Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 11: Uphill

Chapter 11: Uphill

After Qin Jianan left, Qin Tianyue cleaned up the house, then took the bamboo basket and walked out of the house.

Along the muddy road, breathing the fresh air, and seeing the emerald green all around, Qin Tianyue was in a good mood and was able to live again. She was very grateful to God and Fairy Qinglian.

Many villagers along the road greeted Qin Tianyue, and Qin Tianyue greeted him with a smile.

Just as I was going up the mountain, I ran into Zhang Shufen, who was holding a sickle. Zhang Shufen saw Qin Tianyue's expression ugly, "Oh, isn't this our college student? Should college students take these things too?"

Zhang Shufen's sullen voice sounded, and Qin Tianyue smiled slightly, "Second aunt, what are you talking about, don't college students take the bamboo basket?"

Zhang Shufen snorted coldly, thinking that Qin Tianyue actually let her 1,000 yuan go to the ground yesterday, she couldn't get angry.

Qin Tianyue stared at Zhang Shufen, a golden light flashed in her beautiful eyes, and a picture appeared in Qin Tianyue's mind.

In the picture, after Qin Tianyue left, Zhang Shufen kept standing on the spot and cursing, but didn't notice her feet. The whole person stepped on the slippery road, fell on the ground and twisted her waist.

Seeing this picture, Qin Tianyue showed a bewildering smile, Zhang Shufen's back was numb, why is it so strange that Qin Tianyue came back this time, even if his eyes were strange, his smile was also very strange.

"Second aunt, I won't bother you to do things, do things carefully, don't get into trouble."

Qin Tianyue smiled, but there was no slight smile in her eyes. Zhang Shufen has always bullied their father and daughter. From when she was young to when she grew up, nothing was good for her. This time she actually wanted to marry her. What's the difference between that woman, I want to sell her.

Qin Tianyue crossed Zhang Shufen towards the direction of the mountain, Zhang Shufen stared behind him, and cursed at Qin Tianyues back.

" stinky girl!"

"Dare to curse me, it really is a stinky girl with a mother but not a mother..."

Zhang Shufen scolded Zhenghuan, jumping her feet from time to time, and suddenly slid backwards with a bang.

"Oh, oh, it hurts, it hurts!"

Zhang Shufen fell to the ground, her whole body hurt and uncomfortable, she couldn't get up at all, she covered her waist and wailed.

There was no one around, but she could only hear her screaming like a pig.

Qin Tianyue's ears were very sensitive after washing the marrow cutting, and he could clearly hear Zhang Shufen falling to the ground making a pig-killing cry.

This is retribution! Qin Tianyue smiled and did not care about Zhang Shufen behind her, letting her fall to the ground and wailing.

The mountain road is a bit rugged, the road is still a bit wet, the surrounding air is very fresh, and insects scream from time to time. There are many wild flowers beside the road, brightly blooming, Qin Tianyue is in a good mood to pick a wild rose and place it. Smell the tip of the nose lightly, then crouched down and transplanted the wild rose to his own space, ready to reproduce in his own space, and later can make some flower baths or essential oils.

Along the way, Qin Tianyue transplanted a lot of flowers into his space, such as camellia, jasmine, and chrysanthemum.

After transplanting the flowers, Qin Tianyue found several piles of mushrooms and tea tree mushrooms next to a withered tree. Qin Tianyue transplanted the mushrooms and tea tree mushrooms into his own space, and then put some in the bamboo basket, ready to bring Go home to eat.

After picking the mushrooms, Qin Tianyue found many fruit trees. Huanshan Village is surrounded by mountains on three sides. There are many wild fruit trees, such as apple trees, pear trees, wild blueberry trees, orange trees, mulberry trees, cherry trees, grapes, etc...

Without feeling tired, Qin Tianyue transplanted these fruit trees into the space for planting, and walked briskly towards the forest.

The entire mountain forest Qin Tianyue is fairly familiar. Although he hasn't been to this mountain for several years since his last life, the deep-rooted things still exist in his memory even if he hasn't come for a long time.

Qin Tianyue kept transplanting the plants he saw into the space with satisfaction. Surprisingly, she also found tea trees in a corner of the mountain. She kept watching around and dug up a lot of common herbs. The number of samples reached two. There are more than ten kinds, which is really a bumper harvest.

Suddenly there was fluctuation in the space. She watched attentively, and saw that the big white egg was shaking in the room, seeming to be acting like a baby and trying to come out.

Qin Tianyue glanced around, and after not finding anyone, he stretched out his hand with a smile, and the big white egg instantly appeared in his palm.

"Little guy, what's the matter with you?"

She felt that the little guy wanted to come out, as if he wanted to tell herself something, but now it was just an egg, so she couldn't say anything at all.

Suddenly, the tip of the white egg kept jumping in the direction of Qin Tianyue's right.

Qin Tianyue glanced at the eggshell, then looked to the direction of his right side, and said in confusion, "Are you asking me to go to the right?"

The big white egg seemed to be nodding and beating constantly. Qin Tianyue glanced at the jungle that was denser than other places. Although she grew up in Huanshan Village, she has also visited many mountains, but there are three mountains in Huanshan Village. It's really big. There are many places that she has not visited. Some of them are places that the elderly in Huanshan Village have never visited. I heard that there are many wild and ferocious animals in those places. In order to avoid accidents, almost everyone is only there. The outer place.

No one had been in the place pointed to by Dadan, and she didn't know if she should listen to it.

The white egg in his palm seemed to know that Qin Tianyue was hesitating and jumped hurriedly. Qin Tianyue believed that if it had legs, it would definitely pull her in.

After hesitating for a while, Qin Tianyue still listened to White Egg's words. When something happened to her, she could enter the space by herself.

Reaching out the dense weeds in front of him, Qin Tianyue walked into the depths of the woods.

Maybe it's because no one has entered this woods. This woods is obviously dark and gloomy, and even the smell of rotten leaves here is much stronger than outside.

Fortunately, what surprised Qin Tianyue was that Qin Tianyues harvest here was much more than outside. It seemed to be the place where the herbs were produced. Qin Tianyue actually collected hundreds of herbs in a short period of time. Among them, there are many precious medicinal materials. Some medicine fields didn't have them. As for some, she didn't dig any more, so as not to waste time.

She happily planted the herbs she dug into the medicinal field with aura. Under the strong guidance of the big white egg, she peeled off a few large wild taro leaves. The scene into the destination shocked her in the same place.


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