Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 97: The Kisshin

Chapter 97: The Kisshin

SKY Ocean Hunter is leading his team through the Kisshin encampment. The manner in which the Kisshin leader killed the Crippling Desert member was a clear threat and a very visceral warning to him. So far he has been strategically picking off Kisshin who are alone or already injured. 

The quest from the old man on the beach has been updated. They have to kill thirty Kisshin to trigger the encampment conquest phase. So far thirteen Kisshin has been slain by his team. Yet he is feeling more uncomfortable now than when they started. 

Ori says, "Boss to left is another one." SKY Ocean Hunter signals Lux, Ori, and, Gobowaki to take care of it. Gobowaki starts with [Silent strike] which creates a bubble of silence five meters around his enemy when struck from behind. This allows Booner and Ori to launch [Pincer] a new move that makes them mirror each other's movements. By the time the Kishhin Scout realises what has happened it has already lost more than half its health. The sneak attack alone from the pincer is three hundred health. [Silent strike] the main purpose is to stun the two hundred health removed is just because Gobowaki knows where vital areas are since he is a vet. He had struck the Kisshin in the Kidneys. What follows is a savage mauling by Booner and Ori as they [Triple strike] together. Each cut a seal on its death with only a slither of health Lux uses [Rend]. [Rend] collects blood from the Kisshin lines of blood flow into her capacitor as the Kisshin drops dead. Leaving behind a loot bag. Inside are most monster materials that can be used in production. Of course, a measly five copper cions also drop no weapons or potions this time.

SKY Ocean Hunter would Like to rotate them more but he is still familiarizing himself with the others skills. Having a total of ten players in the encampment is two more than the recommended number but also somewhat devastating. Even if they were at a disadvantage to lose half his numbers is not a way to success. The new five are a mix of humans and none humans most impressive of them is the two advanced guardians. The one called Duncan is a half-titan who is more titan than human. His features are very linear across the brow and jaw plus his left eye is orange while his right is red. As a Dreadnought, he is a very imposing figure amongst the new players only Elgin. Eldin is Duncans best friend they have been playing together for years. The casual banter between the two is a little inappropriate at times but nothing that SKY Ocean Hunter feels will jeopardize the mission. In fact, these two players are quickly becoming vital blockers especially when they stumbled upon a full squad. To SKY Ocean hunter relief there is only one Kisshin leader. Cripplin Desert had just been that unlucky. 

SKY Ocean Hunter turns suddenly something has spooked him and it's not the first time. He checks shadows to see if any are behaving oddly. His scale goes dry at the thought of being killed by that 'shadow.' She is silent and deadly a positively lethal combination. Oh My Xin says, "Ayaa! Another empty house where is all the loot." The Warzard Oh My Xin is a diminutive acquired beauty she has purposefully styled herself to attract a certain kind of man. The kind of guy that doesn't recycle. She kicks the plate and pots filed with what passes for food here. 

Lux says, "Do you think Kisshin are beast men?" The strange mix of utensils and the organisational structure of the encampment make it clear that they are no simple monsters. Ori shrugs looking at Alistair this kind of higher think is more up his alley. 

Alistair says, "Could be but because they are not considered sentient by the powers of Asrugo they are considered monsters." This is a chilling thought for most of the none human players Asrugo is a predominantly human continent its distance from everything else also means that they are heavily xenophobic.

Lux says, "What about us?" 

Alistair says, "I don't know let us head back it's dangerous to talk here." Lux start heading over to SKY Ocean Hunter who is with the new recruits he is talking to a navy blue man-sized male. She starts looking into her concern many players won't be limited by stupid things like one race is better than another but even amongst highly enlightened and progressive gamers. There are those who role-play as dimwitted, narrowminded, uncoated, bad breath having, eye-gougingly ugly and racists. 

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "I understand that but in order to fit my plan you must support Elgin and Duncan on the front line. The Three of together is a potent combination." While the Elf is a paladin and lucky for them a devote follower of the war god Oberth. This means he is a paladin that is well suited for the front lines. The only thing is the man is a coward, he is one of those players where Odyessys' realism has a negative effect. SKY Ocean Hutner knows what to do which is why he is soo insistent on the man being in front after all. SKy OCean Hunter could perform the role and they would make an even stronger team.

Echo says, "Fine but don't blame me if we die." He mutters some other stuff under his breath. Before strolling over to the two lumbering figures. He tries to make a joke and says, "Hey, guess I'm stuck between a Jaggernought and Dreadnought. " His poor deliver and sheepish voice delivers poorly to the ears of Elgin and Duncan.   

Again SKY Ocean Hunter feels something ominous they have ten more Kisshin to go. His senses are stretched to the maximum though severely limited outside the water his sonar still has some efficacies. 

Biif-cakes says, " Boss you okay?" The spiritual sensitive being has noticed the change in SKY Ocean Hunters' mood. SKY Ocean Hunter slowly waves his hand around. He is forced to move on when the sounds of menacing wooting start up again. The Kisshin encampment is abuzz with laughter and wooting before falling still as a deep pond. 

SKY Ocean Hunter arranges his two teams, "Me, Lux, Calypso, Gobowaki and Apolita are in the alpha squad. You, Alistair, will lead the Beta squad, Ori and Booner follow his orders. The rest of you protect Oh My Xin as our Warzard she is the hardest hitting magical player here. Elgin, Duncan, and, Echo will beta squad frontline. Specifically, I want each of our more stealthy players to look out for ambushes." Even though they are ten of them the optimal fighting number is five. Even then thou he still replicates the three-man teams by crating a front line it means two players will always be in reserve or ambush watch. The team moves toward the centre of the encampment. 

The houses seem to grow taller shadows moving unnaturally all around them even in the morning sun. It is hard to see clearly a strange miasma of lingers around the centre of the encampment. Altars with bodies flailed of their skin, the skull of a man and Uruk alike, even the dried husk of a Narlark. The smell is gut turning the scent of rot is especially pungent. Leaving a sort of cold nasty coffee taste in the back of the throat.

Echo is shaking in his armour the only way he can muster the courage to continue is the intense fear of being left behind. Elgin the half-giant has a more human pigmentation, unlike Tatiana who is a half frost giant. Sys, "Don't man just think of us as your bodyguards just keep slashing and healing and we will keep you protect." 

"WOOT!" A figure not seen before thin bare-breasted and pale olive skin bright green eyes long poisonous claws. Tilts her head at the team, She sniffs the air growling. Ori sends the information he can glean. Similar to a beastmaster or Tamer, Rancehrs' also have a monster analysis skill. 

[Kisshin Killer]

Level 16 

Hp: 1000

Mp: 900

Sp: 800

Alistair says, "Let us handle this her speed should prove quite challenging for the new guys. They need to know what kind of situation we are in." If SKY Ocean Hunter is on heightened alert then Alistair bells are ringing. Being a Dark wizard attunes him to dangers all around him. The Kisshin have incredibly subtle magic. He hasn't raised anything since he believes they use it to hide it would explain why they are only coming across warriors. No children or elderly anywhere in the encampment. 

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "alright, Alpha team will provide support if necce..." SKY Ocean Hunters' scales dry this time he immediately lashes out. A figure appears in the middle of the Alpha squad. This Kisshin is thin and sickly looking his face and chest painted white. HE is also wearing a warriors mask. SKY Ocean Hunter bites down on the KIsshin slamming his massive jaw shut on its head. which he promptly spits out...

  1. This is an inside joke between the author and one of his cousins.Basically guys who like girls with a lot of surgically features, especially in the bimbo fashion. Which makes the girls look like plastic dolls. So a guy who doesn't recycle loves plastic


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