Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 3: Space, sky eye

Chapter 3: Space, sky eye

A misty mist enveloped Qin Tianyues eyes. She looked at it in confusion, not knowing where she was at this time. She was clearly still in her room, so why suddenly she ran to such a place, faintly thin. The fog can still see the scenery in front of you clearly.

The endless aquamarine lawn, there are countless bright and delicate flowers on the lawn, the air has a fresh fragrance of flowers, there are countless butterflies and bees flying among the flowers in the sky, a light breeze blows, some petals still fall on Qin Tianyues cheeks , As if kissing her.

Not far from the lawn is a wooden arch bridge, under the arch bridge is clear water, there seems to be fish and shrimp swimming in the stream, there are countless flowers on both sides of the stream, and fish are happily eating the grass by the stream.

In the distance of the arch bridge is an ancient wooden house. In front of the antique house is a peach tree. The faint petals fall in front of the ancient house, which is as beautiful as a picture scroll.

Qin Tianyue couldn't control her steps and walked forward, crossing the arch bridge and standing in front of the ancient house. Her gaze fell on the stone stele in front of the ancient house, on which the two words "Lianjie" were written.

Lotus world? what is this? Is it this place?

The inexplicable Qin Tianyue thought of the lotus on his chest. Standing here, the shape of the hot lotus was inexplicably cool and comfortable.

She thought that the reason why she was able to come here must have something to do with the lotus flower on her chest. Didn't she expect that the jade pendant her father gave her is such a big space?

Stepping onto the stone steps, Qin Tianyue opened the door and walked in. There was a portrait of a beautiful woman in the middle of the house with traces of desertedness. The beautiful woman wore an ancient costume with a hemline skirt and a lotus jade pendant around her waist. Qin Tianyue stood in front of the portrait of a beautiful woman as a gift to herself. The beauty in the painting seemed to be looking at her lovingly.

Qin Tianyue's gaze fell on the edge of the portrait of the beauty, and there was a line on it that was an introduction to the lotus world.

It turns out that the lotus world was created by Qinglian, the first beauty in the cultivation world. Qinglian is not only a master in the cultivation world, but also a medical immortal. She practiced spiritually, and finally completed her merits and turned into a fairy of Qinglian. The lotus jade pendant is a gift to a destined person.

Looking at the portrait of the beauty, Qin Tianyue knelt down respectfully, "The younger Qin Tianyue has no intention of coming here, thanks to the fairy Qinglian as a gift to the lotus world."

After the words fell, Qin Tianyue kowtowed his head gratefully, and after three beeps, the portrait in front of Qin Tianyue suddenly glowed.

Qin Tianyue looked up in shock. Fairy Qing Lian appeared in front of Qin Tianyue with a kindly smile on her face, "What a beautiful girl with Zhong Ling, I can be considered as a beautiful girl in the lotus world. Don't worry, you don't have to be afraid. I am just an afterimage. Since you and I are predestined, I will put my life's hard work in your hands."

Fairy Qinglian waved his hand and suddenly two books appeared in front of Qin Tianyue.

"This is "Spirit Doctor" and "Medicinal Doctor". Now I give it to you. I hope you can practice hard, but remember that you must never use your own ability to do bad things, or you will be harmed one day."

Fairy Qinglian's ethereal voice came, and Qin Tianyue looked at her firmly, "Fairy Qinglian, don't worry, I will never do bad things."

"That's good!"

Fairy Qinglian smiled with satisfaction, and his figure gradually began to blur, "I am running out of time. There is a golden lotus behind the house, which I left with a destined person. If you eat the lotus seeds in the golden lotus, your body will wash the marrow and cut the sutras. You will also gain some abilities. As for what abilities it is, you can only look at yourself."

"Remember, taking Jinlian may be very painful. Only after getting through that pain can you successfully cleanse the marrow and cut the menstruation, so consider carefully."

"In addition to Jinlian, there are also medicinal fields. You can only take care of these by yourself."

After Fairy Qinglian finished speaking, his body was about to disappear, and Qin Tianyue kept kneeling on the ground, "I know Fairy, I will definitely live up to your trust."

Fairy Qinglian nodded in satisfaction, as if thinking of something, and said again, "By the way, the golden lotus grows in the spiritual pond. It is also good for you to bathe in the spiritual pond. The stream flowing down the upper reaches of the spiritual pond can enhance your physique. The effect can also get rid of impurities in the human body. It can also be regarded as a simple cleansing of the marrow and cutting the sutra.

"Yes, Tianyue knows!"

Fairy Qinglian showed a beautiful smile. The moment she disappeared, her eyes showed memories, "There is still..."

Before Fairy Qinglian finished speaking, she had turned into blue smoke and disappeared in mid-air.

Qin Tianyue looked at Fairy Qinglian who had disappeared, frowning slightly, what was the last thing Fairy Qinglian had to say, she hadn't even heard that Fairy Qinglian had disappeared.

Nodding respectfully in the direction where Fairy Qinglian disappeared, Qin Tianyue thoughtfully, such a magical space would actually appear on her body. He didnt have any physical body at the beginning. After rebirth, the jade pendant appeared without the lotus world. She There were even some daring guesses whether her rebirth had something to do with space, but it was a pity that Fairy Qinglian had disappeared, and she had no chance to ask.

Now that she was reborn, she couldn't think about anything else. Qin Tianyue picked up the "Medicinal Doctor" in front of him and read it.

As the name suggests, medicine is about medicine. It not only records thousands of herbs, but also their functions, as well as the diagnosis of all the pathologies of Qinglian Fairy as a medical immortal.

Qin Tianyue looked seriously, and suddenly the whole medicine turned into a smoke and poured into Qin Tianyue's mind. In an instant, Qin Tianyue had all the information about medicine in his mind, and she looked at her empty hand in shock.

The amount of information provided by the medicine doctor was so huge that Qin Tianyue couldn't digest it for a while, so he could only stand in place with his eyes closed.

After a long time, she opened her eyes, looked at the spiritual doctor in front of her, picked up the spiritual doctor and opened it, the more she looked at it, the more shocked.

She had always thought that it was incredible that she had a strong mental power, but now she has encountered even more incredible things. With such a powerful space, the spiritual doctor left by Fairy Qinglian is even more powerful.

The spiritual doctor in her hand and the medicinal doctor are completely different concepts. The medicinal doctor uses medicine to enter the medicine, but the spiritual doctor in her hand tells her how to practice the spirit into the body, and then she can use it after the spirit enters the body. The aura in the body saves people.

Spiritual medicine is divided into three levels, the ground level, the yellow level, and the sky level. Each level is divided into three levels, the lower middle and upper levels.

In the spiritual medicine, the aura of the ground level is limited. Huang Ji can draw the aura of heaven and earth to help her, and even worse, he can also use the shame to help her. youth.

Even if this space is against the sky, there are such magical spiritual doctors and medicinal doctors. If these things are known to others, you will not be crazy about them. Fortunately, she has been born again once. My self, maybe the same as others.


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