylan was left stunned, casting a resentful glance at Sylvus.

Just a moment ago, he had denied the possibility, and now Sylvus was confirming it—wasn't this just a slap in the face?

"Boss, you really have such elixirs?"

Kennan's eyes sparkled. He hadn't expected much, considering he only had 10,000 magic crystals.

After all, the kind of potions he needed were at least Grade-Eight or higher, and those typically cost hundreds of thousands to millions of magic crystals.

But Sylvus' shop seemed to offer something different.

"Grade-Two Magyuan Pill, which can improve your cultivation level. Grade-Two Lingming Pill, which can enhance your control over magic. And Grade-Two Bonewashing Pill, which can only be consumed once, to improve your innate talent."

"As for how much they will improve you, that depends on your personal condition. Each pill costs 100 magic crystals."

As Sylvus spoke, he took out three similar-looking elixirs and placed them in front of Kennan.

"How many do you want?"

Kennan stared at the three elixirs, swallowing nervously.

He had a strong feeling that his future success in the family's upcoming test would depend on these pills.

"Boss, could you advise me on how many of each I should buy?"

Kennan asked.

Sylvus nodded. He took business seriously.

"One Bonewashing Pill will be enough. Split the remaining amount between Lingming and Magyuan Pills. How does that sound?"

"Okay, Boss, I'll do as you say!"

"Meylan, tally the bill and prepare the elixirs."

After speaking, Sylvus reclined back in his chair. He didn't need to personally handle such trivial matters.

"Young man, here's one Bonewashing Pill, fifty Lingming Pills, and forty-nine Magyuan Pills. Please check them."

"No problem. Thanks, Boss!"

Kennan excitedly accepted the elixirs and, after a quick farewell, ran off with joy.

This time, in the family test, he was determined to make a stunning comeback.

"Go and learn the effects of each elixir properly. If you embarrass yourself again next time, you'll dig your own grave."

Once Kennan had left, Sylvus cast a glance at Meylan.

"Got it, Boss!"

Meylan shuddered. He knew he had just made a fool of himself, and he didn't dare argue. He feared Sylvus might actually bury him alive if he displeased him again.

"Captain, this is the shop."

Not long after, a voice rang out, and Sylvus saw three figures entering the shop.


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