Rebirth on the Doors to the Civil Affairs Bureau

Chapter 48

Chapter 48 Lipstick Follow-up


Ren Xinxin just gave birth to a child, and suddenly Mother Ren cares about her daughter’s well-being. Every day she would be seen in the hospital, visiting her daughter and granddaughter.

Yu Dong could see Ren Xinxin’s reaction to this. The change of Mother Ren clearly made Xinxin very happy, a smile more prevalent in her expressions. Even with Lu Xuan loitering around, her face wouldn’t darken as much as before.

However, Xiang Xiaoyue watched from the sidelines and privately analyzed the situation with Yu Dong. She didn’t believe Mother Ren’s sudden change in personality and visited the hospital daily.

Yu Dong was also afraid of any further complications in Xinxin’s health, so she took the time to go see her once a day, often having lunch with Xia Feng.

On this particular day, as Yu Dong entered the ward Xinxin’s room was in, she saw Mother Ren walking towards the neonatal department. Yu Dong’s image of Mother Ren had always been bad, and it only grew worse during their confrontation and Mother Ren’s steadfast support towards Lu Xuan.

Thinking of this, Yu Dong changed her destination and slowly followed her.

Mother Ren walked all the way to her granddaughter’s room and stood near the bed, teasing the baby and chatting with the nurse. It seemed that she really liked the child.

Seeing this harmonious scene, Yu Dong suddenly felt that maybe Mother Ren actually had a heart.

“Miss Nurse,” When she saw the nurse chatting with Mother Ren leave the room, Yu Dong stopped her with a smile: “How is the baby in bed 12?”

“Ah, you’re Dr. Xia’s lover.” The little nurse exclaimed with bright eyes.

“Er…you know me?” Yu Dong was a little stunned.

“Of course, Dr. Xia was the golden bachelor in our hospital. When we heard he got married last year, many nurses could be heard crying for a long time.” The little nurse laughed. “Weren’t you on that New Year’s Gala showing on the TV last year? We all saw, you sing very well.”

“Thank you!” Yu Dong was embarrassed when she heard this.

“Right, you asked about bed 12?” Because Yu Dong was an acquaintance, the nurse was enthusiastic as she explained, “The baby’s still a little weak because she was born early, but after spending three days in the incubator, she’s pretty much stabilized. If all’s well in two days, she can be discharged. Speaking of, the grandmother just asked me about this too.”

“The grandmother of the child asked when the baby can go home?” Yu Dong asked doubtfully.

“Maybe because she found her granddaughter to be too cute, she’s been very eager, asking about this every day.” The nurse laughed.

Yu Dong nodded and thanked the nurse.

Because she had to change into scrubs to enter the ward, she was too lazy to change back immediately and stood around for a while. Looking through the glass to the babies in their beds rolling around, Yu Dong suddenly had the thought of her own future baby.

“Aren’t they cute?” As soon as An An left her office, she saw Yu Dong nearby.

Seeing approach her from the glass reflection, Yu Dong was also surprised. With a smile, she greeted Dr. An.

“Do you like children?’ An An asked.

“Yes, they’re adorable.” Yu Dong nodded.

“I feel the same, that’s why I chose pediatrics.” An An said with a smile, “Before, Xia Feng always commented on my love for children, talking about how we’d have plenty…”

An An suddenly cut herself off, and it was as if she just realized she had broken up with Xia Feng, and that she was currently talking to his wife. Perfousely apologizing, she rushed to say: “Sorry, I…”

“That’s alright.” After all, you two were lovers before, it’s normal that you two discussed having children.” Yu Dong laughed indifferently. “But Xia Feng really does like children, we’re actually planning to have one soon.”

Oh boy…trying to get a rise out of me…don’t even think about it sister, I’m on to you.

Yu Dong’s smile didn’t waver, despite her hate towards An An’s childish behavior.

“Is that right.” An An’s face froze, then she continued, “Then congratulations.”

“I’m not pregnant yet, but we’ll keep working hard.” Yu Dong made a shy smile as if she was very embarrassed.

“Then…I hope you achieve your goal!” While?An An felt like she had been stabbed in the heart, she valiantly kept the smile on her face.

“Thank you, Dr. An you’re very kind.” Yu Dong pasted on an innocent face.

An An initially wanted to discuss kids between herself and Xia Feng, then lead the conversation to Xia Feng’s feelings. But as a result, Yu Dong’s impressive performance blocked her intentions. It seems that Yu Dong was doing this on purpose?

Where did this naive young woman come from?

Acting so sweet when she’s obviously a scheming bitch.

An An’s face remained smiling, acting as if she just remembered something: “Oh, by the way, Xia Feng left something with me, I never had the chance to return it to him, but since you’re here, I’ll just pass it on to you.”

“What thing?” Yu Dong asked doubtfully.

“It’s in my office, I’ll go get it now, wait for me here.” After saying this, An An turned and went back into her office.

Yu Dong looked at An An’s retreating. In her heart she thought, if you’re planning on giving me the diamond ring, I’ll happily accept it.

