Rebirth: Once Again With You

Chapter 549 Give Li Caiyi To Me

The interior of the building reminded him of the Rose Bar.

Although this place was deserted, Dai Zhiqiang could see the empty bar in the deeper part of the room. Tables were aligned neatly with no sign of them ever being used, with thick dust coating their surface.

The torn and dirty curtain covered the window, and the moonlight seeped through the curtain hole.

However, despite looking old, this place was more spacious than Rose Bar. There were stairs leading to the second floor beside the bar counter.

Dai Zhiqiang couldn't sense any human presence from the first floor, so he had no choice but to check on the higher floor.

He sharpened his senses so he wouldn't miss any slight movement before he took out his favorite swiss knife, readying it beside his body.

Trying to make his footsteps as silent as possible, he climbed the stairs. But the creaking sound under his feet made it impossible for him to walk without being noticed. Dai Zhiqiang cursed the old building inwardly.

"I know you are there. Don't be shy and show yourself."

Dai Zhiqiang's whole body tensed at the light-hearted voice coming from above. He tripled his vigilance as he continued to go upstairs.

Unlike the first floor, the second floor barely had anything in it, like they hadn't had a chance to use this place before it was closed forever.

Standing in the middle of it was a man wearing a plain white mask surrounded by a few other men clad in black outfits.

Dai Zhiqiang's eyes widened in surprise, not because he was surprised some people had gathered there but because his father was sitting in the wheelchair near the white-mask man.

From how Dai Bolin hung his head low, he assumed that Huang Zhen must have made him drink something that knocked him unconscious.

Just thinking about it made Dai Zhiqiang's blood boil in anger.

Glaring fiercely at the masked man, Dai Zhiqiang growled, "What did you do to my father."

"Nothing. Not yet, to be precise." His tone was light and rather cheerful like he was in a good mood, but Dai Zhiqiang felt the opposite. Brandishing his knife, he prepared his stance, ready to attack.

In a way, he had to thank Huang Zhen for making Dai Bolin pass out. Dai Zhiqiang wouldn't want his father to witness him massacring these people.

"Huang Zhen, you have crossed the line. Don't blame me for whatever happens." Dai Zhiqiang raised his knife and was about to lunge forward to immobilize one of the men who stood so close to Dai Bolin.

However, before he could move much, a round kick came out of nowhere and almost knocked him off by the chin. The kick was very powerful; it created a gust of wind as it passed him.

Dai Zhiqiang was barely able to react accordingly by jumping a step behind. It seemed a sudden attack wouldn't work with someone as skillful as Huang Zhen.

"Not so fast, cheeky brat. Suddenly attacking us like that, you don't have any manners." Huang Zhen said helplessly before nodding to his subordinates. The next moment, one of the men pushed the wheelchair into one of the rooms.

"Wait! Where are you going to take him?!" Dai Zhiqiang shouted.

"Boy, aren't you a noisy one? I don't have a hobby of harming a sick and unconscious old man. As long as you don't do anything reckless, I will give your father back in one piece."

Dai Zhiqiang gritted his teeth. He was incredibly anxious but forced himself to calm down and assess the situation.

Except for Huang Zhen and the one who brought his father into the room, there were still four other men in this room. All looked bulky and strong.

Of course, one's body size wasn't the only thing that mattered in a fight, but Dai Zhiqiang wasn't confident that he could take them on while Huang Zhen was still here.

Not even ten of these men could compare with one Huang Zhen. His kick just now wasn't a mere warning, but he seriously aimed for Dai Zhiqiang's head. It wouldn't end with a simple concussion if he got hit.

It seemed listening to Huang Zhen would be the most efficient strategy for now. He would bid his time and wait for a good chance, then save his father from these people.

Lowering his knife, Dai Zhiqiang relaxed his body. "Fine, let's hear what you have to say."

"I know you will understand. As expected of someone who piqued Ye Huizhong's interest."

Then, Huang Zhen sat on the only chair in the room and folded his legs. "I'm pretty sure you are in a hurry right now, so I will make this short. I have watched you all this time, and I think we can get along well. What about if you join me in my cause? Whatever Ye Huizhong gave you, I will make it ten folds."

Dai Zhiqiang sneered mockingly. "So all the drama you caused before was all just for this? Just how idle are you?"

"Precisely. Humans will naturally try to do something fun when they are idle. Playing with you and people around you like this is a good time for me."

His playful tone made Dai Zhiqiang's veins pop up in anger again. He had to restrain the urge to attack Huang Zhen right there and then.

"Shut up." Dai Zhiqiang replied darkly. "What if I refuse?"

Huang Zhen shrugged. "Then I guess we will play some more. You see, I'm very interested in you. When I see something I like, I can't help but want to have them and play with them until they break."

The fact that he could say something crazy like that cheerfully revealed a lot about his personality. Dai Zhiqiang wanted nothing to do with this person. He was about to negotiate with Huang Zhen when the latter surprised him with his following words.

"Alright, then. I won't force you to join."

Dai Zhiqiang was dumbfounded. "What?"

"Hahaha, what's with that face? Do you think I will kneel and beg you to join me?"

Of course not, but Dai Zhiqiang certainly didn't expect him to give up so easily. His eyes narrowed down in suspicion. "Huang Zhen, what are you planning now?"

"You are really quick on the uptake. If you don't want to join me that badly, give Li Caiyi to me instead. If you agree to not get  involved with her anymore, I'll let you and your father return safely."

Dai Zhiqiang was enraged when he heard that. To hell with the diplomatic approach; he wanted to kill Huang Zhen right now.

"You bastard. What the hell are you smoking in the daylight? Do you think I will agree with your nonsensical chatter?" Dai Zhiqiang asked in a low voice. He raised his knife again and pointed the tip at Huang Zhen. "I shouldn't have listened to you in the first place. Fight with me."

No one could tell what kind of face Huang Zhen made behind that mask, but he sounded amused by Dai Zhiqiang's response.

"It seems you still don't understand your position right now. I have two of your people in my hands right now. You don't have a choice in the first place. You should be grateful that I am considering returning your father to you."

"Shut up." Dai Zhiqiang said threateningly. "Do you think I will come here alone? Our group is surrounding this place as we speak. None of you will escape if you hurt my father and me. You are bold enough to choose one of Ye Wang's territories as our meeting spot, but you will soon regret  your arrogance."

Huang Zhen didn't react, but Dai Zhiqiang's words definitely affected the men behind him.

He didn't blame them for being afraid since Ye Wang's notorious reputation was already well-known in the underworld business. Not to mention, some of their colleague who was caught before was tortured ruthlessly and never returned.

Ye Wang was more like a mafia group than a business group.

Only a foolish person with no fear, like Huang Zhen, would be crazy enough to provoke them.

No matter how skillful Huang Zhen was, the most he could do was save himself. Dai Zhiqiang doubted if he could even help each of the men here get out safely.

'Good. I just need to bluff a bit more to buy time and create more opportunities. Senior Lin will inform me as soon as he receives news from Meng Renshu about Li Caiyi.'

Once Li Caiyi was safe, he could focus on saving his father.


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