Rebirth Of The Villainess: Young Master Lu's Wicked Wife

Chapter 640 Fleeting Happiness (2)

Ye Mingyu's pregnancy had now reached the fifth month of gestation, preventing her from hiding her swollen belly. She and Han Yize didn't have a honeymoon because he left the country as soon as their wedding reception was over. It infuriated Ye Mingyu, but she wasn't allowed to show such emotions, not when her in-laws were constantly in her presence.

However, once Han Yize returned from his long trip, he was rarely at home to see her. It didn't bother Ye Mingyu at first because she was busy burning as much money as she could on several expensive purchases.

She made sure to follow the trend and buy clothes she hoped she'd be able to use once she gave birth. She was now stuck at home and was forbidden by her in-laws to make any public appearances.

But it didn't take long before she noticed that Han Yize wasn't paying her any attention. They even slept in different rooms despite being married.  He would come home early to take a shower, only to leave within an hour.

One morning, Ye Mingyu waited patiently for her husband to return home. She had just called his assistant and found out that he was on his way home. She wanted to settle the problem between them once and for all.

Ye Mingyu stood up as soon as the front door opened, intending to confront Han Yize.

"Ha! I thought I need to wait another day to see whether or not I still have a husband that would come home to me." She sneered as soon as she saw her husband.

Han Yize was startled upon seeing her, but his eyes went cold as he saw her growing belly. Ye Mingyu shivered, not knowing why he was looking at her like this.

"Whether I return home or not, that's none of your business. Did you have fun spending money that isn't yours? How does it feel for a peasant to experience the life of a princess for the first time?" He retorted viciously.

Ye Mingyu's face blanched before it turned red in rage. She couldn't believe that Han Yize, of all people, would throw that fact to her face.

"How dare you talk to me like that?!" She screamed, taking the vase next to her seat and threw it with all her might to her husband, but Han Yize easily evaded it.

"Are you crazy?!" He looked at her with disgust. "Had I known that you were like this, I wouldn't have even spared you a glance!"

"Ha! It's too late to regret now!" Ye Mingyu bit back. "Huo Yuxin won't take you, no matter how much you grovel for her to take you back. Do you even know how much she despises you now?"

Something about what she just said felt oddly familiar to Ye Mingyu. Weren't these the words she once uttered to Mo Yuchen before, when he had abandoned Su Xiaofei for her?

Han Yize's eyes darkened, but he didn't say anything in return. Instead, he stared at her for a long moment, making Ye Mingyu shiver under his gaze. He then walked past her and left without a word.

Ye Mingyu flopped back on her seat, taking a deep breath. She had never seen Han Yize that scary before. She didn't even realize she was holding her breath earlier. Something wasn't right, but she couldn't point out what it could be.

She didn't dare to run after Han Yize and immediately returned to her own room. She knew that they didn't marry out of love. Han Yize only married her out of obligation, while she married him for his money, knowing that he still wasn't over Huo Yuxin.

It was pointless for her to chase after a man who'll never come to love her. Still, she thought that they could get along regardless of their differences since they were once lovers.

'It doesn't matter. He wouldn't dare to get rid of me so long that I have his child.' Ye Mingyu thought.

It was then that she decided to not care about her husband's whereabouts. With only the house servants accompanying her in her day-to-day life, Ye Mingyu didn't realize that she had willingly caged herself, giving Han Yize the advantage over her.

Day after day, she wasted her time spending her husband's money. She would entertain her in-laws once in a while when they came to visit, but as another week passed, Ye Mingyu found herself bedridden.

She woke up one morning, burning with high fever and everything ached. Her world was spinning and she couldn't muster any strength to leave her bed, so she called someone for help. She could feel a mild discomfort in her stomach.

Ye Mingyu rolled on her side, intending to take the glass of water she had left on her nightstand last night, but her fingertips toppled it and it fell on the floor, breaking into smithereens. She cursed and shut her eyes, wondering what was happening to her. She lost consciousness and didn't know what happened next.

When she didn't leave her room, the attendanding nurse that was hired by her in-laws decided to check on her.

"Mrs. Han, are you awake?" She knocked on Ye Mingyu's door, but there was no response. However, it was almost past two in the afternoon and none of them had seen their mistress emerge from her room.

"Mrs. Han, I'm going inside if it's alright. I need to check your blood pressure." The nurse said and silently entered Ye Mingyu's room only to find the mess on the floor.

She hurriedly went to Ye Mingyu and saw her covered in sweat, her lips dry and cracked and her complexion too pale.

"Mrs. Han! Mrs. Han! Wake up!" She pulled the blanket out of Ye Mingyu's form. "Please, wake up!"

Ye Mingyu was breathing fast and she looked like she was in pain. As she rolled on her side, the nurse was horrified to see fresh blood stain on the bed sheets.

"President Su, Ye Mingyu was rushed to the hospital this afternoon." Zhang Ling said, while Su Xiaofei was tidying up her desk, intending to go home as soon as possible.

Su Xiaofei stopped whatever she was doing and lifted her head to look at her assistant. "And?"

"Han Yize was asked to sign a form to allow the doctors to remove the dead fetus in her womb." Zhang Ling hesitated and looked at her mistress with confusion. "He signed the form without batting an eyelid. It was as if he expected it to happen."

Su Xiaofei sighed and stood up, facing the high glass window in her office. She knew that this would happen sooner or later, and it only proved how insane and dangerous Han Yize could be. Even tigers rarely eat their own cubs without a reason.

"Han Yize poisoned her. It's only natural that she would lose the child."

"Would this mean that Ye Mingyu has reached her end?" Zhang Ling asked.

"No." Her elder sister joined their conversation. Zhang Lan knew that this was far from over. "I don't think Han Yize would kill her this early."

"Han Yize despises her, and Ye Mingyu must have committed a grave sin if he had decided to take action this early in their marriage. He would have turned a blind eye on her, ignored her if she had stayed put and played her role as his wife. She might have brought up Huo Yuxin against him." Su Xiaofei explained.

The man still hadn't given up trying to win Huo Yuxin's heart.

Alas, the actress had already made a decision to cut off her ties with him for good, but with his persistent stalking, Huo Yuxin was forced to end her lease on her apartment early. She had since chosen to live in one of the apartment buildings provided by Bluemedia for their talents. She even requested a restraining order against him, and Su Xiaofei had given her her own security team, just in case he might do something.

"What will happen to Ye Mingyu now? Will Han Yize divorce her?" Zhang Ling continued to ask. She was astonished that her mistress was able to predict that something like this would happen between the two.

Su Xiaofei merely shrugged and decided she couldn't be bothered about how this would end for Ye Mingyu anymore. She supposed that since things had turned out like this, it only meant that Ye Mingyu didn't heed her warning and had discarded the antidote she'd given to her.

'Foolish. You were blinded by your own greed. You didn't heed my warning.' She thought.

"Does it matter whether they divorce or not?" Zhang Lan said. "We wouldn't have to waste our resources keeping an eye on her, and we wouldn't need to be concerned that she might attempt something against our mistress again."

"She wouldn't have time to scheme against me." Su Xiaofei commented. "Now that she has lost her child, she'll realize eventually that once again, everyone is her enemy."


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