Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 74: Rent a shop (two shifts)

Chapter 74: Rent a shop (two shifts)

Half an hour later, the three of Qin Tianyue had arrived in City A, and Xu Jiaxin had already been waiting for Qin Tianyue at the agreed place.

"Tianyue, you are finally here."

Seeing Qin Tianyue, Xu Jiaxin hurriedly greeted him. Behind Xu Jiaxin is her own shop. There are more than a dozen shops under her name, both large and small. Originally, her family was wealthy. When she married, her father married several shops. , I already have the money, it is not of much use, so I also invested the money in the shops.

"Sister Jiaxin!"

The two met only once, but they were relatively familiar. After the last time they were separated, Qin Tianyue refused to let Xu Jiaxin call herself Master Qin, Doctor Qin, and Xu Jiaxin also asked her to call herself Sister Jiaxin.

"These two are?"

Xu Jiaxin saw Lu Tianyou and Luo Xi behind Qin Tianyue and asked in a low voice.

Qin Tianyue raised a soft smile, charming and charming, "They are my friends, and they are also coming with me today."

Xu Jiaxin nodded in understanding, "Aren't you tired? Are you going to take a break or look at the shops first?"

"Look at the shops first!"

"Well, there are a few of my shops behind here. If you are not satisfied, I will take you to other places."

Xu Jiaxin is very enthusiastic, and she is very grateful to Qin Tianyue, and Xu Jiaxin is very willing to make good friends with Qin Tianyue.

"Okay, trouble Sister Jiaxin."

Qin Tianyue followed Xu Jiaxin towards the shop, followed by Lu Tianyou and Luoxi.

"The shops here have just been completed, so they haven't been rented out yet. You can just have a look when you come."

Xu Jiaxin is actually not telling the truth. She is currently in a relatively prosperous street in City A. She actually rented out several shops under her name. After talking to Qin Tianyue last time, she learned that she needed to rent a shop. So Xu Jiaxin took back the shop that had already been rented out.

Of course Qin Tianyue also knew that Xu Jiaxin might not be the truth, and she remembered this love.

Xu Jiaxin took Qin Tianyue to see several shops, almost all of them were simply decorated. If you want to do something, you only need to buy good things to go in.

"Sister Jiaxin, how about I want to rent the three nearby shops?"

Qin Tianyue took a fancy to a shop of more than a dozen square meters and two shops that totaled about 50 square meters.

"Okay, no problem, as long as you like it."

Seeing Qin Tianyue's satisfaction, Xu Jiaxin smiled kindly.

"What are you going to do? I have lived in City A for a long time. If you need to buy something, you can find me."

Xu Jiaxin said actively, Qin Tianyue nodded, "Thank you, sister Jiaxin."

She does have a lot of trouble for Xu Jiaxin.

"Why are you thanking me? You call me sister Jiaxin. Sister will help you solve these things."

Xu Jiaxin said happily, this sister Xu Jiaxin was cheeky to recognize her, of course she must do her best to help her.

"By the way, didn't you call yesterday to say you want a restaurant shop?"

Xu Jiaxin walked to the side. Not far from the shops rented by Qin Tianyue, there is a three-story single-floor floor. The decoration is still very good and new.

"This house used to be a restaurant, but the boss stopped doing it not long ago. I will show you in."

Xu Jiaxin opened the door of the restaurant and walked in.

The restaurant is simple and clear. It does not look gorgeous and has a warm feeling. The first and second floors are restaurants, and the third floor is an open-air leisure area.

Seeing this, Qin Tianyue was very satisfied, and said directly to Xu Jiaxin, "Sister Jiaxin, this place is very good."

Lu Tianyou and Luo Xi behind them were also very satisfied, but they didn't know the price of renting here.

"It's good!"

Xu Jiaxin said happily, and the four found a place to sit down.

"Sister Jiaxin, I rent both this restaurant and the three shops we saw just now. How much do I need for the rent?"

As soon as Qin Tianyue's words fell, Xu Jiaxin already said softly, "Tianyue, if you really want to pay rent, you can give 300,000 yuan a year."

Xu Jiaxin is not short of money, even very rich. If these shops are really to be counted as rent, at least five or six hundred thousand yuan, because it is Qin Tianyue, so she said the price, she knows Qin Tianyues character, if she says Free to Qin Tianyue, Qin Tianyue is definitely not willing, the price is low, Qin Tianyue is definitely not willing, so he said a moderate price.

Although Qin Tianyue didn't know the price in City A, she also knew that the several shops in this location must have more than this price. She knew that Xu Jiaxin was missing a lot. After a moment of thought, Qin Tianyue nodded, "Okay, thank you Jiaxin Sister."

Lu Tianyou and Luo Xi also nodded gratefully to Xu Jiaxin.

Xu Jiaxin smiled, "Actually, when you want to buy these shops in the future, I can also sell them to you at a low price."

Regarding money, Xu Jiaxin is very indifferent. If these shops can be used as a favor, Xu Jiaxin is very willing.

Qin Tianyue nodded to Xu Jiaxin, "Okay, thank Sister Jiaxin!"

She doesnt have much money on her now. Not to mention that she cant afford the single-family three-story building. She also needs to spend a lot of money to buy the three shops. She must keep the more than four million in her body. , If you really want to buy it, you can only have money to talk about it.

"In the future, let's not say anything to thank you. It's too early. I will show you the delicious food in City A."

Xu Jiaxin got up from her position, and Qin Tianyue also got up.

The four of them came to a well-known restaurant. This restaurant is a combination of Chinese and Western restaurants. The business is very good. Because Xu Jiaxin is a frequent customer here, the boss vacated a private room for him.

Entering the private room, Xu Jiaxin ordered more than a dozen special dishes here, and Qin Tianyue stopped the waiter to serve the dishes.

Lu Tianyou and Luo Xi walked out of the private room while they were serving the food. Qin Tianyue and Xu Jiaxin were left in the private room.

"Tianyue, what do you think of my skin? I have rubbed it a few times, and I feel that the spots on my skin have lightened a lot. Your ice cream is amazing."

Xu Jiaxin touched her face and said to Qin Tianyue happily. She couldn't wait to use it a few times after she bought the ice muscle cream. It was obvious that some of the small spots on her face had disappeared, and she was so surprised that she could not wait to buy more. Box, the husband came back from the company and praised her.

Qin Tianyue looked at Xu Jiaxin. Xu Jiaxin is in her early forties this year. Even with the best maintenance, some fine lines and spots appear on her face. Since using her ice cream, the fine lines and spots on her face have almost disappeared. Now, people are several years younger.


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