An An came back with a small bag, handing it to the curious Yu Dong. With a smile, she said, “The last time we met in America, we happened to meet at a mall, and I accidentally took the lipstick he bought for you.”

At this, Yu Dong’s eyes flickered.

“I’m giving it back to you now, after all, you were the original recipient.”

Yu Dong took the bag and opened to see two lipsticks inside.

“Chanel’s 11 and 6 colors, I also like these colors.” An An laughed, “I guess we have pretty similar tastes.”

Yu Dong took a deep breath and slowly raised her head to show a wide smile: “We really do, otherwise, how could we fall in love with the same man?”

An An’s expression turned stiff, getting attacked so many times, how can she stand here and continue to take it?

“Cough…well…I’m quite busy, I’m afraid I have to get going.” An An looked down at her watch.

“Oh, then don’t let me hold you back.” Yu Dong smiled as she waved at An An.

After An An left her field of vision, Yu Dong held the bag tightly, her knuckles turning hard and white. She wanted to find Xia Feng and ask him about this immediately.

“Your, your household has some things to settle with you Xia Feng, you better prepared!” After muttering this harshly, she crumpled the bag in her hands as she left to go see Ren Xinxin.

Xia Feng, just you wait till tonight!

“Dong Dong, you’re here.” Ren Xinxin was in bed when she greeted Yu Dong happily.

“How are you feeling today?” Yu Dong sat on the chair next to the bed.

“Much better, the doctor said that they’ll remove my stitches tomorrow. I’ll be discharged in two days.” Ren Xinxin smiled.

“That’s good.” Yu Dong picked up an apple and started to peel it as she continued, “Did you want to go back to Xiaoyue’s apartment, or return to your house?”

“I…my mom told me to go home,” Xinxin hesitated, then said, “But I really don’t want to see Lu Xuan.”

“What do you want to do?” Xinxin and Lu Xuan grew up together. In the end, Yu Dong didn’t actually know the depth of Xinxin’s feelings towards her childhood friend. She didn’t know if Xinxin was willing to give Lu Xuan another chance.

“Actually…he came to visit a couple of times…” Ren Xinxin said, “He keeps apologizing to me…”

Yu Dong patiently waited for Ren Xinxin to state her true thoughts.

“But I don’t really feel good whenever I see him…” Ren Xinxin smiled bitterly, “I don’t want to see him.”

Yu Dong handed Ren Xinxin the freshly cut apple and said: “No matter what your decision is, Xiaoyue and I will always be on your side.”

“I know.” Ren Xinxin was feeling emotional as she smiled. Having such great girlfriends in this lifetime truly is a blessing.

Yu Dong spent some time with Ren Xinxin, then drove off.

Yu Dong first went to Xiaoyue’s studio to help, then headed for the radio station to restart the live broadcasts of Midnight Phantom. When she finally returned home, it was 2:30 a.m.

Looking at the empty house, Yu Dong walked into the bedroom and directly threw An An’s bag onto Xia Feng’s bed. She then headed for the second bedroom to sleep, firmly shutting the door closed.

When Xia Feng returned home and saw his bed empty, his first thought was that Yu Dong wasn’t home yet. However, he soon denied this, because he saw Yu Dong’s coat and shoes at the entryway.

Xia Feng thought for a moment, then approached the second bedroom. Gently pushing the door open, sure enough, there was a sleeping figure on the bed.

Xia Feng sighed helplessly, Yu Dong’s habit of sleeping in the wrong room should be fixed immediately. Walking towards the bed, he planned to quietly carry the sleeping figure back to the master bedroom.

But as soon as he lifted Yu Dong, she opened her eyes, seemly alert.

“You’re awake? Why didn’t you sleep in the main bedroom?” Xia Feng whispered.

“Put me down!” Yu Dong said coldly.

Xia Feng was surprised, but he did as she said and placed Yu Dong back on the bed.

Yu Dong went back underneath her blanket and turned her back towards Xia Feng to continue sleeping.

“What’s wrong?” Xia Feng wasn’t a fool and could already tell that Yu Dong was making trouble. But after thinking about it for a moment, he was sure he didn’t do anything to provoke her recently, ah.

“I want a separation!” Yu Dong said, her back still facing Xia Feng.

(T/N Separation as in living apart, not divorce. I double checked.)

“Don’t joke about that!” When Xia Feng heard the word ‘separation’ and became extremely serious.

“Who’s joking? Go back to your own room, I’m sleeping here.” Sitting up, Yu Dong pointed at the door and yelled.

“What the hell is going on?” Xia Feng knows that something must have happened because Yu Dong wasn’t an unreasonable person.

“I’m going to sleep, you get out!” Didn’t this person see the lipstick on his bed? Still having the gall to actually ask me what happened. Yu Dong was so angry, she dragged her blanked above her head and wrapped herself like a caterpillar.

Xia Feng tried to pull the blanket away and asking her what happened, but Yu Dong simply wouldn’t budge.

