Rebirth: Once Again With You

Chapter 563 Signs (1)

The two brothers quickly became the focus of female customers because of their attractiveness.

One looked like a fine man from a noble household, with his cold and detached gazes, making them curious about what was in his mind. The other looked sharper, with a sense of wildness in his eyes, making him look sexy and irresistible.

However, they paid no attention to their surroundings as they struggled to find the word to say.

Dai Zhiqiang was restless, while Dai Shenqiang was unperturbed. In the past, the younger brother was always unsure about everything. He would come to him to ask for advice every time.

But that same boy had grown up. There was almost no trace of crybaby Dai Shenqiang in the man sitting across from him.

It made Dai Zhiqiang feel unfamiliar, and he didn't know how he should approach him.

"Big brother, how are you?"

At last, Dai Shenqiang was the one who broke the silence first, as usual. Dai Zhiqiang raised his head and smiled. "As you can see, I'm fine. How about you?"

"Me too. My life is exciting here with so many new things to learn," Dai Shenqiang smiled back at him, but there was something off about that smile. His tone was also lackluster as if he was tired.

Dai Zhiqiang became concerned and asked carefully. "Did you have any difficulties? Just tell me if you need anything."

"You are still the same worrywart. I'm not a child anymore; you don't have to be so protective of me. Besides, it has been years already. What kind of difficulty would I have?"

Dai Zhiqiang observed him, but it didn't seem he was lying. His facial lines got more relaxed.

"I see. I'm glad you are living well here. You were against the decision so much before, so I'm worried you are still angry at me. Thank you for coming here today."

Dai Shenqiang's brows twitched a bit. A disturbed countenance flashed across his face, but Dai Zhiqiang was too distracted to notice it.

"I have heard about Father's condition. I'm sorry for making you go through the difficult phase alone."

"He is my father too. Of course, I will take care of him. You will do the same if you aren't so busy."

He had become a lot more sensible. It was a positive change, and Dai Zhiqiang couldn't be prouder. If it was the old him, he probably would whine a lot and ask him to stay for good, but they finally could see eye to eye.

"I can work without worry because you are there to support me from behind. Shen, I know it's not easy for you. Thank you for being so patient with me."

Dai Shenqiang cast his gaze down. "Stop it. I don't want to hear it. It's embarrassing."

Dai Zhiqiang laughed, and it was as if the earlier tension didn't exist as they continued to chat about various things. The brothers had a lot of catching up to do.

"How is your hand? Does it still feel uncomfortable?"

Dai Shenqiang clenched and unclenched his hand a few times before calmly answering. "En, it's doing better."

"Good. How about friends or girlfriends?"

The younger man chuckled. "I'm not interested in finding a girlfriend, but I made many good friends here."

"Really? What kind of people are they?" Dai Zhiqiang leaned his body forward curiously.

Unlike before, this time, Dai Shenqiang took his time to answer. "They are people who are willing to share joy and pain with me."

"I see. They sound like a bunch of good people. Since I'm already here, you should introduce them to me sometimes."

Dai Shenqiang curled up his mouth in a vague smile. "Maybe next time. They have been pretty busy recently."

"That's too bad, but as long as you are happy with them, it's all that matters to me."

Dai Shenqiang kept his gaze lowered, so Dai Zhiqiang couldn't gauge his happiness. He seemed less energetic than usual, although he kept up with the conversation normally.

Dai Zhiqiang wondered if he was troubled because he asked about his friends.

However, before he could open his mouth to ask, Dai Shenqiang's phone rang. He took it out, and inexplicable emotion swirled inside his eyes for a moment before he raised his head. "Sorry, I gotta take this one."

"Sure, take your time."

While waiting until his brother returned, Dai Zhiqiang also checked his phone. He had a lot of missed calls and messages from Lin Xiang, and his brows raised in confusion. He immediately called him back to make sure.

"Senior Lin, didn't I tell you not to bother me while I'm on vacation?"

"You think I call you because I want to?! This is urgent! You have to come back immediately, kiddo!"

Dai Zhiqiang frowned. "Stop trying to push your job onto me. I have already helped you a lot. Can't you survive a week or two without me?"

Lin Xiang's tone became more impatient. "The boss is attacked! And he is in a critical condition!"

The annoyance on Dai Zhiqiang's face immediately faded and was replaced with a huge shock and confusion. "What? But how can that be?"

"I'll explain later, but you must come back as soon as possible! Everyone was restless without the boss, and I could only do so much alone. The Young Master cried a lot and refused to eat. Anyway, it's a big mess here!"

Someone actually managed to harm Ye Huizhong. It was a feat that no one was able to achieve before. He was the pillar of the group and a symbol of their strength. Without him reigning the command, the group would scatter and make it easier for their enemies to attack. No wonder the rest of the group was restless.

Dai Zhiqiang understood the severity of the situation but couldn't help but feel reluctant. He glanced at his brother, who was still busy taking a call, and bit his lips.

"Senior Lin, it's been years since I met my family. Do you think I can—"

"Kiddo, I know this may sound selfish, but don't forget that your family's happiness is in the boss' hands. You are the one whom he trusted the most. Don't betray him."

Lin Xiang's voice was cold, almost threatening. Dai Zhiqiang clenched his fist tightly.

Like it or not, the one who protected his family for him all this time was indeed Ye Huizhong. He couldn't have fun by himself when Ye Wang was in chaos like this.

He swallowed a big lump of reluctance and responded, "I understand. I will return as soon as possible."

Lin Xiang was audibly relieved to hear that. "You made the right decision. Sorry about my tone of speech just now. I was too agitated and vented it on you."

"It's fine. Tell the others to stay put and not cause trouble until I arrive."

"Leave that to me. Be careful."

Dai Zhiqiang hung up the call, looking extremely gloomy. He leaned against the back of the chair with his eyes closed and his fingers rubbing his aching temple.

"Brother, what's wrong? Your face doesn't look good."

Opening his eyes, Dai Shenqiang returned to his seat and looked at him worriedly.

Dai Zhiqiang fidgeted nervously in his place, without knowing how to break the news to him. How could he tell his brother he would leave as soon as he arrived here?


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