Rebirth Of The Villainess: Young Master Lu's Wicked Wife

Chapter 644 My Sweet Little Moon (2)

It felt like it had been a long time since Su Xiaofei had a break from work. She hadn't been willing to take three days off work, but Lu Qingfeng rarely had time off like this too. With the help of Zhang Ling, Su Xiaofei managed to push back some of her commitments and pulled up some meetings ahead to reduce the workload that would await her return.

Su Xiaofei was watching television as her twins crawled on their play mat on the floor and Lu Qingfeng took an emergency phone call from work outside. It was their first day off, but she couldn't keep her thoughts away from work.

Xiao Yue crawled up to her lap and tugged on her long hair, trying to get her attention.

"What do you want, my sweet little moon?" Su Xiaofei picked up her eldest daughter and gave Xiao Yue a kiss on both cheeks, earning a loud giggle from the child.

Noticing that she was being left out, Yanyan ignored the toy blocks she was playing with earlier and went to her mother in a hurry. Yanyan let out a whimper seeing her sister having a good time with their mother.

Lu Qingfeng came back and witnessed this scene before him. He chuckled and picked up Yanyan from the ground.

"Up, up, up! Look! Our Yanyan is so high!"

Su Xiaofei lowered Xiao Yue on her lap and glanced towards her husband and younger daughter. Her lips curled into a smile, seeing the laughing child who let out a loud squeal as she was lifted to the air by Lu Qingfeng.

"Wanna go up again, Yanyan?" He asked their daughter with a warm smile on his face, the child continued to laugh with glee.

Xiao Yue pulled herself back on her feet and went to her father, seeing how her sister enjoyed playing with him.

"Darling, someone's waiting for her turn. You won't want her to think you're playing favorites." Su Xiaofei told her husband.

Lu Qingfeng looked down and saw that Xiao Yue was waiting for him with apprehension. Seeing that he cannot ignore her, he gently lowered Yanyan to the ground and lifted their eldest up in the air, the room filling with laughter for the second time.

Su Xiaofei watched them in silence, allowing Yanyan to scoot next to her. For the past months, their happiness had been immeasurable ever since the arrival of their girls. They tried to witness their many milestones, from talking to sitting up to crawling, no matter how busy they were.

Still, seeing Lu Qingfeng finally smiling and content made her heart swell with happiness. Though it took them a long time to be together because of her indecisiveness and poor choices, she was glad that things got better.

Her phone suddenly buzzed, startling her. She picked it up and saw Feng Xue'er name. That woman had been calling her every day, sometimes multiple times a day and she'd ignored her every time. Su Xiaofei believed that she didn't have anything to say to Feng Xue'er but knew that this would have to stop.

Maybe she should finally hear what Feng Xue'er wanted to tell her. If she was calling this often, maybe it was about something important.

"Yes?" Su Xiaofei asked, giving her husband an apologetic smile as she left the twins with him.

"Su Xiaofei, thank goodness you picked up the phone!" Feng Xue'er sounded slightly frazzled. Surprising, given that they never had been on friendly terms in the past.

"What do you want?"

"I was wondering if we could meet."

"Sorry, no time." Su Xiaofei immediately turned down Feng Xue'er's invitation. It had been hard for her and Lu Qingfeng to get some free time to spend with their children and she would rather not waste it.

"I really wanted to tell you this personally, but…" Feng Xue'er sighed. "I'm really sorry for the things I have done to you in the past. I have said callous remarks without considering what you'll feel. It's just… it's just that I kinda envy you."

Su Xiaofei scoffed at that. She didn't find anything that Feng Xue'er should be jealous about. Her parents were mostly absent in her life and she tried to hide her sadness by building walls around her.

"I know you can't forgive me and I understand that. I'm also aware that this apology is too late, but I just want you to know that I'll try to fix things. The evidence that will incriminate Ye Mingyu has already been handed to the authorities. I'm just giving you a heads up, just in case Ye Mingyu tries to do something again and drag you to the mud with her."

Feng Xue'er sounded determined to make things right, but did Su Xiaofei need her apology? Not really. While it's true that Feng Xue'er was one of the key people who made her life miserable in her previous life, most of the bad things that happened to her were because of her own doing.

However, something cold and hard inside her thawed and loosened.

"Understood." She replied. "Be careful in your fight with Ye Mingyu. Make sure to put that woman in jail before she could hurt another person."

"I'll see you around then."

Su Xiaofei didn't reply and hung up. It was then she found Lu Qingfeng staring at her worriedly.

"Is everything alright?" He asked while holding Xiao Yue in one arm.

"Yes. I was just surprised by Feng Xue'er's apology. Do you think we could have been friends if Ye Mingyu didn't use her and feed her lies about me?"

Lu Qingfeng shrugged. "How would I know? But from the looks of it, you and Feng Xue'er have some similarities, like your tenacity to prove you are right and your quick temper. It's not too late to mend things between the two of you anyway. I'm sure Feng Xue'er would love to have a friend who wouldn't think twice to scold her when she needed one."


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