Although Xia Feng was utterly clueless, his intuition told him that he absolutely couldn’t let Yu Dong stay mad the entire night. With Yu Dong refusing to communicate, Xia Feng had no other choice. He bent down and lifted the blanket burrito directly, taking the person wrapped inside to the main room despite her struggling in his arms.

After being placed back down, Yu Dong struggled for a while to drill out of the blankets. When she finally emerged, she angrily shouted at Xia Feng: “I want to separate!”

“Dong Dong, don’t joke.” Xia Feng felt a headache coming on.

“Who’s joking! Whether you believe me or not, I’m moving out tomorrow.” Yu Dong huffed.

Hearing that Yu Dong planned to move out, how can Xia Feng bear it? Seeing Yu Dong moving to get off the bed, he suddenly loomed and pushed her back to the bed again.

“Let me go, what are you doing.” Yu Dong struggled to push him off.

Xia Feng’s eyes darkened, and he lowered his head to directly block Yu Dong’s chattering.

Yu Dong struggled at first, but the kiss eventually paralyzed her entire body. Xia Feng’s hateful tongue?stirred her up, making Yu Dong want to bite it, but in the end, she could only give up.

When Xia Feng finally ended the kiss, he was met Yu Dong’s flushed face and watery eyes. With a gentle look, he asked: “Can you tell me what’s going on now?”

“You…you get up first.” Yu Dong was shy as she tried to push Xia Feng away.

“Tell me first. When you’ve explained it clearly, I’ll get up.” Xia Feng countered.

“You…” How did Yu Dong never notice how much of a scoundrel Xia Feng was. “I won’t try to run again, get up first.”

In the end, Xia Feng relaxed and sat up.

Yu Dong followed, tidying her disheveled pajamas. She then turned to Xia Feng and asked angrily: “Did you meet with An An when you were in America?”

An An? Xia Feng furrowed his brows but still nodded: “I saw her twice, but we didn’t interact much on either time.”

“If there hadn’t been much interaction, why did the lipstick you bought for me end up with her?” Yu Dong retorted angrily, grabbing the bag of lipsticks on the corner of the bed and throwing it towards Xia Feng.

Xia Feng wasn’t angry when he caught the bag thrown towards him, just surprised. Opening the bag, he saw two lipsticks inside. After looking at them for a while, Xia Feng slowly recalled what Yu Dong was talking about.

“I didn’t give these to her. I was choosing some lipsticks for you in a mall and happened to meet An An and her classmate. They were out shopping too, and when they saw the lipsticks, they thought I bought it for An An and took it directly.” Xia Feng explained.

“So what if she took it, why did you let her?” Yu Dong furiously continued, “And then you go and buy a completely different brand for me, you…”

Yu Dong wanted to continue scolding Xia Feng, but she didn’t know what to say- after all, Xia Feng’s feelings for An An must have been greater than his feelings for her back then. But Yu Dong’s heart was caught by surprise and became fragile. Unexpectedly, tears suddenly flowed out.

“Don’t cry.” When Xia Feng saw her tears, his heart immediately panicked, and he tried to wipe away Yu Dong’s tears. “I was wrong, don’t cry, ah.”

Yu Dong felt particularly useless at this moment, crying over such a trivial thing. But for some reason, her tears just wouldn’t stop.

“It’s my fault for not taking it back, it’s just that I didn’t think you’d like Chanel lipstick, so I bought a different brand.” Xia Feng explained.

“Who said I wouldn’t like it, I love Chanel’s lipsticks!” Yu Dong sobbed out.

“Good, alright, you like it.” Xia Feng nodded along to whatever Yu Dong was saying. “It’s just that you told me before that you don’t like me thinking of you as An An, so I thought you wouldn’t like it if I bought you the brand An An likes. If you like Chanel, I’ll buy you every single color they have tomorrow.”

“What do…you mean?” Yu Dong choked out.

“The list you gave me didn’t indicate what brand you wanted. I don’t really know much about those kinds of things, so when I entered the mall, I headed straight for the Chanel counter. When I met An An, I realized that I would go to Chanel directly because I would often accompany An An to their counter.” Xia Feng said, “Later, I thought you wouldn’t like this, so I bought you another brand.”

“That…even so, you can’t give it to her.” After Yu Dong listened to Xia Feng’s explanation, her heart felt relieved, but she was still a little angry. “Even if you buy things I don’t like, you can’t give it to someone else.”

“Alright, I won’t do it in the future.” Xia Feng raised a hand, “I promise!”

“I hate An An.” Yu Dong grumbled.


“She deliberately tried to provoke me with that lipstick today, that scheming bitch!”


“Did she think I would misunderstand you, cause us to fight, then break up? No, I’m going to hold hands with you and be harmonious, just to infuriate her to death!”

“Uh…OK, whatever you say.”

As long as you don’t cry, everything you say goes.

“From now on I hate Chanel. I’m going to hate everything she likes.” Yu Dong hesitated for a moment before saying, “Except you!”

Xia Feng finally couldn’t hold his laughter in, how can his silly wife be so cute!


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