Rebirth Of The Villainous Crown Prince

Chapter 501 - 501 | Fang Ning

"Wake up, Brother!"

A young girl around seven years of age was trying to wake up a teenager.

The bed was huge, and the room appeared to be luxurious.

This was the Fang Clan and the room belonged to its First Young Master, Fang Chen.

The young girl was Fang Chen's little sister, Fang Ning.

As for Fang Chen, he was long dead, and currently, there was someone else in his disguise, sleeping on his bed.

This person was Ye Tian Yun.

Ye Tian Yun arrived in the Fang Clan yesterday and created a little show to settle down in the Clan.

Now that he was in Fang Chen's disguise, he first needed to handle the latter's direct relatives like mother Xin Xue Yan, Father Fang Yuan, and younger sister Fang Ning.

Till now, Ye Tian Yun had only met two of the three, the mother and the sister.

He was yet to encounter Fang Chen's father, Fang Yuan.

When he entered the Clan, he faked his injury and turned himself into a semi-unconscious state.

This helped him avoid unnecessary contact with others.

However, there were still some people he needed to have a chat with at the least.

His mother and his sister were among them.

Yesterday, while he was acting unconscious, someone else also arrived, and it turned out to be his cousin brother Fang Yunru.

He listened to the chat between the Royal Physician and his cousin brother.

Once both of them left, Ye Tian Yun slowly opened his eyes, surprising both his mother and sister; they hadn't left the room yet.

While his sister tried to talk to him, his mother immediately went to call the Royal Physician back.

Soon, Fang Yunru, who was also not far away from the courtroom, and the Royal Physician, were back in Fang Chen's room.

The Royal Physician checked upon him and did some tests like talking and gauging Fang Chen's mental health.

Ye Tian Yun, who had predicted all this, let everyone in the room to one big conclusion.

Fang Chen was suffering from amnesia!

To be more specific, he was suffering from Retrograde amnesia.

In this type of amnesia, first, the recently made memories are slowly lost, and childhood memories also begin to disappear.

The patient then reaches a stage where he is no different from a newborn child.

Ye Tian Yun showed signs that he didn't remember his stay in the Gracious Sword Sect and only remembered till the day when he first headed for the sect with his two guards.

Suddenly, two days ago, he found himself in this state and had tried to get back to the Clan as soon as possible.

This answer felt ridiculous, but to Royal Physician Han, who had seen Retrograde Amnesia happen many times, he reassured the three others in the room that this is exactly how this type of amnesia works.

With no other choice, they could only leave the room, hoping for a good recovery for Fang Chen.

Royal Physician Han, on the other hand, went to prepare the pill to stop the effects of amnesia from taking away Fang Chen's memories.

His mother went to talk to his father, and Fang Yunru nodded and left the courtyard.

Fang Ning, the little sister, stayed near the bed for a long time, but Ye Tian Yun didn't interact with her and closed his eyes.

He was afraid that she might get suspicious of him, which would create a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Children are more sensitive to their surroundings than adults, after all.

And now, a new day has begun in the Lower Heavens.

Fang Ning was trying to wake her older brother up.

"Wake up, Brother!"

"Everyone is talking about how you have lost your memories, brother. Have you forgotten Ning Ning too?" 

"Wake up, big brother, tell me, uwu…."

Ye Tian Yun finally gave in and stood up from his bed.

Frowning at the little girl beside his bed, he said, "I did not forget you."

Fang Ning raised her head and narrowed her small eyes, "hmph! Then why didn't you answer me all this time? I am sure you're lying."

Ye Tian Yun rolled his eyes backward and got out of the bed, "Think as you like."

"You…! Big brother, you have changed….hic!... What happened to you, Big brother? Wuwuwu… hic.."

Ye Tian Yun turned around and stared at the little girl.

He stepped forward and sat on his knees, bringing himself right on her level.

He took a deep breath and smiled at her.

"Ning Ning… you're the only treasure that I have which I can't get rid of."

"Hm?" Fang Ning was confused, "What does that mean, Big Brother?"

Ye Tian Yun narrowed his eyes, "It's for you to figure out."

"Hmph! You never tell me anything!" Fang Ning scrunched her little eyebrows and ran outside.

She stopped near the get and stuck out her tongue, "UU! Stupid big brother, father has called you in the study. He is very busy these days, so go meet him before he leaves for the Royal Palace."

Ye Tian Yun lightly nodded and stood up.

About half an hour after Fang Ning's departure from the room, Ye Tian Yun stepped outside.

He had taken a bath and changed into new, better clothes.

After leaving the tavern, Ye Tian Yun had changed his disguise and purposely created light marks of injury. Then he carefully disguises himself as injured Fang Chen at the brink of death.

And after everything had fallen into place, he wanted to continue acting like this for a few more days, but then he changed his mind upon seeing Fang Yunru.

According to the Nightcrawler Surveillance Network, Fang Yunru and Fang Chen were good friends, but everyone misunderstood them as bitter rivals.

What those ignorant people didn't know was that Fang Chen had already reconciled about this matter with Fang Yunru and had even promised to give up on the seat of the Fang Clan's Clan Head.

Thinking about this, Ye Tian Yun couldn't help but smile.

'So typical of Fang Chen.. Keeping friends close, and enemies closer.'


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