Rebirth of the Strongest Dungeon Master

Chapter 153 Underground


The tunnel rattled. Squeaking and clattering sounds echoed. Dozens of unknown monsters were about to come.

"They're coming," Isaac muttered.

Alyna clicked her tongue. Her body gave off a dense aura. Her red hair floated in the air.


Dozens of rodent monsters appeared. They looked like bears. Their four legs had five long tusk-like hooves. There were no eyes, only a nose that resembled a star.

Hordes of mole monsters attacked.


[Name: N/A]

[Race: Mole]

[Type: Beast]

[Class: C]

[Level: 90]

They not only came from the front, but also from behind.

"I face the front, you the back," Isaac said.

Alyna sighed. "I knew without you telling me!"

The sound of gunshots echoed, signaling the battle to begin.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The gun spewed out bullets rapidly. The mole screamed and fell. Those who were shot writhed on the ground. Even so, it didn't stop them from attacking.

Alyna killed every mole monster that came near. Her sharp scythe that curved like a crescent moon cut down thousands of monsters. The redhead woman fought ferociously.

The attacks of these mole monsters were quite a hassle for them. Not because they were strong, but because the area where they fought was small. By fighting in tunnels and dozens of mole monsters attaking together, their movements were limited. The more monsters that were killed, the less space they had to move around.

They could only stay in place.

"These damn pests are endless," Alyna muttered. She did not stop swinging her scythe weapon.

"Do you have any area-scale magic?" Isaac asked

"Of course I do. It's just that this place is too small."

"Then we'll hold out until the last."

The duchess clicked her tongue. She thought that Isaac had a solution.

"Ah, what a fool!"

Hissing, Alyna quickly lunged at the monster in front of her. She left Isaac behind and chose to jump onto dozens of the mole monsters.


Slash! Slash! Slash!

The woman swung her scythe like an angel of death. One swing, one life. The monsters split into pieces. Although she could not see clearly, she knew that under her feet was a pool of blood from the giant rodents.

Seeing that his partner did his part well, Isaac finally entrusted his back to the duchess.


Suddenly, there was a screech from one of the moles. The thousands of rodent monsters stopped attacking. They quickly turned around and left the two demons behind.

However, the demonesse still didn't accept her victory.

"Don't think you can run away from me! Damn it!" Alyna screeched. she quickly chased after the few mole that were left behind.

"Hey! Don't!" Isaac tried to stop her. The beautiful woman was already darting away.

Moles were intelligent creatures. Although these rodent monsters couldn't see or speak, they were able to create complex underground mazes.

The two of them must stay together if they want to escape the underground maze.

At the same time, there were still some monsters trying to stop Isaac. It was as if they were planning it.

Isaac clicked his tongue. His hunch turned bad when he heard the scream that made the moles stop attacking.

One of the dead mole managed to reach him. However, it didn't try to kill him, but held his leg. As if the creature wanted to make Isaac stay put.

"Shouldn't they run?"

At that moment, Isaac just realized he had made a mistake. He opened his eyes wide and turned to Alyna.

"Lady Alyna! Come back! We must stay together!"

The redhead woman ignored him. She continued to merrily kill the rodent monsters that were trying to escape.

Until finally, another shock occurred. This time the shaking was so strong that it was difficult for them to keep their balance.

Naturally, Isaac's sixth sense kicked in. Another great danger came.

Dust fell to the ground. Not long after, the ceiling of the cave collapsed.

When Alyna felt the shaking, she realized that she and Isaac were separated. Like it or not, the duchess had to stop her pursuit. She ran after Isaac.

Unfortunately, she didn't make it.

Large boulders had collapsed. They were blocking the tunnel's connecting path. Isaac and Alyna were completely separated.

Isaac sighed. His path back to the surface was closed.

"I knew it."

He deliberately did not catch up with Alyna because the duchess was going in a different direction. If Isaac caught up with her, his journey to obtain the second treasure in this event would be stretched. Hence, he chose not to catch up with her.

After all, the plan was to be alone from the start. No Alyna or companion.

"Hey! Lord Isaac, you heard me!"

From across the rubble, came the voice of the duchess. The woman sounded annoyed. Several swear words came out of her mouth.

Meanwhile, Isaac looked relaxed.

"Lady Alyna, since it's a dead end, you better go back. I have no problem being alone. I'm sure you can take care of yourself better than I can."

Alyna snorted. "Of course, I'm better than you. But we can't split up like this. Wait there, I can find another way or destroy these damn rocks. Or do you have other plans?"

The redhead woman meant what she said. She waited for an answer, but no sound came.

"Do you understand?" she repeated. "Hey, Lord Isaac, did you hear me?"

Alyna shouted repeatedly. As if talking to herself, she got no answer from Isaac. Until she finally realized.

"Ah! Damn it! He left me."

The duchess was so upset that she kicked a boulder. This was the first time in her life she had been ignored by a demon. Even more so from a lower-class noble.




Isaac walked through the dark tunnel alone.

He immediately left the duchess after telling her to return to the surface immediately. His journey in search of the 'baby mammal' had just begun.

After Isaac walked down the straight tunnel for ten minutes on foot, he finally found three forking paths.

The tunnel dug by the mole was basically an underground maze. It was like a mole's fortress to defend from monsters. There would be many twists and turns and dead ends.

Despite the moles's terrifying appearance, they were herbivorous monsters. They would only attack other creatures when there were monster entered their territory. Hence, the mole attacked Isaac and Alyna.

"Let's see which way is right."

Isaac should not choose a path carelessly. Choosing a path without thinking was stupid. Usually, if there were monsters that entered the mole's territory, they were either killed or starved to death. Of course, for him they were nothing.

What Isaac was worried of was running out of time. In this event, time was the most precious thing. There were many things to discover and do on Yggdrasil. He must not linger in this maze for too long.

Isaac had to get out as soon as possible.

He checked one forked of the path after another. He moistened his finger and raised it in the air. Isaac stood on the first path. Not feeling anything, he moved to the second path. His fingertips felt cold.

"Ah, this is it!"

The path where the wind was blowing was the right one.

He took the second path, his mission resumed. He followed where the wind took him. The deeper he went down the passage, the more forking paths he had to cross. The light intensity was getting smaller.

Several times he was attacked by hordes of mole. The rodent monsters were eliminated by him in no time. Not all of his encounters with monsters would be Isaac's to deal with. He avoided some battles because he saw the strange nature of the mole monsters. Two or three times he was almost crushed by rubble.

In the end, nothing could stop him.

Isaac kept the pace. After an hour of walking through the dark tunnel, his eyes began to adapt well. He started to see clearly.

Until finally, his ears heard the sound of gurgling water.

"Just a little further."

Isaac grinned in the darkness.

He quickened his paces. He walked fast, then ran. He really wanted to leave this cramped and dark place immediately.

A glimmer of light was seen in the darkness.

The closer he got to the light source, the bigger the light became. Until the white light engulfed him. His eyes that had been in the dark for too long had to cover them with his hands because of the glare of the light.

It took time for him to get used to the light. After a while, his eyes could see normally.

Isaac opened his eyes wide. A grin appeared on his face.

"I finally found. The Ant Kingdom!"


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