Rebirth Of The Villainous Crown Prince

Chapter 534 - 534 | Unexpected Opportunity

"Damn it, waste of time."

Ye Tian Yun cursed as he slowly headed towards his room.

It was almost evening outside, and he had just returned to Fang Chen's courtyard.

'There is no blind spot.'

This time, Ye Tian Yun confirmed it himself.

The security around Purple Spring Garden was just too tight. Everyone and everything was under the watchful eyes of Core Formation Realm and Foundation Establishment cultivators.

'It would have been better if I had stayed here and focused on cultivation.'


Ye Tian Yun let out a sigh as he changed into Fang Chen's disguise.

Shaking his head, he stepped inside his room and closed the door.

"Welcome back."

A sudden voice froze Ye Tian Yun on the spot.

His finger was pressing the spatial ring finger, ready to take out his sword.

However, he composed himself because the voice was pretty familiar.

He turned around and acted casually, "Ah, when did you come?"

Madam Fang stared at him without speaking, "I should be asking you this."

"Ah, haha…." Ye Tian Yun awkwardly laughed and headed towards his table.

"Where have you been, Xiao Chen?" Madam Fang asked in a stern voice.

Ye Tian Yun shrugged, "I was here, just roaming around. What happened?"

Madam Fang narrowed her eyes, "Where have you been, Fang Chen?"

She repeated the same question.

Ye Tian Yun frowned, "I told you already. Just roaming around, breathing some fresh air."

Madam Fang stood up, "Fang Chen, I can see you lying from a mile away. Don't act smart in front of me. Did I not tell you to stay inside your room for the next two weeks? You already caused havoc yesterday. Was that not enough?"

Ye Tian Yun pursed his lips, "First, I wasn't forceful. I gave the Gao Clan a choice, and it was up to them to decide."

"Second, I have recovered my memories. Well, most of them. And my wounds are also healed."

"And finally, I would rather hope that you don't worry too much about me. It's not like this is the first time I am causing any trouble. In fact, this time, I am trying to do something good."

Madam Fang's eyes softened, "Son, how can I not worry about you? You go around creating trouble, fighting with everyone; how could I focus on anything else? And don't you lie to me. There's no way someone can recover so fast. I am not imprisoning you. You're a cultivator; it's not hard for you to quietly cultivate for two weeks, is it?"

Ye Tian Yun frowned.

"It's not hard," He replied, "In fact, I would love to focus on cultivation for the next two weeks, but I have no other choice but to change my priorities and follow them."

"What could have higher priority than your health and cultivation?" Madam Fang frowned, "Xiao Chen… why are you not listening to your mother?"

Ye Tian Yun pursed his lips and stared at himself in the mirror.

The face reflected in the mirror was of someone else's.

Someone whom he had killed long ago.

'Damn it.'

He frowned and glanced at Madam Fang; he said, "Don't worry about me. I have things to do and prepare myself for the upcoming future."

Madam Fang let out a sigh and stood up.

"Son, I only wish the best for you," She said, "If you want to go outside, go. Just take care of yourself; you can do that, right?"

Ye Tian Yun nodded.

"Good," Madam Fang smiled, "I will go now. Try not to create trouble for your father."

Ye Tian Yun sat down on the bed as Madam Fang left the room.

'I should cultivate till midnight and then head towards the Gao Clan.'

He crossed his legs and sat in a lotus position, and then, closing his eyes, he began his Cultivation in the cultivation space.

With four times the time dilation, Ye Tian Yun cultivated for sixteen hours in the Cultivation Space before getting called out for dinner by a guard.

Ye Tian Yun stepped outside and headed for the dining hall.

This time, there were more people seated on the dining tab;e.

"Xiao Chen, you didn't tell us your friends were here," Madam Fang smiled while saying as she saw Ye Tian Yun step into the dining hall.

It was Zheng Xiang and Bai Qing'er who had just returned after sightseeing through the capital city.

Ye Tian Yun shrugged, "I forgot."

Taking his seat, he nodded at Prime Minister Fang, who made small eye contact before continuing to stare at a piece of paper, and then turning towards Zheng Xiang, asked, "How was your date?"

"D-date?" Bai Qing'er got flustered upon hearing this.

"It was awesome!" Zheng Xiang smiled, "The guide you sent knew where to take us, hehe!" 

Madam Fang smiled, "Ah, you should visit the Purple Spring Garden; that's where most of the youngsters gather."

Zheng Xiang nodded, "The guard, Ao Jia, did mention something about this, but he said not everyone is allowed to enter."

"Unfortunately, yes," Madam Fang nodded, "This is more because of security reasons than anything else."

"How about I go with them?" Ye Tian Yun suddenly thought of something, "The place is good and safe."

Madam Fang frowned and glanced at Prime Minister Fang, who lightly nodded. Clearly, he had been paying attention to the conversation going on at the table.

Madam Fang smiled and replied to Ye Tian Yun, "Alright, but don't create trouble."

Ye Tian Yun smiled.

'Opportunity does not waste time with those who are unprepared.'

Ye Tian Yun got the chance to visit the Purple Spring Garden without waiting for Jun Xie, so he didn't waste it.

Nothing eventful happened in the dinner, and Ye Tian Yun soon found himself back in his room.

Closing his eyes, he resumed his Cultivation.

About four hours in the real world and sixteen hours in the cultivation space, Ye Tian Yun opened his eyes.

Slowly opening the door, Ye Tian Yun quietly left the Fang Clan Manor.

'I hope that guy is still awake.'


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