Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 91: Encampment or Entrapment

Chapter 91: Encampment or Entrapment

Lux brings her arms closer to her body almost hugging herself. Ten tendrils of blood like sharp spider legs manifest around Lux. [Blood Control] allows her total anatomy of the structure of her blood. Her skin is a little more grey due to eighty per cent of her blood being out on the battlefield. Timor smiles she is really excited she fights harder. Moving faster less wasted movement her focus sharping to a blade. 

Timor is the attack with so many threats she can only hope to survive by unleashing an out all-out attack. She would have been worried if this was two years into the game but it is only the seconds day no matter if Lux practised this every single moment she would not have enough skill in two days. 

The [Blood Control] passive is a burden on Lux however improving her offensive abilities by leaps and bounds. In her mind, she has set up the two-minute count down before she runs out of magic power and blood. 

Rattle has to plunge in herself the deaths of Sunken Reef players is too slow for her. She has to admit that a few core players like the make and female naga, the one magic-user and a few hard as a rhino to crack combat players have lumped her numbers advantage. This painful lesson she will take to her attack promising to investigate what combination of classes works best. Of all the things she has set into top motion today is the investigation of certain players. Beyond the skills and abilities every player on Sunken Reef somehow just has better coordination. 

SKY Ocean Hunter smiles when the commander makes her move. Ori and Booner have been tasked with keeping an eye on them. Booner speed and ability to move independently allowed him to scout the area and find the commanders. While an all-out surprise attack would have worked well since she had partially isolated herself. It also means to him she is either a hands-off leader or she is using herself as bait either way. SKY Ocean Hunter wanted to keep his priorities in order after all what he really wants right now is the encampment. SKY Ocean Hunters voice booms as he commands Calypso immediately another song is sung soft and steady. The players respond to it slowly pulling back towards SKY Ocean Hunter and Apolita who is busy channelling a wide are spell. Due to all the chaos of the fighting, most of the enemies think she is part of the support structure. 

A blood tendril thrusts forward at the excited Timor her mind and eyes judging and dodging and even counterattack. She moves forward each tendril so far has only managed to graze her the closer she gets the faster they become the harder Timor fights. She forsakes most of her defence opting to trade blow for blow. In a normal situation, this has worked out for her before. 

Her spear having a blade that is half its length allows her to slash as well as stab. Having shortened the length its length to that of a short sword she can wield it much like a sword. Timor is forceful even at this low level taking advantage of the system speed limit she can leverage her fast reaction speed. Lux for her part does not panic she expected some kind of response from Kaguya she is after in the top hundred agents ranking. What disappoints lux is that she feel into her own trap in a way. While the ten tendrils are imposing. They are difficult to control and place a lot of limitations on her natural fighting so she has to resort to these simple attack patterns. Thought this also means she isn't being taxed as much mentally. 

Timor striking like a viper at Lux who uses her tendril to defend as three tendrils move to attack Timor's former position. Lux can hear Timor giggle a series of deadly strikes from Lux hit nothing but dirt and dead leaves. The fast-moving Timor thrusts quickly pulling back too quickly for the tendril. 

Lux seeing she will lose the fight if something doesn't change, strains herself a little more. Exerting greater control over her blood. Timor comes again ready to strike like a serpent. A leaping around a tendril that had been shot right at her.  SHe edges closer to Lux she can see the nape of her neck. The entire area of twenty meters is suddenly skewered by thinner Blood tendrils. Timor's eyes pop open as she sees her health rapidly leaving her body. 

Lux had sent all her tendril at the same time in the space around Timor. She then shrunk them which allowed her to dodge the one she had sent at Timor. Lux concluded that if she can't hit Timor then she will hit everything around her. The only reason this works is that Timor is highly aggressive and constantly moving towards Lux. Timor for her part smiles bitterly if she had seen the Tendrils move around her but what was she suppose to do. If she let Lux dictate the range then Timor would have been whipped to death by ten tendrils. Timor says with her last breath, "It won't be this easy next time sister." 

The thin tendril had unleashed thinner spikes that when it hit the ground or tree even falling leaf cause the tendril to unleash smaller spikes. Lux holds this form for the remaining time finishing off Timor. Exhausted she can hear a bellow of a song looking at the messages. She has to rush back to the group their she can get healing and participate in the battle. 

SKY Ocean Hunter flings his hammer forward into the face of one of the incoming warriors. With his team of ten now close to him. He can let lose again as a Monarch he is unmatched on the battlefield. He reaping players lives while still spamming healing spells whenever the cooldown finishes. He is so effective that Alistair follows close behind instead of staying back. Alistair is taking advantage of the SKY Ocean Hunters healing aura and basically shooting dark bolts as fast as he can.  This applies to some others too besides Ori who has moved to defend Apolita and Calypso. Three players are following SKY Ocean Hunter they are putting up a good reaping lives left eight and even the hunter behind the tree is swarmed with attacks.

Rattle snicker muses to her how this ants struggle is meaningless. Her spell is about to activate as a storm caller her strongest spell will follow her around. Since they were dumb enough to let cast her spell she will lead them to their death. The clouds above them turn dark a few sensitive players like Alistair look up the building of magic power is a sign that the incoming attack is not natural. On top of that, it is very large. 

Alistair says, "We have to boss that is not good." He is pointing at the clouds SKY Ocean Hunter can feel the lightning building up around them. Soon Hundreds of bolts will descend upon them. 

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "How much Longer Apolita!>" Shouting across the singing and spells and fighting is no problem at since they are all linked by group chat. Apolita is refining her spell now she had long since finished however she can add additional commands to make it more effective.

Apolita says, "I'm just waiting for Lux!" Turning towards her marker, SKY Ocean Hunter can see that Lux won't make it here before the Lightning strikes. The various stutters of light flashing deadly intent. 

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "It's your spell but I want it activated before the lightning strikes." He guesses they have about twenty seconds before the storm clouds start striking down. 

Ori says, "Don't worry boss," Booner is had been following the commander is much closer and can give Lux a ride. Using his beast link he communicates his intent. The storm clouds rumble madly thundering threats boom all over the jungle ridge. Members of Sunken Reef have dwindled from a team of Twenty to only ten players left. Most shocking to the players is well they have been able to resist up to this point. Several bodies tumble into the player group Lux and Booner amongst them. 

A cackling laugh booms from behind some trees, as her storm clouds get closer. Rattle take this moment to gloat and enjoy her victory. She shouts, "HA! You should have watched your mouth. Now your stupid guild will be destroyed we will hunt you where ever you go!"

SKY Ocean Hunter seeing the lightning strikes begin at the edge of their position looks at Apolita who seems to put some finishing touches on her spell. He grits his teeth the loud pop of lightning devastates everything it touches. Trees are turned to dust in an instant. 

A gathering of lightning creeps ever closer in an instant the Sunken Reef is...


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